"We're Doing 70 and He's Still There" SeW Y-Third Year EDrrED AND MANAGED DT STUDENTS or THE UNIVERsITY OF MICMGAN -,-" UNDER AUTHORWTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS. Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLicATIONs BLDG., ANN ARBOi , MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Preval"' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. %011 NOBODY'S FOR SURE: Politics Wide Open In Unstable California Y,'JULY 12, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW ORLIN U.S. Steps Against Castro' Wrong Answer to Problem THE UNITED STATES seems incapable of learning any lessons from its evperience with Cuba. The latest move in our campaign against the Caribbean island was announced Monday. The United- States government froze Cuban assets n this country, owned both by the Castro gov- ernment and Cuban individuals, and also ban- ned Americans from un-licensed transactions with Cuba. The measures have a special provi- ion which exempt Cuban refugees, either in his country or elsewhere. In explaining its move the State Department aid it took the action so that "Cuba will be denied the use of American facilities for trans- ers of funds to Latin America for subversive umposes." The order puts the Cubans in the ame diplomatic class as Communist China ind North Korea. The rules applying to the Soviet Union and the Eastern European coun- ries are less severe. THE LATEST STEP is just one in a series designed to make things as difficult eco- nomically for the Cuban regime as possible. 'he economic aspect is obvious-funds that ,n be used for subversive purposes can also uy food and medicines. But the real problem with this latest step, nd indeed with our whole series of actions to- yards Cuba, is that they are attempting to reat the symptoms of a disease instead of the auses. It is a little like putting a sick patient n an isolation ward and then starving him in he hopes that he will get better. But in the ase of Cuba the treatment falls down on two ounts-the other patients are already infected, nd the walls of the isolation ward are made )f glass. Freezing Cuban funds in this country will rritate Castro more than it will hurt him-he an always get more money from the Russians. end Chinese. All the step actually accomplishes s to add to hte bad feelings between the Unit- d States on one hand and Castro and his satin American supporters cn the other. If Cuba were completely economically, geo- raphically and culturally isolated then the tate Department's actions might have a small hance of success. But the island is not isolated, is an integral part of Latin America, and his makes all the difference in the world. PHE FACTS of Castro's existence have made a deep impression on Latin America. He has ffered them an alternative road to economic development from the American dominated capitalist oriented path they have been strug- gling on since their independence. He has. shown them that there is no reason why Latin America has to be an American plantation to- day just because it was one yesterday. He has shown the Peruvian Indian that there is an- other way to live besides chewing a narcotic nut to dull the pangs of hunger; he has told the inhabitants' of the slums around Rio that there is a better way to get'food than rumaging in a garbage dump; he has promised the starv- ing farmer of Brazil's Northeast region the land he works, which is now owned by an ab- sentee landlord who lives in luxury in the big cities; he has convinced the tin miner in Chile that the product of his labor should go to build up his country and not line the pockets of United States shareholders., These and millions of others in Latin Amer- ica have heard Castro's message and accepted it. They are preparing ,for the day, which is not too far off, when Castro type revolutions will sweep the continent. And unless there is a radical change in United States policy to- ward Latin America, their coming will kill whatever friendship there is left toward us on the Southern continent. PRESIDENT KENNEDY ,has called Latin America, "the most critical area in the world today." It is critical because. it has the highest birth rate increase of any area of the world; because a small percentage of the population owns most of the land, because people are starting and see a way out, because the right to own private property takes precedence over the right to live, in other words because it is ripe for revolution. If there is one lesson we should have learned" about Latin America it is that we cannot, by trying to isolate Cuba, turn back the clock and make believe the Cuban revolution never oc- curred. We should have learned that the Cuban revolution was produced by a disease that is rampant throughout Latin America; a disease which can only be alleviated by working to lift the poverty stricken masses out 'of the mud without worrying about the ruling classes or American economic interests. The latest step against Cuba shows that we have not even started going to school. -RONALD WILTON Co-Editor ""_I - c. A- ;s~ g s ASAlt G PST- THE SOUTHERN WHITE: Albany Ignores Race Issues By MICHAEL HARRAH Daily Correspondent LA JOLLA, CALIF. - This little city lies quietly, surrounded by mountains and ocean, tucked away from the hustle of the City of San Diego that completely sur- rounds it beyond the mountain slopes. And it is just beyond these mountains that President John F. Kennedy "kicked off his cam- paign" a little over a month ago. Just a stone's throw from Ti- juana and Old Mexico, this does not seem like a border area. True it is in many ways a melting pot of peoples, just as is the rest of California, but this area of San Diego is a political surprise. De- spite its vast spectrum of inhab- itants, this is solid Republican territory, unlike the two larger California cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco which are, politically, quite marginal, and the California hinterlands which us- ually vote Democratic. Observers throughout the state and across the nation refuse to abandon California to either po- Sliticalparty in the 1964 presiden- tial race. There are too many fac- tors involved and they are con- stantly changing. The voters of California are as unstable as the Frenchmen. They h a v e been known to stampede for anyone of a hundred bizarre reasons. Con- cluded the Columbia Broadcasting System recently: "California can- not be counted until the last ballot is cast. It could always change, by a straw in the wind." ** * AWARE OF THIS, the Presi- dent of the United States jour- neyed to San Diego last month-- to the heart of his California op- position. And he received a Presi- dent's welcome - awelcome that carried with it respect for his office and not friendship for him- self. This is a bastion of Republican strength, and it is loud and ada- mant. Democrats have sworn to crack it, but they are privately quite uncertain that they will be able to do so. And though Repub- licans., are not as yet united on who th e GOP standard-bearer should be, they seem prepared to support the conveniton victor, no matter whom that may be. This confronts the Democrats with a difficult situation. Unlike the GOP, California Democrats, though in control, are badly split. True, the state Young Republicans are firmly controlled by the Rad- ical Right, while the regular Re- publican Party is controlled by the more moderate wing of the GOP. * * * MEANWHILE THE rift that bothers the Democrats has been subtle, though of late it has been coning into the open. Gov. Ed- mund G. "Pat" Brown finds him- self heading a government virtu- ally dominated by his own party. They hold all but two of the state administrative offices; they con- trol both houses of the legisla- ture. Yet the Democrats find high personages within their ranks throwing constant roadblocks in- to the governor's path. Every day only makes the riftmore complex. California Democratic leaders have already indicated they will stand behind the re-election bid of President Kennedy; with Rich- ayd Nixon having departed, Cali-, fornia Republicans haven't said much of anything. But it is sig- nificant that they haven't turned against any possible candidate. The conservatives within the GOP are noisy. Sen. Barry M.. Goldwater of Arizona finds no small amount of support; but then several other Republicans also have announced supporters. The recent Young Republican con- clave at San Francisco, supposed- ly a national convention of YRs but in reality a Goldwater rally in disguise, had a profound effect on Californians. S e n. Goldwater spoke and the people of Califor- nia listened. - - - AS THIS TIDE of Goldwater glory sweeps California, not a trace of reaction can bemseen from the would-be supporters of Rom- ney or Rockefeller or any others now in evidence. But all this can change; The political allegiances of Californians is perhaps more emotional than anything else. Just as they have been caught up by the silver tones of Barry Gold- water today, so could they become enthralled by their former gover- nor, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court E a r 1 Warren or Sen. Thomas Kuchel or Romney or' Rockefeller themselves or - yes, even Richard Nixon. In fact, at this juncture, only one thing seems certain. Whatever the outcome, the fight between the two parties in California will be bitter. Republicans claim to be on the upsurge. There have been several by-elections to fill vacan- cies In both the Congressional' delegation and the legislature. The GOP has swept all of them. Demo- crats are smarting at thee small but bally-hooed thrusts. Republi- cans meanwhile have not forgot- ten the drubbing they received last November. Theirs will be a cam- paign for more than victory. Re- membering the "smears" they charge against Gov. Brown and the gerrymandering of the legis- lature and the Congressional dis- tricts against them, they will be seeking revenge. Such emotions run deep and they will not dis- appear in a year's time. The campaign will surely be bitter, though what the outcome is impossible to tell-now or ever, right up to election day. Califor- nia, the nation's largest state (self-proclaimed) population wise. is wide open. AT THE STATE: Dirty 'Birdie' "BYE BYE BIRDIE" was pushed out of the nest too soon. The excellent satiric potential of the choreography has been ruined by heavy-handed treat- ment and vulgarity. Conrad Birdie (Jesse Pearson) is a rock 'n roll singer whose fe- male fans arise in a state of panic and pickets when he is drafted. When a sweet teenager from Sweet Apple, Ohio (Ann-Mar- garet) is chosen to receive a good- bye kiss from Birdie on the Ed Sullivan show the conflict be- tween evil (rude, 'lewd and loved Birdie) and good (Ann-Margaret's boyfriend Bobby Rydell) begins. Rydell gets the girl but to the audience she looks less like a sweet hometown girl and more like a local burly queen as the movie progresses. A wide - screen, Technicolor closeup of a speeding pelvis shows in a flash of what Birdie is made. I feel sure some of the dialogue would be rejected in any decent brothel. If you see "Birdie," don't go with a date; even for the most stout-hearted, it's downright em- barrassing. -Ruth Hetmansk II TODAY AND TOMORROW: Prayers Raise Problems IN THE AFTERMATH of the prayer cases, there is a most important question which we must ask ourselves. If the constitutional principle is so clear, why is it that there are such widespread and persistent attempts to introduce some kind of religious exercise into the public schools? All American churches accept the principle of the separation of church and state. Only in fringe questions where there is no self-evi- dient rule is there difficulty in interpreting the principle. No church is trying to obtain control of public education. The reason for the experi- nents with religion in the public schools is, I believe, that there is a growing disenchantment with the results of wholly-secularized education. There is here much of the hardest problem of education, a much deeper problem than that of persuading the country to raise enough noney to pay for good teaching in adequate ;ehool buildings. It is the problem of what .to ;each about the nature of man and the uni- verse around him, and how to provide the boy and girl with governing beliefs that will make ;hem civilized. The proponents of Bible read- ng and reciting the Lord's Prayer are in vary- ng measures concerned with the fundamental problem of a moral and intellectual vacuum it the center of education. It has been pressed ipon their attention, not only by delinquency ,nd unruliness among the young, but also b; imlessness and anxiety among adults. WHEN THEY introduce a surreptitious and denatured religion into the public schools, hey are snatching at straws. The straws will iot provide the order, purpose and control hat are lacking. But it would be obtuse to sup- >ose that there is therefore no real problem r that the Supreme Court has disposed of t and that it -can now be forgotten. There can be, I think, no serious dispute hat the Supreme Court has defined accurately he historic meaning of the First Amendment. Ih the relationship between man and religion," ays Mr. Justice Clark for the majority, "the tate is firmly committed to a positon of neu- railty." Why? Because the neutrality of the tate in the fields of religion and opinion are he terms of peace on which the religious wars were brought to an end. Only by forbidding the Late to act in the field of religion could the ommuniy be saved from the bitter struggle etween groups attempting to seize the power f the state in order to settle the terrible is- uies which had divided Europe. Falter Lippmann tradition of the classical and Christian world. Some were Catholic, some were Protestant, some were deists, some were in their theology -unbelievers. But all had essentially the same traditional philosophy. THEY HAD BEEN taught and shaped in the great tradition. They saw, as Father Mur- ray has said, that within the western nations there is "A plurality of incompatible faiths." Therefore, the state must be neutral in the field of religion. But it never occurred to them, it would seem, that the public philosophy which they regarded as self-evident would be- come lost to educated men. Because that has happened, the enforce-. ment of the First Amendment has a different meaning today tha n at the end of the 18th century. Those who are concerned with the content of secularized public education (and much private education as well) should look upon the decision of the court as having closed a blind alley that led nowhere. The forbidden re- ligious exercises would not and could not have dealt with the great moral and intellectual de- ficiencies of American education. The exercises were harmless and negligible. But had they been allowed to evolve, they could have led only to religious quarrels. Now that we have finished with th e token re- form, we must turn our attention'to a great re- appraisal of the content of American education. (c) 1963, The washington Post Co. TOWN AND GOWN came together the other night when the Ann Arbor City Council's committee considering fair housing legislation held an informal, four hour meeting with four University professors. Three of the professors had drawn up an ad- visory report for University President Harlan Hatcher in May on the significance of such legislation to the University. In that report they estimated that roughly 1500 University students and/or personnel are hurt by dis- criminatory housing. On a percentage basis, they showed the legislation committee, a fair housing ordinance would be very important to the University. Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the Law School-a well-known civil liberties expert-was also pres- (Second in a Seven-Part Series) By ROBERT ELLERY TO THE VISITOR the weather in Albany, Georgia is too hot to tolerate. To the native it's too hot to do much of anything, think anything or even hate anything- almost. It's a white man's town, Albany, and were it not for outside news- paper headlines it would appear to be a quiet one. The majority of the population is white and moves slowly and relaxedly through the shopping district completing the picture of a tranquil and easy- going town of the Deep South. Not surprisingly, this picture Albany paints for the visitor is the prototype of the image its white population prefers to have of itself. "It's a pretty quiet place,"'said one merchant, endorsing the im- age. But some how Albany isn't aware of itself. ALBANY DOESN'T really want to become aware of itself. The word status quo is virtually mean- ingless in that the white citizenry would prefer to deny its contrast dependent (change) is anything more than some inarticulate fear of the Negro. The greatest num, bers of the Negro are conveniently tucked away in a nearly auton- omous community on the south side of town, out of sight and, as nearly as possible, out of mind. Then why this fear? It seems that the Negro of this quiet city wishes to be something more than convenient, something more than tucked away. And it is this ubiqui- tous Negro, that threatens to dis- rupt the stability of Southern Cus- tom. In such an atmosphere it is not difficult to see why conscious rec- ognition of any "problem" is re- pressed. It was hard enough to see Lincoln free 'the slaves from the vital cotton fields of Georgia and even harder to admit defeat in the Civil War. Some still have not. IN 1961 the reverie was broken. There began the Albany Move- ment for integration, and since then sleepless nights have not been uncommon among the whites, from the storied mansions to the poorest shacks. Choruses of "We Shall Overcome," theme song of the movement, reverberated through the state, provoking Po- lice tactics that far outdated the recent scandal of Birmingham, Ala. But with the aid of a scrupu- lously pan-glossing newspaper, the issues could still be evaded; and who intentionally looks for a fight? "Not too much trouble," said a downtown clerk when questioned about the situation in Albany. And herein lies the tragedy, for he wasn't lying. He really believed it. Lots of people, Albanians, as they call themselves, believe it. They have to. It's too hot to seriously think about it. * * * THE NEGRO, the typical Al- banian will explain, really doesn't As Deputy Sheriff McDonald so aptly put it," I'd like to catch MY down there living in the same house with those goddam blacks. And those snicks are lower than any of 'em." DESPITE having several things in common, the Albany white man is difficult to epitomize. He ranges from well wishing yet powerless officials like Kelley to the ex- treme white supremacist, such as County Court Justice Clayton Jones. When the baking sun disap- pears, Albany settles into a humid 'quiet. You can almost hear the collards and hominy growing. In a field east of the city limits a prayer coines eerily over a loud- speaker, a 25 foot high cross is set afire and Judge Jones ad- dresses a rally of the Klu Klux Klan. With all the solemnity and im- partiality of his office he informs the hooded brothers of the threat of the "Nigra." In a rattling voice 'he calls the Negro "the lowest order-of man- kind in this country . . . The goal of the Nigra isn't integration, it's amalgamation." "I'll tell you who's behind the Negro," he croaked. "It's the com- munists." He goes on to endorse police brutality in dealing with communists. A summer storm moves slowly across the sky, scattering ashes. from the cross, symbol of the toothless old bear known as the Klan, and Albany beds down for the night. Albany is used to sudden storms, and like many vicissitudes of Southern life, ignores this one. Albany is still white. Albany is safe from storms. ti t CLAYTON JONES ... addresses Klan "They've been brainwashed," said Albany Mayor, Asa D. Kelley. * * * KELLEY, HOWEVER, has been the man in the middle. In a slow, ingratiating drawl he verbalizes the southern moderate viewpoint and on occasion, goes beyond that. He sees integration as more or less inevitable in the South, but prefers that its fight be carried on in the courts, not in the streets. Unlike many of his contempor- aries, Kelley doesn't seek to evade the issue. He reportedly said, "In my judgment the city of Albany has got to recognize that it has a problem and cannot solve that ,problem by sticking its head in the sand and ignoring that prob- lem. No solution can be reached unless there, are lines of com- munication." Albany reportedly attempted to evade the issue of integration of the public swimming pool at Tift Park by selling the city owned facility to James H. Gray, owner of the town's one daily newspaper. This made possible the arrest of seven Negroes and two whites last week orj charges of trespassing on private property. * * *~ EXECUTIVE EDITOR of the Al- bany Herald, James M. Robertson, presented a moderate but more pessimistic view of the situation. "There is no middle ground left now where discussions can be har- monious." He cited outsiders as primary deterrents to progress. "We've got a Police chief who maintains the customs of this community, and you don't wipe out a hundred years of social con- vention just like that." Any arrangements made, he feels, 'will be strictly between the people of Albany and not under any "duress" of outsiders like "snicks." "The Police are constantly ha- rassed," commented a local sales- 'i1 a"} r .t s .>. .. , r ~~~- r rA1"S- r a+tt :;:~ ~ -r *~%1 l