THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ i Wr age Sees Speech Role CONFLICT OF INTEREST: u'ra a Ses ecv -Role' Radio-Astronomy Progresses -,..-v..r.. ., .r... I T In vessimistic society .v aier ;inoriage r aces u *n. By JEAN TENANDER In a lecture about speech Prof. Ernest J. Wrage of Northwestern University and head of the Speech Association of America yesterday addressed the annual Summer Conference on Speech at the Uni- versity. Beginning his discussion with an analysis of the pessimistic po- sition society finds itself in, Prof. Wrage said he believed people to- day "feel strangely diminished by the opportunities and the acquisi- tions now available to them." He quoted Stephen Spender as saying that the prevailing modern attitude is a fatalistic one and added that he himself saw this feeling resulting from the immen- sity of present day knowledge which in turn leads to the feel- ing of individual helplessness and an "abandonment of personal re- sponsibility. "But,"' he said, "I have not yet become so;blase that I am not im- pressed with the moment of his- tory we are now in." He asked those who did not be- lieve or who remained uncon- vonced that there has been a great shift in the public mood within the past decade to return to the era of the "omnicompetence of the common man" during the Jackson era where society had un- limited faith in the perfectibility and progress of the human being. He termed the "malaise of our Austin Traces Language History age" the fact that today's society cannot return to the past and yet cannot escape history, cannot avoid, the future and yet seek to escape the "Orwellian nightmare." The antidote to this malaise is an education that confers rele- vance to the life of the individual in the context of society's com- plexity. To get this kind means "extracting from every eligible discipline whatever contributes significantly in aiding human freedom," he said. "And whatever contributes sig- nificantly to human freedom is a, humane study." Prof. Wrage brought this up to point out that although people favor correcting the imbalance in today's education by strengthen- ing the humanities, they never in- clude speech within the context of the humanities. "This is despite the wide lack of coherent com- munication between individuals and nations," he said. He claimed that there can be classrooms where anonymity is banished even in the midst of the most massive classes in all of mass education if the kind of commun- ication that was capable of reach- ing the student and thus banish- ing apathy was created. "The omission of speech from the humanities is symptomatic of the malaise I have been speaking about," he commented. Part of the unwillingness to in- clude speech in the humanities probably stems from the "verbal bluff and pathos of today's lan- guage," he explained. Part of it stems from an indifference and unawareness of the relation be- tween speech and social conscious- ness. Teaching students to assemble data gives them an insight and a sensitivity which cannot be gleaned from merely drilling pre- pared facts into their heads,. "Speech provides students with an orientation and a kind of competence they genuinely need to relate their roles to human events. To ignore this kind of training is to take a cavalier at- titude toward the fundamental processes of a free society." Unit Provides Insuirance Liability insurance has been pro- vided for all students at the Uni- versity Medical School in what is believed to be a unique program in medical education. In announcing provision of the insurance, Dr. William N. Hub- bard, Ji;, dean of the Medical. School, said the protection is pro- vided by a single group policy and no individual insurance certifi-. cates are issued. The medical student liability in- surance is applicable only where is a part of the r'equired course of study in the Medical School. A student is not covered by this poli- cy when the takes employment on his own initiative in clinical ac- tivities which are not a part of the regular curriculum. 11 ,.. By STANLEY SOFFIN The United States receives enough rain in a normal year to cover the entire country with 30 inches of water, the Senate Com- mittee on National Resources re- ports. Why then is the country now facing the critical problem of an inadequate water supply? According to Prof. David C. Chandler, director of the Univer- sity of Michigan Great Lakes Re- search Division, the water prob- lem involved many interrelated phenomena and circumstances. Three important ones shared by the country as a whole are: 1) Management-making avail- able the proper quantity and qual- ity of water at a given time and place for man's use. 2) Conflict of interest among water users. 3) Lack of public awareness of the importance of water in the national economy, and the need for long term planning. Uneven Distribution The management problem is created because the nation's water is not evenly distributed geo- graphically. Also, the amount of rainfall varies from region to re- gion and is not uniform through- out the year, Prof. Chandler ex- plained. that pollution already is alarming effects in parts Great Lakes." having of the yy part of the elec- unagainst his master to ask for is the one who uses all of the radiatian emitted by Three types of communication something, kinesics when he raises forms of communication well. es. Radio wavesi an- leading to the development of his tail angrily, and paralanguage In our society, men use haptics f this radiation, are language were described by Wil- when he meows. He also can un- when they first meet by shaking radio astronomers to liam M..Austin of the Illinois In- derstand language, as when his hands. They look at each other of the universe that stitute of Technology recently, master speaks; but of course he when they talk, using kinesics. e optical astronom- Speaking on "The New Ap- cannot use language himself. His They grunt during a long con- adio waves originate proach to the Origin of Lan- master can also use haptics, kine- versation to keep it going; and c and electronic ac. guage," Austin defined haptics, tics and paralanguage to com- they use language itself, so that celestial bodies. kinesics and paralanguage as municate with him; but they will they are using all four kinds of the radio astronomer communication used by both man not be the same, communication. Sabout the comipo- and the lower animals. Communi- "Homo sapiens can be defined Communication by smell is rature and velocity of cation is the conscious triggering as the use of language," Austin something of a taboo subject in he cannot tell their to respond by one organism to said. A successful communicator America, Austin said. Whereas n earth," the report another. Arabs must smell each other when Haptics is communication by meeting; Americans become em- must rely on the touch. Animals may bump or oreign Center barrassed at the mere mention of s the optical astron- touch each other to communicate smell. "Research on this topic will to make for nearly something. Kinesics is visual. com- To Host Discussion have to be done by someone other measurements. munication, as a movement in a than an American," he said. rsity radio telescope certain direction or a pointing; A panel of students representing Describing earlier theories about iggest in the world, and paralanguage is a sound of Europe, Africa, Asia, South Amer- the origin of language, Austin de- among the best in the vocal tract which is non- ica and the United States will scribed the theory that words ling power, or the articulated, such as "uh-huh" or discuss Student activities in their originally had a natural sound e fine detail," t4 e "meow." countries at 8 p.m. today at the which primitive man knew but 7s pointed out. A cat uses haptics when he rubs International Center. modern man has forgotten. .. ."a .rU ."AK.,,L.... ..,:."" " h ....... ..:"i::":.:vi:t?,^,":i}:""J.."a ".i:.. "}4 }:'""'",J'"S:?{"'.L:LK.. . . . . . .': r }C^ :: " J},? )fficiai Bulletin is an Work Institute on thfe Admin. of Med- I"The 196i-1962 Mich. Constitutional 'ministrative Assistant-Located in B- tation of The Univer- ical Care for the Needy--School of Pub- Convention and Local Gov." Fri., July ton area. Factory of one of the coun igan for Wvhich The lic Health. 12, 4609 Haven Hall, at 2:00 p.m. Chair- try's largest electronics companies. Re- y assumes no editorial 2:00 pam. - Audio-Visual Education man, A. W. Bromage. quire Admin. Asst. in theoretical as EWRITTENh or to andte Alsa rEskimo":Multipurpos D Jtract admnin. etc. Must be college grad1 [ministration Building Room, Ujndergrad. Lib L ae e iltR with actual exper. in factory organiza- two days preceding 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-*Cinemna Guild-- ANNOUNCEMENTS: tion, with MBA degree. Will spend most Eisestei a Potekin' tw vinageof time with research & dev. lab. MAY JULY 12 Chrl e Chapli coedeen i A Aro o n Jul 20 at 80ae Invesigaor A ys. ful-tim Ca-cndar Seesaw" Ldia Mendelssohn Theatre. be the lst test for persons wh oe cedito inveitio .n or wok min aw- 5:00 p~n.-School of Doctoral Examination for John Charles Sept. ornOct. Seeking persosiet Li-pnsibility for the processingarf ali- and School of Social Buechner, Political Science; thesis: eral Arts or General education bkgds. cations for social aid. 2. Patient Affairs _________________________________________________Also seeking persons with many other Officer-Bachelor's degree plus 1 yr Maines.. 75c skills, volunteers need not have a col- exper. as mgmt. aide, registrar, or lege degree. Minimum age limit is 18. similar work in hospital admnin. activi- -E-es. & rSun.$10 There irs no maxium limit. Applica- u tie MA in HoitalpAdm . a be -5-7 and 9 P i Appointments,a320s SAB.ti Freg coun Earainer II-BA with courses in Service Exams for both the State Dept. , and the USIA must be in Washington Frfthriomaonplsec- by July 22 for the exams on Sept. 7. Frfrhrifrain laecn These exams are given on the same day tact General Div., Bureau of Appoint- x and applicants must determine in ad- ments, 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. vance which exam they prefer to take. - Applications are available at the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB. The Naval Officers Procurement R A IA I N Team from the U.S. NayRecruiting OR A Z TO NavyY from the N l Ar Satio, Gros le NOTICES ~~~ ~~Mich., will be at Angell Hall from 9:00 ____________________ a.m. untiil 4:00 p.m. daily from July ~ 16 through July 18. This teanm consist- Gamma Delta, Lutheran Org. Con- ing of Naval Officers will furnish in- cordia Lutheran Jr. Col. campus for IN COLOR' PANAVISION i formation on all Navy Officer pro- picnic supper & tour, July 13. 5:30 Ky assumesnoeditori 2:00[A d grams to any interested individuals. p.m., Meet at 1511 Washtenaw.l POSITION OPENINGS: U. of l . Friends of SNCC, Perform- Management Consultants in Mass.b ance of Elks Negro Drill Team, July Spn Client firm has following opening: Ad- 12, 7 p.m., Diagonal. This uneven distribution of water creates the situation where demand exceeds supply in one part of a region, although a sur- plus might exist in another area of the same region. Prof. Chandler points out that management of water involves proper storage, flood control, drainage, uniform stream flow and' diversion. Each of these is a sep- arate problem which exemplifies the great complexity of the water supply question. The conflict of interests prob- lem stems from such uses of water as navigation, hydroelectric power, waste disposal, recreation and ir- rigation. But Prof. Chandler be- lieved the greatest conflict arises from pollution. He regards this as the "central problem of water resource development." Instead of dumping our wastes in water, Prof. Chandler suggested the waste be treated. before it gets into the, water. This method involves the removal of solids by standard procedures, and then, by a chemical and biological process, removing the remaining dissolved substances. He pointed out that the chemi- Drill Formation To Demonstrate "The Continentals," "El Toros" and "The French Dukes," Ann Arbor's nationally-known cham- pionship drill teams and a part of the Junior Herd of Elk's Pratt Lodge No. 322, will give a public demonstration of their award- winning marches at 7 p.m. today on the Diag. The free performance is being sponsored by the Univer- sity Friends of SNCC. cal treatment is the same used to remove salt from sea water. But because this process is expensive, it isn't done. Prof. Chandler warn- ed that in the long run, polluted water will be far more costly. "What the public fails to realize," he said, "is the value of water in terms of dollars and cents." Pollution is also a threat to the Great Lakes. In this region, Prof Chandler said, attempts are now being made to flush the pol- luted streams with Great Lakes water. Because all discharge of wastes from streams in this area enters the Great Lakes, the larg- est body of fresh water may reach its "maximum capacity" to hold waste in dissolved form "sooner than we realize." He added, "There is evidence Lack of Awareness - The pollution situation exem- plifies a third main part of the water problem-lack of public awareness. As he explained, "Public con- cern for a natural resource does not occur until that resource is in danger of depletion or destruc- tion." For example, people in the Great Lakes region feel secure be- cause they are surrounded by the largest mass of fresh water on the earth's surface. But, as the pollution problem proves, this is a "false security." The public is also unaware of the valuable research contributed. by industry to solve the pollution difficulty. Factory waste does aug- ment the problem, Prof. Chandler asserted, and for it industry is too heavily criticized. Education is one important as- pect in solving the water prob- lem. According to Prof. Chandler, we must educate the public as to the status of the water problem. In adition, he said it's necessary that the latest information on water resources be used by the official groups in charge of this area. This will avoid "desperate and poorly conceived action" in place of long term planning. The Great Lakes Research Di- vision under Prof. Chandler's lead- ership has been accumulating the basic data for more effective and efficient use of water resources. Survey Puts' 'I 'U' Fourth A survey by the Institute of International Education in New York revealed. that the University of Michigan ranked fourth among the nation's universities in the number of foreign students enroll- ed during the 1962-63 academic year and fifth in the number of foreign faculty members. The Institute reported that the University had 1,325 students from foreign countries, or 4.6 per cent of the total enrollment. The Uni- versity of California, with 3,108, was first, followed by New York University with 1,925, and the University of Illinois with 1,396. The University had 155 faculty members and scholars from for- eign universities who were in res- idence as teachers or researchers under academic assignment dur- ing the past year, according to the report. ' The University of California with 509, Massachusetts Institute of Technology with 317, Harvard University with 302, and the Uni- versity of Minnesota with 167 ranked ahead of the University in this category. The University also ranked third behind Michigan State University and University of California, by having 88 faculty members on assignments abroad during the year. 4 , yer MATINEE... ..75c Eves., Sun. ... $1.00. Children........40c * a~tion it mohrecln. Shows at 1-3-5-7 and 9 P.M. Dial 5-6290 I fel you, chum. lIaughs it . PARAMOAT O E 'B LORjoNl goee .,.Ivo it E a M . -LLS t ONY BLOCKER'sMcGUIRE " BLL 5. NORMAN LEAR~ BUDY KN.sU6'Y'OJN LMAEAR. HOWARD W.KOCH* ftAISlo daw r - /ille/at MICHIGAN Sunday, July 14 at 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY SUPPER CLUB "delicatessen at its finest" Corned beef or pastrami sandwich; salad, potato chips, pickles, beverage and dessert. only 75c Looking for a quiet place to Study on SUNDAYS? STUDY AT HILLEL 4-10 p.m. (Library, Music Room, Study Lounge, conference rooms) also recreation facilities and refreshments 1429 HILL ST. TONIGHT, TOMORROW 8 P.M. William Gibson's THE SEESAW $1.75, $1.25 NEXT WEEK 8 P.M. WED.-SAT. (TICKETS NOW) George Bernard Shaw's AND THE LION x 4 F k $1.50, $1. Box Office .00 FRI. & SAT. $1.75, $1.25 12:30-8 Today & Tomorrow 12:30-5 Monday & Tuesday 12:30- 8Wednesday-Saturday University Players 4. i I AIR-CONDITIONED * STARTING TODAY "La Dolce Vita" Shown at 8:30 p.m. only 0 the luxury beer..,. lat a popular price 11 mal. m