Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: H. NEIL BERKSON Negroes Need Achievement IIrj rn a -n T HE REQUIEM=for segregation will soon be- gin. But the newly gained equality for Negroes is/ not the pancea for the limbo in which the Negroes have floated since the Civil 'Var. The so-called civil rights which they have won, admittedly through fearless determination, are only superficial. Presidential declarations do not create respect, and congressional legis- lation does not command recognition. The current civil rigths furor is a three-fold tragedy. First, it will not achieve its objectives because it has no stated, clear objectives. Sec- ond, the energy and courage which the Negroes have shown in their fight will be wasted be- cause their victory will be an empty one. Their victory will be empty because, third, riots, sit- ins, lacerations of the Constitution and ad- monitions of violence will achieve integration of schools, movies, businesses and unions, but they will not grant the pride of achievement, for that achievement has yet to be achieved. T HOSE NEGROES who have the intelligence and industry to realize that recognition against them. That they should be so hobbled must be earned will start with a handicap' is wrong, but exhortations by the NAACP won't right that wrong. Because the road of achieve- ment is strewn with artificial obstacles for Negroes, the lattet have chosen what they consider to be a shorter path, that- of the demonstration and legal suit. They are trying to reach their ends by ne- glecting the importance of the means. The present means have no objective standard. In- tegrationists press for mixed schools. How much mixed? 51%. Or 621/%? They want more Negroes on construction jobs. How many? One tenth of the total or one fourth? They demand equal opportunities. How many and where and with what training? The whites owe the Ne- G3i 1ILu idLG3U. groes a debt for 100 years of agony. How much of a debt? Do all whites owe it? Who is to pay it? And how must they pay it? IT IS TRUE that the Negoes should have all of the above things, but the important thing is not that they get them, but that they be given voluntarily by the whites, in return for achievements which all men can admire. The goal of the Negro, conscious or subconscious, is that he achieve equal stature as a man; that is, if he has achieved something, his work should be recognized as much as a white man's and if he is just starting out in life, he wants to start from the same place as a white man. However, the forgotten pitfall is that no government, no court, and no picket can grant these things. White America refuses to reserve him a spot at the white starting line in life. No law or injunction can donate it. The white will have to grant it volitionally. Volition is a funny word. It means just what it reads: by choice. There is only one way the white man will give the individual Negro the same chance he would give another white. The Negro will, for a while, have to accomplish in spite of the obstacles. Accomplishment does not mean pickets, riots or declarations. Ac- complishment means a scalpel, a test tube, a piece of parchment, a pair of deft hands, a balanced ledger. ONCE THE NEGRO possesses this circum- stantial evidence, all but a very few will acquit him of a crime for which he should never have had to be tried: that of inferiority from color. Once enough Negroes push them- selves to the forefront of scholarship and busi- ness, not only will the Negro accomplishments be recognized as such, but the individual Ne- gro will start with the same tools which aid the white man in life. Perhaps you consider this a gross oversimpli- fication and ask about the education required to get ahead in the world. That objection is meaningless, when one considers the numerous schools bending over backwards in the North desirous of helping promising Negroes. Also, though many sophisticates consider it trite, there is still the image of Andrew Carne- gie, Henry Ford and other self-made men. Men have, and always will, succeed without the glorious B.A., M.A. or Ph.D. The Negroes are moving on and on, with more voting privileges, more open restaurants, more open movies and yet they are moving nowhere in terms of recognition as purposeful, working human beings. It is time to drop the picket and pick up a book. -MICHAEL HYMAN "Oh, He's A Great Anti-Communist -- It's Just That He Finds The Buddhists Are Easier To Get At" / r --. x a- s -- 'C ECNTONN SECOND TO NONE?: California Un w-orth of Rank AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: 'Seesaw' Opens Here; Actors, Drama, Score "TWO FOR the Seesaw," that well-mixed blessing of a play, arrived on campus last night in a well-paced production of the Uni- versity Players. This is an exceedingly difficult play to bring off, since its two protagonists are the only charac- ters. To tackle such a technically difficult production is no easy assignment for a college cast, and it is to the credit of Carlton Berry and \arcia Katz, as well as di- rector William McGraw, that the evening was successful. "Seesaw" is that rarest of mod- er stage creations:ran attempt to deal realistically (for the most part) with the problems of two individuals, without depending on a screen of symbols between the action and the audience. It is a play which still believes in tender humor and standard wit, as well as the more powerful weapons of cynicism and bite:. r. COMPARED, for example, to t h a t laurel - crowned prodigy,, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf," "Seesaw" aisa feather-weight play; how can Jerry from Ne- braska compete with the delicious malice of Albee's Martha and George? Yet because it leans less heavily on pyrotechnics, and works more on the level of con- ventional drama, "Seesaw" may ultimately make more sense. Of course "Seesaw" suffers from its own kind of fireworks. The humor that Jerry throws at Gittel in a constant torrent sometimes overwhelms even the dramatic impact of a moment, Nevertheless, "Two for the See- saw" holds the distinction of be- ing a play which manages to fuse basic elements of the traditional theatre with a sophisticated mod- ernism; together, they. make it a popular, if not great, contribution to American theatrek. --Mark Slobin I AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Come Blow Your Horn' Hits Flat Note "COME BLOW Your Horn," now at the Michigan Theater, with Frank Sinatra, Lee J. Cobb and the expected assortment of new "talent" and guest appearances, continues the ceaseless Hollywood adaptations of alleged Broadway successes. While I am totally unfamiliar with any previous work bearing the same title, the story has ob- viously been reamed out, cut here, padded there, and embellished with all those sickening little Americanisms so typical of the films of Sinatra and Day. * * * "COME BLOW Your Horn," underneath the glittering facade of Cadillacs, beautiful women and flashy clothes, is intended to be the comicalcrisis in the life of a Jewish 'industrialist, a manufac- turer of fake fruit, whose two sons will not follow in his business with Kosher faithfulness. I SAY "intended" because the best part of tle script, the subtle humor of the Yiddish dialogue, is sacrificed in favor of the image of Mr. happy-go-lucky Sinatra as the ideal of most of the people who will take the trouble to see this film. Lee J. Cobb, as the frustrated father, provides the only believ- able performance. And as for Sinatra, it's a blessing that he doesn't try to play anyone but Sinatra since the limitations on his dramatic talent are so narrow now that his scripts .must be writ- ten carefully within them. --Donald Davenport Problem AN AP DISPATCH from Moscow reports that Soviet doctors have removed 130 nails and 340 needles from an Armenian woman who swallowed them in an effort to cure her nervousness. Although the needles penetrated her liver and other vital organs she is now recovering. According to the Soviet News Agency the woman was quoted s as having swallowed the assortment because "evil spirits" told her to. It is apparant that whether prescribed by ,doctors or by evil spirits the high cost of tranquilizers is a world-wide problem. -R. W. Striking a Balance. STRIKING A/right balance between quality and quantity is a problem inherent in any educational system. The optimum, of course, is the best kind of education for the biggest number of young people. But if to make a col- lege degree available virtually to every Tom, Dick or Harry means lowering university, standards to those of a glorified high school, the society adopting that course is only fooling itself. To maintain academic levels in institu- tions of higher learning, there is surely need' for careful selectivity. But what shall be the yardstick for setting a young boy or girl on the road that leads to a university? Shall it be the I.Q. test (as once was the vogue in United States high schools) or thet "eleven plus" examination (as in Britain)? Taken alone, neither is satisfactory. Before specializing, the basic requirement of educa- tion is that children should be taught to think logically for themselves, to articulate-with both the spoken and written word-and, when faced with decisions, to make the one that is right or wisest. In the earlier years, it is wrong to set one's sight on producing whiz-kids or parrot-type memory machines. THESE OBSERVATIONS are prompted by the London County Council to drop the 'eleven plus" examinationi as the litmus test which is supposed, at the age of ten, to sepa- rate the intellectual sheep from the intellectual goats. The sheep are protential candidates for eventual entry to a university; the goats are hose deemed suitable for nothing more than vocational training-in euphemistically named 'secondary modern schools." Success or failure n "eleven plus" has often put inordinate strain n British families, failure constituting a sort of social stigma. The better course is that now proposed by he London County Council: consultation be- ween teachers and parents about possible 1igher. education for a boy or girl. Academic howing during the early teens, and over a period of two or three years, is a safer guide Editorial Staff By MICHAEL HARRAH Daily Correspondent CARDIFF -BY-THE - SEA, Cali- fornia-The pride of the radio commentators and the politicians throughout the Golden State is. the alleged fact that California is now number one in the nation- population wise, that is. It is a phenomenon thatathe pundits hereabouts never fail to call to the attention of any who are in- terested. "California has come into its own," asserts a prominent San Dipgo newscaster. "We are second to none." And truly California has become the modern Cinderella of the Unit- ed States-from rags to riches in little more than 100 years, living proof the Horatio Alger myth works for entire populations, too. BUT THE SAD part about Cali- fornia's. newfound oft-proclaimed prominence is that, in many ways, she is unworthy of the position. Californians are a breed apart. There is no doubt that this is the melting pot of the nation and points beyond, and that fact in ritself does much to contribute to the greatness of California. But unfortunately California too closely resembles the rich Texan, who last week was an uncouth derelict, grubbing for oil in some hidden valley. Now he has struck it rich and has money to buy anything except. the refinement that must accompany wealth and prominence. Personally the good citizens of California are friendly and cheer- ful and on the whole quite pleas- ant; impersonally they -are wholly devoid of any common decency. They are rude, malicious and ex- tremely ill-mannered and pre- sumptuous. * * * PERHAPS THIS sounds like a dichotomy, but one trait seems to explain it. Californians are the most uncertain and insecure people I have ever encountered. They are desperately terrified that their neighbor will trample them if they hesitate a second. Theirs is an existence of pushing, shoving and rushing. Leisurely progress is intolerable and is met with de- rision. Everything must be done with utmost dispatch. This fearful onslaught is most noticeable in their driving habits. The state is ribboned with free- ways, which are littered with speeding automobiles at any time of the day or night. All cars rush along the road right on the speed limit, weaving from lane to lane, jockeying for the best position. They viciously ram down their accelerators to cut in and out of traffic, missing their neighbor's fender by inches. Their motoring is freely sprinkled with heated wards and curses for the driver who dares to crawl along at 55 in a 65 zone. Yet if one of these citizens ex- periences motor trouble on the Eqtuality ON JUNE 19 the House of Rep- resentatives voted to suspend for the 1964 Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections Section 315 of the Federal Communica- tions Act, which provides that if any candidate for political office receives broadcast time, his op- ponents muzst receive equal time. The Kennedy-Nixon debates of 1960 were -held under a similar suspension of Section 315. That earlier bill, however, waived the equal time provision only for Presidential debates; the new bill suspends it entirely, leaving to the discretion of the broadcasting industry which candidates will be heard. Congressman Ryan (D-NY) of- fered an amendment which would have by-passed Section 315 only under the conditions of 1960 but it was rejected on the grounds that it would help third parties. The 126 votes against this pro-network,- anti-democratic bill were cast by a curious coalition of those who care about- the open exchange of ideas: liberals, Southerns and ex- treme conservatives. -The Nation road, and the passerby stops to give aid (a rare occurrence in- cidentally; even the cops won't stop sometimes), the Californians couldn't be more friendly. And in light of their insecurity, all this is readily understandable. Pitted against the maddening crowd, theydefensively takeup every weapon at their disposal; but set in contact with one other person,' the potential adversary looks quite docile. The fearful Californian mellows and relaxes and assumes his naturally friendly posture. THUS, if one avoids the mad-. dening crowd life in The Golden. State can be most pleasant. The ocean is beautiful, and it is ever. so much fun to watch the young people roam the beach or chal-' lenging the surf. The florA and fauna are unbelieveably abundant and beautiful, providing a peace- ful atmosphere in and of them- selves. The kids however are the ex- ception to the rule here. Unlike their elders they seem undriven by the insecurities of life and un- concerned with the progress of their neighbors. They have, at many times, that dishevelled look that suggests carefree and happy existences. This would suggest of. course that the younger generation will change the mad, mad existence of the California when they come into its control, but I fear not." Insecurity seems to be too much a part of the California adult tradition to be discarded so easily. It is the easygoing kids who will change. And it is out of this pell mell atmosphere that arises a political picture of great import to the entire nation. It is a spectacle which is totally unpredictable. California politics have - all the characteristics of a total donny- brook and all the properties of a kaleidoscope, and the main char- acters do not know what will happen from one day to the next. Their politics are as unsettled as their daily existence, and, as we shall see, twice as deadly.. to the future. There remains the problem of the separate grammar (or pre-university) schools and secondary modern schools. The tendency to combine both under the common roof of a comprehensive school commends itself. A university entrance examination is a legit- imate test. But if it is to have meaning, It should not be a series of "true or false" ques- tions, but should last two or three days and include both essay papers and viva voce per- iods. Happily this has long been the precedure at the best universities in both Britain and the United States. 4 -CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR In. Passing OR A BRIEF moment last week there was no North, no South, as the nation merged to celebrate the 187th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. But in a Chicago hospital sometime that night, even as the sound of fireworks rever- berated across the sky, Clyde Kennard, 35, died of cancer. He will soon be forgotten, time being what it is. But his was a useless, tragic death. Seven years ago Kennard stood two hours short of a University of Chicago degree when, because of his father's death, he had to return to his Mississippi farm. In 1959, finally able to return to school, he applied for admission to nearby Mississippi Southern. His application and credentials were in order except for one thing-the line calling for race said "Negro." IT WASN'T EASY to keep Kennard out of the all white university, but Mississippi found a way. In 1960 a 19 year old boy testified that Kennard had been his accomplice in a $25 chicken feed robbery. The boy received a light jail term. His "accomplice" was sentenced to seven years in Parchman penitentiary. After two years and three months in prison, Kennard's sentence was commuted early this year when his fatal disease became known. He was immediately rushed to Chicago for treat- ment. "I don't hate anybody. I don't hate any- EDITOR'S NOTE: Joe Loftin is a former reporter and sports editor for the Daily Reveille, the student newspaper at Louisiana State. Uni- versity. This summer he is touring. Europe. This article was reprinted from the summer Reveille. By JOE LOFTIN EAST GERMANY -- The East Germans working in the fields waved at the train, and the people- on the train waved back. One of the German students in my com- partment had come over to the West.from the "German Democra- tic Republic" in 1954. All the stu- dents were strongly anti-commu- nist and, of course, anti-Russian. The train: rumbled though' Magdeburg, past shoddy buildings and ruins and hastily built work- ers' quarters. 'The people waved and smiledrat the train, and you wondered why they had not left in time. WEST BERLIN is a beautiful city with large traffic-filled streets and many well-dressed people out walking- their' dogs, - spaniels, poodles and shepherds. The Kur- furstendamn has a neon glitter at night; people wander along its broad sidewalks, staring at each other and wondering how long it will last. A large Russian memorial is in the Tiergarten on the Street of the 17th of June (named thus in honor of the East Berlin workers' revolt in 1953). Russian soldiers guard the memorial and, they are guarded by British soldiers.. A few hundred yards down 'the street is the Wall and behind it th Brandenburg Gate. On top of, 'EASY TO UNDERSTAND' Citizens of'Berlin Live for Present the Gate sits an East German machine gunner. NOT FAR away is Checkpoint Charie. I have entered East Ber- lin twice through Checkpoint Charlie. The first time was on a bus with a guided tour, the sec- ond time on foot. TheNazi air ministry building is just past the checkpoint, off Friedrichstrasse. A grassy hill with stone rubble at the top, surrounded by a high fence, is the remains of Hitler's bunker, where he spent his last days and died. This area was the heart of' pre- war Berlin; most of it was de- stroyed in the war. The squat, ugly Wall, wide enough for a small car to use, can be seen between the buildings as you walk toward the Unteden Lin- den Strasse from Checkpoint Charlie. East Berlin is ugly, but it's not so - bad as I had expected. The people are friendly and clean. There is much rebuilding going on. I saw more mothers pushing prams in East Berlin than in the Western sector. But the birth rate is piti- fully low in both sections. It's the same in East Germany, where the population is declining. One can look ahead to a day when East Germany will be peopled by Slavs, because there will not be enough Germans left to run the country. Most people in Berlin, on both' sides of the Wall, live only for to- day; it's easy to understand why. The East Berlin guide on the bus stated the prevalent mood well when he said: "Try to enjoy your stay in Berlin, whether it be for the next few hours or seconds." FEIFFER Vt1 6 A PhOICI4AJJ00tJLf A RFtIC&"yA ARST CMJ Me65T C ALOJ6, a aotfIL. 'F1ORC ARF N~o HOe 5 KpooW H'[6?1; P0~55" OM~V CUMIPJATW V6~ MIODV MD. MO6. C0146 ALM~), rD6Zt I W 1q 1? irT1 M(7 0 7wX~ I o,qwu KM6P L4W-1 t 1Tw Coes TAM I rJK) H'1 e!6im. M W PKET NJ- W$~-VOXVJCAM' w&X u5 Ef6L601t1 WRAO 06 .o- r U^ A-IllA~t fhfl7d 215? iMC AAI -*Y ,..., tlIVii fuA 0