LY9, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Khrushchev Meets Spaak As Red Session Continues 4>. lavid Cites f Parley By VAUGHN WALKER "The West may have increasing difficulty in containing world Communist expansion as a result of the present Soviet-Chinese con- ference now being held in Mos- cow," Prof. Zdenek David of the history department said yesterday. Prof. David explained that in the past the Soviet Union could be held "accountable for expan- sionary moves by all Communist powers." It is now obvious that the Soviets no longer are able to exercise such control over the Chinese Communists." Thus, the Chinese may be able to make their military moves in the Southeast Asia area without effective control from Moscow, he continued. Lessen Beligerence A second, but less likely alter- native may come out of the con- ference. "While the Soviets will show less warmth towards such ideas as peaceful co-existence and nuclear disarmament, the Chinese may be able to soften their some- what belligerent former position," he said. Prof. David predicted that, "There will be little resolution of the present conflict between the two. powers. The Chinese will con- tinue to place the Russians on the defensive by attempting to ex- pand their power in Asia." He stressed the idea that "nei- ther China nor Russia wants an all out nuclear war. China is, how- ever, willing to risk limited war in some areas, while the Soviets wish only to support internal Com- munist rebellions in various na- tions." Little Notice The present Moscow conference, which has received little recogni-. tion in the Soviet press, "tends to present a weakened Communist appearance to the world, especially to Communist parties in the West- ern democracies, such as France and Italy." Prof. David noted that "the Chinese are pushing for a world-wide Communist meeting in which they hope to gain support for their position." The Russians have in the past tried to avoid such a meeting, he added. "The Communist party leaders in Poland, Hungary, and Yugo- slavia would probably support the Russian position rather than the more militant Chinese position at an international meeting of Com- muriists." Prof. David commented that previous to his "advent to power in 1956, Premier Nikita S. Khrush- chev maintained that nuclear war would destroy only the capitalist countries. After comink to power he recognized that nuclear war would destroy civilization," -Associated Press CONFERENCE-Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak (far left) discussed the easing of East-West tensions in Kiev yester- day with Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev (far right). This conference was considered by many observers a slap of the anti- coexistence Red Chinese. MosCow Talks ay Alter U.S. International Policy By SPENCER DAVIS Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON-Top American diplomatic authorities see the possibility of a far-reaching and fundamental impact on United States foreign policy in the bitter policy dispute between Communist China and the Soviet Union. ut an air of caution mixed with expectancy prevails here. Of- fic' s expect no quick or dramatic results to emerge from the secret view Means SReducing Cold War Kiev Conference Seen As Slap to Chinese MOSCOW (MP)-Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev, absenting himself from the Moscow locale of the So- viet-Chinese showdown debates, conferred in Kiev yesterday with Belgium's Paul-Henri Spaak on easing of cold war tensions. Spaak, the Belgian foreign min- ister and former president of the United Nations General Assembly, returned to Moscow saying he was confident East-West relations will improve. The Soviet leader did not re- turn with Spaak and there was no indication when he will come back to Moscow. Fresh Slap Khrushchev apparently handed the Chinese a fresh slap by going to Kiev, 500 miles away from the critical ideological conference with the Chinese now in progress in a Lenin Hills villa here. The Chinese have bitterly pro- tested the peaceful coexistence policy dramatized by Khrushchev's meeting with Spaak. No news leaked out of the Mos- cow talks between top Soviet ide- ological expert Mikhail Suslov and his Chinese counterpart, Teng Hsiao-ping. No Mention Moscow papers do not even men- tion that the talks are in progress although they are the top subject of conversation in East-West groups wherever they meet--even at the current Soviet film festival. But in the East, Chinese Com- munist newspapers have kept up a drumfire of attacks on the Soviet Union and on Khrushchev per- sonally. The Hong Kong Chinese Com- munist paper Wen Wei Po accused Khrushchev of treating the United States as a friend and China as an enemy. It cited as evidence the publication in Pravda of the short text of President John F. Kenne- dy's reply to Khrushchev's July 4 message. Among Communist sources there is almost as wide conjecture as in the West as to the time the talks may take. Most Westerners be- lieve the talks will come to a dead end within a week or so. Some Communist sources have in- dicated the talks may go on for a month or more. Announce Antiias Measures By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The Post Of- fice announced moves yesterday designed to eliminate segregation and upgrade Negroes working that branch of the federal government. Noting that the department has a lot of catching up to do in the civil rights field, a spokesman an- nounced that: 1) A strict order has banned promotions on the basis of race. A half dozen postmasters who have resisted have lost their promoting authority; 2) Seventeen postal unions must sign non-discrimination affidavits when renewing their contracts; Remove Discrimination 3) Those who lease post offices are obliged to remove discrimina- tion on related premises; 4) Contracts with those leasing post office windows in drug stores must contain a nbn-discrimina- tion clause; 5) Negroes with college educa- tions but in clerical jobs have been referred to the civil service com- mission for job upgrading else- where in the federal government; and Anti-Bias Influence 6) Twenty-seven deep South postmasters have met with Post- master General J. Edward Day and urged to use their influence to end local segregation. The weekend saw various pro- tests, some peaceful, others not. In Detroit about 400 persons marched through the city's north- west side Saturday in the latest of a series of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People protests against housing segregation. Troops Leave Demonstrations resumed in Cambridge, Md., an hour after the national guard pulled out of the strife-ridden town. New York police kept a close vigil at a diner in the Bronx after violence flared in a clash Sunday. Demonstration leaders in Balti- more announced they will resume protests at the Gwyn Oaks amuse- ment park despite violence Sun- day. Pleads Innocent In Jackson, Byron de La Beck- with pleaded innocent to the charge of murdering integration- ist leader Medgar Evers. A group of Greenwood, Miss., businessmen have announced the formation of a legal defense fund for Beckwith. Kentucky Gov. Bert Combs said there should be "no cause for alarm" resulting from his execu- tive order banning discrimination in businesses and professions li- censed by the state. He promised there would be no action that would infringe on the legal and moral right of citizens. LONDON (P-United States and British envoys fly to Moscow next weekend with authority to nego- tiate on any subject now before the 17-nation disarmament con- ference in Geneva, diplomatic sources said last night. W. AVERELL HARRIMAN ... expanded authority The informants said President John F. Kennedy and Prime Min- ister Harold Macmillan have made Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev aware they probably would settle for a partial ban on nuclear weap- on tests if it is impossible to agree on an international inspection system to control a complete test ban. These key understandings lie behind the Kennedy-Macmillan- Khrushchev agreement to make another try for a nuclear testban treaty, they said. The agreement followed an ex- change of letters between the Western leaders and the Soviet premier, several weeks ago. The Moscow talks are to begin July 15 with special Ambassador W. Averell Harriman speaking for the United States and Science Minister Lord Hailsham for Brit- ain. The Soviet delegate has yet to be named. Informants said another general understanding which emerged from the correspondence was that if the Moscow talks produce basic agreement, then a treaty could be formalized at a summit con- ference. In turn this could ease the way toward negotiations on other major East-West disputes. The informants stressed that Kennedy and Macmillan at all times made it plain to Khrush- chev their number one priority is a complete ban on tests-in space and air, under water and below ground. Kennedy and Macmillan were said to have offered a wider agen- da to meet what they consider to be Khrushchev's suspected readi- ness to reach more precise under- standings with the West. At a time of rising Soviet-Red Chinese bittnerness, the Western view seems to be that certain lim- ited agreements with the Russians could lead to wider understand- ings and serve the common in- terest. One such interest would be to enhance Peking's isolation. Harriman and Hailsham ac- cordingly expect to discuss: 1) Khrushchev's own recent call for a nonagression pact between NATO and the Warsaw Alliance. The British, at least, do not think Khrushchev will make such a pact a condition of a test ban. If an Roundup 11 May Rebuff Party Threat To Gomuflka WARSAW (IP9-Wladyslaw Go- mulka apparently has rebuffed the challenge of a hard line group for more influence in Poland's ruling Communist party. That is how a number of in- formed Polish and Western sources yesterday view the outcome of the 13th central committee plenum last weekend. In some Polish eyes, Gomulka's strong new declaration against co- existence with Western ideology was outweighed in importance by the promotion of Arthur Stare- wicz, long time party press chief identified with a liberal line, to the post of central committee sec- retary. It had the effect of putting Starewicz at the same level as Ryszard Strzelecki, hard line cen- tral committee secretary in charge of culture who is said to have been increasing his role in the field of press, radio and television. Some independent-minded w'rit- ers and intellectuals were hearten- ed by the promotion of Starewicz. He had appeared to be a prime target for removal. ' Sagreed declaration can be formu- lated-carefully avoiding any im- plication of recognizing Commun- ist East Germany-Washington and London may be prepared to recommend the idea to their NATO allies 'and 2) A treaty stopping the spread of nuclear weapons to countries that do not now possess them. All three countries favor this. But the Russians regard the United States project for a NATO nuclear fleet as a device for bringing West Germany into the nuclear game. The Americans say such a force would contain any German nu- clear ambitions. World News] DISARMAMENT: Envoys Receive Wide Powers -talks now taking place between the Red Chinese and Soviet dele- gations in a villa overlooking Mos- cow. A better line on current Moscow thinking will emerge from under- secretary of State Averell Harri- man's high-level mission to Mos- cow on the nuclear test-ban agree- ment. Harriman is to leave Thurs- day for London and preliminary talks with Lord Hailsham before the two start their negotiations with the Soviets next week. Import Issues High United States officials con- sider Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's personal position to have been reinforced by the grav- ity of his dispute with Communist China, but officials here do not, minimize the importance of the issues. The best available appraisal here is that the policy dispute between the two Communist partners has gone far in splitting the Com- munist world and in challenging the leadership of the Soviet Union. The relations between Russia and her Asian ally have worn thin and the whole dispute is threatening to divide and therefore weaken the world Communist movement as a whole. There are too many unknowns in the present situation for any accurate predictions about how far the Soviet Union may move toward the West as a result of the Chinese dispute. On balance, of- ficials point out that the United States and the Soviet Union dis- agree on innumerable questions and agree on only a very few. 'Hot Line' Overriding importance is not be- ing attached here to the establish- ment of the so-called "hot line" between the Kremlin and the Pentagon. It has not gone un- noticed that Moscow has stopped jamming Voice of America broad- casts and Communist China has also noted this relaxation while Moscow discontinued the "China Speaks" broadcasts it had habi- tually run. Indicative of the Chinese dis- trust of Khrushchev is the anger in the Chinese Communist press over the prompt publication in Moscow of President John F. Ken- nedy's July 4 appeal to Khrush- chev for a joint effort to solve "those key problems which divide us." This is linked with the ban on publication of Communist China's June 14 letter to the Cen- tral Committee of the Soviet Com- munist- party. ANTI-RECESSION: Requests Tax Slash WASHINGTON (A)-- A failure to enact President John F. Kenne- dy's tax program might "invite a recession" Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon told Congress yes- terday. Much of the recent improve- ment in the United States econo- my is based on anticipation by businessmen of the benefits of a tax cut, he told the Senate-House economic committee. "Should it fail of enactment," he said, "the frustrations of these expectations might well arrest the progress and invite a recession." Stressing "with all the convic- tion I can summon the indispen- sable importance of decisive ac- tion" on the tax program this year, Dillon said it should not be shov- ed aside for the expected congres- sional battle over the administra- tion's civil rights program. In fact, he said, the tax cut is directly link- ed to the issue of racial discrimi- nation. "Discrimination is not likely to be dissipated by pushing whites out of jobs for Negroes, but rather by creating adequate job opportu- nities for both," he said. The tax bill has "a direct bear- ing on our prospects" for reducing and eliminating the balance of payments deficit, he added. Dillon conceded that "progress toward our goal of balance has been disappointly slow and uneven over the past 12 months." GENEVA-The United Nations plans an austerity program be- cause of its financial pinch. Sec- retary-General U Thant told a meeting of United Nations em. ployes in Geneva yesterday that 1964 would be a year of "austerity and containment." * * * NEW YORK-Worrying over a possible railroad strike the stock market took a sharp loss yester- day. The Dow-Jones 30 industrials were down 5.79, the 20 railroads down 2.68, the 15 utilities down .12 and the 65 stocks down 2.17. s a t Y 3 t s 5 Z By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Another sub- stantial gain in national output, lifting the annual rate to a record level near $581 billion, was achiev- ed in the April-June quarter, gov- ernment sources estimated yester- day. LONDON-A British newsman claims that United Arab Republic troops have used poison gas against remote Yemeni mountain villages still loyal to Yemen's de- posed Imam Mohammed al-Badr. Richard Beeston wrote In the Lon- don Daily Telegraph yesterday that seven persons were killed and 25 others were stricken so seriously that they faced a lingering death. * * * o. CHINESE PAINTINGS AND PRINTS July 9 through July 31, 1963 OPENING-7:30-10 P.M., TONIGHT 2e 201 Nickels Arcade Ann Arbor, Mich. f ;; Co <);;;;;"o s { ;;;;;;;;yco c Demonstration Changes Tone WASHINGTON-A series of be- hind the scenes led to a change planned August demonstration in' Washington Post The Post said second-thoughts in focus of the 28 civil rights Washington, the reported. that moderate PRACTICE NOW! HOLE in 1 WINS a FORD Convertible Friday, July 12-21 TEE & SKI 2455 S. State I mile from campus Negro leaders' fears that a mass civil disobedience demonstration on Capitol Hill would backfire caused a change in plans. The change is indicated by state- ments made July 2 by Negro lead- ers that ther would be a march "in" Washington rather than "on" Washington. Change Site The demonstration will end with a rally at the Lincoln Memorial rather than Capitol Hill and a broad spectrum of. non-Negro groups will be invited to partici- pate. At the Congress of Racial Equality Convention last week in Dayton there was talk of mass civil disobedience, culminating with sit-ins on Congress during the heat of the civil rights debate. Also scheduled for this year was Negro American Labor Council President A. Philip Randolph's Washington demonstration pro- testing the high rate of unemploy- ment among Negroes. Originally planned for June, it is now sched- uled for October. Not Enthusiastic Meanwhile, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People executive secretary Roy Wilkins and National Urban League director Whitney Young, Jr. were not enthusiastic about the demonstration. The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., head of the Southern Chris- tian Leadership- Conference, also announced demonstration plans and one of his aides, the Rev. George Lawrence, warned of mli- tant national action if civil rights legislation is stalled. However, Wilkins-Young ap- proach prevailed after last Tues- day's meeting. Public opinion had put a number of dampers on more militant proposals. President John F. Kennedy June 19 had cautioned against a mili- tant demonstration that might lead to violence. King, the Post reported, was also reconsidering. He was disturbed by the potential for violence and said that his organization would only participate in a peaceful ac- tion. Wlkins and Young hammered these points home, the Post said, at the luncheon. They managed to exclude several other more mili- tant leaders and the final an- nouncement stressed the "posi- tive" broad approach of demon- stration. TUESDAY LUNCHEON DISCUSSIONS On Contemporary Literature In -- Y SPECIAL CAMPUS RATES Magazine Time Life Sports Illus. Newsweek Student Faculty Educator 4.00 yr 7.00 yr 8.00 2yr 14. 3 yr 3.50 yr 3.50 yr 6.75 2 yr 6.75 2 yr 5.00 yr' 5.00 yr 8.50 2 yr 8.50 2 yr 3.50 yr 5.00 yr 7.50 yr 7.50 yr fl. GIANT RECORD CLEARANCE, TEN LABEL SALE COLUMBIA-ANGEL-LONDON-VICTOR FOLKWAYS-TIME-WESTMINSTER ATLANTIC-VERVE-PACIFIC JAZZ Have your Prescriptions on file at The VILLAGE APOTHECARY OPEN 9 A.M. 'til 11 P.M. July 9-David Jones' 'Anaihemala' Mr. Tony Stoneburner Teaching Fellow in English July 1 6-Macdeish's I, B. Dr. George A. Buttrick Professor Emeritus, Harvard University Fortune Arch. Forum 3.50 yr 3.50 yr New Yorker Atlantic Monthly Reader's Digest Playboy 3.00 8 mo 7.00 yr 3.50 8 mo 8.50 yr 2.97 yr 2.97 yr 5.00 yr 6.00 yr,. Scat. Eve. Post 3.00 yr 5.95 yr Reporter 5.00 yr 5.00 yr Mail your order now, or call our office. 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