6, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A l2uJ5"* AK VNEDY PROGRAM: louse, Senate Consider civil Rights Legislation Conflicts Bury Urban Renewal (Continued from Page 1) ::..- :..w::w ... , YOUNG REVOLUTION: Stern China Challenges Russia, West Although mostof the controver- y about President John F. Ken- iedy's civil rights program has oncerned the public accommoda- ions section, the other parts of ,he program have brought consid- rable political reaction in the cap- tal, the Washington Post report- d recently. Kennedy recommended a bill rhich would create a Fair Em- 'loyment Practices Commission to an discrimination in all private mployment. The measure was in- ended to open jobs, but the Post ives it a slim chance of passing ni its present strong form. The House Labor Committee has iscussed the proposed commission Learn About Languagfes (Continued from Page 1) ducation and universities of en- olled students. Among the CIC niembers, Indiana University and lorthwestern offered scholarships. Me host university also partici- ates with the Ford Foundation ri financing the program during he summer. Prof. Yamagiwa - praised the wonderful spirit of cooperation" tmong staffs of the institute, and he support from the CIC: "Under SIC, a grand design for the teach- ng and development instruc- ion and research in uncommon anguages is being developed," he laid. The staff of the institute this ummer numbers 24, most of whom re from the 11 big midwest uni- ersities which make up the CIC. 'he remainder are from Princeton Jniversity, the University of Ari- ona, Nagowa University, Tokyo dunicipal University, the Univer- ity of Leyden in the Netherlands, ;arlham College, the Foreign ervice Institute of the State De- artment, and Brigham Young for two meetings and will likely approve it soon. The Senate La- bor Committee is expected to hold hearings on the proposal July 17. Retain Workers Amendments to the manpower retraining act would lower the minimum participation age. from 19 to 16 years old, add literacy training and provide more funds for job retraining. Retraining for jobs as a concept has received bi- partisan support from both the, Senate and House. However, its in- clusion as a bill in the civil rights program have hurt its chances: former southern friends will vote against the plan as, a civil rights measure. House hearings are scheduled for next week. Kennedy's request for a youth employment bill has hit an, im- portant snag: It is stuck in the House Rules Committee. House leaders have yet to figure out a way to pry it loose. The federal aid bill to help wipe out adult illiteracy is before the House Education Committee, and approval is probable soon. Ken- nedy said this plan would help prepare Negroes for rights other parts of his 'program will give them. Increase Welfare Aid A measure to increase the wel- fare program enacted last year will originate in the House Ways and Means Committee, but it has not been introduced yet. Pending in both houses are bills that would cut off federal aid to any welfare program practicing race bias. Ken- nedy, however, asked discretionary authority to do this. The House Education Committee has approved Kennedy's proposal for increase over existing agen- cies to help prepare youths for jobs. The bill is now waiting pass- age of the House Rules Commit- tee. The major part of the civil rights legislation is in the Judi- ciary Committees of the two houses, wrapped up in omnibus bills, including the provision to ban bias in privately owned places of public accommodation. the south, were to be rezoned or razed at a gross cost of $3.807 million. Land sales of $1.618 mil- lion would reduce the net cost to $2.189 million. Seven Goals Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld of the political science department, Ann Arbor's mayor when the pro- gram began, said the program would: 1) Eliminate extensive sub- standard housing; 2) Eliminate overcrowded land usage; 3) Eliminate overcrowding of structures; 4) Establish safe, convenient traffic patterns through the area; Public Services 5) Provide adequate public util- ity service; 6) Rectify land uses by elimi- nating industrial-residential . use clashes; and 7) Remove blighting influences, such as a junkyard. Replace Homes The general program called for the removal and replacement of 44 homes and 23 commercial estab- lishments, and the rehabilitation of 193 homes using federally- guaranteed loans. The Summit St. playground would also be enlarg- ed. Seventy-four families and 11 in- dividuals would have been forced to move during rebuilding or re- habilitation work. Fifty-seven of these families are Negro. They could move or sell their property, SNCC Unit Elects Erlich, Wender Alan Erlich, '64, and Laurie Wender, '64, were elected co- chairmen of the U n i v e r s i t y Friends of the Student Non-Vio- lent Coordinating Committee re- cently. The group also voted to send night letters protesting the brutal treatment of Negroes dem-, onstrating in Georgia. The letters were sent to Attorney General Robert Kennedy, Georgia Gov. Carl E. Sanders and Rep. George Meader (D-Mich.). (EDITOR'S NOTE: What is Red Chinese life like today? Here, in the second of two articles, is a report which provides some answers by a British author who just toured Red China for three weeks.) By RICHARD P. LISTER PEKING OP)-To go to China, you stop in Moscow on the way and again on the way back. It's a good chance to look at the Red giants, old and new. Every major city in China has its Sino-Soviet hall of friendship. The halls remain, but where is the friendship? Ivan, carved in stone, stands shoulder to shoulder with Chang outside, but flesh-and-, blood Ivan, if he is in China at all, is not readily to be seen. The Chinese look on Soviet Rus- sia as a loved and respected teach- er who has gone astray. They're sad about it but they're not go- ing to budge an inch in their views. The Chinese simply know, that they have the right answer. It is the Russians who erred. The difference in atmosphere between Moscow and Peking is sensed immediately. China is still in the first stages of its revolution. Everyone must haveenough to eat and enough to wear, but there is little room for luxury. Much hard work is needed still to achieve am- bitious aims. There can be gaiety but it is puritan, expressed in energetic dances. and anti-imper- ialist songs. There is no space for night clubs, gambling dens or dance halls. Chang may go out in the evening to the opera or a play or to some doctrinal go-round but he is back home in bed not long after 10 p.m. And yet, where Russia may oft- en seem grim or hostile, China as often seems friendly and gay. Why? Not the system, ceretainly: China's regime is probably the stricter. It may lie in the people themselves, moulded to a less rug- ged pattern than the Russians by a mellower climate and a long tra- ernments as "predatory imperi dition of civilization. ists" seems to make no differer Russia has transformed its drab Whether it has anything to scene with consumer goods in re- with the scarcity of foreigners cent years. The contrast in China not, a further point gradually is striking. There are plenty of veals itself: The ignorance of things in the Chinese shop win- Chinese concerning the West is dows but the monotony is oppres- most total. A Chinese who trai sive. ed with our group naturally dei The same shirts, the same tea- oped a sense of belonging to cups, the same hairbrushes, pipes, and thus a feeling of confider bicycles, cigarette lighters, face At last he hesitantly asked an 1 towels, are to be found in every forgettable question. shopping street in every town in , He clearly did not want to m China. Luxury goods of exquisite the frienrly foreigner lose f design and workmanship can also but he simply had to know: be purchased freely but to the or- "Tell me," he asked, "in y dinary Chinese they are hardly country, can you still buy a slav even of hypothetical interest. When a bicycle or a radio costs Rice, Donaldson two and a half months wages, a television set seven months' wages,0TowEu 4ish and a man must work for nine View days for the price of a pair of leather shoes, he does not think Prof. Warner G. Rice of about buying jade Buddhas. English dept. and Robert G. D In contrast to this austerity, the aldson, chairman of the Eng scene in Moscow looks more and d e p a r t m e n t of Denby H more like the luxurious west. Is it School, Detroit, will discuss " the slackening of pure Commu- Institutes for English Teachei nist standards, or merely a sign and Beyond" at 4 p.m. Monda3 of the national character? For in- Aud. B. The talk is the third stance hordes of youths on the the, current Conference Series Moscow streets beg the tourist for English Teachers on "How E ballpoint yens while in China you lish Should be Taught." cannot even persuade a child to accept a piece of candy. DIAL 2-6264 The disinclination to accept fa--___ Vors from foreigners is accounted for to some extent by the sheer un- familiarity with foreigners. The shows at 1:15-4:45-6:15 and 10:30 traveler in China is soon aware Sneak Preview at 8:45 that he is a rarity. Once he goes Boxoffice open till 10 p.m. more than ten yards from his ho- tel he is unlikely to see a Western face. He is stared at in frank T ru curiosity. story of Lt. The crowds, though curious, arehn ' neither suspicious nor hostile. These are our western friends, they seem to say: If they ,,ere not our friends, they would not come adventure to see us. The fact that official /n*Ath Chinese eyes make Western gov- *, * URBAN RENEWAL-The removal and/or repair of substandard homes in a 75-acre area in north central Ann Arbor was the aim of an ill-fated urban renewal project. Since its death in 1959, nothing has been done in this area. or live on privately redeveloped land bought from the city. George Widemeyer, a leading opponent, cited the major objec- tions in a 1958 speech. He charged that the people in the area did not want it. A 1959 Daily survey show- ed residents badly split on the is- sue. Hurt Many Further, it will hurt many in the area who had lived there many years. Widemeyer said. He also at- tacked its $2-3 million cost. Many residents disliked the po- tential forced eviction from homes they had held for many years. They did not want a city solution imposed onithem and resented the lack of communication between. them and the planning depart- ment. Real estate salesman Thomas J. Harrison, an urban renewal pro- ponent, then claimed that a pow- er struggle between the older ele- ments who after World War II held the keys to jobs and credit for Ann Arbor Negroes and young- er ones who saw urban renewal as a means of easing housing dis- crimination was behind the dis- pute. After much controversy during the Eldersveld regime, Creal veto- ed the program and replaced it with a Citizens Committee on Vol- untary Rehabilitation. This group came under attack from Demo- cratic councilmen who charged that it had been making inspec- tions and issuing building repair instructions with the impression that it had authority to do so from the city. After the June 1959 veto, inter- est in urban renewal petered out and no plan concerning neigh- borhood rehabilitation has been advanced, but planning in other areas was begun and extended. I DIAL CONTINUOUS SAT. & SUN 1 8-6416 FROM 1 P.M. " 3 E Eves., Sun., & Holidays $1.00 _,~~ ~ tAUpiz.. K Y:{ro" 1 "{. ; 4v : x" n " " : : w " s yr "n". ."xe" .4v rru. ^.Yn14xrr.-.cwg:: rn1. {: ",;{4Y 1, rt:xY:a a' rr :' 4 $% ¢ J r"A" ' { . ' %n{"4{.. ":r.;.'}: .. {":."."4v: " .ra.. .:a:,.:;. ,: ;a;'4 7,1',.,,"{..c." ."} "'":. Yva. 4 : '" ":' :f: .a.. hr{<%"{4{ ..4 } {n F Se .h..{..{".a..:;{{.;:.:":c" as 4 x 4"k' n . ' .:, .. ".. ':: ." "., 4 ,". :~".:.K...:aa. I7 . 4, q % r. ' YI'i ,,., rY ,.~F h rrr... . . "/ yNgY. J+ rr rr"." . '..; 5G4..L.. n:Y:.{4r."N n"::r :.................h.. . N n :. 1 .LJ:".4~ .'..Y.4.y1.. .44Y.Ya}:V.1'a.Y: a.::"fti'41 :': : 4".t:"a: ti{{{y:14" Or I Nn" 4 ,NI. .1 }.4 r'i" " . .. ' " " . i"..r.{": JLL".' ".V.4 rNran.... 1Y..r. h.. r.. 4"....Y.{4 dh 1{' "aaa:44Y.4 '4:"4." 4V" 4" 4 'Yl" a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN L4 ".r "av ".v 4aJ r " "1C MJ[{{ JJ."J fH ""J HP 4"J r4 r""r..Arr i"J ". J.H. "H.. "4." ."J. J.LV "JJ "J JA .W. " HJJ .".L" . h4L """":""''{{' tiJ "4 ""5." ..JJJ " HJJ iHTfJf. .4 --p 11 L J? A ~ L:{{": t !' S} .J' 'S{{ "{:{'i'4{": :. .y r.":::9J"" .: A".."J. hJrY.Y.":" ""S CY....." .{ If:. '. "V. ":YJ:"". MH"S:.'W.YOfJ ".. ,,.. ". . :. f " .J}\"".'y y, r: J. "".' L 1 .L ,y{{yfl'{" ". ' y .yam . "4 " . .' yI' y 1 I "4A, i " y ' 'Y 4" ' 'i y ".4 J "."" .{ J " . H h","":4HJJ" J. p""4 :" 1 . .{ {.y V . {YJ .y .Y L f"":Q"4' .4 ""444.{ .4°: S'Y." " vi {{H . J .IY."r J "" sh 'J .+.ti f 4. {. qh"Y i. V.{y :L""h.J.....L. . "{". '.h . ":. i {L... t.:1".J ..h...... 1{": {"J'. Ji . J L{." :iii". h .ti4"{A.41"i1 r fhL44" J..}}1 .614'\RL{i'1. "-h1 ...'YfN44Y.{4Y J.YR'."JS:' h{"Jik "1{I.ISM1h{{VJVf':4"J ' / i7+LY.':f.' Y"6L h"4 L1 .J:{". }:{"1L"""A{Y rYM1"R{L{L{ H7."."t} J}fA'.iL44H}1."fJSJJ....4""5.4{. s:"f.":{{ JJ.4tiY.{"i{"...1JJ......L{' .4Y.41":r"'C' X"r4 H.H:J: IYJJ.":Ydr:Y.{J:Yi¢}.".""r.'.1.""J" t1 .V"{r { "1.{"."."I}4.'::{{yi.{Rrl "h4" ."}J :'i4"1}: Ji::{Y.{f2 The Daily Official. Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPE WRITT~EN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m, two days preceding' publication. SATURDAY, JULY 6 Day Calendar 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild - Kirk Douglas and Anthony Quinn in "Lust for Iafe": Architecture Aud. Events Sunday 4:15 p.m.-School of Music Faculty Recital-Marilyn Mason, organist: Hill Aud. Events Monday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-School of Pub- lic Health and School of Social Work Institute on the Admin. of Medical Care for the Needy-School of Public Health. 2:00 p.m.-Audio-Visual Education Center Film Preview-"Yugoslavia" and "Switzerland": Multipurpose Room, Un- dergrad Lib. General Notices Student Government Council Approval of the following student-sponsored ac- tivities becomes effective 24 hours, after the publication of this notice. All pub- licity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. U of M. Friends of SNCC, Meeting & Speaker, July 9, Union. Placement POSITION OPENINGS: City of Flint, Mich.-Ags't. Director of Urban Renewal. Degree with specializa- tion in City Planning, Arch., Civil En- grg., Law, Publ. Admin., or a related field. 3 yrs. exper. in an operational area of urban renewal preferred. City of Muskegon, Mich.-Administra- tive Assistant (to the City Manager). Degree with specialization in Pubi. Admin., Poli. Sci. or Bus. Ad. Age 23- 35. National Aeronautics & Space Admin., Launch Operations Center, Cocoa Beach, Fla.-Current & continuing need for graduate Engineers in almost all Engi- neering options. Must have at least 1. Engrg. or Physical Science degree. Management Consultants in Mass.- Client firms have following openings: Customer, Rels. Jun. Exec.-near Bos- ton--2-8 yrs. exper.; Project Engnr. - PhD Chem. with some bkgd. in elec- tro-chem. instrument field. Supv. exper. & ability, Account Exec.-Boston-must be experienced & have worked in Bos- ton/New England' as an account exec.; Manager, Market Research (with good strong national mktg. orientation-MBA pref. plus substantial exper. with na- tionally distributed & adv. products.- Cleveland, Ohio. Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, Mass. -1) Medical Librarian-BS Library Sci- ence pref. Some library exper. desirable. Will consider tech. lib. exper. 2) Re- search Assistant-BS or MS in Bacteriol- ogy or Bio-chem. 3) Physical Thera- pist-exper. pref. Professional training required. B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio - Various openings include: 1) Budget Analyst-BA in Bus. Ad., Ace't. major. 1-3 yrs. exper. 2) Accounting Trainee- Acc't. major. 3) Young technical grads with degrees in Mech. Engrg., Chem. Engrg. or Chem. 4) Mfg. Engnr. Trainee -Degree ME, EE or ChE. 5) Manager, Mgmt. & Computer Science-Minimum MS in Operations research or related science with BS in physical sciences. Exper. in Op. Res. applications re- quired. U.S: Civil Service-Electronics Sys- tems Inspector-Degree in Math, Elec- tronics, Physics, or Electrical Engrg. Also 1 yr. general exper. & 2 yrs. spe- cialized exper. Location: Newark, Ohio. International Atomic Energy Agency -Various countries have positions in the following: 1) Consultant in soil fer- tiity & plant nutrition. 2) Soil fertil- ity expert with proficiency in nuclear methods. 3) Plant biochemist with pro- ficiency in nuclear techniques. 4) En- gnr. with proficiency in the planning, installation & calibration of a battery of growth control chambers (phyto- tron). 5) Mineralogy. 6) Organic Chem. Use of Radioactive Tracers. 7) Nuclear spectroscopy. 8) Cytogenetics. 9) Reac- tor engrg. 10) Medical applications of radioisotopes, etc. Management Consultants in East - Client firms have openings for the fol- Lowing: 1) Division General Manager- M(exico-Degree Engrg., pref. chem. or mech. Minimum 10 yrs. exper. Complete- ly bilingual in English & Spanish. 2) Exec. Vice-President-Pref. advanced de- gree in Bus. Ad. At least 20 yrs. exper. 3) Market Research-Pref. degree in Chem. with graduate work in Bus. Ad. 5-10 yrs. exper. Bethlehem Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. -1) Mathematicial or Engineer-BS in .math or engrg. with strong trng. in math. 1-2 yrs. exper. in programming digital computers. 2) Electronics - BS Electrical Engrg. (electronics option) or BS in Physics with electronic trng. plus exper. 3) Control Engnr.-BS in EE or ME. Some exper. Agricultural & Technical Assistance Foundation, Los Angeles, Calif. - The following positions are availavle with ATAF in the Republic of Congo, starting Sept. 1963: 1) Dean-Academic admin. of 3 agricultural schools, secondary sch. level-MS or PhD-exper.-fluency in French. 2) Teacher-Vocational Agricul- ture. 3) Teacher-French, History, Geog- raphy. 4) Teacher-Math. & Science. 5) Teacher-Nursery School. 6) Dietitian. 7) Secretary - Interpreter - fluency French & English-man pref. For further information, please con- tact General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Place- ment Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg. during the following hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring students for part-time or full-time temporary work, should contact Bob Cope, Part- time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 2200, daily. FEMALE -Several Psychological subjects need- ed. MALE 1-Student with transportation to work 15 to 20 hours per week in exchange for an apartment. -Several Psychological subjects need- ed. 1-Ambulance attendant to work for room plus $10.00 per week. 1-Meat-cutter. Must have experience. 20 hours per week, including Sat. evenings and Sundays. Pay rate is between $1.15 and 1.50 per hour. T Ir Y FO ~tD 50 To the beach or to the market-it's the newest idea in low., cost, high-fun trans- portation. Worth its weight in pleasure and eas- ier to ride than a bicycle. HONDA of Ann Arbor 1906 Packard Road 665-9281 AIR- wgAmnees .... .. . . AIR-ONED Children,......... CNDITIONED .:: dFour merry tales of Pa and a quartel b vuties ilt love- withll; ...Parisienn 11i FRANCOISE ARNOUL FRANCOISE BRION CATHERINE DENEUVE - DANY ROBIN DANY SAVAL DARRY COWL JOHNNY HALLYDAT WEDNESDAY ONLY "HAMLET" .40C iris, cif !o e ties r r--- --- I1 -29 edy atne....75DIAL Eves., Sun. & Holidays.. $1.00 5-6290 eekday Matinees.....75c ildren All Times......40c I " er ectioIn mn modern GooaoE-- SHOWS AT 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 & 9:05 CO MEilt (0) CIlI R I I JERRU LEWISds 'T HI R O FEl9 OR ' (A .Jerry Lewis Produclto) '-.. : r w ~ VEn DEL MOORE-KAT1HEEN FREEMAN NEXT! "COME BLOW YOUR HORN" ON 000100 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. NO 2-4466 Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm Brown, Virgil Janssen. SUNDAY Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Presbyterian Campus Center located at the Church. Staff: Jack Borckardt and Potrica Pickett Stoneburner. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH AND WESLEY FOUNDATION State and Huron Streets. Tel. 668-6881 Dr. Hoover Rupert, Minister Rev. M. Jean Robe and Rev. C. J. Stoneburner, Campus Ministers 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Morning Wor- ship. "Believe the Best!" Sermon by Dr. Rupert. This service is broadcast over WOIA 1290 AM, 102.9 FM from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. SUNDAY Gfma /,(P9P~ SUMMER 1963 (All showings Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9 P.M., except where otherwise noted.) July 5,6 .. LUST FOR LIFE rI *AeAr BETHLEHEM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 423 South Fourth Ave. Rev. Ernest Klaudt, Pastor Rev. A. C. Bizer, Associate Pastor 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Worship Service. 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Church School. 7:00 p.m. Student Guild LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL National Lutheran Council Hill St. at S. Forest Ave. Henry O. Yoder, Pastor SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. "Dietrich Bonhoeffer"-Discus- sion led by Pastor Henry O. Yoder. I 10:15 a.m. Seminar: "Our Mission Today"- discussion, Pine Room. TUESDAY 7:30 p.m. "Inquiry into Theological Issues" Guild House, RO Monroe. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH AND nursery provide BAPTIST CAMPUS CENTER STUDENT GUILD, 80 512 and 502 E. Huron telephone 2-51 Rev. James Middleton, Minister Rev. Paul W. Light, Minister of Education (Minister to students) ST. ANDREWS CHUR0 SNAEPSICOPAL STUDE SUNDAYFOUNDATION in "nn n r A rns. \lnulli I.A t- I I FA A FUDT i I