Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Optionne Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 'truth Will prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "Remember The Good Old Days When They Were Inscrutable?" TALES OF PARIS: All The World Loves A Lover ,.} 4 DAY, JULY 6, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: MARILYN KORAL -0,'S - C,.; Latin America Fails Capitalist System* y. - 4, . T , (' ~ / 3 R 4. { ':. t' {{{111/// ,' .r1/ { ALESOF PARIS" comprises four short filmlets, each about a different girl, each purporting to show a different aspect of the Parisienne personality. As you might suspect, all the characters are just folks: All are unimagin- ably rich, exquisitely beautiful, listen only to the latest jazz, and the women continually get un- dressed on every flimsy pretext available. To complicate matters further; the banal French dialogue has been mechanically converted into English by Miss Rose Sokol, and then dubbed with some of the most irritating voices ever heard. The first film is about Ella, a brainless chorus girl who wants to be a Hollywood star and charms a producer without knowing it. The second, Antonia, is described by the narrator as being "extreme- ly sensitive." What this means, apparently, is that she loves to listen to people discuss her .sex- ual powers and then try them out. At any rate, the discussion is chiefly academic, since the seduc- tion scene fades out before she even gets a chance to get undress ed (a tasteful touch). The third story, Francoise, con cerns a young woman who flies;i (to Paris) from San Francisco fo the night to cry about her un faithful lover and seduce her be friend's lover. (All the world lov a lover.) He is a photograph whose apartment has leopard-ski doors, and she can have him. H motto is "Women should choo their lovers like an apple" (sic). The fourth, Sophie, is about a innocent schoolgirl, scandalized I her widowed mother's promiscuit tortured by self-doubt in a "fas school, who finds a young la (surprise! Johnny Hallyday) ar seduces him with tears. Strangely enough, in every on of the four stories, the girl seduce the boy, and does it for extra-sex ual reasons; oh, those naught; French. A better thing is the short sub ject, in which, if you wait arour till the end, you get to see a ma ride an ostrich and fall off. --Dick Pollinger THE CUBAN QUANDRY has only under- scored the Latin American economic prob- lems which the Alliance for Progress has failed to solve. The United States and capitalism con- tinue to be the scapegoats for South American poverty. The ubiquitous poverty has grown even more extensive through the years. As most people know, land is owned by a few wealthy land- lords and tenanted out to peasants, foreign aid is pocketed by politicians, economies are controlled by bellweather single crops, govern- ments are shuffled in and out by armies, and the majority starve. The explanation accepted by the overwhelm- ing majority of people is that American busi- nesses have "exploited" Latin resources for 150 years, that they have withdrawn more in profits than they have invested and paid to South Americans. Capitalism, critics say, has been given its chance and has failed. Ameri- cans, radicals assert, have bled their countries white, have forced their nations to depend on one crop an~d U.S. loans. THE LATIN COUNTRIES must, in the words of one Fidelista, expel foreign investors, na- tionalize all their properties, establish socialist governments of the people, and subjugate the armed forces to their proper place. The workers will run the industries and, hence, the road to the sun. This kind of thinking completely ignores causality. And, as usual, the socialist-revolu- tionary dogmas evade the consequences of their actions. It has been conveniently forgotten that most of whatever wealth exists in these nations was developed by foreign investment, and is being continually fostered by foreign consumers. Shelters FROM SALEM, OREGON, we recently report- ed that the State of Oregon had followed the good example set by the City of Portland and gotten out of the civil defense business. From the New York Post comes the word that the Rockefeller administration, which once bragged of having a shelter budget as large as that of the federal program, has now lost its zeal for the project. A House of Rep- resentatives subcommittee report notes that fallout shelters aren't all. that good. Seems it's hard to get enough oxygen to keep the -inhabi- tants from suffocating due to the raging fire storms on the outside. Whatever happened to the annual test where millions of cityfolk dashed for the shelters while zealous news photographers took pic- tures of a deserted Fifth Avenue? We don't re- call one this year. So civil defense apparently fades from the scene, as one newsmagazine notes, it's gone the way of hula-hoops and other fads. We may not have to worry about the impli-, cations of shelters for some time. The Congress-. will do us a favor by simply refusing to allocate enough funds to encourage shelter buildings. It's hard to imagine the economy-minded state government initiating such a program. So far, so good. Now we'd like to see a push for an allocation of the magnitude proposed for civil defense passed-to be added to our foreign aid expenditures or administered through the" United Nations. -THE ANTIOCH RECORD Then, the socialists say, why does poverty still thrive? Most of the foreign businesses in South Amer- ica are relatively large. This stems from the long, long history of bloodshed, revolutions, and riots which pervades Latin America. In- stability is the rule, not the exception. What multitude of small, energetic businesses would want to, or should be expected to invest in South America when their very existence is threatened, not by competitors, but by scream- ing mobs. O NLY THE LARGEST companies were, in general, willing to risk the vicissitudes that were, and still are, involved in investment in South America. And even these companies were protected by the ever-ready Marines. The days of- the intervening Marines are over; the days of mobs are still here. Thus, the lack of mass investment through small investors, the pa- ternalistic monopoly, and past American mili- tary intervention are quite rational. So much for the past. What of the future? The Noble Peasant image of such socialists as Carlos Fuentes, which pictures the workers living in an industrial paradise, is a mirage which falls to pieces in reality. If these radicals were to espouse agrarian societies with the Noble Peasants romping in the wheat fields, one could forgive their daydreams of utopia in the hay. Economic historians blasted that view in the controversy regarding conditions before and after the British industrial revolu- tion. But the idea of the Noble Peasant living off factories is ridiculous. With the foreign "ex- ploiters" gone, one may ask the socialists, who will run your factories? Who will maintain the, plant equipment? Who will decide what to sell and at what price? Who will invent new and better methods of production, and most im- portant, who will think of new ideas for invest- ment for, contrary to Economics 102, ideas, not availability of capital, ultimately determine in- vestment. THE ONLY HOPE for the eradication of Latin poverty is an influx, not exodus, of foreign capital. Numerous small entrepreneurs offer Latin America employment, development and economic stability. These people are will- ing to risk capital on their ideas, but not on the machetes of crowds. The solution is the same one which would keep money out of poli- ticians' pockets, and the army out of power. A philosophy of laissez-faire is needed in South America: so are governmentswhose sole function is prevention of violence. With no favors to-flaunt, the politicians would not grow rich off the'people. With nothing to gain eco- nomically, the landlords and armed forces would not want to seek power. With preven- tion of violence, the foreign investors could at last begin to develop Latin America on a broad base. Yes, they would make profits. They would withdraw profits. They will have earned them. Critics of capitalism have wrongly accused it of causing existent poverty. Capitalism could and can never exist under those conditions of violence which are inimical to its survival. Be- ing a system of "produce and trade," it cannot bring prosperity to a land which offers condi- tions of "produce and take, take, take." Capitalism has not failed Latin America. Rather, Latin America has failed capitalism. -MICHAEL HYMAN TODAY AND TOMORROW: Inactive Congress Stifles Nation YR CONVENTION: Goldwater Supporter's Hurt Party By MICHAEL HARRAH Daily Correspondent SAN FRANCISCO -- A group of revelers supposedly representa- tive of the nation's Young Repub- licans gathered here last week at the plush and sedate Sheraton- Palace Hotel in what became one of the most well-oiled railroad jobs in Young GOP history. The end result surprised no one; an outspoken conservative was named to head the group. He was too conservative to please the liberals and not conservative enough to please the radicals. And the moderates -- well they just held theiheads and groaned. What was supposed to be ana- tional convention of all Young Republicansrturned into a mass, early-bird rally for Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona. Anyone who didn't shout "we love Barry" at the top of their lungs was in danger of being run out on a rail. SO FIERCE were the Goldwater forces that Governors Romney and Rockefeller stayed away; so did GOP National Chairman Rep. William E. Miller of New York, sending his vice-chairman Mrs. Clare Williams of Florida. Gov. Mark Hatfield of Oregon admon- ished the delegates not to go over- board for one candidate; even Sen. Goldwater pleaded with the convention to act with reserve and recall that 'they are Republicans first and Goldwater supporters (or whatever) second. Sen. Thrus- ton B. Morton of Kentucky, a conservative but popular with Re- publicans of all persuasions, could view the whole proceeding only with dismay. Strictly speaking, the conven- tion didn't accomplish much, but then its delegates didn't set out to accomplish more than one thing - a strong show of support for Sen Goldwater - and they certainly did put that one to- gether. They decided not to tinker around with anything so confin- ing as a platform; instead they adopted a statement of principles, which, like most such statements, didn't say much. Oh, we now know that the YRs favor private enterprise, God, motherhood, the fatherland, apple pie, the flag - the whole works, you know, but then we never doubted that. * * * AND THEN they came to the election of officers. Now it's some- what difficult to be vague about anything as definite as an elec- tion. So the delegates turned it into a name-calling donnybrook on an elevated scale. The victor was Donald E. (Buz) Lukens of Washington, D. C., the minority clerk to the House Committee on Rules, by 13 votes over State Rep. Charles McDevitt of Idaho. Both were equally conservative; the only difference was that Lukens did not hesitate to announce his support of Sen. Goldwater, while McDevitt preferred to abide, by national YR regulations and tra- dition and withhold his support for Goldwater until after the 1964 Republican National Convention. Such is the state of things now. The Republicans are puzzled; the Democrats are uneasy; the pun- dits are. uncertain. Only this band of YR conservatives seem sure of themselves and I suspect they are only sure of one thing - they're for Goldwater. AND I'M SURE of one thing too : As much as Iubelieve in the clairvoyance of youth, this time they're wrong - dead wrong. For years the conservatives in the Re- publican Party have been scream- ing that thejliberals hogged the whole show; the liberals con- trolled the party machinery, ram- rodded the conventions, stole the press, in general just did it all wrong. And what's .more, the con- servatives argued, since the liber- als came into control the GOP al- ways loses. So there. Then came the Eisenhower era. The liberals "discovered" Ike, but he turned out to be a conservative, much to their dismay, and under his regime the conservatives be- gan to push the liberals aside, especially in the Young Republi- can Federation. Today, in that organization at any rate, the con- servatives control things just as firmly as the liberals did a decade ago and they are guilty of the same sins. Forever and.a day, Republicans have been more plentiful in this country than their opponents, ever since the days of Thomas Jefferson (whom the Democrats wrongly claim as one of theirs). The Gallup Poll and other slightly informed fixtures notwithstanding the Republicans still have the ma- jority support today, but it is mis- directed, un-coordinated and scat- tered to the four winds. On the grass roots level, Republican sher- iffs, prosecutors, justices of the peace, d r a i n commissioners, clerks, registers of deeds, etc., en- joy many of the votes collected on the state level by the well-pre- pared Democrat organizations. The reason behind this phenome- non is clear: The GOP still con- trolls the grass roots if they only knew what to do about" it. True, the grassroots are far-flung, mak- ing it much more difficult to co- ordinate than the highly concen- trated Democrat strongholds in the cities. * * * AND WHILE the factions with- in the GOP are sniping at each other on the national and state levels, they aren't taking advan- tage of their local support. This is what Sen. Goldwater and Gov. Hatfield and Sen. Morton were trying to convey to the YRs, but the youngsters didn't seem to get the point. They were far more interested in asserting, once again, their support for Goldwater and widening the gulf that splits the party. True, if Goldwater were nomin- ated, the conservatives once and for all would have their chance to show their stuff. But they seem to get what they've been proving over the last several years: Just as the liberal Republican candi- dates cannot win without the con- nn A c rnni" f i 4 nvton.rn-- -r Dust Art (Wilkie, Nixon, Dewey) have discovered, when the dust clears the more united Democrats have already crossed the finish line. It would seem that the conserv- atives would have learned that lesson - they've been preaching it longenough. And I guess that the elder conservatives (Gold- water, Morton, Ike) have learned it; they apparently just don't know how to teach it to the younger set. Yet teach they must, for the GOP will otherwise meet a fa- miliar fate - defeat. The best way to avoid this is to go slow.- The nominating convention is still a year away - time enough to support candidates and choose up sides but not time enough to build up fierce and unwavering loyal- ties that.cannotbe transferred to the nominee whomever he may be. Goldwater said as much when he addressed the delegates, and if he knows what's good for his chances, he'll keep on saying it and saying it until his young bucks turn their damper down for awhile and act like Republicans first and Goldwater partisans sec- ond. Perhaps then they will have a chance of holding the party to- gether long enough to win an election. And no matter who is the nom-. inee, he will need complete unity within his ranks and then some in order to defeat President Ken- nedy. By WALTER LIPPMANN THIS CONGRESS was already in a jam before the Negro demon- strations caused the administra- tion to propose the new civil rights bill. Without any filibuster on the floor of the Senate, there has been so much delay and obstruction in the committees that after six months no important measure has been acted upon, and many of the critical measures, such as tax re- duction, are bogged down - it would seem deliberately-in the committees. What kind of legislative body- is it that will not or cannot legis- late?, x This would be a serious question at any time. But it is a critical, question at this time. A. new gen- eration of Negroes has emerged, one which has lost the fear of being arrested and jailed, and has steeled itself to use the weapon of the weak, which is to be prepared to suffer more pain than the op- pressor will dare to inflict. When an aggrieved people reach this point, they have acquired a force which governments must reckon with and people must respect. IT IS TRUE, quite evidently, that in their swelling discontent the Negro people might be incited, even exploited, to permit acts of violence which would recoil upon the Negro minority itself. But how is wisdom to be made to prevail as against reckless folly? There is only one way. By an unmistakable showing that the Negroes live un- der a strong government, one which is not only strong enough to suppress mobs, but is also strong enough to redress grievances and raise the standard of public right- eousness. If, after the President has pro- posed legal remedies for an unde- niable evil, the Congress of the United States then smothers and obstructs the enactment of laws, on what ground can a rational appeal be made to the Negro peo- ple and their leaders? As one who has always opposed cloture except in extremeemergencies, I would say now that the present situation is extreme. It is whether the Ne- gro can count upon the govern- ment under which he lives to re- dress his undeniable grievances, If, therefore, we have a filibus- ter against civil rights on top of the logjam about everything else, we shall have to say-distressing as it is-that in one of the coordi- nate branches the capacity to gov- ern has broken down. If this con- tinues, if we linger on in a dead- lock in which the President pro- poses and Congress will not even dispose, there are very difficult days ahead for the republic. * "' * IF THINGS go as badly this summer as they threaten to go, and the session drags on into the autumn with little accomplished amidst many angry words, some- thing will have to be done about it. Next to defense and the enlighten- ed conduct of the cold war, the question of highest priority will be how to overcome the paralysis of Congress. My own view is that the most important and most needed re- form would be a rule that meas- ures proposed by the President, if he labels them urgent, must be reported out of committees with- in a certain time and brought to a vote within a certain time. The administration should have the right to have its proposals voted up or voted down within a reasonably short time. It cannot be the gen- uine right of a legislature to smother and strangle the proposals of the executive. For that would leave us with just about the worst of all forms of popular government -government by large assemblies or, as we call it in this country, congressional government. Writing this on the day before the Fourth of July, I find myself thinking how rarely free govern- ments have been overthrown by foreign tyrants, except temporar- ily in time of war, but how often free governments have fallen be- cause of their own weakness and , incapacity. To one thinking such thoughts, there is nothing reas- suring about the present Congress. (C) 1963, The Washington Post Co. . Where Is Our Freedom? AND SO IT CAME TO PASS, in that mighty land, that a decree went out from the lead- er, that on the day of the land's birth, all the bells throughout the land should ring, pro- claiming the freedom and independence .thereof. And the people of that land were happy and proud that they might be reminded of their blessing of liberty, and glad that they might ring bells to show their rejoicing. But some of Campaign SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR Stewart Udall said last week he feels a contest in 1964 between President John F. Kennedy and Sen. Barry Goldwater might be good for the 'country, United Press International reported. Secretary Udall reportedly said that the re- sulting battle for the presidency would be "an old-fashioned campaign between conflicting political concepts, something we have not had for some time." In these days when the platforms of the two major parties look so much alike we agree that an old-fashioned campaign might be in order. -OHIO STATE LANTERN Editorial Staff them, just as proud as the others of their na- tion's mighty history, but of wiser mind and sounder hearing than the others, were not con- tent. For they were haunted by the cries of 18 million of their fellow citizens, rising above the mellow ringing of the bells. "But where is our freedom?" asked citizens of the land who had been turned away from schools, restaurants, hotels, and stores, because it had happened that their skin was not fair. "And where is our freedom?" asked citizens of the land, hungry and threadbare, who were without work, because it had happened that their skin was not fair. "And where is our freedom?" asked the wife and children of Medgar Evans, who had fought for the freedom of his race and was slain, be- cause it had happened that his skin was not fair. "And where is our freedom?" asked college students in the south of that land who had been kicked by policemen and bitten by dogs, be- cause it had happened that his skin was not fair. "AND WHERE is our freedom?" asked college students in the north of that land, who al- though the doors of the colleges were not closed to them, met the closed doors of landlords there, because it had happened that their skin was not fair. But even as they asked that simple question, they knew the answer. And, as they were generally a wise and proud people, they ignored the ringing of bells they knew to be false. They waited for the day they -- ,) _T ,,A 'IA,4 4 YT~ a~f .'ir .pr "J' , i r ( Jt '' 'I. * h' PI ..9 ts* *Y'i 1 } 71