)AY, JULY 4, 1963
Park Creates 5600 New Jobs
(Continued from Page 1)
EDICATION--You might not know it, but the man in the mask
Gov. George Romney, shown plating a medallion as part of the
edication of the first unit of Ann Arbor's research center on State
d. University President Harlan Hatcher was also present.
Calls for Task Force
OPollution Problems,
jobs in a recent Washtenaw Coun-
ty manpower study.
Fifty-six hundred of these
would be for scientists and engi-
neers, 1500 for skilled tradesmen,
2000 for administrators and man-
agers, 1500 for clerical, 3500 for
technicians and draftsmen and 700
for maintenance personnel.
Advantageous Site
Leary noted that the site away
from the University had not prov-
ed disadvantageous. Hq said that
the site was the only 'one avail-
able that had access to transpor-
tation and had land suitable for'
Some firms, he added, do not
need to be near the University.
Leary pointed out a 200-acre
"research park" near North Cam-
pus. He said that in effect the
city had two "research parks" as.
the area around North Campus
is developing.
Five Gains
Assistant Director of Research
Administration Robert A. Boyd,
the University's chief liaison with
industry recently noted five ad-
vantages Ann Arbor has for re-
search development:
1) Small meetings such as sym-
posia and conferences readily
available to research t personnel
who need to be kept abreast of
rapid developments in their fields;
2) The University offers easy
access to its libraries;
3) "It is always easy to find a
consultant in Ann Arbor. The spe-
cialized help in the city enables
research establishments. to hire
employes for as little as one or
two days";
Technical Aid
4) Graduate students are avail-
able for technical assistance; and
5) The University provides an
opportunity for research firm em-
ployes to continue their education.
Boyd also stressed the need to
educate industry for using the
University's potential to build the.
economy of the city and state.
Tomorrow-Urban Renewal.
'u' Official
.Dies at 78
Memorial services will be held
July 12 for Frank E. Robbins,
emeritus assistant to the Presi-
dent of the University who died
Tuesday after a brief illness.
Robbins was also director emeri-
tus of the University Press and
editor of the "Michigan Quarterly
Review" until his death at 78.
As director of the University
Press, he supervised the publica-
tion of more than 300 books and
thousands of information pam-
phlets and directives.
A member of Phi Beta Kappa,
Robbins was a graduate of Wes-
leyan University, Conn., and the
University of Chicago. He joined
the University in 1912 as an in-
structor in Greek and was consid-
ered an informal University his-
Robbins wrote many Regents'
resolutions and was known as an
authority on academic protocol.
The service will be held at 2:30
p.m. in the Wesley Lounge of the
First Methodist Church. Interment
will be in Westfield, Mass.
... dead at 78
Progress-China 14 Years Later
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first image of President John F. Ken- tyrannical government. They wa
ofa two-part series o life in China
today by a British author who just nedy. It was a childish diversion a hand around and say: where
finished a three-week tour"of the in more senses than one, the starvation? Where are t
country.) The general attitude toward pigtails? Here is a people wi
China's frontiers is typical of deep enough to eat, to wear, and wi
By RICHARD P. LISTER confidence, The Chinese take a hope for the future.
PEKING (A)-Red China; which lively interest in the dispute with There is political freedom-fre
had no place else to go, is going "r India, but think they are right. dom to be a Marxist-Lenini
upward. Tibet is no question to them; Tibet There is religious freedom -
The Red revolution is a part of China and always has long as religion is not counti
old and looks it igangly here, been. It was necessary to eject the revolutionary.
scruffy there, disciplined in one Indians and to wipe away relics Let the truth be discovered, tli
spot and untidy in another. Iof past feudalism. say; but they know already th
But after three weeks touring Return to Mainland the truth is the Marx-Lenin Con
with a group of tourists from Lon- Formosa too is part of China munist brand of doctrine.
don, the conclusion has to be that ' and the Chinese regard it as suf- "Let a hundred flowers blo
the Chinese are going forward in fering under American occupa- som" is a slogan still carved in t
their own way. If it's not the tion, with scarcely a word of entrance halls of new theate
"great leap" yet, it's at least a Chiang Kai-shek. In due course- displayed on banners. There
purposeful stride, somehow - the Americans will only one stipulation - they mi
Old, New leave and Formosa will be reunit- not be counterrevolutionary "fib
The Chinese are blending the ed with the mainland, they believe. ers.
n I' It is so certain that they do not
old and the new. Its right toeven seem to be in any hurry to
honor the family ancestors: it's CHIANG KAI-SHEK bring it about. Proniote N I
wrong to bind the feet, wear pig-,... forgotten man Chinese also have a calm cer-
tails, smoke opium and above all, tainty about Korea, Viet Nam,
to laze around. The Soviet Union what from the despondency of Laos as areas where the "imperial-A tDrr
o . . fruitless toil. ists" will be overcome in time andA1e b r
is respected but is making mis- The cities are exploding: Pe- the people will find their own way
takes. The American people are king's population shot from one to happiness - the Marx-Lenin Nine faculty members of t
fine but the government is an ene- and a half million to seven million way. Dearborn campus were promol
my. Friends are few but the Chi- since 1949. But birth control is As for the United Nations, they effective July 1.
nese don't seem to feel they need not even thought of. know it is due only to the United Promoted to professor are Pa
Against the truth of all the States that they are not invited D. Carter of the education scho
any, things that are wrong, the Chi- to join. If they were invited, they David D. Burks of the history d
Floods, harvest failures, inter- nese industrial revolution is phe- might or might not accept, but partment a n d John Thom
national complications all appear nomenally swift. They're shooting one thing is clear: if they were Dempsey of the political scier
to be things to be overcome rather for the next 25 years to prove the ever worried about whether they department.
than moaned about. Do they wor- point. They foresee. a mechanized were invited to join or not, they Named associate professors a
ry about overpopulation? Indeed nation of a billion disciplined, en- are not worried now. Cedric V. Fricke of the busine
not. For the moment it's perhaps ergetic, intelligent people. It re- Fantastic Ideas school, Sidney Warschausky of t
a blessing. mains to be seen if they can, as China's ideas about the West English department and Keki
The Chinese need manpower, in they mechanize and expand, feed seem fantastic but the West's ideas Irani of the electrical engineeri
the absence of mechanical aids. such a monumental population. about China seem equally fantas- department.
Where you would see one bulldozer See Future tic to them. They ridicule any Promoted to assistant profess
in the West, you see a hundred Tee se Western image of China as a starv- are Hadley P. Schaefer (accoun
men Qr women in China, carrying The Chinese seem as confident ing nation of almost 700 million, ing), James R. Buck (industr
earth on their backs. Pedaled tri- of the future as they are of their pigtails, opium, deprived of po- engineering) aid Harold Bu
cycles carry loads of timber, ce- place in the scheme of things litical and religious freedom by a (electrical engineering).
ment or board. For every trucktoday. Perhaps even more so. Alone
ent ord bard. Forddvey t ,among the major ngations they see
they need a hundred more. "nmntannt- ic hnT in
ie nation will reach a critical
t in 10 to 15 years if nothing
>ne to counteract the growing
ition of earth, air and water,
ur Smith, public relations di-
r of a major chemical com-
, warned at the National Con-
of Environmental Health
r' Plans More
irking Space
ie University plans to develop
orary student parking facil-
at the sites of four buildings
be demolished in the near
)mes at 1330 Wilmot, 1302
btenaw Terrace a n d 1325
btenaw Ave. will be cleared
used temporarily for student
addition, a residence at 521
ivision will be cleared and the
landscaped in the fall to en-
e and improve the safety of
Division St. entrance to the
npson St. parking structure.
The congress was sponsored by
the National Sanitation Founda-
tion at the School of Public
Smith called for an attack on
the problem by "individual re-
sponsibility" to forestall govern-
mental control. He suggested a
task force including scientists.
from interested fields be drawn
up to make plans for "communi-
cation and concern* for environ-
mental health."
An official resolution of the
congress to form such a task force
was presented by John D. Porter-
field of the University of Cali-
fornia and accepted by NSF Presi-
dent Henry Vaughan for the
The program recommended for
the task force includes a, survey
of existing sources of 'information
and systems of communication;
an assessment of present gaps' in'
scientific knowledge; and a form
for continued meetings. It will in-
clude representatives of industry,
government, science and the
general public.
Output Up
Yet, output of food
ing slowly. Floods
is increas-
are being
brought under control, irrigation
is improved and the organized la-
bor of the village commune does
lift the individual peasant some-
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DIAL 2-6264
.. . AtE- -- --
Eves. Sun. & Holidays.......$1.00
Weekday Matinees..............75
Children All Times ............. 40
Shows at 1:15-3:45-6:15 & 8:45
The fantastic adventure of a young fellow from
Boston. His name was John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
The Daily Official Bulletin is in
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Doctoral Examination for John Mar-
land Carpenter, Nuclear Engin.; thesis:
"Prediction and Measurement of Neu-
tron Chopper Burst Shapes," Fri., July
5, 2042 Phoenix Lab., at 3 p.m. Chair-
man, D. H. Vincent.
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild - Kirk
Douglas and Anthony Quinn in "Lust
for Life": Architecture Aud. Fri., July 5.
Boys Training School, Lansing, Mich.
-Opening for a Psychometrist I. This
This is a State Civil Service position.
Require 40 hrs. in Psych. with courses
in test admin.
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Nat'l. Bureau
of Standards, Boulder, Colo.-Seeking
BS and advanced degree candidates in
the fields of Electronic Engrg., Mechan-
teal Engrg., Physics, Math & Physical
Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa.!
-Various technical openings including:
BS/MS Chem.; BS/MS Chem. Engnr.;
BS/MS Mech. Engnr.; and, BS/MS Civil
U.S. Army Engnr. District, Corps of
Enkgnrs., Detroit-Opening for an Econ-
omist. BA in Econ. with 2 yrs. profes-
sional exper. Full-time grad study may
be substituted for exper. on a yr. for
yr. basis.
Christ Child Society, Detroit, Mich.-'
This is a Catholic organization seeking
a Director for full charge of small chil-
dren's home. Woman preferably be-
tween ages of 40-50. Child welfare exper.
Board of Public Assistance, Tampa,
Fla.-I. Social Workers-BA Soc. Wk.,
Soc., or related areas. 2. Psychiatric
Social Workers-MA in Soc. Wk. plus
3 yrs. exper. Hosp. setting with training
or exper. in admin. capacity. 3. Physical
Therapist-Certification as phys. ther-
apist in the National or Am. Registry
of Physical Therapists.
The Somerset Hospital, Somerville,
N.J.-Physical Therapist. Female, reg-
istered APTA or qualified.
Shell Development Co., Modesto,
Calif.-Openings in new Animal Health
& Nutrition Dept. 1. Pharmacologist-
PhD & several yrs. diversified exper.
preferably in the pharmaceutical in-
dustry. 2. Microbiologist-PhD & sev-
eral yrs. exper. either in academic or
In industrial work.
Gerity Broadcasting Co., Saginaw,
Mich.-Promotion Assistant for promo-
tion and advertising. Woman who must
have secretarial skills. Must have de-
gree. Exper. preferred.
Chestnut Lodge, Rockville, Md. -
Seeking male Manual Arts Therapist.
This is asmall, private psychiatric hos-
pital. The manual arts prog. Is part of
a total activities prog.
Saginaw General Hospital, Saginaw,
Mich.-Medical Technologist. Prefer, a
technoiogist registered with the ASCP,
but will accept a recent grad eligible
to write the qualifying exam.
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor
-Collections Clerk. One month train-
ing by collections manager to make
collections by phone or personal con-
tact. Bus. Ad. degree pref. but not
absolutely necessary. Age 21 up.
Carrier Research & Development Co.,
Syracuse, N.Y.-1. Solid State Physicists
for Industrial Research-several open-
ings available for men with advanced
trng. In physics to join an expanding
research group on projects related to
thermoelectric materials. Positions are
Solid State Theorist and Solid State
Experimentalist. 2. Development Engnr.,
Combustion Equipment. Specific major
course of study could be in Mech. or
Chem. Engrg. or Metallurgy or related
disciplines. Good trng. in such areas
as heat transfer, thermodynamics and
stress analysis helpful.
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg. during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30
til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Cope, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Student with transportation to work
15 to 20 hours per week in exchange
for an apartment.
-Several Psychological subjects need-
-Several Psychological subjects need-
DIAL Eves., Sun. & Holidays....$1.00
5-6290 Weekday Matinees ........75c
tChildr All Times .......40c
SHOWS AT 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 7:00 & 9:05
Please do not reveal the middle of this nicturel
(A Jerry Lewis Production)
Doors Open at 6:45 P.M.
Shows at 7 & 9 P.M.
Eves., Sun., & Holidays $1.00
mQ1 n c"
in the year's most
talked about role! <
AIR- r
dat nees..............
CONDITIONED Children ..............
Four merry tales of Par
and a quartet a
beauties in loe- with l
0; 1<