Seventy-Third Yest EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where 054n108 P STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBoR, MIcH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"> Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FEIFFERf TM ALWA'f5 RI41 / A~O~f EERY1fT6/ l' T CAM ALUJAL( TCL(, WHICH/ FRIEJOS4 LUI. F~MOMENTS Tu7t B O E H 1A H 'S 6 1 u/t L06 LIFT i vR1IJ //1e IMI C.K ! CAN t~l~l E/ to /W MAKE AY, JULY 4, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: H. NEIL BERKSON Demonst itions Necessary For Civil Rights Leoislation )RESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY has asked that there be no demonstrations during the me Congress will be considering his proposed viI rights legislation. Negroes who have pro- .ded prominent leadership for the recent on- aught of protests--from NAACP President oy Wilkins to Rev. Martin Luther King to .embers of the Student Non-Violent Coordi- ating Committee- have given a uniform re- onse to Kennedy's request: they publicly >mmitted themselves to continuing demon- rations for the duration of Congress' haggling rer the proposed laws. King, in fact, has said that if the Kennedy rogram hits snags on its trip through the litical mazes of either house, there may be a ass picket in Washington, D.C., with demon- rators coming from all over the country. rgustu28 has been set as the tentative date )r such a demonstration. Are these leaders furthering their own best terests by refusing to comply with Kennedy's shes? What does a civil rights demonstration complish, if anything, and can it be profitably ed as a pressure for Congressional action? PPROXIMATELY two months ago the Asso-. cated Press circulated pictures all over the obe of Negroes in Birmingham, Alabama, ing torn apart by police dogs released through Le city government. The demonstration there began as a peace- I walk on the Birmingham streets by local Igroes. The city government refused to al- w this peaceful exercise of protest, and re- Bated with water hose and police dogs. The egroes responded with anger and refusal to operate. The emotional elements were present Birmingham for a full-scale riot. And this approximately what took place. Recently a University official who has work- in the area of discrimination for many years fnd is hardly known for a radical civil rights sition), contended that it was the Birming- im news and the Birmingham photos, which censed the American people, which began the parent public swerving of sympathy toward e Negro cause that has taken place recently this country. This official claimed that if Americans had en photos of such a situation in France, igland, Germany, any nation but our own, ey would have been appalled. However, there always the consolation that "It doesn't hap- n here of course." UtjT IT WAS happening here. And they were not merely appalled in a comfortable, long- stapce sort of way. They were horrified-be- use of the demonstration and subsequent :blicity-to the point where they began to ink, to be aware of the moral problem. And e American Puritan inheritance provides its izens with a powerful collective conscience- view of life with conditioned hypersensitivity all moral issues. There can be no doubt that the widely pub- ized recent demonstrations were direct cat-. msts to the public reaction of consciousness. e mass media was flooded with news of Ne- : protests-sometimes where the stakes for- .ted turned out to be their lives-and the pub- responded in an emotional fashion to the lustice. But there were cold, hard statistics which oved that the Negro was very much a sec- d-class citizen in this country. And the mass edia also carried this factual information to e public., Since being conscious of a problem is usually cesary for its solution, we can specify the monstration, in this case, as an instrument ich has gained the Negroes an important p toward a redress of their grievances. 'UT IT IS simple psychology that we are less likely to sustain our cognizance of any ex- mnal problem if that problem causes us undue shame or embarrassment. These are the prob- lems we try hard to ignore. People who argue against the continuing pressure of pickets while Congress considers a civil, rights bill claim that thepublic is now sufficiently conscious of the injustices being perpetrated, that legislators are now aware that legislation is necessary. More demonstra- tions will only place tension upon resentful legislators who might otherwise favor the law. But this surely exaggerates the degree of consciousness that does exist. Detroit was able to rally well over 100,000 marchers in the recent civil rights parade. Both daily newspapers proudly pointed to this as evidence that De- troit was eminently aware of the Negro strug- gle taking place in other cities. "But Detroit is different," The Free Press' editorial page claim- ed. But because 100,000 citizens, mostly Negro, will march in a "protest" in Detroit it does not negate the fact that most of the white people in Detroit do not want to live next door to a Negro, do not want their children to go to school with Negroes, do not want to work with Negroes. And this is true. Detroit is almost completely, segregated, as is every large city in this country. Even this mammoth protest-the largest in the history of the nation-was sorely miscon- strued by the major sources of news media in the city. For they construed it only as a sym- pathy march for what was going on "somewhere else." THIS IS JUST ONE example. But it will al- ways be "somewhere else." It is not only the enormity of racial injustice which eludes con- sciousness, but the instances of it in our own lives and in our own home towns. For the for- mer is sufficiently nebulous so that it is easier to forget, but the latter is the more painful to fully realize and accept. From the size of Detroit's demonstration, it would be logical to presume sizeable public consciousness that race bias is unjust. But the facts indicate that either the consciousness is just not present or the people are doing little to alleviate that injustice. Certainly the public is not sufficiently aware of the seriousness of the Negro protest. And Congress is no exception to the public in this instance. As long as we continue, as a nation, to support the status quo in race relations all peaceful methods of publicity and persuasion are necessary. Obviously demonstrations in themselves will not upgrade Negroes on three significant levels: educational, vocational opportunity and eco- nomic. But the demonstration appears to be the only tool which Negroes can use to bring about public implementation of the efforts needed to upgrade Negro opportunities on these three vital levels. IF CONGRESSMEN resent undue public pres- sures, then they are of course contradict- ing what they claim to do-represent public consensus. Congressmen manage somehow to survive the massive American Medical Association lobbying force who come prepared with no-ceiling ex- pense accounts. There is no reason why they shouldn't similarly manage to accommodate representatives of citizens who perhaps do not have unlimited expense accounts, and perhaps cannot vote in their state nor get the equivalent of a fifth grade education though they finish a segregated high school. These citizens must go to the picket lines rather than the most exclusive restaurants in the capital. But they do this with a sense -of self-respect and faith in human dignity. They have the responsibility to speak for themselves, and the legislators have the responsibility to listen. -MARILYN KORAL T WOW TVicWC MU A.C SI'mh 00106J arm? M1AT iwfq M05/1 6 Lqww,. /N ('1 _ f 1, or4, 6f1'U. I:~tV 7TL4M. I CP ee0 OFv Eic&1c4 UPRIO 67'ftO& Orr lk) 16H 6 AO) At OF F456E /1 ,, _.r # ,4-lio IM19 ARIZONA SURVEY: Kennedy Program Loses Support TODAY AND TOMORROW: Tariff Walls Hinder A tiantic Partnership,, By MICHAEL HARRAH Daily Correspondent FLAGSTAFF, Arizona-This is a land of towering peaks and vast deserts, yawning canyons and fab- ulous buildings, fabulous wealth and miserable poverty, petrified forests and gleaming oases.' This is a land of wide-open spaces and uncomplaining people, a land of politics as contrasted as its geography, its rich Caucasians and its Navajo Indians. This is Arizona, for over 50 years the nation's "baby state" and today the "goingest place in America." Oh and incidentally-this is also the land of Barry Goldwater, a fact which every Arizonan seems just a little bit proud of. Unlike Southern California, where the way-out type conserva- tives hang out, the Arizonans are good-old American type conser- vatives (theirterm), which does not explain the exotic presence of a couple of way out liberals (my term) like Sen. Carl Hayden (D-Ariz) and Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall. * * * ARIZONANS ARE a friendly lot, right down through the last Na- vajo, but not including the Na- tional Park Service, and they take the events of the day seriously. Needless to say, the Goldwater support in Arizona is firm and ex- tensive, but it did not seem to be blind. Many of the same voters who have cast their ballot for Sen. Hayden all these many years are confirmed Goldwater suplporters. With these Arizonans it's a matter of Arizona first (and last and always too, for that matter), and both Hayden land Goldwater have supported this theory. In 1960, Arizona went to Vice- President Nixon, which isn't too surprising. Arizonans support the America-first attitude second only to the Arizona first line. And how- ever wishy-washy Nixon was on the subject of America first, he was head - and - shoulders over President Kennedy; by all counts today, anyone the GOP nominates would still fit that description. The President hasn't improved on that score. Unlike many areas of the na- tion, Arizonans haven't weakened in the face of the Kennedy charm: He's notparticularly for Arizona, so they're not particularly for him. It's a friendly kind of ar- rangement, though. As one citizen here put it: They've sort of "agreed to disagree." SO IT IS SAFE to say that the GOP will carry Arizona in '64; that isn't what is important about it. In recent history Arizona has been'something of a weather- vane, politically, for the states west of the Rockies (excepting California, of course-there's no weathervane for that political madhouse). Aspiration IN ANOTHER context, James Baldwin has asked the provoca- tive question: "What makes you think the Negro aspires to be equal to the white man?" It is time that those of us who are in the peace movement aspired to be equal to the Negro children of Birming- ham, whose vision of human dig- nity made it possible for them to rise above their natural human fear and face, unarmed, the clubs and police dogs of Bull Connor's police force. If we take seriously our own words about the in- evitability of nuclear annihilation under the system of massive de- terrence and the sustaining, trans- forming power of love, can we really aspire to anything less? Whatever the material costs may be, can we evade the "unrespect- able" direct-action tactics of economic boycott, massive social disruption, and civil disobedience which have made the nonviolent movement for integration a power- ful force for revolutionary change? -Liberation If Sen. Goldwater becomes the GOP nominee, it's safe to say that Arizona will support him, and some might feel this incidence would throw off the weathervane effect. Perhaps not. Just as Ari- zona has the pioneer spirit, so do her Western neighbors. While Goldwater finds unabashedhsup- port in Arizona, heis not without wide support in neighboring states -and for the same reasons he is popular in Arizona. Here the ultra-conservatives, as active organizations, are not strong; yet many of their doctrines and their ideas, which existed long before they did incidentally, are held by the Americans of the West. According to the outspoken Phoenix and Flagstaff newspapers, these ideas include a stronger America-first foreign policy and a more restricted domestic policy than the President is pursuing. * * * THE SPECIFICS are stereo- typed, including Cuba, Berlin, and Southeast Asia on the foreign front and spending, farm policy and bureaucracy on the home front. Just as in much of the more rural area west of the Mis- sissippi River, the civil rights ef- fort on the part of the Adminis- tration is not having its desired political effect. Being far off in Birmingham and Jackson, these Americans of the West haven't the burning interest in the matter that besets their Eastern counter- parts (once again California is excepted). Thus the President's aggressive action will do little to gain their support. And it stands to reason that the President must make his political gains west of the Mississippi. The East and the South are already in his column. Here will sustain any losses that may befall him. He must be prepared to compensate for these losses in the West. At this point, that doesn't seem likely-at least not from this weathervane vantage point in the mountains at Flagstaff. By WALTER LIPPMANN SIMPLE AS IT sounds, in prac- tice the idea of forming an Atlantic partnership in a low- tariff trading area is in fact huge and- complicated. The preliminary talks for what is called the Ken- nedy round of tariff negotiations began some time back with Ameri- can inquiries about agricultural products. The results were not promising, and it has developed that- the European market will first have to agree on its own un- settled agricultural problems be- fore it can begin to think about ours. Now Governor Herter has been at Geneva talking about the prin- ciples by which tariff negotiations should be governed in accordance with the powers granted the Pres- ident under the United 'States Trade Expansion Act. Although it was always evident that the road to the Atlantic trad- ing partnership was steep and rough, the preliminaries have dis- closed something which is, I think for most of us, surprising and new. We had been assuming that Europe wanted so much to sell industrial exports in the United States that it would pay for the privilege by opening its own mar- ket to American farm products and industrial goods. This may prove to. have been a great mis- calculation. * * * THUS, IT HAS been plain for some time that the French farm bloc has greater influence on French policy than the French, German and Italian industrialists of the Common Market. French farmers, who are beginning to develop agricultural surpluses, will not allow the Common Market to be opened freely to the cheaper food of American and other over- seas farmers. Yet, the United States Congress is not likely to accept " agreement in which the American farmer is discriminated against. If I have understood correctly the problem at issue between the Europeans and ourselves, it is roughly speaking as follows: The average level of our tariff and of the Common Market ex- ternal tariff is about the same. But the averages conceal very dif- ferent rate structures. In the Com- mon Market tariff, 90 per cent of all the tariff rates are between 10 per cent and 30 per cent. In the American system, only 63 per cent of the rates are in this range. We have more low rates than Europe, and we have more high rates. Thus, 20 per cent of our rates are under 10 per cent; only 9 per cent of the European rates are in this low bracket.f On the other hand, 18 per cent of our rates are over 30 per cent, but mass of rates. They have demand- ed that before there is a general linear cut, for which we are ask- ing, there should be an "excret- ment," which is a French word for lopping off the peaks. They point, for example, to the very high tariff on coal tar dyes. This ingenious tariff schedule im- poses a duty of 36 per cent to 40 per cent. And it imposes this high rate not on the F.O.B. price in the country of orgin, but on the selling price of similar products of American origin. This device roughly doubles the effective tariff rate. It is evident that the Europeans have a grievance and that there is something in their claim that to cut such an exorbitant tariff by 50 per cent would still leave it an exorbitant rate. Had we not acknowledged that there is jus- tice in the European argument, the negotiations would have failed at the very beginning. The actual negotiations, as dis- tinguished from the preliminary talks about procedure and prin- ciple, will, presumably, begin next May. But substantial agreement is still far off. In order to agree on a partnership in the vast At- lantic world, there will be needed in order to overcome the objective difficulties not only unusual flex- ibility and ingenuity on the part of the governments and the legis- latures, but an overriding will to bring the Atlantic partnership in- to existence. The best one can say is for the time being -all are agreed that there is no alternative but to go on trying. (c) 1963, The Washington Past Co. t:, ,,,ti. w.a' 7r,^ , . ,ti,1r 'J ,. 'r , , _ , ; , , , s. .mot .. 1 ยข :.... ' ' . .r ,.f ROTC: A a Dose HE DECISION to abolish the regular required one-year program of ROTC here will not universally popular. Despite the fact that Defense Department itself has considered anging the program, a few ROTC enthusiasts 1 mourn its passing. When the Student Senate passed a resolu- n, 15-7, favoring abolishment of the com- sory program last spring, cries arose that h action would weaken SUI's advanced pro- im, from whose ranks are selected many of commissioned officers for the Armed Serv- s. They argued that some students would not ve been enticed into the advanced program I they not been acquainted with ROTC ough a compulsory beginning program. Editorial Staff NAL1) WILTON.................. Co-Editor LIP SUTIN..........................Co-Editor VE GOOD....................Co-Sports Editor ARLES TOWLE .................. Co-Sports Editor On the other hand, the idea of a compulsory program-with an emphasis, too often, on well- shined shoes rather than an educated mind- was repellant to many within its ranks. The resentment thus engendered often spread to students with less militant anti-military feel- ings and probably projected an image of ROTC that hurt the advanced-program. The new plan approved by the Regents, with its five non-credit orientation lectures, will give new students a chance to understand the ad- vanced program. It should help counteract any possible loss to the advanced program without disgusting those who could care less. It is, in fact, the ideal program, It is a salute to the university student who can make up his own mind about what he wants. The castor-oil theory which assumed that he didn't always know what he wants has at least been limited to five small doses. And that's enough for anyone to decide how it tastes. -DEAN MILLS The Daily Iowan r_ x , j . + , ' . " t "' s.'" ' 1 i { , :y 17a , NUTTY PROFESSOR: Threads A Thin Line And Falls Of f 4 40 SCE 1 I WOULD LIKE to begin by re- vealing the middle of the movie, not because I can't keep a secret, but because to understand the middle is to understand just how close Jerry Lewis is to the bottom of his bag of gimmicks. Lewis in the beginning and Lewis at the end is the same old Jerry Lewis that Dean Martin used to love, and I suspect that you did too. He plays a 90 lb. weakling chemistry, professor who invents a super tonic. The tonic transmogrifies his idea of the most fabulous man in the world is his idea of him- self. O3peaking the little language of the film world, he runs through scene after scene treading the thin line that separates Young & Rubicam from withering embar- rassment. But worse of all, every one of these "serious" episodes ends with a little nervous comedy, as if to excuse, "I wasn't REALLY acting seriously just then; I could do much better if I really meant it." *ri: