DEMONSTRATIONS NEEDED FOR RIGHTS See Editorial Page 1Mw Cl ~!IAiti SUNNY Hligh-80 Low-64 Fair and slightly warmer Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom XXII, No. 8-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1963 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES .ennedy Lauds AIVil Rights Bill Public Accommodations Provision Remains Key Controversial Issue WASHINGTON (JP)-Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy strongly de- d yesterday that the administration's key civil rights bill-assuring roes access to public accommodations-would shackle business or ject it to any new application of federal power. Senators who joined him in testifying for the legislation before Senate Commerce committee variously: -Saw it as unleashing the, full beneficial impact of $20 bil- hion in annual Negro purchasing FBI PROBE : Study Death +B x Of Negro TCHULA, Miss. 0P)-The FBI was investigating yesterday the fatal shooting of a 20-year-old Negro boy by a Tchula policeman. Chief deputy Andrew P. Smith of Holmes County said Willie Joe Lovett of Tchula was killed in self defense Sunday night by Town Marshall W. 0. Moore. Smith said Lovett cursed and threatened to kill Moore and a ' deputized man, J. M. Bruce of Tchula when they tried to arrest Lovett. He said Lovett struck Bruce on the head and face and assaulted Moore, who then shot Lovett. Moore said Lovett was "crazy, blind drunk," but that he did not know whether Lovett was armed. Smith said he had no proof that Lovett was intoxicated. Smith said Lovett was "running amuck" early Sunday night in a Negro section in Tchula and ap- parently had several fights with ' Negroes. Smith said a Negro beaten by Lovett called Moore, who deputiz- ed Bruce. Bruce often accompanies Moore, the town's only police of- ficer. The shooting was reported to the Justice Department, and two FBI agents were investigating as of last night. Restaurants To Dese regate In Knoxville By The Associated Press About 50 Knoxville restaurants and cafeterias have agreed to de- segregate their facilities voluntar- ily effective today.' A committee of white civil and business leaders worked out the desegregation. In Newark, N.J., a demonstra- tion against alleged job discrimi- nation at a construction site turn- ed into a brawl yesterday when some 50 construction workers crashed a line of Negro pickets. Police were rushed aside in the 10-minute fist-swinging melee be- fore police reinforcements were called in and regained partial con- trol. Later, Mayor Hugh J. Addonizio asked the Board of Education to halt work on the $6.5 million proj- ect pending results of an investi- gation into complaints of job dis- crimination. The board, voted 6-0 last night to iemporarily halt construction. Meanwhile, at the National Con- vention of the NAACP in Chicago, field secretaries of the group agreed that the desegregation t drive must continue at its present power. -Cautioned that a section ex- cluding bona fide private clubs could be turned into a loophole'"to circumvent the law." Violence Possible --Said that "failure to meet the issue (of equal access) fully will perpetuate the divisions and violence that are beginning to come into play in the country." The commerce committee is con- sidering only that part of the ad- ministration's seven-point civil rights program that would pro- hibit racial discrimination by stores, restaurants, hotels, thea- tres and other private establish- ments catering to the general pub- lic. Southerners, and some non- Southerners of both parties, have charged this is an unconstitutional assault on private property rights. Not so, Kennedy fired back veh- emently yesterday, his third con- secutive day of testimony. No New Principle "There have been a lot of smoke- screens about a stab at business .," he said. "We are not coming in here with any new principle." The attorney general said oppo- sition to the legislation should be based on facts. He stated that Congress has passed many meas- ures that affect operations of res- taurants, drugstores and other business. His retort was touched off by an exchange with Sen. Frank J. Lausche (D-Ohio). The adminis- tration bill is based on the federal government's right to control in- terstate commerce. Lausche said in this case it ap- peared virtually all private busi- nesses would be covered.' Ask .limit On Water The city's water commission has asked residents not to sprinkle their lawns on odd days of the month between the hours 4-9 p.m. The request stems from a pres- sure problem in the southwest part of the city, where there is an above normal demand for water and insufficient piping fa- cilities, Wayne H. Abbott, super- intendent .of the water commis- sion, explained yesterday. Monday the demand for water rose above 20 million gallons for the first time. Peak demands in' the past have never been above' 19.5 million. The city can meet these high demands on a short term basis but is only equipped to provide 18 million gallons on a regular basis. The city is currently working on an additional water main which should be completed by the end of the month and will alleviate the present problem. At the same time, the water commission is expanding its un- derground supply by 3 million gal- lons. "The expansion is expected to meet the city's needs for the next two years," NEA Hit By Rights Conflict DETROIT(IP)-Civil rights again had the massed attention of 6,- 000 delegates attending the 101st National Education Association meeting in Detroit yesterday. Francis Keppel, United States commissioner of education, charg- ed that educators were failing to provide leadership in fighting dis- criminationtand were "concerned only with their own professional welfare." Keppel pointed out that 70 per cent of the white population has completed high school, while only 40 per cent of the non-white population has high school diplo- mas. Twenty-two per cent of the non-white population has less than five years of schooling. "Surely the problem of racial discrimination in the schools was identifiable years ago as a signifi- cant public policy issue calling for analysis, discussion and espe- cially for creative action," Keppel said. "It is unfortunate that a problem of such eminent moral and educational dimensions should have been left so much to the good offices of the legal profession and the courts." Endorses Program Keppel spoke to the student NEA assembly whose members are col- lege students preparing to teach. Previously, the convention passed an endorsement of President John F. Kennedy's civil rights program with strong opposition from South- ern delegates. "Organizations exist to lead in- dividual activity. If the great na- tional organizations are silent or merely negative, however, indi- vidual thought and action will be paralyzed," Keppel said. "If edu- cators are concerned only with their own professional welfare, neither national or professional interests will be served." An attempt was made Wednes- day to end racial segregation with- in the ranks of the NEA, but the meeting was adjourned because of lack, of a quorum. A resolution calling for formatiol of commit- tees by those affiliates which have racial restrictions for membership so that they could work toward re- moval of the restrictions was to be voted on. Substitute Proposal The Department of Classroom Teachers, representing 80 per cent of the NEA's 80,000 members, pro- posed a substitute resolution, rec- ommending that affiliates "take immediate steps to open member- ship doors to all teachers, regard- less of race, color or creed." Nine southern states have seg- regated local organizations. A quorum call revealed there were not enough delegates present to vote on the issue after oppon- ents of the substitute amendment were defeated in a move to ad- journ the meeting. OAS Proposes Red Control WASHINGTON (IP)-The Coun- cil of the Organization of Ameri- can States urged the American re- publics yesterday to adopt the "strictest control" of Communist activities in the Western hemi- sphere. An OAS vote on a report urging such measures was 14 in favor, 1 opposed and 4 abstaining. Chile, the lone dissenter, charged that the OAS "is skidding down the slopes of illegality." Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela and Haiti abstained. Administration Rail Strike, Wit Utz Declares .. " " ..:....: . .. ........ .............. rT:"r~:":> Qr} :I:'.A LY:":::":.Yf.>>:S":.Y: A. :>:.t :.,..............:...>t". ..: . J:': f. . 'rY l I In : J ': :\":" : -,.ti i ': } " i:{ V"} }.T COLLEGE TOWN TO UNIVERSITY CITY: Next Steps Undefimed i University Attracts Research MVust (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth of a six-part series on plan- nling Ann Arbor's future.) By PHILIP SUTIN Co-Editor University and city officials see Ann Arbor as the center of the third greatest research com- plex in the United States, riv- alling both Boston and Califor- nia. "Ann Arbor is reaching a breakthrough in research in- dustry. It is nearer to that goal than the University had ever hoped," University President Harlan Hatcher declared after announcing the sale of 30 acres of North Campus land to Cli- max Molybdenum Co. of De- troit for a 200,000 sq. ft. re- search facility. The company is the 28th re- search firm to locate or orig- inate in Ann Arbor. Private re- search ranges from everything from space systems to furni- ture design. Federal Funds ThesUniversity is receiving an estimated $36 million in sponsored research funds, near- ly $31 million of that from the federal government. The Defense Department pro- vides $14 million; the National Science Foundation, $2 mil- lion; the National Institutes of Health, $6 million; the Atomic Energy Commission, $2 million and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, $4 million. This year is the first non - D e f e n s e Department spending tops Defense Depart- ment spending. The federal government also helps construct University re- search facilities. The recently- completed Cyclotron Bldg. on North. Campus was aided by federal funds. NASA in early June gave the University $1.75 million for a building to house its research here. Federal Facilities Two major federal research facilities are also to be locat- ed in the southeast corner of North Campus. A $2.5 million regional Public Health Service water pollution control labora- tory will be constructed on a 10- acre site while a $1.5 million fisheries research laboratory will be located on a 3.86-acre adjacent site. This concentration of re- search has lead to the develop- ment of 28 "spin off" private research firms in the area. City planning director Robert Leary noted the growth in re- search industry. Three years ago, he said, Parke-Davis Corp. and Conductron Corp. research facilities were not in operation, nor did 25 smaller companies exist. Three wings had been added to the Bendix Corp. re- search plant in the same per- iod. Broad Range Leary added that these firms covered a broad range of in- vestigations, providing a stable economic base for the city. "This broadly-based research includes electronics, biologicals, metals, medicine, defense and even furniture design," he pointed out. To further develop a research economy, the city, with the aid of the Chamber of Commerce, set up a 130-acre research park, annexing land south of Inter- state 94 on State Rd. One firm, the Federal-Mo- gul-Bower Co. of Detroit moved its research facilities to the re- search park. A second company, Tecumseh Products Co., is now building facilities there. Leary and Chamber of Commerce executive secretary William Bott expect a third firm to join them this year. Slow Attraction "The research park is com- ing along as well as can be ex- pected," considering "the en- tire midwest is slow in attract- ing research and development," Bott said. Prof. George Odiorne of the business school in a recent man- power study estimated that the park would create 15,000 new See PARK, Page 3 W. WILLARD WIRTZ ... little hope eman ...4 ....... ...... Stop FOLLOWS U.S. PRESIDENT: De Gaulle To Confer in Bonn BERLIN SPEECH: Soviet .Boss A sks Unity BERLIN (P-Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev appealed last night for the Communist camp to unite. He said Communists should place communism first, their countries second. The Soviet leader spoke ' at a mass rally in the main square of Frankfurt-on-the-Oder at the Oder-Neisse border between East Germany and Poland before a crowd estimated by East German officials at 70,000. Khrushchev's plea was in ap- parent anticipation of the show- down meeting with representatives of Red China in Moscow tomorrow on questions of who knows best how to topple capitalism and make' the world Communist. Oppose Khrushchev The Chinese, along with Alban- ia and now Romania, have oppos- ed some of the ideas laid down by Khrushchev on how to carry out their common ends. Despite the call to u n i t y, Khrushchev reiterated his softer line on the question of war-a po- sition challenged by the Chinese Communists. "The time when war could be carelessly unleashed is finally over," he said. "He who begins a war today cannot plunder any- more, but would be burned up in it. We want no war, not because of fear, but because we know what war means." Class Struggle Khrushchev said Communism would conquer the world, not through war, but through the class struggle. He offered aid to work- ers in capitalist countries who want to "rise against their oppres- sors." But he added: "We will not mix in the affairs of foreign countries-that means war." Khrushchev is scheduled to fly back to Moscow today. As Talks End 20,000 Employes Prepare To Strike To Protect Positions WASHINGTON (RP)-- Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz virtu- ally conceded yesterday that it will be up to the administration, with Congressional backing, to head off a nationwide railroad strike be- fore the work rules talk deadline expires next week. There was no indication what steps might be taken to avert a strike. Wirtz told a news conference it is "exceeedingly doubtful" that collective bargaining can settle the dispute. J. E. Wolfe, chairman of the National Railway Labor Confer- ence, said the unions have been notified that new work rules will be put into effect July 11. The railroads say these rules will eliminate unnecessary "feather- bedding" jobs. Union Replies In Buffalo Neil P. Speirs, pres- iderit of the International Switch- men's Union, AFL,-CIO, said the union's 20,000 employes will, strike if the railroads institute what he called "unjust and unrealistic rules changes." Wirtz noted that one week re- mains for negotiation, even though the railroads served notice that they would inaugurate the con- troversial new work rules at 12:01 a.m. Thursday of next week. That is when an extension of a truce obtained, by President John F. Kennedy expires. The President had said on June 15, when the nowdeadlocked talks began, that unless the dispute was settled by July 10 he would "make such recommendations to the Congress as the circumstances appear to dictate.' No Program, His own department has not prepared any legislation to deal with the situation and to the best of his knowledge neither has the White House, Wirtz told newsmen. Wirtz said he will deliver a pre- liminary report on the situation to Kennedy today and a full re- port later. The secretary is sched- uled to meet with leaders of the brotherhoods and the railroads here tomorrow. The main issue is what the railroads call featherbedding, but there are other questions too. The proposed rule which would elim- inate firemen from freight and yard trains would wipe out 40,000 jobs. The five brotherhoods in the negotiations represent some 200,- 000 on-train employes. soIn all, the railroads employ some 700,000 workers. PARIS (IP) - President Charles de Gaulle takes off for Bonn to- day in an effort to swing West Germany around to his design for Europe on the basis of the new Franco - G e r m a n cooperation treaty. The chances seem against him, but this is hardly likely to deter the stubborn and mystic French leader. The occasion for de Gaulle's two-day visit to Bonn is the offi- cial inauguration of the Paris- Bonn pact, which calls for close and continuing consultation on foreign, economic and defensej policies. The French president's more immediate aim is to counteract the impact of President John F. No Issue The Daily will not publish tomorrow due to the Independ- ence Day holiday. Publication will resume on Saturday. Have a happy Fourth of July and drive carefully. Kennedy's triumphal visit to West Germany last week. No Contest To this end de Gaulle, 72, is concentrating on the German leadership and avoiding any popularity contest with the en- ergetic, 46-year-old Kennedy. His program does not provide for any public speeches and, unlike Ken- nedy, he will not go to West Berlin. West German Chancellor Kon- rad Adenauer joined Kennedy in issuing a communique which ap- peared to adopt American views on European unification, trade policies and allied defense under the North Atlantic Treaty Organ- ization. De Gaulle wants to use the Franco-German treaty as a lever to pry the West Germans over to the French viewpoint. On the eve of his departure de Gaulle scheduled one of his rare news conferences for sometime late this month.. Ban the British At his last such conference, Jan. 14, de Gaulle turned thumbs down on British membership in the European Common Market and curtly rejected the American , '' ............. .. ; - , ,:, . .: 7 . :,: ;'; ,., °. ,_ 9 . l t.-: f. 5 HERE COMES A HOLIDAY: July 4 Blls, Battles, and Barry By THOMAS DeVRIES Faced with the marching of feet, the ringing of bells, 650 highway a deaths and the largest rally yet for piesidential possibility Barry Goldwater, the nation gritted its teeth and priepared for the 187th an- niversary of Independence Day. Yesterday 30,000 people celebrated the end of a battle-but not the war Independence Day began. In Gettysburg, Pa., rival armies of 'k500 men each fought a re-enactment of Pickett's charge that ended in an affirmation of national unity instead of a carnage. Ann Arbor's official observance will include the performance of / trampoline artists in Buhr Park as well as the traditional fireworks at 9 p.m. Ring in the Bells At 1 p.m. across the nation bells will be rung for four minutes CHARLES DE GAULLE to Germany proposal f o r a multinational NATO nuclear force. De Gaulle will confer with Ade- nauer in the first of the semi- annual Franco-German summit meetings called for by the treaty. He will be accompanied by Pre- mier Georges Pompidou, Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Mur- yille, Finance Minister Valery Giscard d'Estaing, Defense Min- ister Pierre Messmer, Education Minister Christian Fouchet and other officials. This probably will be the last official meeting between de Gaul- le and Adenauer. The 87-year-old West German leader plans to retire this fall, turning the reins of government over to Vice Chan- cellor Ludwig Erhard and Foreign Minister Gerhard Schroeder. The treaty provides for frequent meetings between officials of the two governments aiming at sim- ilar or parallel action within NATO, the Common Market and other organizations. U.S. Refuses Soviet Offer World News Roundup By The Associated Press GEORGETOWN, British Guiana-Explosions of dynamite rocked a movie theatre and an office building Tuesday after racial clashes left 60 persons hospitalized. * * * * LONDON-More British troops are being flown to British Guiana immediately because of deteroriation in the situation there, the de- fense ministry said last night. A 145-man unit will bolster British troops already in the troubled South American colony. * * * * JACKSON, Miss.-Byron De La Beckwith's arraignment on a charge of murdering a Negro civil rights leader was postponed yes- terday until Monday because defenselawyers were not present in court. BRUSSELS-King Baudouin yesterday refused to accept the coalition government's resignation and instead told Premier Theo Lefevre to solve the language problem that precipitated the crisis. Lefevre, a Flemish Social Christian heading a coalition of Socialists and his own party, immediately began consultations with Social Chris- tian members of Parliament and meetings with leading Social Christian and Socialist members of the government. MOSCOW-Soviet authorities held up a nine-man Red Chinese