Seventy-Third Year 1 EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Axe Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevslll's Editorials printed in The Michpigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors, This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW ORLIN Kennedy Proposal Forced By Cv et rco n Dvi 1V1Restrictions PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S civil rights pro- posal asks for permission to force restau- rant owners and others who own "public" fa- cilities to open their doors to all, and to prac- tice fair employment. It is a sad situation when the President of the United States is forced to take such powers into his hands. Another President had to do the same thing 100 years ago to keep people from holding other people in servitude. Of course it may be pointed out that that hap- pened during wartime. It may also be pointed out that that was what the war was basically about. We are a bit alarmed at the extremes that may occur under the President's recent pro-. posal. Our nation is founded on the concept of private property and the protection of the individual's right to use his property as he sees fit. IT IS DIFFICULT for a person or a govern- ment to decide what is best for the people. Often the people don't agree with the judge- ment. President Kennedy is in the position of. having to tell the American people what they must do. This is fine as long as we agree with the orders that the President is requesting per- mission to give. If we disagree, however, then it becomes an entirely different matter. Peace Corps SOMEHOW WE COULDN'T get ourselves as worked up as former Ambassador Ellis. Briggs obviously wanted all Americans to when he took out after the Peace Corps the other day. Mr. Briggs, now in retirement after 40 years in the foreign service, told the senate govern- ment operations committee that the Peace Corps is founded on the "somewhat irrational, idea that anybody who can fix a carburetor can fix anything." He then added: "The Peace Corps is a movement wrapped in a pinafore of publicity whose team cry is: 'Yoo-hoo, yoo-hoo! Let's go out and wreak some good on some natives." Mr. Briggs has given the best years of his life to the service of his country and could be expected to have, and obviously does have, some definite ideas as to the worth of the Peace Corps, even though he retired a year ago and didn't get much of a chance to ob- serve it in action, since it is barely two years old. And the senate committee, which has a responsibility to check into the expenditures of funds to determine whether the taxpayers are getting their money's worth, should con- sider his testimony seriously. We don't like the idea of being told what we should or shouldn't do with our property. And yet, we encounter this situation virtually every time we turn around. Each year we must buy license plates for our cars, or pay a fine. We must have a driver's license to drive. We are restricted from serving unsafe foods in restaurants. We are prohibited the wanton use of narcotics. We can be fined for driving while intoxicated. Children are re- quired to attend school. None of us is exempt from paying some sort of tax. T CAN BE SEEN that government dabbling with private property is not unheard of. We are fr'ee to exercise our rights and liberties insofar as they do not infringe upon the rights and liberties of others. Thus, to insure our freedom, it is necessary to restrict the pos- sibility of unlimited freedom for others. And in so doing, we necessarily restrict our own free- dom. We, too, are strongly in favor of private property. We are however, also in favor of extending the actual freedom to have private property to all Americans. And that cannot be accomplished by keeping a portion of the population in social and economic servitude. We hate to see Mr. Kennedy asking for these powers. We're also very sorry that he was forced into it. -The Summer Texan Serves Too But it sounds to us as though Mr. Briggs was unduly rough on the Peace Corps because of a suspicion that its real purpose is to ursurp the place of the foreign. service in handling our relations with other nations. Of course this simply isn't true. The motivating factor in the establishment of the Peace Corps was to fill a gap that wasn't-and isn't--being filled by our foreign service, to wit: Supplying the know-how to improve living conditions in underdeveloped nations on a people-to-people basis. We'll grant that knowing how to fix a carburetor doesn't qualify anybody to be a diplomat. But if it's a carburetor that needs, fixing it's better, we suggest, to have it fixed by someone who knows carburetors than to entrust the assignment to a diplomat who knows protocol from A to Z. In other words, as long as we are intent upon doing things calculated to improve our Image- abroad, there'll be a place both for diplomats and for carburetor fixers. Each has his niche and each will serve his country best by filling it well. -THE DAILY IOWAN "After All, These Men Are Mortal - And Who Will I Be Dealing With After They're All Gone?" x , \-! -- V.+. f rs3 K. ALABAMA NOTEBOOK: Native Explains Crises Situation, INTEGRATION: Grosse Pointe March Has Cordial Receptioi TODAY AND TOMORROW: Campaign Hurts Alliance (EDITOR'S NOTE: The author of this article is a senior at the Uni- versity of Texas. She has lived in Birmingham all her life. The article is reprinted from the Summer Tex- an.) By MYRA STEIN FOLLOWING THE enrollment of two Negro students at the Uni- versity of Alabama, I have been asked many times to comment on how 'I feel about the situation. As a native of Birmingham and hav- ing attended the University of Texas for three years, I feel that the events three weeks ago have aroused many misconceptions. As Governor George Wallace stood in the door of Foster Audi- torium, I began to wonder just who he represented. One-third of the population of Alabama is Ne- gro; he obviously did not repre- sent them. Another one-third, at least, are honest, law-abiding cit- izens, who would never permit the governor or any other citizen to stand in protest of a federal order. Can the remaining one-third of the population by any method of tabulation really be considered the "sovereign state of Alabama?" This one-third objects to freedom of educational opportunity largely on the basis that they are skepti- cal about what positive results it will achieve. They argue that Par-' ker High School in Birmingham and Tuskeekee Institute are among the most outstanding in- stitutions of the state. Yet, they ask, just how many Alabama Ne- groes really want the education they offer? AMONG THIS GROUP of ob- jectors are also some informed citizens who object to the means by which integration of the schools is being attempted. They argue that integration would be far more feasible at the elemen- tary rather than the college level. They argue that objection by the parents of college students is more adamant because these middle- aged citizens have known no in- tegration and they refuse to alter the status quo. Parents of grade school children are younger and more willing to accept change. They also believe that children in the elementary grades are far less race conscious than are college students. The ma- jor argument against this plan for integration is the fear that lax racial barriers might lead to social integration. Waitin 1) Venezuelan terrorists attempt the assination of President Betan- court; they attack American con- sular offices and business in Cara- cas. 2) Peruvian police round up seven young guerrilas, find all seven were students who had left some time ago for Havana on Cas- tro scholarships; 3) The Cuban Student Directorate (which pin- pointed the Soviet missile em- placements in Cuba 'a month ahead of JFK) reports 168 African Communists have already been landed in Haiti after intensive training in a Cuban school for subversion in Minos del Frio, Cuba, and more will be landed in the months ahead; 4) The OAS re- ports on Communist subversion in Latin America remarks the in- filtration of Cuban-trained ter- rorists into Ecuador, Brazil, Uru- guay and Argentina; 5) Tarantel Press reports 150 members of the illegal Partido Popular Demo- cratico (the CP of Panama) are now in training in Cuba; 6) Free Cuba News publishes the exact location of ten Communist train- ing camps in Cuba, two of them under command of famous Red Spanish civil war generals Al- berto Bayo and Enrique Lister; 7) the Caribbean Yenan grows stronger hour by hour, and each moment of indecision in Washing- ton costs an added toll of human life in the inevitable military as- sault upon Castro-Communism in this hemisphere. Is the President waiting for a world war to stop Castro. -National Review i The situation in Alabama is not an unexpected one by its citizens. Rather it has brewed for years-a century perhaps. Old Southern aristocracy is extant, and the people of the South are not willing to accept change. Many, I am sure, felt that the entrance of two Negro students in the Univer- sity of Alabama broke that last thread of separation between the white and black races. * * * THIS TRANSITION was an emotional one, and its results will not be felt today or tomorrow, but in the future. Too often, I feel, people outside of the South fail to realize just how deep this senti- ment lies. It was commendable, indeed, that even those who so strongly opposed the acceptance of the Negroes did not resort to vio- lence. Though I could never agree with Governor Wallace politically, I must commend him for the order he did maintain in Tuscaloosa.. Those individuals who would generally be looked to for violence in a racial crisis like this one are the same individuals who elected Wallace as governor of the state. Obviously, to these people, his word is law. Many Alabamians were expecting another Oxford affair; others did not know what to expect. All Alabamians regard- less of their political convictions, are no doubt pleased with the tranquility that was maintained. The Alabama crisis, unfortu- nately, is not an end to, racial strife in the United States. Events at the University of Alabama all too soon will be overshadowed by renewed struggles elsewhere. To outsiders the crisis in Alabama looks relatively simple now; yet to those witnessing it it is intri- cately complex. The purpose of this article has not been to express my ideas, but rather to inform those who seem to be too intolerant of the events of the day. If people would be more willing to understand and not so ready to condemn, our country would be a far better place for all to live. By ROBERT SELWA Daily Correspondent GROSSE POINTE made up for Dearborn this past weekend, and Gov. George Romney made up for Governor Romney, as the sec- ond in a series of demonstrations against segregation unfolded. Romney hadnot been at the June 22 demonstration in Dear- born nor at the June 23 March for Freedom in Detroit. But he came to the Grosse Pointe walk and gave a speech on civil rights. Grosse Pointe made up for Dear- born by giving a better reception to the protest. There was some catcalling and booing and explod- ing of firecrackers in Dearborn, and otherwise the spectators tend- ed to be sullen or Just silent. But in Grosse Pointe there was no catcalling and booing, and only one firecracker, and th specta- tors tended to be conversative, in- terested and a little friendly. There were no incidents of vio- lence, nor much for the police to do except direct traffic. In Dear- born the police had to keep eggs and tempers down. About 600 people took part-two to three times as many as took part in Dearborn. As in Dearborn, the makeup of the march was slightly more than half Negro, slightly less than half white. There were many ministers again, but this time there was a higher pro- portion of non-ministers. It ap- pears that the protest against seg- regation is getting a response among the plain folks as well as among their religious leaders. IN CONTRAST with Dearborn, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People- the main sponsor--got a city per- mit to march in the streets. In Dearborn the demonstrators walk- ed single file on the sidewalk; in Grosse Pointe we walked in rows of four, to six or in bunches. Much to everyone"s surprise and happiness, Romney showed up and led the march along with Ed Turn- er, state president of the NAACP. Romney's name had been vigor- ously booed the Sunday before when he had not participated be- causeof his adherence to the Sabbath as a day for no public functions. He was making up for Sunday, but not for Saturday's march in Dearborn. Why wasn't he there too? Was he only re- sponding to public pressure, as some demonstrators believe, 'When he marched in Grosse Pointe? While 600 demonstrators walk- ed along Kercheval street, about 15-all Negro-picketed the Max- on Brothers real estate office on Kercheval. They carried signs say- ing :I "Equality for all in housing op- portunities."- "The Pointe is freedom." "The good neighbor policy be- gins at home." "Silloway lRealty is acting un- American." "Segregation is division-divided we fall." * * *. THE PARADE moved into the Grosse Pointe high school stadium. The Star Spangled Banner was not booed, nor was Ed Turner. He told the attentive audience that the important thing about Grosse Pointe housing discrimina- tion is that it is sophisticated; it is practiced by the best people in the community even though they profess to be upright American citizens. Arthur Johnson of the NAACP hailed the protest as "the begin- ning of the end of segregation in the Pointes." He repeated the one- year pledge made in Dearborn: in one year the NAACP would return -to an integrated city. The chairman of the Grosse Pointe Democratic club proclaimed that some people have forgotten what the Declaration of Indepen- dence means. In Dearborn an of- ficer of that city's Democratic club had spoken too. In Ann Ar- bor the Democratic club has been, pressing vigorously for an effec- tive fair housing ordinance. It seems that on local levels in the Dog Bite By WALTER LIPPMANN PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S TRIP to West Ger- many will be followed in a few days by resident de Gaulle's trip. Whatever the of- icial explanation, the fact is that the two eads of state have now involved themselves in popularity contest. It is an absurd predica- aent for the western world to be in, both 'residents trying to carry West Germany as hough they were candidates in an election ampalgn. The notion that the character of the West- rn Alliance and its leadership can be deter- pined by campaigning is a false one. The ontest with Gaullist France is not an election, ut an exercise in power politics, of which the utcome will be shaped by the astute use of the ieces that each side possesses. The whole onflict, we must remember, began with a ress conference which announced 'an action. 'he press conference was not an argument. brought forth the news thpt the British ntry into the Common Market would be vetoed y France. France had the power to apply the eto. The whole subsequent Gaullist movement gainst the NATO military structure, and gainst an Atlantic low-tariff association has een a series of actions-of withdrawals, ab- tentions and vetoes. Since Gaullism is not generally popular in Vestern Europe, it was tempting to assume hat the exasperating disruption of the western ystem could be stopped by rousing the Euro- eans to stop it. That has been a misreading f the nature of the issue. Gaullism cannot be brown back in Europe by electioneering, and will soon be evident that the cheering crowds a Germany do not mean that Britain will be dmitted any sooner to the Common Market r that the grand design is any nearer realiza- .on than it was. UT SEEING the conflict as an election problem has led directly to the embarras- Moreover, in the effort to make the Germans trust him, the President laid himself wide open to the Gaullist retort, which was that the French trusted Kennedy, but how could he speak for the "successor of the successor of the successor" of Kennedy. So grave a matter as the nature of a pledge of life and death should not be declaimed to an excited crowd. When President Kennedy told the Germans that the American govern- ment would risk its cities 'to defend German cities, the occasion did not lend itself to a full explanation of the situation. The situation is that the United States will risk nuclear war to stop an unprovoked aggression against West Germany or West Berlin. But this does not mean that the United States has pledged itself to nuclear war in order to give total support to Bonn's policies in Berlin, in East Germany or beyond the present Polish frontier. The stakes are too high to be played about with in electioneering speeches. How should the response to Gaullism be made? Since electioneering is a dangerous method of communication, since the French president does not want to talk directly with the American President and since neither man seems to be able to talk through his ambassa- dor, there remains the classic instrument of diplomacy which is to write notes, some private, some public. The advantages of writing notes are many - chiefly they can be composed deliberately; they are addressed not to the gallery, but to the head of the government, and they are immune to the intoxicating effect of cheering crowds. NOT THAT NOTE WRITING is likely to re- solve the conflict between the two govern- ments. It is a deep conflict hard to resolve, but not necessarily tragic. Note writing might, however, open up channels of communication and perhaps avert an intensification of the popularity contest. For that contest is already on the ,,,eree of, eon~ttved m ,ar. North, Democrats are mu stronger on civil rights than R publicans. This factor, plus t benefits of the welfare state, ca tures the Negro vote even thou the Negro first gained some rigs a century ago because of Repu licans. PROBABLY the best speech w that of Abraham Ulmer, chairm of the NAACP housing committ He answered the critics with soi of his stirring remarks: "We c live on your block and not ta: it. You don't have to accept us your homes-just accept us your neighbors. We're asking favors-only give us the freedc that we have fought for. "The. Negro," Ulmer continu. "is on the move in America, r becausetwe want to be but becau you have forced us to be." pointed out that "we are n afraid, as our parents were." Turner noted that one N York branch of the NAACP w organized by whites and suggest that this is one way in which t Pointe cities can redeem then selves. Leonard Woodcock, a govern of Wayne State University, not that the churches have brand segregation a sin and declar that "a semi-circle of sin si rounds Detroit." Negroes, he ad ed, have contributed to this nati before it was a nation. ROMNEY MADE some mild humorous remarks about the degree heat, then described t new state constitution's compr hensive provisions for civil righ tRomney, In his man-of -the-peon way, said it is time "for everybo to get his own house in order." Then Romney, an official the Morman church, proclaim his own version ; f the natui rights philosophy. He describ equalityJ° of opportunity as, "deathl'ess, sacred right" gilven1 God. Pointing out the bi-racial n ture of the demonstration, Romn said that the elimination of d: crimination is a matter above rac a matter requiring dedicated, di passionate leadership from be races. Then came the final prayer, a: as the people began to leave walk through the pretty neig borhoods with their old elm a: maple trees and with their iv covered homes and their peacefh chrome-plated segregation, a lo' firecracker exploded. WE DO NOT deplore events in Birmingham. We welcome them. It is thrilling to see the Negro people of the South assert- ing itself. Their reception is news only to the wilfully ignorant. The only difference between current events and the past is magnitude. What the police have long been accustomed to doing with the In- dividual Negro who resisted hu- miliation, they cannot do in secret when thousands mass. So the whole country sees the police brutes, with their billies, their guns, their electric prods, their dogs. We applaud Chief Judge David L. Bazelon of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. In a speech to the Federal Bar Association he brought down upon himself the anger of Southerners in Congress by his astringent remarks on the use of police dogs. He questioned "the use of terror evoked by the threat of setting beasts against human beings." The police claim this is effective. "Assuming for a moment that it is," Judge Bazelol. said. "A full scale reign of terror might be effective too. But could we respect ourselves if we in- stituted one?" That picture of a police dog lunging open-jawed at a Negro on the front pages of the newspapers May 4 was worth a million dollars to the cause of Ne- gro liberation. That dog was the dog that bit the South and in full view of the whole world. -I. F. Stone's Bi-Weekly ~1 I FEIFFER MP6wr- fATA PAM1~- 1 A 10AN 4)A~bP~6 J' WHOP' I WA5 A~o T41 APM~L THE CGoss NWX QW)T6 5TAT15TC$ FROM 19 WALL 5TRECT JOVRMAL- I REALIZEO~ I Vl~J T 8611 VE A 6INUL. 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