" x. r "r"'s..'":'S i .r : F '! 'e r=rt" ';:}..'".v ' ,?;"#,' q'.v«:^{v""l v",'S .Wv t «W:; "' v egro Rights Groups 0 Spur on Legislation By THOMAS COPI "The Lord of the Flies" is essentially a fable rather than a novel, David Sumner, Grad, told the second of four Office of Religious Affairs seminar sessions yesterday. "In a series of remarks," Sumner explained that the novel is a fable because of the many contrived situations and the many symbolisms that can be read into the story. He emphasized that Fries Cites Reading Skill By STANLEY SOFFIN Learning to read is a process of transferring already learned audi- tory signs to visual signs, Prof. Emeritus Charles C. Fries said yesterday. In his speech at the Rackham Amphitheatre, "Linguistics and Reading,'' he explained that the visual signs must pass through different physiological media than auditory signs on their way to the brain. During visual transfer- ence, the symbols are received as light waves in the eye while the auditory symbols are passed to the brain via ear contact, he added. Linguistic Approach Prof. Emeritus Fries, one of the country's foremost authorities in the linguistics field, stated that the linguistic approach to reading is not word orientated. It is not concerned' with the number of words a child just learning to read can use correctly, he said. Those in the field of linguistics must learn how to "engineer the find- ings of their -science" in order to aid educators in teaching children to read, he suggested. The linguistic science deals pri- marily with phonemes, or distinc- tive units of sound which differ- entiate words and phrases. Rela- tive to reading, he said that the child must learn to co-ordinate the letters of words with the sounds they produce. By applying the findings of linguistics to this process, educators will have valu- able aids in their search for better reading instruction, Prof. Emeritus Fries pointed out, Transfer Sound Patterns He said that learning to read, therefore, means a transfer of s o u n d patterns to substitute graphic patterns. He emphasized that "it is not the fault: of educators that Johnny can't read." No one can blame this failure on faulty in- struction. Because of the great mass of material nn the nature of the reading problem, educators are becoming distracted, he said. "They can't find cummulative fundamental studies in the teach- ing of reading and often come away from their research with only fragments." Prof. Emeritus Fries suggested that research be conducted with more control to solve this problem. William Golding, the book's au- thor, stressed that evil is inherent in mankind. Everything in the novel is oriented towards that idea and once the point was made, the remainder of the book seems rather anti-climactic, he said. Sumner also indicated that Golding shows the deterioration of order among the stranded children and replaces it with in- creasing savagery. The Lord of the Flies deals with a group of children isolated on a deserted oceanic isle. The.children ranging from three-and four-year olds to young teenagers first at- tempt an ordered life, lead by the older children. However, this de- teriorates as the children hunt and scavage for food. Eventually, order is lost and a mob of chil- dren murder their original leaders before a ship rescues the survivors. Sumner noted that Golding likes to place his characters in such radical situations. He pointed to "Free Fall" and the "Inheriters," two other Golding novels, as ex- amples of this penchant. The radical situation, he added gives the book its fable rather than novel aspect. Answering discussion criticism that too much can be read into the story, Sumner said that Golding is usually suggestive rather than overt. U.S. Rebutes Cuba Travelers WASHINGTON (A) -The state department says ' United States students who profess to have found great freedom in Cuba will get a different notion if they talk to Cuban students who want to flee the Castro regime. Press officer Robert J. McClos- key made this comment about re- marks which American students now in Cuba have been making over Havana Radio. Leaders Plan Mass Action On August28 Some Not Enthused Over Proposed Acts, See No 'Disobedience' NEW YORK ()-Negro leaders said yesterday a civil rights march on Washington will "definitely" take place Aug. 28. They said it will be "the strong- est action, numerically speaking, that we have ever held." The decision was reached at a secret conclave of executives of the nation's six largest Negro or- ganizations. None would venture an estimate as to the number of participants in the march, which is scheduled to coincide with con- gressional debate on President John F. Kennedy's civil rights bill. Estimate Over 100,000 Past estimates by Negro leaders have ranged from 100,000 to 300,- 000 persons. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, said "We'll have machinery that will control the demonstration. No acts that could be considered civil disobedience will occur." Meanwhile, Arthur Spingarn, president of the National Associa- tion for the Advancement of Col- ored People, arrived from a seven- week stay in England and express- ed serious doubts as to the "wis- dom" of the proposed march. Not Enthusiastic Spingarn, who has headed the NAACP' for 24 years, said he thought the NAACP was "not very enthusiastic" about the proposed march, although its relations with the other sponsoring organizations were "friendly." "There may be violence but it doesn't worry me. You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs." However, he added "I'm per- fectly convinced that there will be no disorders unless the white people want them. Violence is due to breaches in the law on the part of the whites, because in every instance where Negro dem- onstrators have been arrested the Supreme Court has held they were illegally arrested." Organizational Representatives Representing the organizations which decided to march on Wash- ington were, in addition to Dr. King: Roy Wilkins, NAACP na- tional secretary; James Farmer, national director of the Congress of Racial Equality; Whitney Young, national director of the Urban League; A Philip Randolph, president of the Negro American Labor Council and the Brother- hood of Sleeping Car Porters and John Lewis, Chairman of the Stu- dent Non-Violence Coordinating Committee. Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy told Congress "there is a serious question" whether Negroes or oth- er Americans have constitutional right to be served in a private es- tablishment which has no con- nection with the federal, state or local government. The courts have never held there is such a right; he said, but promptly added: "Congress clearly has the au- thority under the Constitution to confer such a right." Kennedy, appearing for the sec- ond day before the Senate Com- merce Committee, said the legis- lation it is considering would do just that: confer the right to such service. The committee is considering the key plank of the Administra- tion's civil rights program. COLLEGE TOWN TO UNIVERSITY CITY: U, Ann Arbor Plannin (EDIT( planning 1$ . # N By ity -U Ar. " xr¢, ° ' . t « not one a but of pr operation cioffic " tf ° ' ;A note marks ci an ~especially el. Johnt "32vL+:. n and finar ~:. *1 4_{ -- -: are som .:::.f 4a finds tha lations ar The U is planni , .., Of ten the often the > t: De TheUr a detaile .. unlike th trict "G the Medi .:study of just been Regental before be is the r CAMPUS PLANNING--The reversing of the Medical Center en- Medical C trance from the Hill to North Campus and the Huron River is on River one of the major University planning decisions. Others will soon Eventuall be announced in the Central Campus Plan. into med OR's NOTE: This is the of a six-part series on 'Ann Arbor's future.) PHILIP SUTIN Co-Editor niversity relations is of acrimonious conflict, oblem solving and co- , both city and Univer- lals agree. e of dynamic tension ty-University relations, on the planning lev- G. McKevitt, assistant e-president of business nce, admits that there etimes tensions, but at city-University re- re fruitful. niversity, like the city, ng for future growth. e plans intermesh; less re is friction. etailed Planning niversity has prepared d planning report, not e Central Business Dis- uide to Action," for cal Center. A similar Central Campus has completed and awaits review this summer coming public. or feature of this plan re-orientation of the Center toward the Hur- and North Campos. y, the center, grouped ical science buildings .+-.r'v ci :tt>ra.t.i rx": cs a.rx : PS .: r."xi"rrrr: }:,rh :"f:i}.+aw.. "r5:i" + ?ri i'{i+' '4 "'5u'"'Z"^t x a, '+: .': .tC:,'N' v: i^. '' # '4'2 °' ' "'.. and patient care facilities, will have its major entry along the river, rather than along Observ- atory and Ann Streets. The future major entrance would be off Fuller Rd. and along the Huron River Dr. Glen St. also would be developed as a major entrance route. Fur- ther, the study stresses the need for perimeter routes on the south and west. Recognizes Plan The CBD recognizes this University plan and the city is taking action to realize it. Fuller Rd. and Glen St. are designated a major access route to the CBD and the city will conduct an engineering study this year prior to widening and modernizing the two, presently narrow, streets. The construction of the Hur- on River Parkway which will cut across North Campus and provide access to the proposed new Medical Center entrance is another joint planning concern. The city purchase of four Huron River ponds from De- troit Edison Co. is of Univer- sity concern as Geddes Pond lies between the, Medical and North Campuses. Campus Plan The Central Campus plan will also be of concern to the city for that portion of the Uni-. versity lies besides and between CBD elements. See PLANNING, Page 3 :.: }!;t,.!tiff?{{ }4?y:..e.....tiv}i%<:":{.".4n}.{Ji.X:i:!.!:..A:tiff}!:iiC..:ay!..:{x.:.!tb'..""!.4!O4Ry y x.!.!i.:'Y::. t{.4444ikLYh1.t44444:4:.':M1 L4."2.R :": Y.:1.11M4RRK4".SSALMMSY.S.A":AL...R..tt.RU.MVxMawn.RR..e uvL..R.sx uwI.-,R ":. ......... . .. .. .. .""......... .............."".. ........................... .. . ...... .4......"...4":Yt 4"""1.'..1. JJ.. . 1.1.. ..4...1"" . 1.4 A. ..... . ."......... .. .. .. .1.. ".. 1. "......... . . . t 4 ... . . " .h . .. ....... ........... f. . . . ....... .....J ... .... ...J J'.. J.'f "4. A VJJ."."Jt J"N" .'"J YL14L14'. ". fthY ".tt" fit, " .. . .4 .4.......... e.. .. . . ....."".t.........."."...N....rh...........h........"." ... . . ....... h... t.. .,.1.. L "J1"J."fJ " 4141' '4" " L 1' 11 ".4 11 " h V. ... ....... .h .. .. . . .......... ..... ........ .....L. .. ..... ........". " ."......h............. 0... 1.. .". ... "....... . ..." .". ......14 ....1...". M .L 1... ." ..... .T. .. . . . . 1 1 "1V t 4 .. ....... " .. ........ .........""""........ .......... ..1.. ....... ......n,...4...1 ...1. "..... ..5. ." .....{4...4.L ....L { . . " J.. 1LY".1 '"i"ri "{J 4. .Y" i:4 .1'.4. .{.. ......... ......... .. ... f. "."""........". . .. ........ J................h.... .........L......h..1 .. .."" "... h. ........ .1 ". ..} 1.. " "J. } h"{.. h ". a y Y 131kP ~~E~aitj Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 7-S ANN ARBOR, MICIIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1963 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES g Relations Yield Progress SRC: Vacation Spending Increases The University's S u r v e y Re- search Center revealed that 27 per cent of Americans spent $100 more on travel and vacations than during the previous year. The Center's "1962 Survey of Russia Swaps Red Bloc Pact For Test Ban BERLIN W)-Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev told a cheering East German audience yesterday thatj in exchange for a non-agression pact with the West he would be willing to go along with the United States and Britain on end- ing nuclear tests in space, in the atmiasphere and under water. Khrushchev led into his offer by calling President John F. Ken- nedy's speeches in Berlin and West Germany last week "a dang- erous development." Khrushchev spoke in advance of talks on a nuclear test ban scheduled to start in Moscow with United States and British nego- tiators July 15. He deliberately left underground tests out of his proposal, and ap- peared to write off an agreement on this as impossible. Khrushchev appeared to be making a new package offer to the West, but the Soviet leader himself said he had made the partial "an proposal before. A suggestion of this was given by British Labor Party leader Harold Wilson on his recent trip to Mos- cow. After Kremlin talks with Khru- shchev, Wilson said he felt the best hope was for a limited test ban which would exclude under- ground nuclear tests. However, McKevitt feels that the two areas do not impinge upon each other. "The Univer- sity and the city fit together, but there is not a rigid, straightly - identifiable edge. There is a transitional area with housing as its major ele- ment," he explained. Close Coordination Close coordination is main- tained between McKevitt's of- fice and the planning commis- sion. McKevitt said that he pre- fers to deal with the planning commission as it is a recognized city agency and it has a well- developed set of criteria that guide its decisions. McKevitt stressed the import- ance of planning standards es- pecially as they are developed over many years and provide for stable city-University rela- tions. He pointed to the new zoning ordinance, passed this year, which took four to five years to codify. City planning director Robert Leary also noted the "good rap- port" with University officials. He explained that planning ef- forts are integrated at both the staff-technical level where pro- posals are reviewed and at the policy-making level where a University official usually sits on the planning commission. He also pointed out an in- formal link between city and U I Consumer' Spending" r e p o r t e d that vacation and travel spending is closely related to both income and education. Americans in the higher income groups spend more on vacation trips than those in the middle and lower income groups. College Graduates, One half of American college graduates spent $100 more on va- cation travel, compared to one out of eight grammar school graduates, According to the survey one out of ten Americans took vacations of 100 miles or more away. from home. These longer trips account for approximately two-thirds of. vacation travel spending. A mere 14 per cent of Americans in the $2000 to $3,999 income rang; spent $100 on vacation trips, while one half of those in the $7500 to $9,999 range and 75 per cent of those in the $15,000 range spent this sum. Children Barrier "Children do seem to be a bar- rier to travel," the report con- tinued. It found that 44 per cent of those married couples without children spend $100 or more on vacations, while 27 per cent of the general population spends that sum. The survey found that those liv- ing in the central cities of the 12 largest metropolitan areas are less likely to spend large sums on major trips than the general: pop- ulation, while those living in the suburbs of those cities tend to take more long vacation trips. This the Center attributes to. higher relative prosperity in the suburbs and increased auto-own- ership there than in the central cities. The report noted that the aver- age cost of trips over 2000 miles was almost double that amount spent on travel ranging between 1000 to 1,999 miles, The Center attributed such higher expenses to increased cost of transportation and extended living expenses. Percy Announces Ilinois Candidacy CHICAGO (A') - Charles H. Percy, Chicago business executive and nationally known Republican, announced Tuesday he will be a candidate for the GOP nomina- tion for Illinois governor next year. Percy said he decided to enter the April 14 primary after con- cluding the state's problems are not being met with determination and the intelligent direction need- ed to solve them. Johnson Presents Petitions Favoring Fair Housing Vote Third Ward Republican Councilman. Paul H. Johnson presented the Ann, Arbor City Council Monday 500 more signatures favoring an advisory vote on any fair housing ordinance "to give the council potential" to move in that direction or to council vote. Johnson said that petitions were presented without taking a stand on the anti-housing discrimination ordinance. This Is the second time he has given these petitions to council. The number of signatures now total 2000-+ World News Roundup By The Associated Press NEW YORK-The federal government renewed its charges of price-fixing in steel products yesterday, with an indictment against eight firms in the $75 million a year steel castings industry. Nine executives of the companies were named in the indictment, including 1500 from Johnson and 500 from the group collecting them. 'Independent People' The third ward councilman said he was giving them to council at the request of "independent people" from all parts of the city. He said that eight to 10 people had contacted him with the petitions and had asked him to present them to council. He said that these people had "scrupulously avoided" taking a stand on the proposed ordinance. "They are very cautious not to say anything for or against the or- dinance," he explained. Johnson denied that the ad- visory vote was a devise for defeat- ing the proposed ordinance. "Basically, the citizen has a right to request a secret vote on such an important community issue.". The group contains, "very sincere, dedicated church-going people," he noted. These citizens, Johnson told council, are asking as citizens in a democracy, that they be given the opportunity to express their opinion in the quiet of the voting booth. This citizen action is the concept of true democracy in ac- tion." Johnson indicated' that he did not expect the council to decide his request soon. "The council is treading cautiously," he explained, pointing to pending Ohio court tests of fair housing ordinances, a recent Berkeley, Cal. voter rejec- tion of such an ordinance after its city council had adopted one and the number of ordinances be- fore council. He noted that the council had before it an ordinance proposed by the Human Relations Commission and passed on first reading, a more sweeping document suggested by the council's fair housing com- mittee and several from non- governmental groups. "The council wants to scrutinize these ordinances by all possible evaluations," Johnson said. He said to give each proper study will take time as each has to be con- sidered word-by-word. Claim. Plans For Meeting WASHINGTON (,4)-A group of West Coast businessmen claimed yesterday that the United States is planning to meet with Red two who were fined last year for Justice Department charged that ROBERT McNAMARA ... better personnel Workmen Add Angell Hall Pathways. In the midst of the sweltering heat of the past few days work- men have been busily tearing up the sidewalk in front of Angell Hall. According to a Plant Depart- ment official some areas of the sidewalk are being replaced be- cause their condition is hazardous to passersby. In addition to the replacement of the old sidewalks with the new, concrete is being put down in places where students and faculty' have worn a path through the lawn. "We are conforming the naoth to student and fautyo nnin- price fixing of steel forgings. The the eight firms launched a con- "spiracy in 1956 to fix prices of' steel castings and that the scheme continued until at least 1961. KUCHING, Sarawak - The right-wing party Negara Sarawak and the Communist-leaning Sara- wak United People's Party have formed a coalition, ostensibly to oppose the projected federation of Malaya. * * * BRUSSELS-The language dis- pute that has split Belgium - one of the strongest supporters of Eu- ropean integration-brought the government's resignation yester- day. Premier Theo Lefevre called on King Baudouin and asked him to accept the resignation of his government, a careful balance of Flemish and Walloon socialists and Flemish and Walloon social Pentagon Asks For ROT% Scholarships In an effort to draw better per- sonnel into the Army and Air Force Reserve officer training pro- grams the Pentagon will soon put forth a plan calling for about 2000, $2000 scholarships for en- rollment in the programs. In addition the plan includes the cutting of the present four year program to a two year one. Under the Pentagon proposal only those who want to become reserve officers would be accepted for the two year course in the junior and senior years. Scholarships will be granted on a competitive basis. Even if Congress acts on the proposed legislation during this session it is unlikely that it could be put into effect until Septem- ber, 1954. The proposal, approved by Sec- retary of Defense Robert S. Mc- Namara, is at the Budget Bureau for final consideration before be- ing sent to Capitol Hill. The cost of 2000 scholarships, according to Pentagon sources, will be about $2.6 million. The grants would represent only about one-third of the cost of the entire ROTC program. The remaining costs go in to summer programs and maintaining the regular ofefi- cer cadre assigned to administer ... .....