4 Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROLOF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opolon& AreFree STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN TENANDER "Never MindThe Fine Print, Son ?How Would You Like To Win That Girl?" TODAY AND TOMORROW: Kennedy NATO Policy Aimed at Two Groups Detroit Freedom March Lacks Militancy, Hatred DETROIT IS glowing with pride in the wake of its highly successful "Walk to Freedom," which brought thousands of Ne- groes into downtown Detroit Sunday for a protest march and rally. Civic and religious leaders are hailing it as a precedent-setter and a milestone toward racial equality. It was indeed an impressive spectacle. People unused to enjoying the slightest human dignity walked with pride, their full status as human beings recognized-for one day, at least., And they walked in peace. The air of genuine goodwill which prevailed amounted to more than the mere absence of overt violence -the atmosphere was also free from the feel- ing of repressed hatred, from the I'd-start- something-if-I-only-dared attitude which might be expected from people who have been given plenty of reasons to be bitter. Even the white man who caused a minor at one point, it turns out, was not looking for trouble-he simply sought a chance to speak to Rev. Martin Luther King. The "Walk to Freedom," in itself, was a success. But its most basic purpose was to instill in the people present an enlightened militancy, a feeling of solidarity and purpose, so they may be constructively and actively participate in the civil-rights revolution which is beginning to sweep this nation. WITH THIS in mind, it is important to set aside the gushy statements of local dig- nitaries and to try to determine just what last Sunday's events indicate and what they do not. Numbers THE POST OFFICE takes America one step closer to 1984 Monday when the ZIP Code -a five digit number for every post office and zone in the country-goes into effect. This number like the all digit telephone number is designed to expand and speed service by codifying people. It joins the social security and driver's liscense number as a part of American life. Proliferating technology and people make such unromantic and unindividualistic devices necessary, but they should not make the gov- ernments and corporations that institute them forget that people are more than numbers. -P. S. They do not necessarily indicate grass-roots militancy among Detroit's Negroes. To join the "Walk to Freedom" required absolutely no courage and very little commitment. It was eminently respectable and rather enjoyable to participate in, and it was clear that many con- sidered it simply a unique way of spending a Sunday afternoon in a city which doesn't have much else to offer. To assume that the 125,000-250,000 people who marched would be willing to stand up for their rights under truly adverse conditions is wishful thinking. Facing the South's fire hoses and jails or the North's more refined social and economic weapons is a lot different from marching with a good-natured group of people behind a half-dozen VIP's. The march did, however, underscore the tremendous influence Rev. Martin Luther King has among Negroes-a position won, not through a charismatic personality (his speak- ing manner is good but not inspiring) but because his activities have become virtually legendary. And because what he advocates coincides so well with Negro attitudes and aspirations, King has come to personify the civil-rights movement. KING'S POWER is important-for with his acceptance as symbolic leader of the move- ment comes acceptance of his philosophy: the difficult blending of militance and anger with non-violence and love which is necessary to keep the revolution constructive rather than vindictive. In the atmosphere of the march and the reaction to King a remarkable under- standing of-and agreement with-this philos- ophy was evident. To declare that color is, or should be, ir- relevant to the way a man acts and is treated by others is a simple and true principle. To take a society where this principle has never been practiced, where its antithesis has be- come central to many basic institutions, and to change this society, is a staggering task. Even if all prejudice could be banished im- mediately which now exists will require effort and sacrifice from both white and black. Marching in a parade is only a symbolic act: if it does not spawn more - courageous and decisive action, the sound and fury will have signified nothing. -KENNETH WINTER By WALTER LIPPMANN T"HE PRESIDENT'S German speeches must have been pre- pared as a series which was to reach a logical and dramatic cli- max in West Berlin. At the airport near Cologne and in his press conference at Bonn, Mr. Kennedy talked to the Old Guard in Ger- many. He did his best to convince Dr Adenauer and his followers that the United States in general and he as President are reliable- which for the Old Guard means that not only are we prepared to defendaWest Germany with nu- clear arms, but also that the United States will give West Ger- many the veto on any negotiations about Germany. After this opening phase of re- assurance to the Old Guard, the second phase took place in the address on Tuesday at the Paul- skirche in Frankfurt. Here the President was calling upon the liberal opposition, which Dr. Er- hard represents, to look abroad across the English Channel and across the Atlantic Ocean. In the third and climactic phase, at the Free University in West Berlin, the President him- self looked across the iron cur- tain. In words that derive from Pope John, the President looked forward to "reconciliation" and then, assuming to speak for the West, said that, provided the Com- munist states do not interfere with. freedom of other states, "we are not hostile to any people or sys- tem." But the real difficulty in mak- ing a western policy for the uni- fication of Germany and of Eur- ope is not that these problems are vague and distant and shrouded in the fog of Eastern Europe and Communist Russia. The real dif- ficulty is that there is an un- resolved conflict in the Western Alliance over whether the initia- tive shall lie in Paris, with the support of Bonn, or in Washing- ton. Because the President was acutely aware of the fact that his leadership of the West is chal- lenged, he could not and did not go beyond ideals and his general assurances to any kind of defini- tion of the policy which might achieve what he is talking about. The fact is that there can be no definition of a European policy without an understanding with General de Gaulle. For there is not the smallest evidence that the cheeringGerman crowd means that there is in West Germany the will or the power or the poli- tical courage to challenge General de Gaulle's primacy on the western continent. And even if there were such an inclination on the part of the German's, France's strategic position and economic power are such that she is an essential part- ner in any Western Alliance. The President, who was walking a slippery path, was sure-footed in Bonn and Frankfurt, and he was bold in Berlin. But there is less doubt than ever that a serious discussion of transatlantic affairs will have to lie between Washing- ton and Paris. BEFORE SUCH a discussion could become profitable, the Presi- dent will have to dispel the idea 1 that our conception of Europe and the Atlantic Community is bound in the end to prevail over the false ideas of General de Gaulle. It is intoxicating to believe that the tides of history are with you, that you are the wave of the fu- ture. But history is not often a sure thing, and men living amidst it rarely know which way it is going. General de Gaulle, who has now acquired a very important follow- ing all over Western Europe, may not be, as the administration likes to think, a mere voice of the past. For while his haughtiness and elegance are by modern standards archaic, his judgment about the cold war and his estimate of the role of alliances in the nuclear age may be prgphetic. For myself, I have come to think more and more that the revival of the Western Alliance depends upon a very good under- standing of the new ideas that are coming out of France. (c) 1963, The Washington Post Co. CONTEST LIBERAL HEGEMONY: Conservatives Revolt at Illinois A Modest Proposal A MAJOR TREND in the Twentieth Century has been the steady move toward speciali- zation. However,,our citadels of learning have not kept pace with this trend. The problem with which we are concerned is the result of this anachronistic attitude. It is time our universities climbed aboard the bandwagon. It is time our' universities joined hands with the twentieth century. It is time the athletic and academic programs were integrated and specialized. Now, just how would this be accomplished? First, it must be determined into what cata- gories the various athletic spectacles fall. We would suggest the following: Football, it is commonly conceded, has been refined to a science. Since Iowa State University is the school most responsible for the teaching of science in the state, all football would be "taught" at Iowa State. Wrestling, swimming and fencing are still considered to be arts; therefore, these sports would be performed at our liberal arts school, the University of Iowa. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any educational contests, so State College of Iowa will have to do without. Basketball doesn't seem to fall into any category and would be allowed a painless death. It is believed this plan would go a long way toward eliminating these unnecessary intra-state squabbles. OF COURSE, the rest of the academic cur- riculum would have to be altered to con- form to the new standards of specialization. However, this would be no problem; it would not be the first time that academic policy was determined at the gymnasium by a group of sweatshirt clad gargantuans standing beneath a barbell; it would, in fact, be a positive boon to the state of Iowa, nay all mankind. Con- sider what this would mean. All liberal arts would be taught at SUI. All sciences would be taught at Iowa State. SCI, confined to teaching only "teacher training" courses, would soon wither and die on the vine at a tremendous savings to the taxpayers of this state. The possibilities of this type of arrangement are many. For one, additional revenues would accrue to the State due to the increase in gas tax revenues that would result from stu- dents having to travel between Iowa State and the State University to complete their full course requirements. For another, Iowa State could now build a football stadium of a hundred thousand capa- city with a three story press box complete with waitresses. The list of advantages is gnd- less. It is time in this age of specialization that the academic community get in step with the modern world. It is ridiculous in this day and age to tolerate any longer this needless dupli- cation. Under the plan described above a new era can be envisioned for college athletics and. academics as coaches and professors forget their old antagonisms and march together arm in arm down the paths to those halls of ivy in the knowledge that they are taking part in the shaping of the minds and the arms and legs of tomorrow's leaders. -IOWA STATE DAILY Housing THE ANN ARBOR City Council has been called to take action upon the problem of housing discrimination. The council has been presented with a variety of suggestions, resolutions, and pos- sible ordinances. These range from the stand of the National Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People and others for a strong ordinance covering almost all housing, to the stand of the Ann Arbor Real Estate Board that this is strictly a moral issue, not legis- lative. The major problem of the council in the drafting of an ordinance is that they are more interested in the protection of property in- terests than in solving the problem. This attitude has been expressed by Mayor Creal. His position is, "I will support a fair housing ordinance so long as it protects every- one." This is like the fat man who wants to lose weight, but doesn't want to stop eating. In short, the council would like to solve the problem, if it could be done without changing the present situation. The council does not seem to realize that any venuin nsolution of housing discrimination (Editor's Note: This article on the "conservative revolt" at the Univer- sity of Illinois first appearedin.,the current Isue of "National Review" magazine. It. is reprinted here from the "Summer Illini," the summer newspaper, at Illinois. One of the authors was president of the Con- servative Coordinating Council dur- ing the past year and the other was a council member and a Daily Ilmini columnist.) ALTHOUGH LIBERALS publicly characterize the upsurge of the Right as the proliferation of subversive groups which either paint.eswastikas or try to ban books from libraries, what is really causing hypertension in the over- extended capillary system of the Establishment, is the rise of con- servatism in the nation's colleges. In the past Liberalism looked on the campus as its empire, where it placed its proconsuls, recruited troops for further expansion, and tolerated all shades of opinion from Marx to Samuelson. Initial rebellions in the pro- vinces were documented by, M. Stanton Evans in his' "Revolt on the Campus." The winds of change continue to blow,' as evidenced by the hurricane damage suffered by Rot NO ONE talks any more of "Super-Mac." Because of the Profumo scandal? The Blue Streak and Skybolt fiascos? The Common Market blackballing by Charles de Gaulle? Thedefense policy in disarray? The sagging economy? Growing unemployment? .. . Well, it is all these and more. Now the British tailoring industry accuses him of threatening their business by telling an interviewer: "I always wear the same suit. When it wears out, I tell my tailor to send another of the same kind." "Merchant Tailor," mouthpiece of the tailoring trade, deplores the fact that the "top people are some of the worst-dressed mem- bers of our community." Citing Macmillan's sloppy dressing as re- flecting the deteriorating habits of the British upper class, it notes that the publishing tycoon Prime Minister in his role of a good House of Common's man has even been known to wear patched pants. It is clear that the rot is now eating away at the very seat of power. -Peking Review Yankee, No A MEDIEVAL approach to taxa- tion was proposed last week by Lester Pearson's Canadian govern- ment. During the Middle Ages, it was common for countries to levy special taxes, to be paid only by Jews. Pearson demands special, and much higher tax rates for foreign-owned companies. (For "foreign-owned," read "American- the Liberal installations at the University of Illinois. * * * FOUR YEARS AGO Liberals felt as securely in control at the huge Champaign-Urbana campus as did the Belgians in the Congo. The student newspaper carried ultra-Liberal student columnists, and Walter Lippmann and Pogo as representatives of Right-wing thought. Readers were regularly bombarded with pleas for various causes in the name of World Opin- ion; the prevailing cosmology al- lowed for the existence of two absolutes-the absolute virtue of the United States National Stu- dent Association (NSA) and the absolute evil of the House Un- American Activities Committee (HAUC). Conservatism was rep- resented to be an alien force in an ethos of sports cars and free thought., The shot heard round the Champaign world was fired when a group of "reactionary" student senators succeeded in getting the question of Illinois' membership in NSA put to a vote. When that revolt was crushed successfully, the Lord Norths of central Illinois settled back into their policy of salutary neglect of radical opinion. Mutterings again were heard during the 1960 election, when John F. Kennedy campaigned in Champaign. "Kennedy Go Home" signs were disturbingly evident, and the hoots and catcalls sug- gested that the masses were not in step with the elite. These fears were confirmed when a poll of students showed ah2-to-1 prefer- ence for Nixon. During the 1960-61 school year the group of campus conservatives who had led the unsuccessful at- tempt to withdraw from NSA formed the first conservative poli- tical party in recent Illinois his- tory. ALTHOUGH the Illini Party, as it was called, was shortlived, it laid the groundwork for future conservative organizations. The following fall a number of prom- inent student conservatives formed the Conservative Coordinating Council. Francis Graham Wilson, nationally known political scien- tist and conservative, became the group's sponsor. Other prominent faculty members joined' the Coun- cil-a permanent group of ad- visers to the changing student membership of eight. First victory for the council came with the Great Debate series. National Review editors William Buckley, Frank Meyer and Will- moore Kendall spoke in the de- bates, along with William Henry Chamberlin, David McCord Wright and Gerhart Niemeyer. Attend- ance at the oratorical duels as- tounded the campus, reaching a peak of 3500 when Buckley debat- ed Carey McWilliams Jr. The council shrewdly anticipated vic- tory, and broadcast the debates to 5000 residents of the University's dormatories. Even the student Ill) was running for re-election against pacifist Robert Wilson, in congruously dubbed "fighting Bob." The Cuban crisis intensified. the jellification process that had been softening local Liberal spines, and produced great Liberal en- thusiasm for Wilson. Conservatives reacted with de- termination to see Springer re- turned to office. Champaign bub- bled with political activity as cam- pus Liberals , and conservatives plunged into the contest. The re- sults showed a gratifying 3-to-2 margin for Springer. Another sign that the Liberal hegemony was in peril came with the surprising election of council member Jim Hendrick to the pres- idency of the Student Senate-a result greeted in Liberal kaffee- klatsches with the same enthu- siasm that George III showed for the Boston Tea Party. The growth of conservatism has forced organization of a new con- servative group-the Illini Con- servative Alliance-which will al- low all campus conservatives to join-unlike the council. The al liance wil serve as the acting en- tity, with the council serving as the board of directors. It would be premature to pre- dict a complete transformation of the political situation at Illinois. The Old Order is shaken, but it continues on, sustained by its own inertia. Adrian Messenger's List Listless,. THERE'S NOT much to recom- mend in "The List of Adrian Messenger," but any movie which can feature Kirk Douglas playing Chopin, and cast a detective who refers to the future as "the veiled land of things to come," can't be all bad. It can come fairly close, however. For instance, take the plot: Adrian Messenger is killed, leav- ing his best friend with a list of people, apparently unconnected to each other. each of whom is simliarly killed in a planned acci- dent. The problem is, in arche- typal detective style, to deduce from the scanty clues who is the murderer (a master of cunning disguise) and why, and to do it more brilliantly than the mind can follow. BUT "BRILLIANTLY" is not the word for it when the clues turn out to be things like the probability that a writer would refer to his manuscript as his "Emmas" (ms.-get it?). The stars are as unlikely as the clues: Tony Curtis, Burt Lancaster, Robert Mitchum and Frank Sin- atra all take mystery parts, each disguised as someone irrelevant (the motif of the film, apparent- ly). Their unrecognizable dis- guises are undestandable: who would want his fans to know he had appeared in this one. A most curious touch is a little epilogue wherein each character unmasks and winks at the audience' know- ingly. This movie is filmed in the high British manner, which means that the men change clothes more of- ten than the women and, the principals all speak as if they were eating asparagus, except for Kirk Douglas, who spends his time ducking into phone booths and peeling bubble gum off of his nose. Which is a lot of bubble gum. The cartoon is about a crook named Yeggs Benedict and at least he doesn't wink knowingly. -Dick Pollinger 1 AT THE MICHIGAN: I S?.ri ' ' t z4f 4.. (y e{ ~4 " /.10"- , RONALD M PHILIP SU Editorial Stafff WILTON........................Co-Editor UTIN ...........................Co-Editor "ZI 4/41, muur o s a