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Partly cloudy
and continued warm
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
XIII, No. 5-S,
Kennedy Seeks Atom Freeze
DJBLIN (R)-President John F.
Kennedy pledged yesterday that
the United States would use all its
power to forge a worldwide pact
to freeze the spread of atomic
In an unprecedented appearance
before wildly applauding members
of the Irish Dail (Parliament),
Kennedy recalled that it was Ire-
land which sponsored a United
Nations resolution to stop the
spread of nuclear arms and find
a way to control them.
"I pledge to you that the
United States will do all in its
p ower. to achieve such an agree-
mert and fulfill your resolution,"
he added.
Warm Reception
Kennedy's appearance before
the Dail climaxed another day of
heartwarming reception by the
Irish. Irish enthusiasm momen-
tarily endangered his safety.
The President told the ;ail that
Ireland, as a small nation sup-
porting the United Nations to the
extent of sending troops to the
Congo, had -set an example for
all the smaller nations.
"The peacekeeping machinery
of the United Nations cannot work
without the help of small nations
-nations whose forces threaten
no one and whose forces can thus
help create a world where no
nation is threatened by force," he
Dublin Is Enthusiastic
Back in Dublin, the welcome for
l Kennedy was Just as enthusiastic
as ever, but the crowds were rea-
sonably disciplined.
The President visited Paria-
ment around what the Irish call
"tay time," shortly after 4 p.m.
He stopped earlier at the Arbour
Hill Cemetery attached to the
Church of the Sacred Heart,
where he laid a wreath at the
graves of 14 Irishmen who were
executed for their part in the
1916 rising against the British.
The fifteenth man of the party
was Eamon de Valera, now Ken-
nedy's host as President of Ire-
.q land.
From Parliament, Kennedy pro-
ceeded by motorcade to Dublin
castle, ancient,- seat of the British
rulers of Ireland, where in hand-
somely gilded St. Patrick's Hall he
received an honorary degree from
the National University of Ire-
He also received a degree from
Trinity College.
Kennedy winds up his tour of
Ireland today.
Tomorrow Kennedy journeys to
London for a quick round of con-
ferences with Prime Minister Har-
old Macmillan. The talks will
largely deal with European de-
Macmillan's critics see the visit,
however, as an attempt to bol-
ster his shaky regime.
Group Studies
Civil Defense
Shelter Fate
WASHINGTON (W - President
Johh F. Kennedy's $175 million
fallout shelter program-its legacy
that of a legislative stepchild-
appears headed for a test on the
House floor.
But the man who would be in
charge of guiding civil defense leg-
S Islation through the House con-
ceded yesterday it would take an
all-out campaign to win approval.
The administration's civil de-
fense boss, while optimistic about
prospects for Hoise passage of
the message, said its chances in
the Senate are dim. /
That's the situation after five
weeks of civil defense hearings be-
fore a House armed services sub-
committee headed by Rep. F. Ed-
ward Hebert (D-La).
Hebert said the subcommittee
will resume executive-session hear-
ings July 10, taking secret testi-
mony from Pentagon officials be-
fore it decides what to do about-
the legislation.t
Hebert himself indicates he's
for the measure. With millions of
lives potentially at stake, he said,
if Congress errs, it should be in
the direction of caution. Hebert
would be floor manager of any
civil iefense bill sent to the House
by the Armed Services Committee.
The bill would authorize a $175
million appropriation to provide
federal incentive payments to pub-
lic and non-profit institutions
which build public fallout shelters.
T alsn cnll for shelter construe-
--AP Wirephoto
ADDRESSES IRISH-Speaking to a joint session of the Dail, the
Irish Parliament, President John F. Kennedy yesterday stressed
that support of the United Nations by small nations such as
Ireland is the best way to ,keep them free.
Macmillan ToContinue
As Conservative Leader
LONDON (P)-Prime Minister Harold Macmillan said last night
he would not panic over the Profumo scandal and he intends to
lead the Conservative party in Britain's next election. A Tory critic
of Macmillan quickly commented this would mean civil war within
the party.
Recording his first television interview since a sex and security
State Debt
Low Point
By The Associated Press
LANSING - Michigan's state
government will end its fiscal year
Sunday with a general fund sur-
plus in excess of $55 million.
The surplus, which results from
increased tax collections reflect-
ing a high level of business activ-
ity during the last 12 months,
will reduce the state's long stand-
ing general fund deficit below $30
This will be its lowest point
since June 30, 1958, when the
deficit first appeared. The red ink
at that time added up to $21
Revised Figures
The revised figures on the gen-
eral fund result from a report by
State Revenue Director Clarence
W. Lock, who closed his books
Friday on June tax collections.
Lock reported:
1) Sales and use tax collections
for June, representing May busi-
ness activity, totaled $44.2 mil-
lion, an increase of $2.8 million
over June last year.
Fiscal Year
2) Tentative figures for the
fiscal year ending Sunday indicate
sales tax collections of $456 mil-
lion compared with $427 million
last year
3) Use taxes came to $45 million
for the year, an increase of $10
million from last year.
Total sales and use taxes were
$21 million higher than estimated
last January when Gov. Romney
submittedhis budget to the Legis-
lature for the first fiscal year
starting July 1.
Scott Blasts
GOP Feuds
Hugh Scott said last night the way
for Republicans to lose the 1964
presidential election is to "beat
each other to bits now" in a con-
servative-versus-liberal row.
In a speech prepared for a na-
tional convention of Young Re-
publicans which has demonstrated
marked approval for the views of
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz)
Scott said "misplaced zeal and
unduly violent clashes of opin-
ion" could cripple the party and
lose the next election.
Scott, a Pennsylvania and a
former GOP national chairman
who is regarded as a moderate,
called on his listeners to support
the party's choice of presidential
and vice presidential candidates
by 1964 "whoever they may be."
"I am for a Republican victory
next year," he said. "You are for
a Republican victory next year.
But to beat each other to bits now
is a sure way to let our opposition
beat us once more at the polls.
Let us leave lunacy to those who
would ride our money to the moon.
"With misplaced zeal and un-
duly violent clashes of opinion, we
can cripple ourselves grievously,
lose sight of our goal of good, wise
and responsible government, and
lose the next election.
"Let us find our way to our
selected leaders with tolerance of
our own differences of opinion
and emphasis on those things on
which we all agree. . . We all
agree that the great question is
not whether or not we are going
to turn the clock back. but how
we can prevent it from being re-
wound every hour."
"There are ties between France
and the United States which
ought not to be jeopardized by
this sort of parochialism and petti-
ness of phrase," Mansfield said.
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Guide' Seeks To Revive CR13
(Editor's Note: This is the
second of a six-part series on
planning Ann Arbor's future.)
Slight headway is being made
in implementing -the Central
Business District "Guide to Ac-
tion" plan for renovating the
city's core.
The plan drafted last winter
was approved by the City Coun-
cil in March and engineering
studies toward solving CBD
traffic problems are scheduled
for the next fiscal year.
The plan hopes to make the
district more attractive to cus-
tomers by unifying, as much as
possible, its- three basic elem-
ments-the Main, State and
South University Streets shop-
ping areas - by diverting
through traffic around the dis-
trict and by beautifying it.
Notes Advantages
Noting the diversity of busi-
ness and private and govern-
mental services located in the
CBD, its central location and
nearness to the University and
extensive private housing, the
guide also assesses several se-
vere drawbacks.
It warns against the tendency
of the district to sprawl north
and south along Main St. rather
than joining up with the State
St. section. The South Univer-
sity section is cut off by part
of the University's Central
There is also a "middle
ground" of small offices and
homes between Division and
Fifth Streets which divide the
Main and State St. areas.
Small Blocks
Further, there are many
small blockshdestroying the
continuity of the district and
making pedestrian traffic dif-
ficult. The district is also bro-
ken up by several manufactur-
ing plants and warehouses, the
guide notes.
Land uses fragment different
sections, ratner tnan encourage
activity between them, the re-
port adds.
To meet the optimistic $32.2
million in retail CBD sales,
there should be 140,000 more
square feet of shopping space,
including a 90,000 sq. ft. depart-
ment store, 30,000 square feet
of convenience good stores, 60-
120,000 square feet of non-
governmental office space, 150-
200 new hotel or motel rooms.
250 new apartment units and
15,000 square feet of new retail
service facilities constructed,
the guide recommends.
Plazas, Prominade
In addition, the report sug-
gests that activities be more
concentrated in the Main and
State St. areas. To unify and
beautify the area, plazas should
be consttucted along Liberty St.
and a 'civic prominade" shouud
be built along Fifth St. to link
up governmental and civic fa-
New retailing and ware-
housing facilities should be
built along Ashley St. and mo-
tel, hotel, office and conference
center buildings should be lo-
cated along the CBD perimeter,
the report suggests.
To simplify pedestrian traffic,
mid-block walkways should be
The report notes that the
current checkerboard traffic
patterns hinder CBD develop-
ment by bringing excess traffic,
desiring to pass through the
district, to the CBD. On-street
parking in the district also hin-
ders the streets' efficiency.
Ease Load
The Eastbelt and proposed
Northbelt -Expressways' will
eliminate some of, this load. To
improve traffic flow, the report
suggests that Packard Rd. and
Beakes St. be extended to Ash-
ley St. Division, State and Ann
Streets would be widened and
parking removed and Williams
St. would. be extended to join,,
Liberty St. and Washington St.
to join Huron St. west of Third
St. This expansion is designed
to divert traffic from the center
of the CBD and speed non-
See CBD, Page- 3
storm forced his war minister,
To Start
iit Talks
End Jailing
Of Wender
Susan Wender, '65, a worker
for the Student Non-violent Co-
ordinating Committee in Albany,
was released from jail yesterday
morning on a 60-day suspended
sentence after being charged and
convicted of vagrancy.
She was arrested eight days ago
in Albany, Ga., while she and two
other girls were walking through
a Negro neighborhood to notify
people of a general meeting later
that day. Miss Wender said she
and her two companions werernot
loitering but were walking from
house to house, stopping only to
inform the inhabitants of the
Vagrancy Charges
Two policemen on motorcycles
approached the girls and told them
they' were under arrest on suspi-
cion of vagrancy. The girls lay
down in the street and were drag-
ged to a detectives' car and taken
to the police station.
During the eight days the girls
were in jail they refused to eat
anything and drank only water.
Miss Wender lost 14 pounds. She
said there were some people in jail
who had been fasting for 10 days
and were on the verge of passing
out. At one point Chief of Police
Laurie Pritchett asked the girls
to eat something, Miss Wener said,.
The work of SNCC in the area
has been slowed down consider-
ably because of the increasing
chance of being arrested, Miss
Wender noted. She said people who
are known to be involved with
SNCC have only to walk down .the
street to be picked up on some
charge. At present groups of SNCC
workers are hiding in local church-
es afraid to walk outside.
Bottles and Bricks
A boy working with SNCC was
arrested a few days ago on a
charge, which Miss Wender said,
was so vague the police could not
even pretend they could prove it.
The police said they arrestedhim
"because bottles and bricks were
thrown at a fire engine from the
general direction in which the boy
was standing," she explained.
Although there are officers of
the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion in the area, Miss Wender said,
most of them were local Southern-
ers and could do nothing more
than file a report.
The Justice Department has
been informed of the various mci-
dents but they have done nothing
hn Profumo, out in disgrace, Mac-
millan said: "All being well and
if I keep my health and strength,
I hope to lead the party at the
next election."
Public Meeting
An hour before appearing on
the nation's television screens he
told a public meeting in industrial
Wolverhampton that, in handling
the Profumo affair, he did not in-
tend "to fall either into panic or
obstinacy-or complacency."
He said:
"My own duty is clear. I have
first, as head of government, a
duty to the nation as a whole. I
have also, as leader of the Con-
servative party, a duty to the
party, its life, its strength and
its future.
"Both these duties I intend to
Refuse To Quit
Macmillan emphasized his re-
fusal to quit less than 24 hours
before he is due to meet President
John F. Kennedy for important
talks. By serving notice he is no
lame-duck premier, he possibly
strengthens his own negotiating
position. At the same time he lets
the rebels in Iii sown party know
he is still a force to be reckoned
Political authorities in touch
with Tory opinion had been as-
suming that, with the best will
in the world, Macmillan was un-
likely to stay on as prime minister
much beyond late summer.
Caucus Wrangles
Only Thursday the atmosphere
of confusion and division worsen-
ed when a party caucus - meeting
wrangled bitterly over the lead-
ship issue and maneuvers to keep
him in office.
There were two qualifications in
Macmillan's pledge. He left him-
self the chance to retire for health
reasons if the going gets too tough.
His reference to "all being well"
could be taken to mean that his
future rests on what support he
can win.
Rap de aulle urope Statement
WASHINGTON ()-Senators of
both parties hit back in sharp
words yesterday at a spokesman
for French President Charles de
Gaulle who questioned the dur-
ability of President John F. Ken-
nedy's pledge to defend Western
"A gratuitous slur," Sen. Mike
Mansfield of Montana, the Demo-
cratic leader, told his colleagues.
He suggested it would be helpful
if de Gaulle would join Kennedy
in "the high purpose" of achiev-
ing unity rather than disunity.
Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY)
said he agreed with Mansfield.
At the same time the state de-
partment threw back at the
Frenchman, Information Minister
Alain Peyrefitte, the words in
which Kennedy, speaking in West
Germany, coupled his pledge with
strong criticism of de Gaulle's go-
it-alone policy for Europe.
Asked about Peyrefitte's state-
ment, state department press offi-
cer Richard T. Phillips said:
"The position of the United
States on this matter has been
stated emphatically and clearly by
the President, and I think his re-
marks speak for themselves."
Mansfield called the French
official's remarks "a distinct dis-
appointment" and "a gratuitous
slur which I cannot believe repre-
sents the considered sentiment of
the people of France."
Javits in giving his backing cited
the commitment of the most re-
May Prepare
For Session
With Chinese
Kremlin Statement
Hints at Jostling
For Ideological Stand
BERLIN (A)-Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev arrived in East Berlin
yesterday and sped through a
lackluster reception to plunge into
a surprise summit meeting with
Soviet satellite leaders.
The Soviet leader was believed
to be lining up his East European
satellites behind Kremlin policy in
the ideological conflictwith Pe-
king and, possibly charting a new
course for better relations with
the West.
The Kremlin suggested this
yesterday in publishing a Moscow
speech Khrushchev made last
weekcsaying thathPresident John
F. Kennedy had decided the time
had come for better relations with
the Soviet Union.
Follows Kennedy
The announced reason tf o r
Khrushchev's visit to East Berlin
on the heels of President Ken-
nedy's triumphant mid-week re-
ception in West Berlin was the
7 0 t h anniversary celebrations
Sunday for East German Com-
munist boss Walter Ulbricht.
But as the official East German
news agency ADN disclosed one
by one the names of other Com-
munist leaders arriving in East
Berlin, it began to appear that
the most important Communist
meeting since the 1961 Moscow
Party Congress was in the mak-
The Communist chieftains al-
ready on hand, besides Khrush-
chev a n d Ulbricht, included
Wladyslaw Gomulka of Poland,
Antonin Novotny of Czchoslovakia
Janos Kadar of Hungry and Todor
Zhivkov of Bulgaria.
One Absentee
One notable absentee so far was
Romania's President Gheorghe
Gheorgiu-Dej. He is reported
angry with the Kremlin's eco-
nomic plans for Romania and that
satellite's reime has recently
made noises that suggest it might
follow Albania and side with Red
China in intra-Communist con-
If Khrushchev, had any idea of
waging a popularity contest with
Kennedy in Berlin, he failed.
Khrushchev drew crowds much
smaller and much less enthusiastic
than Kennedy did in West Berlin
Satellite Speeches
But Khrushchev in Berlin ap-
parently was preoccupied with the
matters he was to take up with
the satellite speeches. He made
only indirect references to Ken-
nedy, who now is in Ireland, and
spoke in relatively mild terms of
Communist glories.
Khrushchev made no threats
toward the West nor did he praise
Ulbricht, who advocates a more
militant line toward the West on
The Khrushchev speech dis-
closed in Moscow yesterday was
made at a meeting of the Central
Committee of the Soviet Commun-
ist Party.
Khrushchev apparently w a s
speaking in reply to Kennedy's
June 10 speech at American Uni-
versity in which Kennedy called
for a new, determined effort to
secure world peace and also an-
nounced high level nuclear test
ban talks would open in Moscow
in mid-July.
Students and Ann Arbor
residents will have new ad-
dresses Monday-the ZIP (Zone
Improvement) Code goes into
This nationwide post office
reform adds a new number to
cent Republican administration,
that of President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, to the defense of Europe
as evidence of this country's con-
tinuing policy of defending "the
cause of freedom."
Javits declared that Democrats
and Republicans alike back the
Kennedy pledge.
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-
Minn), assistant Democratic lead-
er, said the French spokesman
would "do well to retract the
Mansfield said it was a matter
of deep regret that Peyrefitte,
"evidently speaking for President
de Gaulle," made the statement
the French government had never
doubted Kennedy's resolution, but
"'may well ask what the successor
of President Kennedy may say in
ten years' time.' "
Describing himself as an admir-
er of de Gaulle, off his war record
and of his other achievements,
Mansfield told the Senate, "I must
say that this statement of his
spokesman comes as a distinct dis-
"What President Kennedy is
trying to do is to heal the split
in the Westernalliance and to
bring unity in the place of dis-
array," Mansfield said.
He added that no country would
benefit more than France and "no
man could play a more significant
role in that alliance than Presi-
dent de Gaulle."
"There are ties between France
and the United States which are of
such profound significance that
they uoght not to be jeopardized
by this sort of parochialism and
pettiness of ' phrase," Mansfield
l World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-The Religion and
Race Commission of the National
Council of Churches yesterday
adopted a program designed to put
more force behind the Council's
position against racial .discrimin-
The five-point program called
Glee Club Receives Warsaw Acclaim
upon ministers in racially tense
areas to set up 24-hour-a-day
vigils in prisons to preveTit what
it termed "police brutality"
against civil rights demonstrators
under arrest.
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
the Navy Fred Korth insisted to
S e n a t e investigators yesterday
that the design he approved for
the TFX warplane promised "the
best aircraft in the time available
and at the least program cost."
Korth's appearance marked the
beginning of the closing phase of
testimony-taking in the prolonged
LAUSANNE, Switzerland-Iraq's
Kurdish rebels are demanding
that the United Nations intervene
in their struggle for independence.
They issued a statement Friday in
Lausanne charging the Syrian air
force had moved in on the side
of the Iraqi government and that
this made the rebellion an inter-
national conflict.
By The Associated Press
WARSAW - T h e University
Men's Glee Club, on a tour of
southern and eastern Europe, re-
ceived favorable acclaim here
Thursday night.
"I was completely enchanted. It
is unbelievable that an amateur
group could surpass our most pro-
fessional choirs with such ease
f excuiv." Maria Glowacka
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