JUNE 27, 1963
Negroes, Unions, Employers, Clash over Job Discrimination
City Utilities Ask Residents
To Limit Lawn Sprinkling
have less chance than whites to
get a high-paying job in the North,
but most employers and unions
deny this stems from racial dis-
Negro leaders generally con-
tend it does. In Chicago, for ex-
ample, they say that hardly any-
one downtown hires Negroes as of-
fice workers, store clerks or skill-
ed craftsmen.
SNCC To Meet
On Civil Riohts
The Ann Arbor Friends of the
Student Non-Violent Coordinating
Committee will hold a meeting at
8:00 p.m. today in Room 3B of
the Michigan Union to plan sum-
mer activities in the civil rignts
The meeting will be addressed by
Prof. Eugene Feingold of the poli-
tical science department, "Prof.
Leon H. Maynew of the sociology
department and Laurie Efrein, '65.
Officer elections will also be held.
"The Loop of Chicago looks like
a snowstorm at 5 o'clock," says
Hamp McKinney of the Urban
League of Chicago, "with only here
and there a little brown speck in
Not Qualified
But employers and unions say
that situations like this are not
caused by racial discrimination.
They say there aren't enough qual-
ified Negroes to fill the jobs, avail-
Reports from Associated Press
bureaus in New York, Philadel-
phia, Los Angeles, Detroit, San
Francisco and Chicago and from
government agencies in Washing-
ton indicate a similar pattern.
North Problem
ing at the bottom of the heap.
Their jobs usually are menial, low-
paying and the first eliminated
when times get tough.-
Not ResponsibleI
Employers and unions do not'
dispute these facts. They simply
refuse to accept any responsibility
for it. For the record, almost all
unions and most businesses in the
North say they are against racial
"We have no Negroes in our un-
ion," says Romeo Jensen, business
representative of the AFL-CIO
Iron Workers Local 11 in Newark,
N.J. "The reason is nobody has
applied. I don't believe in any
discrimination of any sort."
"The company policy has been
and will continue to be a non-
discriminatory one," says John E.
Joyce, Jr., a Newark contractor. "I
must admit, though, I never re-
member hiring . . a colored
plumber or steamfitter."
In the current crisis, most of
the anger of northern Negroes
Useem Sees
COLUMBUS (R) - More than
1200 teachers, deans and school
administrators were called "cul-
tural missilemen" in an emerg-
ing civilization by Prof. John
Useem of the sociology depart-
ment Monday night.
Prof. Useem was addressing the
18th conference of the National
Commission on Teacher Education
and Professional Standards of the
National Education Association.
He told the educators that their
jobs are changing because society
is undergoing basic changes.
"People are living longer, and in
the midst of constant innovations
and new knowledge, a person is
compelled to make learning an
intrinsic part of himself.
"Learning how to learn will
gain increasing attenticn from all
of us involved in the education of
America," Prof. Useem said.
rushes at the old craft unions in
the building trades.
The problem of craft union dis-
crimination, says Philip A. Cam-
poneschi, chief attorney of the
Civil Rights Commission's employ-
ment section, is "as significant as
the problem of eating at lunch
counters in the South.
"How significant is that to the
whole problem of discrimination.
Not very. But it's an irritant, and
it's the focus now for attacks by
Resent Furor
Leaders of the AFL-CIO admit
that the craft unions have dis-
criminated against Negroes, but
the leaders resent the current fu-
ror by Negroes over the situation.
The resentment stems from three
basic beliefs of the AFL-CIO lead-
1) That the record of the AFL-
CIO, on the whole, has favored the
2) That the AFL-CIO is doing
the best it can to change the poli-
cies of its craft unions.
3) That the end of discrimina-
tion by the small craft unions
would hardly improve the general
job stuation for Negroes.
Angers Negroes
Nevertheless, the record remains
to anger American Negroes. In all
America, there are only 300 union-
licensed Negro plumbers and elec-
tricians, far less than the number
of Negroes with doctorate degrees.
Hill says that the sheet metal
workers' local in New York has
no Negroes among its 3200 mem-
bers and the plumbers local has
two Negro apprentices among its
3300 members.
In Detroit last year, the iron
workers local trained 66 appren-
tices, none Negro; the plumbers
local trained 128 apprentices, none
Negro; the sheetmetal workers
traned 159 apprentices, seven Ne-
The craft unions pattern them-
selves in some ways after the Me-
dieval guilds. They are exclusive
associations that restrict member-
ship, often allowing few other than,
relatives to enter their apprentice- 4
ship programs.
The leaders of the craft unions,
when pressed, will say that they
would allow Negroes into the ap-
prenticeship programs if Negroes
But Negro youngsters, knowing
the record of the craft unions,
rarely bother to apply. And often
they are too poor and unschooled
to become apprentices even if the
unions kicked away the barriers.
Many Reasons
"What's the reason?" asks Cam-
poneschi. "Close your eyes and
stick out 10 fingers, and you'll
find 10 reasons. You want me to
say all these reasons mean dis-
crimination. Sure, it's discrimina-
tion. It's the story of the Negro in
Negroes, while angry at the craft
unions, often are just as disturbed
at the record of employers.
In Washington, Edward A.'
Hailes of the local NAACP, says,
"We are the victims of tokenism
for window dressing-one Negro is
hired and then they boast of be-
ing integrated."
Not Skilled
Employers counter with the same
argument as the leaders of the
New Zoning
Of Researchers
\The Ann Arbor City Planning
Commission recommended a
change in the RE research district
of the city's zoning ordinance at
their Monday night meeting.
The proposed change would
eliminate requirements in the RE
district which limit the amount of
floor space in a research structure
that can be used for manufactur-
ing and the number of employees
who can be involved in manufac-
turing processes.
The recommendation will pro-
vide more flexibility in the re-
search zoning district if accepted
by the City Council.
craft unions: They would hire Ne-
groes if they were qualified or edu-
cated or skilled.
So the cycle goes on. Employers
and unions say Negroes aren't
qualified. Without union member-
ship and without jobs, Negroes
can't get the education and train-
ing to become qualified.
The flurry of demonstrations
during the last few weeks has spur-
red some action from unions, em-
ployers and the government.
President John F. Kennedy has
banned racial discrimination on
construction projects paid for, in
whole or part, by federal funds.
'U' Receives
U.S. Contracts
Oan Pupil Study,
The University has received a
$30,000 research contract from the
United States Office of Education
to study pupil self-selection of
learning activities in the seventh
and eighth grades.
The announcement was made
today by the U. S. commissioner of
education, Francis Keppel.
The project will deal with pu-
pils, with some guidance, deciding
for themselves what mathematics
courses to study.
The experiment will be conduct-
ed beginning this fall in Univer-
sity Elementary School's seventh
and eighth grade mathematics
classes. The Ann Arbor public
school system will co-operate by
providing the control group for
the experiment in its junior high
mathematics classes.
William M. Fitzgerald, of the
education school, said yesterday
he felt that there was a need to
improve the curriculum in this
area. He hoped such a program
would foster the development of
independent work habits among
the students.
Ann Arbor residents are being
asked to continue a voluntary cut-
back in lawn sprinkling between
line along
will end when a
Waters Rd. is put
in late July or
the hours of 4 to 9 p.m. to help I early August.
combat a problem of low water
pressure in the southwest portion
of the city.
In addition to the regulation of
lawn sprinkling from 4 to 9 p.m.,
Abbott urges further efforts to
ease the problem. It would be ad-
vantageous if sprinkling at even-
numbered residences would be
done on even-numbered dates and
at odd-numbered residences on
odd-numbered dates.
The cutback was first requested
yesterday and was partially suc-
cessful, Utilities Superintendent
Wayne H. Abbott reported.
The voluntary ban is expected
to be temporary, Abbott noted.
Total water flow in the city will
be increased by about a million
gallons when new facilities at the
Steere Farm Wells are complete
in about two weeks.
That addition, however, will not
completely alleviate the problem
in the southwest part of the city.
Abbott said that the problem in
See Faucher
In UGLI Post
Miss Rose-Grace Faucher has
been appointed head of the Un-
dergraduate Library effective July
1, Frederick Wagman, director of
University libraries, has an-
Weinreich To Talk
About Linquistics
Prof. Uriel Weinreich of Colum-
bia University will speak on "Geo-
graphic Paradoxes in Slavo-Yid-
dish Relations," at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in Rackham Amph.
DIAL 2-6264
Shows at 1-3-5-7 & 9 P.M.
take on the wild Apachel
Harris Views
Junior College
In Education
KANSAS CITY -- The role of
community junior colleges in post-
high school occupational educa-
tion was emphasized by Prof. Nor-
man C. Harris of the educational
school in a talk before the Ameri-
can Association of Junior Colleges.
"Community j u n i o r colleges
ought to be involved in providing
semi-professional a n d technical
education programs for students
of middle-level ability-students
who were probably between the
40th and 75th percentiles of their
high school graduating class," he
Increased emphasis on occupa-
tional education in the high school
would help to alleviate the drop-
out problem as well as prepare
non-college-bound students f o r
entry jobs or for apprenticeship,
he added.
"These'young people are the
main source of the semi-profes-
sional and technical manpower
which our economy needs. They
need a college preparatory pro-
gram in high school, but a some-
what specially designed one-
DIAL 5-6290
etion ia Jt derns Ccodalr *
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial,
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to.
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
8:00 a.m.-Bureau of Industrial Re-
lations Advanced Professional Devel-
opment Course for Personnel Managers
-George Odiorne, Bureau of Industrial
Relations; Thomas Gilson, Rutgers
Univ.; evening guest lecturers: School
of Business Admin.
9:00 a.m.-School of Music Third Sum-
mer Conference on Piano Teaching -
Rackham Bldg.
2:00 p.m. - Audio-Visual Education
Center Film Preview-"Twisted Cross":
Multipurpose Room, Undergrad Lib.
8:00 p.m.-Tonight-"South Pacific"
presented by the U-M Players with
Prof. Ralph Herbert of the Metro-
politan, Opera. In the air-conditioned
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Box office
open 12:30-8:00 today. Tickets also
available for forthcoming Players pro-
ductions, which include "Two for the
Seesaw," "Androcles and the Lion,"
"Monique," and an opera, to be select-
ed. Season tickets for all five shows
start at $4, for first four at $3.50
Linguistic Forum Lectures: Uriel
Weinreich, Prof. of Linguistics and Yid-
dishStudies and Chairman of the Dept.
of Linguistics at Columbia Univ., will
give the first Linguistic Forum Lec-
ture, "Geographic Paradoxes in Slavo-
Yiddish Relations," this evening, at
7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Doctoral Examination for Frederick
Wilgar Boal, Geography; thesis: "An
Analysis of Retail Business Location
and Customer Movement in Ann Ar-
bor, Michigan," today, 210 Angell Hall,
at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, J. D. Nystuen.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., July 26. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than July 12.
The Alexander von Humboldt-Stif-
tung Foundation has announced two
programs of research fellowships in the
Federal Republic of Germany and in W.
Berlin, for faculty members in all
areas. Deadline for making application
is Oct. 1. Further information and de-
tails may be obtained in the Grad
Fellowship Office, Room 110 Rackham
Awards under the Fulgright-Hays Act
for University, Lecturing and Advanced
Research have been announced for 1964-
65 in Europe, the Near East, South and
East Asia and Africa. Those applying
must be U.S. citizens; for lecturing, at
least one year of -univ. teaching ex-
perience; for research, a doctoral de-
gree at the time of application. Appli-
cation forms may be obtained from the
Conference Board of Associated Re-
search Councils, Committee on Inter-
national Exchange of Persons, 2101 Con-
stitution Ave., Washington 25, D.C.
Deadline for filing an application is
Aug. 1, 1963. Further information is
available in the Grad Fellowship Of-
fice, 110 Rackham Bldg.
The Conference Board of Associated
Research Councils announces a program
of 1964 Summer Institutes in Asian
Civilization in India and China. Eligi-
bility requirements are U.S. citizen-
ship, PhD in humanities or social sci-
ences, undergrad teaching experience.
Grants cover tuition and round-trip
travel. Grantees will be responsible for
own maintenance expenses. Grants do
not cover family allowances and appli-
cants should not plan to bring fam-
ilies. Application forms may be obtain-
ed from Conference Board of Associat-
ed Research Councils, Committeeon
International Exchange of Persons, 2101
Constitution Ave., Washington 25, D.C.
Deadline for filing applications is Aug.
1, 1963. Further information is avail-
able in the Grad Fellowship Office, 110
Rackham Bldg.
Swift & Co., Chicago, II1.-Many &
various openings including: 1) Agri.
Chem. Research-BS Chem. or ChE. 2)
Agri. Chem. Research (Bartow, Fla.)-
BS ChE. 3) Industrial Sales-major or
minor in Chem. 4) Mgr. Trainee-Dairy
& Poultry Plants. 5) Economist (MS &
MBA only). 6) Investment & Financial
Analyst-Degree Bus. Ad., Finance, or
Econ. 7) Mktg. & Mgmt. Trainee. 8)
Mktg. Analyst (MBA only). 9) Bacter-
iologist. 10) Engrg. Research. 11) Chem-
ists-BS, MS & PhD. 12) Operations Re-
search, etc.
Management Consultants in Chicago
-Client firms have many technical
openings including: Operations Analyst;
Operations Research-Mgmt. Consulting;
Logic Designers; Tech. Dir.--Chem.;
Applied Cultural Anthropologist; Social
Psychologist; etc.
Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc.,
Cleveland, Ohio-Openings as follows:
Liquid Metals/Corrosion; Welding Re-
search Engnr.; Physical Metallurgist;
R&D Metallurgists; Applied Met. Re-
search; Liquid Metals Met; Plastics Dev.
Engnr.; Plastics Res. Chemist; Honey-
comb Structures Engnr.
M. J. Hudson Co., Detroit, Mich. -
Opening for young graduate who is in-
terested in making advertising a career.
Position offers extensive exper. in all
phases of adv.-sales, copy, prod., &
promotion-in a small but well estab-
lished agency.
B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio-1)
Cost Accountant-BS with Acc't. major.
No exper. required. 2) Mfg. Engineer
Trainee-Degree in ME, EE or ChE. No
exper. required. 3) Mgr., Mgmt. & Com-
puter Science-minimum MS in Opera-
tions Res. or related science with BS ii
Physical Sciences. Exper. in O.R. re-
Management Consultants in Mass.-
Client firms have following openings:
1) Group Underwriter-3 or more yrs.
exper. in insurance underwriting. 2)
Controller-bkgd. in Finance & Acc't. 3)
National Mktg. Mgr.-Must have nat'l.
bkgd. exper. in the drug field. 4) Mgr.,
Mktg. Research-degree Econ., Mktg.,
or Psych. plus exper.
Argonne National Lab., Argonne, Ill.
-Many & various openings including:
BS Biology; BS Chem.; Registered Nurse;
BS Physics; BS Microbiology; BS Lib.
Sci. or general sci. Two yrs. college re-
quired for the following: Mech. Tech.;
Computer Operator; Draftsman-Design;
Chem. Tech.; Tech. Secretaries & Tech.
Typists, etc.
W. R. Grace & Co., Clarksville, Md.
-Technical openings as follows: Poly-
mer Physicists & Physical Chemists-
PhD; Physical Chemist or ChE-MS or
PhD; Analytical Chemist-BS or higher;
Process Dev. Engnrs. Adv. degree pref.
plus exper.
United States Gypsum Co., Southfield,
Mich.-Construction Products Sales En-
gineer Trainee. Degree in Civil, Arch.,
Structural or Mech. Engrg. pref. 2 or
more yrs. as a successful Construction
Products sales Engrg. pref., although
new grads considered.
Veterans Admin., Washington, D.C.-
Good opportunities for graduates as
Dietitians, Nurses, Librarians, Psychol-
ogists & Engineers. Also some positions
as Attorney, Audiologist & Speech Path-
ologist, Biological Scientists, Medical
Record Librarian, Medical Tech., Pharm-
acist, Physician & Recreation Special-
Marplan Div., Detroit, Mich.-Study
Director to assist in the design, imple-
USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and.registered organizations only.
Organizations who are planning to be
active for the Summer Session should
register by July 5, 1963. Forms avail-
able, 1011 Student Activities Bldg.
* * *
Baha'i Student Group, Open House,
June 28, 8 p.m., 500 E. William.
mentation of a research project, pre-
pare & design questionnaire, field in-
struction, tabulation analysis & prep-
aration of final report. Some travel in-
volved. Grad with above average grades.
1-2 yrs. in marketing research (auto-
mobile). Age: under 30.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg. during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri., 8 a.h. til 12 noon and 1:30
til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Cope, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Grad 'student with French, German
or Spanish background. Must be
able to type with accuracy. No phys-
ical defects against lifting. Library
Assistants position. Approximately
20 hours per week, starting in Sep-
1-Student with transportation to work
15 to 20 hours per week in exchange
for an apartment.
1-Secretary. Must be a good typist
and know shorthand.. Must, also,
have a good English background. 12
hours per week for approximately
one year.
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