Seventy-T hird Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENyS OF "THE UNIvERSrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "'Where Oinions*rFe STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 'Truth Will Prevail"_ Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. a ar w sa .aY. 4~y. """, , r fr^.Ki~y , AUGUST 14, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: MARILYN KORAL Catholic Dissenters Question Failing Birth Control Dogma E VERY SO often, a group of people discoverE that tradition is beginning to fail them. They find that their ways of thinking or acting somehow have gotten out of tune with, their basic needs and aspirations. To resolve such a dilemma, they turn to a problem-solving process. Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department suggests that there are six steps in this process: 1) detection, the realization that there is a problem; 2) com- munication, bringing widespread recognition of it; 3) analysis of the problem; 4) proposal and essay, by which solutions are suggested and tried; 5) evaluation of the various proposals, and finally 6) consensus, the achievement of substantjal agreement on the new solution. The Roman Catholic Church faces such a moral crisis with its position on birth control, and there is considerable evidence that the problem-solving process is getting underway. THE DETECTION function is already well along. Only a few years ago, scarcely a Catholic could be found who would even admit that the "population explosion" presented any problem, either to the individual family or to the world. Then, as the evidence became harder Lobbyg YM : MAKE NO MISTAKE about it, lobbying is big business. For a group of well-trained, efficient Individuals to be able to convince a seasoned congressman of the validity of their position is not always easy, as the lobbyists themselves would surely be the first to admit. Yet lobbyists have aided in the passing of much valuable legislation, so that it is regrettable when such examples as the recent Portuguese lobbying campaign crop up to sullythe name of lobbyists in general. The case in point concerns a vast $500,000- a-year campaign in which a group of indus- trialists speaking for the Portuguese govern- met pulled a fantastic snow job on many con- gressmen to counteract the bad publicity they felt the press was giving them over the con- troversial tactics Portugal was employing in its Angola colony. The Portuguese representa- tives hired a public relations firm. and estab- lished the "Portuguese-American Committee on Foreign Affairs" as a front for their activities. After the public relations men hd come up with speeches plugging the Portuguese govern- ment, the lobbyists talked no less than House Speaker John McCormack (D-Mass) and for- rier Speaker Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (R-Mass) into delivering them on the floor of the House. LOBBYISTS even went so far as to send ,similar speeches through the mail in postage-free envelopes graciously furnished by Rep. Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. ID-Mass) who wept further and allowed his office. and staff to be utilized for the Portuguese lobbyists'. aims. None of the aforementioned gentlemen frozm Massachusetts have publicly disclosed rurther details of these transactions as yet, which still leaves their actions open to close public scrutiny and criticism. It would be rash to assert that all three congressmen had know- Ingly forsaken their major duty-representa- glon of their country-for what might have been more lucrative dealings with a foreign government even though they have not as yet denied such a charge. But if they are given the benefit of the doubt, one must then come to the conclusion that said congressmen did what they did out of sheer stupidity. Neither conclusion is a pleasant one. Senator J. William Fulbright (D-Ark), chair- man of the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- ee, the body responsible for exposing the lobbyists' activities on Capital Hill, has called for revising the foreign agents registration act to make it mandatory for foreign lobbyists to provide a more complete picture of their ac- tivities. S IS A GOOD START, but it attacks the conflict-of-interests problem from only one angle, that of the lobbyist. Yet the lobbyists annot be' expected to carry the full onus of their actions; they are, after all, merely carry- ng out instructions from back home. Instead, he full spotlight should be focused on the ongressmen involved. Whether the legislators acted as they did through lack of information about the true nature of the speeches they were talked into delivering or through an ac- ual desire to aid a foreign country's pro- aganda machine before their own consti- ,uents they should not escape investigation. Mhe public has a right to know the reasons behind such questionable actions on the part of their elected representatives in Congress. --STEVEN HALLER to deny, some began to acknowledge the prob- lem's existence, but with assurances that it was only temporary, or could be solved by growing more food or migration or some other means-anything but birth control. The full recognition of the grim future we may be breeding ourselves into is exemplified by the widely-publicized writings of Catholic gynecologist Dr. John Rock, calling for the Church to acknowledge the need eventually to cut the birth rate. Dr. Rock is not alone. Other Catholics have spoken out even more strongly, and a center for population and birth control research now operates at Catholic Georgetown University. THE COMMUNICATION function, then, is already underway. Discussions of population and birth control, formerly almost taboo, are becoming more frequent and frank. In many places the people are ahead of their leaders., In Puerto Rico, not only have Catholics openly defied the Church by using contraceptives and even sterilization (with the co-operation of Catholic doctors), but have even turned to picketing to protest the Church doctrine. The communication process is by no means complete. Many Catholic leaders still insist there is no population problem, and proclaim the absolute duty and virtue of bearing large numbers of children. Some still even condemn the rhythm method, except for the most ex- treme cases-even though Pope Pius XII sanc- .tioned it for limiting births way back in 1951. THE ANALYSIS function, because of the in- tensified debate, is beginning to be carried out. Projects such as the Georgetown center are attacking the medical and social problems, and the moral question will almost certainly be reconsidered at the next Ecumenical Council. So far, the proposal function has been ful- filled almost exclusively by non-Catholics. But now that discussion by Catholics has been un- leashed, we certainly can expect to hear sug- gestions from them, both on modification of Church dogma and on population problems in general, within the ner future. The final step, consensus, is probably, still a long way off. OF COURSE, the fact of change does not, in itself, consitute a moral argument. If, in fact, the anti-contraceptive position is right, no mass stampede away from it changes the fact of its rightness. But the rising dissent-from men with altruistic, not selfish, motives-indi- cates that something is very wrong with the Church's policy. And thenew atmosphere of humanitarianism and progress, the theme set by Pope John, will not allow this dissent to be squelched, and will make the formerly-sacred cow of birth control dogma a subject for discussion and change. Richard Cardinal Cushing was speaking in general terms when he noted recently that "we can imagine few illusions of more potential danger to the Church than the notion that what was successful at one moment in Church history must be, for that reason, institutional- ized in a permanent and unchanging fashion." He was speaking of Church dogma in general- but there is no aspect of it which needs this kind of open-eyed, humanitarian reappraisal more than the crucial subject of birth control. -KENNETH WINTER Religion ALL THAT Alabama's Governor George Wal- lace has done in the past to make a mockery of the government of the United States of America seems like pretty pallid stuff when compared with his latest move, standing against the United States Supreme Court's re- cent decision barring compulsory Bible reading in the schools of the land. In an action which can only 'be construed as outright defiance, Wallace and his henchmen on Alabama's State Board of Education put into effect a resolution making the Bible a compulsory course of study in Alabama. He even went so far as to vow that he would go to any school and read the Bible himself if the federal government dared to pro- test such a challenge to their authority. Wallace has probably won several friends for such a policy from among the ranks of those who are disgruntled about the Supreme Court's decision. Perhaps his "image" will even be boosted among such individuals to such an extent that they will overlook the harm which will surely accrue to that "image" across the nation. For the majority of those who hear of Wallace's stand will undoubtedly realize that this is not a case of a citizen trying to defend himself against the authority of big govern- ment. Rather, it is a simple case of a typical Southern demagogue making a laughing stock of both himself and his "sovereign state" by defying the law of the land. Wallace's earlier stand before the door of the University of Alabama, in a futile attempt to block that school's integragtion, showed the country the true nature of the character of this demagogue, and his latest publicity play is the same old story but with a new cast of characters. If there is any possible merit in Wallace's ....... .. 'I ~' .-Vill (.r rti j" OrH$ low . - S ,fit ~ 00 .. 1I r . Af 71, COh1icnoSv"};wC STRATFORD FESTIVAL: T imon' Production Imaginative, Uneven I1S IT 5StZINKGCB YET STRATFORD, Ont.-The Strat- ford company has again given us a chance to see a Shakespear- ean play that is seldom performed, and has lavished on the produc- tion of "Timon of Athens" its us- ual quota of originality and imag- ination. When put beside this year's ex- cellent "Troilus and Cressida," however, the Stratford production of "Timon" exhibits a number of disturbing flaws. The dramatic certainty evidenced in even the first five minutes of the former play forces into relief a confusion and ambiguity which seem appar- ent in both the direction and the performance of the latter. Al- though the production is imagina- tive, it is basically incoherent and ultimately unsatisfactory.N Part of the trouble is in the play itself. "Timon of Athens" is a curious work and one with many flaws. Similar in some ways to "Coriolanus" andpin others to "King Lear," it possesses neither the power nor the poetry of the great tragedies. Timon is not a man, but a type, a personification first of generosity and then of misanthropy. It is never quite clear from the text whether we are supposed to sympathize witn his railings against humanity when he suffers from ingratitude, or to see in the play an aristotel- ian condemnation of extremes. The action of the latter half of the play is sketchy, and the sub-plot-- the exile and revenge of Alcibiades -poorly integrated into the whole. IN AN UNDERSTANDABLE at- tempt to gloss over the weak- nesses of the play, the Stratford company, it seems to me, has only succeeded in underlining them. Timon is a two-dimensional char- acter whose suddent transforma- tion from philanthrope to mis- anthrope is convincing perhaps on a symbolic, but certainly, not oan a realistic level. The drama might be successfully produced as a sort of stylized morality play, but plac- ing it in a modern setting (music by Duke Ellington, atmosphere by Profumo) and attempting to bring it within the context of realism simply emphasizes the lack of di- mension in the play and obscures the peculiar simplicity of the plot. The cocktail-party aura of Athens, for instance, does not adequately prepare us for Timon in, a torn shirt discovering gold in the woods (surely the most im- plausible incident in the Shake- spearean canon). Even within Athens, ambiguity persists. Timon is played with an eye to psychological plausibility: when his guests leave, his face relaxes into a frown, his denials of counsel and outbursts to his stew- ard are almost maniacal, and his tfinal lapse into bitterness con- NATIONAL STUDENT CONGRESS: Focus on International Issues (EDITOR'S NOTE: The second of two articles on the National Stu- dent Congress deals with the Issues expected to arise there.) By HOWARD ABRAMS Daily Guest Writer N TURNING to the issues that will be likely to arise at the National Student Congress, some of them are very easy to predict. The hottestnand most contro- versial issue in'the international sphere-and of the whole congress -will almost certainly be Cuba. The Russian missiles and the United States quarantine will stimulate the most dramatic de- bates and bitter controversies. It is more risky to try and predict what the final outcome of these debates will be. I would guess that there will be a lengthy and in- voluted motion that condemns Castro asma totalitarian dictator, condemns the Soviet Union for its. war-like attitude. by its placement of rockets on Cuba, and will be totally confused when it tries to assess the action of the United States. Another issue, less dramatic but more important, will be the pros- pects for future USNSA support for the International Student Con- ference. This will probably pass and re-affirm USNSA's support for this institution but will still re- main clouded and practical effects of this debate will only be resolv- ed with the passage of time. LEST IT SOUND too discourag- ing, I feel there will be a program directive for the national staff to pursue & vigorous campaign for greater student tax exemptions. Further emphasis will be placed on the need for support for stu- dents working for integration and voter registration' in the South. Civil rights as they affect stu- dents at Northern universities will also be an issue, though probably one of high consensus. Federal aid to education will be discussed and the position will be one of favoring it as necessary for the continued development of the educational, system, with res- ervations about the government' attaching conditions to the money. There may be a split on the ques- tion of aid to parochial schools which could be quite bitter. In the field of civil liberties, there might very well be a motion concerning the politically motivat- ed firings of university personnel such as the incident of Prof. Sam- uel Shapiro at MSU-Oakland. * * . THERE WILL very possibly be a statement on the Oxford riots that surrounded the enrollment of James Meredith at the University of Mississippi. This would prob- ably take the form of a near unan- imous condemnation of Gov. Ross Barnett of Mississippi, officials and students. Theremight be a statement con- cerning the relationship of edu- cational institutions to their fi- nancial patrons. This will not be a bitterly fought issue but it will be significant in directing the thrust of USNSA programming for the future. In the area of constitutional amendments and p r o c e d u r a l changes, there will probably be an adoption of a limitation of the amount of legislation that a con- gress may consider and--odd but true-a motion sponsored by the National Executive Committee to reduce the powers of the National Executive Committee. Some other topics that will come up will be the present Regional structure to a basis of fewer Regions with larg- er areas and membership. There will also be discussion of the possibility of involving the student =governments and the member schools more directly in the legislative process. These lat- ter two will be discussed but I doubt if anything concrete will be done on them for the next two years. These would be major struc- tural changes which would have to be considered carefully and, there ought to be discussion on the member campuses before any change that drastic was made. In closing, I hope that my spec- ulations have not been overly ted- ious to the reader. Their purpose is to raise questions and to stim- ulate thinking on these subjects. I hope that this will encourage mem- bers of the student body to press the University delegates about their activities at the congress this summer when they return in the fall. These are your delegates, going on your money. If they fail in their obligation to be active and, intelligentparticipants at the con- gress it is you who are the losers. TODAY AND TOMORROW: European Politics Hits Test B By WALTER LIPPMANN THE REACTION in Bonn to the test ban treaty is a reminder on two points that are easily for- gotten. First, the thorny question of the succession to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer is not through- ly settled. Second, President John F. Kennedy did not reach a firm understanding with Bonn on Ger- man - American policy because, when he was in Germany recently. the Bonn government was deeply divided. When the first news came from Moscow that an agreement would be reached, the West German for- eign minister, Gerhard Shroeder, welcomed it cordially and an- nounced, so it was thought, Bonn's prompt adherence to the treaty. In doing this, Shroeder was speaking for the post-Adenauer German leaders. But, when Gen- eral Charles de Gaulle decided that France would abstain, Ade- nauer and the old guard among the Christian Democrats took steps to overrule the foreign min- ister. Since Adenauer is still the chancellor, he is able to redirect West German policy away from the Atlantic partnership and along a line which, while not identical with de Gaulle's, is parallel to it. Adenauer will use what political influence he can exercise in the United States to exact a'political price before the treaty is ratified. *.* * ONLY ON THE surface is Ade- nauer's maneuver concerned with the nit-picking dilemma: if East Germany adheres to a treaty, is the partition of Germany recog- nized in international life? The East German government has adhered, so I have been told, to about 11 international conven- tions, and that fact has not al- tered thesituation. East Germany is not recognized by the three principal allied powers - France, Britain and the United States - which have authority in regard to the solution of the German ques- tion. The President of the United States has, moreover, declared publicly that East Germany's ad- herence to this treaty will not bring-United States' recognition. FEIFFER SO9 Wl~I OW PA~K Y10OF WOW 9 IEt O "" " W0 tn/C10. 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