AUGUST 13,'1963
a a a a. a.aa
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
LONDON - Old mother Europe
having her face lifted.
The same old diplomacy, same
I names, same old speeches are
aving the scene. A soft new
phyr from Moscow is blowing
estward to ruffle the chill that
s hung lately over the NATO
tions. They're changing the old
lard or are on the threshold of
)ing so in many of the capitals
Western Europe.
A myriad of changes will force
thinking about many of the
adaches and policies that have
minated Europe's reconstruction
id the Cold War siiice World
ar II. The old headaches will
quire new aspirins, the new pol-
.es new decisions.
Good Byes
German Chancellor Konrad Ad-
auer is soon to say his last auf
edersehen to the Germany he's
I from watrtime ruin. France is
ill President Charles de Gaulle's,
it the nuclear test ban treaty
its new pressures on his dream
French grandeur. A new Pope
igns in Rome.
Italy is trying to juggle old coal-
ons to make new ones. Gen.
-ancisco Franco is quietly pre-
ring Spain for his successor.
eanwhile, Soviet Premier Nikita
Khruchchev, with a Chinese
rer clawing at the back door, is
aking beckoning gestures to the
est over the Iron Curtain. And.
Britain Christine Keeler has
mped from the swimming pool
Cliveden and landed with a
lash that has rocked Prime Mine-
er Harold Macmillan's staid old
ip of state.
How is all this viewed from
ashington, Bonn, Paris, London,
oscow? What about the Wall,
ATO, t h e Common Market?
hat about old friends and new
AP Poll
A capital-by-capital analysis by
.e Associated Press presents this
WEST GERMANY-Some of the
ost significant changes a r e
... to take over
Erhard feels trade should be
as free as possible from influence
either by government or private
As for NATO there have been
some hints - all private - that
West Germany should get its own,
nuclear weapons. Erhard doesn't
seem to be interested.
He would like to see Germany,
supply more aid to underdeveloped
nations but, as a careful man with
a deutschmark, he usually adds
the qualification that Germany
has special heavy expenses such as
compensation for victims of the
Strong, Weak?
Opinion differs as to how strong
Erhard will be as chancellor. Some
nicknamed him the "rubber lion"
for not standing up to Adenauer
in the past. But Erhard has al-
ways rolled with the punches and
clinched. A beer and black cigar
lover, Erhard has a reputation for
tireless work and talk.
At 66 he is a many-sided con-
trast to the stern Adenauer but
as a party campaign song puts it
many Germans feel "let the fat
guy have his try."
BRITAIN-Macmillan may have
been speaking with deeper signi-
ficance than he thought when he
commented over the Profumo
scandal that "I do not live much
among young people."
For Macmillan's admitted loss of
touch with youth served to dra-
matize the plight not only of his
conservative government but of
the nation.
After 12 years of power Tory
leaders today acknowledge they
simply are not with the changed
and changing mood of the coun-
try's rising generations. This real-
ization has touched off an urgent
study of ways to transform dras-
tically the outlook, policy and even
leadership of the ruling Tories.
Curious Malaise
This is a land rich in talent,
ideas, energy, purpose. British
money still finances one-third of
the world's trade. In the shanty-
towns of Africa and the slick
cities of Europe, snobs still copy
British dress and social behavior.
Yet a curious malaise seems to
hang over a lot of the people.
Streets packed with demonstra-
tors at the drop of a nonconform-
ist or leftist hat give an impres-
sion of rebelliousness and frus-
The Tories stayed in power with
assurances the nation "never had
it so good. "Yet performance nev-
er quite matched the Tory prom-
ise. The country's stop-go econo-
my still falters behind some of
its chief trading rivals. Unem-
ployment last winter hit a post-
war peak of nearly one million.
No Time
"Time is no longer on our
side," said Reginald Maulding,
chancellor of the exchequer and
a leading possibility as Macmil-
lan's successor.
Against this the Labor Party's
tradition of radical idealism
makes it easy for it to inject a
blend of new frontier peptalk in
the vision they offer a Britain
resurgent. Their program shies
off Socialist dogma and instead
underlines realism and responsi-
bility with a nice lacing of pur-
poseful nationalism.
Spokesman for this is Labor,
leader Harold Wilson, at 46 young
enough to be Macmillan's son.
Macmillan's Edwardian elegance,
rman Club-Coffee Hour, Aug. 14,
a.m. and 2-4 p.m., 4072 FB. Ger-
conversation, music, singing, re-
ments. Herzlich Wilikommen.
* * *
of M. Friends of SNCC & Voice
feal Party.- Ann Arbor Freedouli
. Speech by John Lewis, chairman
NWC, Aug. 26, 6 p.m., City Hall.
* * *
of M. International Folk Dancers-
. Folk Dance Party for Beginners-
ai instructional session tor new
ners and other dancers of new
rs and folk dances, provided by
Brott between 8-9 p.m., request
n to follow, Aug. 13, 8 p.m., 1429
DIAL 2-6264
pending here when Ludwig Erhard
takes over at last from Adenauer.
As good a friend of the United
States as Adenauer has been, it
is expected in Bonn his departure
will bring a closer alignment of
West Germany with the United
States, the almost total isolation
of de Gaulle and perhaps liberal-
ization of European trade barriers.
Erhard likes to say that policies
won't change when he takes over,
only the "style" of government.
This is his polite way of saying
Adenauer's one-man system will
give way to more committee con-
sultation at the top level. Like
Adenauer, Erhard abhors Com-
munism and is committed to a
united Germany. But whereas the
old chancellor eschewed economic
problems to concentrate on poli-
tics and diplomacy, Erhard is a
professional economist lauded for
guiding Germany's postwar reha-
bilitation. He never even joined a
political party until after he be-
came a cabinet minister.
Because Adenauer considered
Erhard an incompetent politician
he tried to keep him out of the
top job. Yet Erhard's achievements
as economics minister have prob-
ably made him the Christian
Democrats' top vote-getter.
'Big European'
It's their attitude towards Eu-
rope's fast moving economy that
most clearly divides Adenauer and
his successor. Adenauer is a "little
European." He likes the Common
Market as it now stands-France,
West Germany, Italy, Belgium,
Holland and Luxembourg. All are
continental countries with more
or less conservative governments
and a strong Roman Catholic In-
Erhard wants a bigger free trade
area with as many as possible of
the countries on the edge of West-
ern Europe - including Britain.
Adenauer, on the other hand, is
widely thought to have a sym-
pathized with de Gaulle's veto of
Britain's application for mem-
Adenauer also sympathizes with
the traditional attitudes of Ger-
man industrialists who like a cozy
system of cartels to divide markets
and fix prices.
Our Gamble in Space - An Atlantic
Extra. Four searching articles on the
U. S. space program: "The Search
for Life" by N. J. Berrill; "Why Land
on the Moon?" by Robert J. Jastrow
and Homer E. Newell; "The Military
Danger" by Alton Frye; 'The Costs and
the Choices" by Franklin A. Lindsay
Max Beerbohm: Some unpublished
"The Wings of the Dove: or, False
Gold": Eminent critic and literary
historian Maxwell Geismar studies
Henry James, with particular refer-
ence to one of the author's big works.
"Old and Country Tale": Shirley W.
Schoonover's story of a yokel who is
wheedled into marrying the
farmer's daughter
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
8:30 a.m.--Bureau of School Services
Leadership Training Conference-Mich.
4:15 p.m. - School of Music Degree
Recital -- Douglas Stow, organist: Hill
7:30 p.m. - Linguistics Curriculum
Committee Linguistic Forum Lecture-
Kenneth L. Pike, Prof. of Linguistics,
"Permutation and Conflation of Algon-
quian Morphological Matrices": Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
8:30 p.m. - School of Music Degree
Recital -- Stuart Sharp, tenor: Lane
Hall Aud.
Doctoral Examination for Sayo Yot-
sukura, Linguistics; thesis: "A Struc-
tural Analysis of the Usage of the
Articles in English," today, 1611 Haven
Hall, at 3:15 p.m. Chairman, A. H.
Doctoral Examination for Samuel
Marion Jones, Jr., Music Performance
(Voice); recitals in lieu of thesis, to-
day, 206 School of Music, at 2 p.m.
Chairman, P. A. Duey.
General Not ices
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching depts. wishing to
recommend tentative Aug. grads from
the College of Lit., Science. and the
Arta, for honors or high honors should
recommend such students by forward-
ing a letter (in two copies; one copy
for Honors Council, one copy for the
Office of Registration and Records) to
the Director, Honors Council, 1210 An-
gell Hall, by 3:00 p.m., Tues., Aug. 20,
Teaching depts. in the School of Edu-
cation should forward letters directly
to the Office of Registration and Rec-
ords, Room 1513 Admin. Bldg., by 11:00
a.m., Wed., Aug. 22, 1963.
Attention. August Graduates: College
of Lit., Science, and the Arts, School
of Education. School of Music, School,
of Public Health, School of Business
Admin. Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in Aug. When
such grades are absolutely imperative,
the work must be made up in time to
allow your instructor to report the
makeup grade not later than 11 a.m.,
Aug. 21. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation un-
til a later date.
Attention August Grads - All Aug.
grads registered with the Bureau of
Appointments, both General & Educa-
tion Divisions, are requested to notify
the Bureau as to whether or not you
have accepted a position in order that
your records may be kept up to date.
If you are still available, let us know
where you can be reached after gradu-
ation, so we can notify you of alumni
Wallace & Tierman Inc., Belleville,
N.J.-Various openings including: 1.
Sales-Equipment Div.-Chicago & Mid-
west area-BS in ME, EE, ChE, CE or
equiv. 2. Various types of Chemists
for Lucidol Div. in Buffalo, N.Y. 3.
Chemical Engnrs. & Chemists for
Harchem Div. in Dover, Ohio. 4. De-
velopment Engnr. (EE) for Iudust.
Products Div. in Belleville, U.J.
General Telephone Co. of Mich., Mus-
kegon, Mich.-Seeking recent Electrical
Engnr. from upper third of his class,
who is interested in the application of
engrg. principles as opposed to research.
Should also be interested in Manage-,
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
from the tips of his shiny shoes
to the top of his well-brushed
head, seems to come out of a text-
book. The shiniest thing about
Wilson's garb is his workaday,
off the rack suits which he wears
like a badge.
Voter Choice
Some time before October, 1964,
British voters will have to choose
between the two. What new fron-
tiers does Wilson offer?
Labor would impose state con-
trol of the steel industry, road
transportation and water services.
It would try to expand demand
and production at home and credit
and liquidity abroad, working
hopefully with the United States.
Wilson is open minded about an-
other try at joining the Common
He has proposed regular annual
summit talks with the Russians,
nuclear-free zones and a denial
of a nuclear role .for West Ger-
many. He has said he would be
loyal to NATO but would like to
drop out of the atomic league in
exchange for beefing up Britain's
conventional forces.
His views are important, for by
all indications of political poll or
pundit, Wilson should win a run-
away victory when he finally
meets Macmillan at the ballot box.
FRANCE-De Gaulle, France's
strongest leader since Napoleon,
has a string of accomplishments
to his record.
He ended the drain of the Al-
gerian war; he has brought gov-
ernmental stability for the first
time in a century; he made a soft
currency hard and led the nation
to almost unparalled prosperity;
he returned to the French much
of their self respect.
But in so doing he has inspired
a new nationalism that has led
France away from the family of
nations. He disdains NATO, spurn-
ed Britain and insists on his own
nuclear force. In Adenauer he
found his strongest ally but his
visions of French leadership of
Europe are apt to find a cooler
reception from Erhard.
Should France insist on resum-
ing nuclear tests, she faces isola-
tion by a world opinion strongly
behind the test ban treaty.
Without de Gaulle
And what of a France without
de 'Gaulle?
"Apres, moi, la pagaille (after
me, the mess)," he once remarked.
He may have been jesting, but
de Gaulle has a sharp sense of
history and probably wouldn't
risk the fate of Adenauer to be
elbowed out of office by younger
men. Should he .decide not to run
for re-election in 1966 his hand
would be still felt at the wheel,
for it's unlikely France's other par-
ties would unite against the Gaul-
lists nor is he himself apt to stay
too far from the helm.
No Politicians
If he retires, Premier Georges
Pompidou is a likely successor but
he is not a professional politician
and tends to be stodgy in public.
Another candidate, Michel Debre,
also lacks political drawing pow-
er. Yet de Gaulle has apparently
impressed the broad base of the
French population with his record
and with his single-minded quest
for French "glory."
This may be good news for the
French. It isn't necessarily for the
rest of the West.
ITALY -Whoeveremerges as
premier from Rome's prolonged
political crisis is expected to re-
flect the nation's general feeling
towards the Common Market: that
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