r Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSTrY OF MICHIGAN - UNDER AUTHORiTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions AreFe STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. JESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SUTIN NATIONAL STUDENT CONGRESS: Control Rests in Varied Hands Gerstaeker TX Plan Hardly Helps State, E VERYONE AND HIS BROTHER has his own guaranteed plan to save the state from fis- cal chaos these days, it seems; and if their own particular cause should happen to be advanced at the same time, so much the better. Among the latest persons to approach Gov. George Romney with a sure-fire scheme of tax reform s Carl A. Gerstacker, chairman of the board of Dow Chemical Co. Gerstacker's idea, along with the usual in- come-tax mumbo-jumbo, is wholesale dispersal of land now owned by the state to private A, 14 C omon Man THE COMMON MAN lost a faithful friend and devoted servant Saturday when Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) died suddenly. He iad served the public well in his dozen years n the Senate and his untimely death leaves a arge gap in the small rank of senators who think of public welfare first and private nterests second. Kefauver was a man of courage, unflinchingly ighting Tennessee bosses, organized crime or wealthy monopoly. His work against adminis- ered prices and monopolistic and shady drug practices had done much to lead to their cor- ection, Unfortunately, Kefauver is best known for his war on organized crime and the gaudy elevision hearings he presided over. This, in etrospect, was only a minor part of his areer. Although these hearings catapulted the Tennessee senator into the national limelight, and fueled two unsuccessful bids for the presi- lency, his later studies of administered prices and drug practices earn him a more meaningful. nich'1e. [N THESE PROBES Kefauver demonstrated' that the steel industry rigs its prices with- ut consideration of the-market and the resul- ant outcry has helped stabilize steel prices ver the last four years. His thorough inves- igation exposed hidden American economic heory and practices. Senators favoring or inclined to special in- erests blunted Kefauver's legislative efforts y refusing to prosecute defiant steel execu- ives for contempt, but Kefauver continued on, xposing this monopolistic outrage. The drug hearings laid the groundwork for mproved drug industry controls demanded after the thalidomide scare. Unfortunately, hey did not extend to pricing as Kefauver 'ecommended. Kefauver was a fighter for economic justice and against unfair, price-raising practices of ndustry. He did not always win, but his per- 3istent efforts yielded some progress. His dogged letermination will be missed. -PHILIP SUTIN Co-editor concerns, such as (surprise!) Dow Chemical Co. for example. He suggests that many large holdings, totaling approximately 250,000 acres, would be better off in the hands of industry than sitting around doing nothing except pos- sibly adding to the beauty of Michigan. Ac- cording to Gerstacker, sale of such lands would provide the state with revenue at the same time that it would open a whole new vista of tax- able funds. At the moment, about 12 per cent of Michi- gan's land is in such a "non-productive" state. Such land includes state forests, recreation areas and game refuges, most of which have been owned by the state ever since the land reverted to the state through non-payment of taxes. This was back .around the, turn of the. century, after logging interests had done all they could to reduce the area to a barren ex-, panse of unsightly (and non-taxable) tree stumps. Now that the taxpayers of Michigan have made it possible for these lands to be- come places of scenic beauty again, it would be more than reprehensible, it would be down- right disastrous for such interests as have al- ready shown an interest in these lands to be allowed to start the whole vicious circle all over again. FURTHERMORE, the claim that such area's are "non-productive" is as transparent a boondoggle as anyone could possibly imagine. Recently-published figures show that income from the sale of gas and oil alone in these areas netted the state more than $753,000, thus bringing the total income from these allegedly non-productive areas, since 1927, to more than $21 million, All this comes about to a great ex- tent from the fact that these lands provide Michigan with the means for one of, its great- est industries: tourism. And yet if Gerstacker and his fellow industrialists had their way, this income from the land which they are so quick to label "non-productive" would become "pro- ductive" again in the only way that Gerstacker and his ilk seem to be capable of comprehend- ing: the accumulation of funds in the pockets of the worthy gentlemen of Dow Chemical Co. and other concerns. Last year, $18 million went into the state treasury from the sale of selected acreage of state-owned timberland. The state has shown that it can make a tidy profit from these lands as it is, without reverting to the sort of wild- eyed and short-sighted ideas of the industrial big shots. There is no reason to suppose that the same will not be true next year, or the year after that. There is no reason to suppose that the state will be better off living off the taxes it could get from Dow Chemical Co. than from the money which will accrue from the normal course of Michigan's growing tourist trade. In short, there is no reason whatsoever why Gov. Romney, in his search for a feasible program of tax reform, should bother with Gerstacker's proposal any longer than it takes to deposit it in the nearest circular file. -STEVEN HALLER (EDITOR'S NOTE: With its pre- liminary events begining tomorrow and the National Student Congress starting Sunday, Student Govern- ment Council member and Michi- gan USNSA region president Ho- ward Abrams views the operations of the NSC in the first of two ar- ticles.) By HOWARD ABRAMS Daily Guest Writer IN THIS ARTICLE, there are two topics I wish to cover: the poli- tical dynamic of the National Stu- dent Congress and the National Student Congress and a discussion of likely issues. The National Student Congress is the annual legislative governing assembly of the United States Na- tional Student Association (US- NSA). It brings together about 500 or more voting delegates from member schools across the country plus about another 500 alternates, observers, etc. It lasts for about two weeks of hectic sessions of workshops, discussions, commit- tees, subcommittees, legislative as- semblies, elections; and politicing. It is in many ways a nightmare combination of time pressure, lud- icrous interludes, impassioned 'e- bate, partisan caucusing, and ser- iousness. The overwhelming im- pressio is one of earnestness and complexity. It is often bewilder- ing, even to a person with previous experience at the NSC. I INTEND to set forth several models of the political dynamic of the Congress and to discuss these and offer some tentative conclu- sions of my own. These are de- scriptions of the Congress that I have heard from various people which I feel are worth reproduc- ing for the sake of the discussion that they may stimulate. The first theory might be label- ed the "liberal devil" theory. This theory holds that the overwhelm- ing majority of all students are basically conservative. USNSA tends to be liberal, therefore there is a thwarting of legitimate stu- dent desires and representativity. This is explained by means of a liberal conspiracy. The proponents of this idea ar- gue that there is A selfperpetuat- ing liberal elite that is manipula- tive and close. This elite is center- ed around the National Executive Committee which deliberately con- trols the debate and structures the workshops and committees so that the delegates are presented with only one point of view, It further controls things with an iron hand and is impossible to crack open. This type of explanation of the functioning of the Congress is usually advocated by members of the Young Americans for Freedom and other far right groups. * * THIS THEORY is both falla- cious and paranoid. The composi- tion of the executive committee is too varied to sustain such a charge. Debate is open to any dele- gate who cares to raise his hand and speak. The committees and workshops are structured so that they lean over backward to make sure that a wide range of view- points are presented. Further, the results of the Congress would be- lie any such claims. Of the liberal cadndates for office at the last Congress only one was elected. Any number of liberal motions were defeated either on the Con- gress floor, in committee, or in subcommittee. Others were amended to the point of emacula- tion. - The proponents of this theory have been unsuccessful at the Congress for may reasons. Their policy positions-Goldwater and on to the right-do not appeal to a majority of the delegates. Their tactics have alienated people by being deliberately disruptive and attempting to discredit the work of the Congress. These types of acti- vities have only served to alienate the person who comes to the Congress with a sincere desire to work and to try to be objective and these people are always the largest group. Se A MORE sophisticated theory is the "important school" theory. This argument runs that due to the internal sophistication of stu- dent politics or political factions at certain schools, these schools send better informed and more in- telligent delegations to the Con- gress. These delegations, due to past performance and present cali- ber, tend to be influential out of proportion to the rest of the Con- gress and tend to manage the poli- tics of the Congress as a house- hold affair. These schools are easy to identify by the fact that their delegations are active and effec- tive and seem to produce much of the leadership and direction at the Congress. The influential schools are us- ually considered to be Harvard, University of North Carolina, Oberlin, the University, University of Wisconsin, University of Min- nesota, and University of Cali- fornia at Berkeley. Less consis- tently mentioned are Swarthmore, University of Chicago, Columbia, University of New Mexico, and UCLA. This theory contains some de- gree of truth. I think it is true that these schools produce better delegates than most as a general rule. But this is not true in the specific cases. These schools have produced clods as well as leaders and many leaders have emerged from comparatively ob sc ur e schools. These schools are simply not coordinated well enough among themselves, or even within their own delegations, to be more than one among many factors at work in shaping the thrust of a Congress. The Congress is too large and unwieldly a group to be su- sceptible to this kind of pressure from such uncoordinated and in- ternally split groups. ANOTHER THEORY hinges on the notion of a political balance. It argues that the distribution of political sympathies among the delegates at the Congress follows roughly a standard bell-shaped curve. On the left you find the people from Students for a Demo- cratic Society, various brands of socialists, radicals in general and a few kooks. On the right you find the Young Americans for Freedom, the right wing of the Young Re- publicans, some John Birch types, and a few kooks. Both of these groups will have about 50 dele- gates at the Congress and not effective in reading the majority of the voting delegates with their views as well as serving to cancel each other out. These groups are peripheral. The two major blocs may be identified as the liberal Republicans and moderates on one hand and liberals who would tend to be in the rough area that may be hazily called "Kennedy Demo- crats" and sympathetic types. The second of these two groups has a larger attraction than the former, and therefore is able to dominate the Congress barring a split with- in its own ranks. There is certainly something to be said for this notion. It is a useful and, I suspect, often ac- curate model of what 'happens particularly when highly political issues are raised. Butit is an in- complete explanation.If this were true, it simply does not jibe with swings to both the right and the left that occur consistently within the Congress. If these groups are that definite, then they would not fragment and split that often and that easily. If they are that def- inite, then the continual splits would definitely indicate that they are often ineffective. * * THE FINAL THEORY I would like to discuss is a very sophisti- cated notion of an "establishment" that dominates the Congress. This argument runs along the follow- ing lines. There are vested in- terests at the Congress with a certain stake in seeing the policies of the association remain relatively constant. These are often the of- ficers of USNSA. They find them- selves in the dilemma of trying to reach student government types, whose outlook is often petty with a set of problems that are beyond the scope of most people to deal with. Further, they are concerned that the. problems and activities of the association be kept on a high level and they are afraid, often legitirnately, of what might happen if the work of the associa- tion were pitched on the same plane as that of most of the stu- dent governments around the country. As a result, they have a tendency to be reluctant to open up debate and will often be mani- pulative through agencies at their disposal for the sake of maintain-, ing the status quo. In particular, Peanuts and Kites MANY PESSIMISTS across the nation have expressed concern that the current session of Congress is sitting on its hands when it comes to passing important legislation. Ob- viously these poor souls just aren't with it. If they had been faithfully reading their news- papers every day they would have seen that the 88th Congress is in fact as dynamic a body as anyone could wish. Perhaps they have not delved as deeply as possible into the minor is- sues put before them, but where the major acts are concerned, they have given their all. Take for example the case of the boiled pea- nut. Despite what many students familiar with the food in the quadrangle system might sus- pect, there is no great stampede now on to in- troduce this delicacy (reported by some to taste like swamp cabbage or "dehumidified artichokes") to local eateries, although the boiled peanut is popular in many Southern areas. The bill in question dealt with the boiled peanut's status as a product exempted from such legal considerations as price supports and marketing quotas, to which other peanuts are subjected. In order to support similar restric- tions on boiled peanuts, proponents of such an action had only to show that upon being boiled, a peanut automatically becomes a vegetable and thus subject to said exemptions. ALL MANNER of shenanigans were witnessed before that issue was settled, at least in the House of Representatives. Rep. Dole (R-Kan) took the opportunity to philosophize a la Ger- trude Stein ("a peanut is a peanut is a pea- Editorial Staff RONALD WILTON..................... Co-Editor PHILIP SUTIN........................ Co-Editor nut") and Rep. Hagen (D-Calif) noted that his experiments with the boiled peanuts (doubt- less carried out under the most exacting of scientific conditions) proved that the Capitol Hill pigeons wouldn't touch them. Rep. Snyder (R-Ky) got into the act by noting that when he had eaten boiled peanuts he suddenly de- cided that America needed new health laws (which the Southern representatives undoubt- edly took as an insult). With $17 million worth of surplus peanuts rotting away in the nation's storage bins, of which peanuts none could be boiled under cur- rent restrictions, there was no time to waste, Rep. Findley (R-Ill) pointed out. But his ef- forts were to no avail, and the bill excluding boiled peanuts from marketing restrictions was extended for two more years. This was just as well, for by then Rep. Matthews (D-Fla) had run out of samples of the delicacy in question anyway. NOW THAT THE congressmen had declared a boiled peanut to be a vegetable, they felt ready for anything, and Rep. Franklin Thomp- son, Jr. (D-NJ) was only too happy to oblige. He jumped into the fray to present his brain- child,.a bill to make kite flying legal in Wash- .ington. As he pointed out to his fellow congress- men, "The President, poor fellow, has to go all the way up to Hyannis Port to teach his chil- dren how to fly (a kite)," which is a sad state of affairs indeed. It seems that under the laws as they now stand, President Kennedy could have a $10 fine slapped on him for flying a kite in the District of Columbia. Surely the congressmen have a kind spot in their hearts for their leader; surely they are sympathetic toward his plight and wouldn't hesitate to allow him the same rights as any other American taxpayer. Besides, every time the President is forced to journey all the way to Hyannis Port just to fly a kite with his z uJ s. f l .7rp e 4:K l T~°4 La * "N .' ' ! ~ * 'yJ'N . . t t?-,- Z i j 5 7 I ° ._'t t x ixrx t:- 4 J {rt y "a". l " ps Z l!1~ t (x.~ ,'N (54F Mt. ' l f:i ;\ i r4 - t rz}{" . xy. R,+'":Y° "~t "i 2J4 . tW r+ S-( .atiss . s , a tx v t ; '.4"" r~ ~ r - ' I-F° Y A ' :3 = t . " "A ' - " . " P w ($ .3 ! 2" they are concerned with officer elections far more than with legis- lation because it is the personnel who control the policy in its im- plementation. They have become tied to power to the extent that they will subvert democratic tac- tics to achieve their ends. This process tends to continue and buildup in a vicious spiral as the demands for change from both the right and the left continue to mount. Interestingly enough, this theory is advocated by the left rather than the right. As with the others, there is some degree of truth to this.This is applicable to a certaii extent to the International Com- mission of USNSA and only slight- ly to the National Commission. This is because the issues of in- ternational student politics involve a knowledge. of esoteric details that is often known to very few people at the congress, hence few- er people are in a position to in- telligently debate the questions that arise. National issues, on the other hand, are generally familiar. to the great majority of the con- gress delegates. In addition, the amount of material available' from any source on international stu- dent problems is quite limited and often confused and obscure. With national issues this is rarely the case, and vigorous and many sided debates are highly typical of the national student issues that are brought to the congress. Student politics, like politics everywhere, attract people of var-' ious types. 'Most are honest, but there are always those who are dishonest, power-hungry, or too involved with what they are doing to be willing to submit their pet projects to a possible mangling at the hands of a large and in- adequately informed democratic body. This is as true of USNSA as it is of any other organization. These factors have combined to" make the area of international affairs the most susceptible to these kinds of unfortunate circum- stances. Due to lack of knowledge, the congress tends to be docile on international issues which gives a tremendous advantage to those who have a reason to be manipula- tive. But this kind ,of thing is not completely true by any means. It tends to qrop up in the cases of individuals who take student pol- itics on an overblown level of im- portance and combine this with a not uncommon form of intellectual dishonesty. If this were completely true, it would be impossible to ac- count for the fact that quite often the international staff of USNSA has gone to great pains to make the facts available on many issues, and have very often tried to en- courage as much as possible dis- cussion on these issues. However, the area is still a clouded one at best. The only real solution is for the delegates to spend some effort to learn the is- sues. It is also important that delegates be willing to ask ques- One of the other major factora at work-possibly the most im- portant of all-is the fact that about 80 per cent of all the dele- gates arrive at the congress with- out having attended a previous congress. The advantage to this is that they are generally not bur- dened with preconceptions of what they are going to find. They are generally far more open minded than delegates with previous ex- perience. This tends to place a tremendoui importance on the quality of the debate that is mar- shalled on. the various sides of any given issue. I think that many of the apparent meanderings of poli- tical direction that occur at every congress are the result of the pre- vailing side presenting more lucid and more intelligent arguments for their point of view than their opponents were able to do. Stu- dents have minds of their own and they are quite adamant about us- ing them. Another factor is the difference between those who have a concrete idea of the legislation and pro- gram they wish to see enacted and those' who have no sense of direc- tion. The delegates who have a concrete plan - regardless of whether this is their first Congress or not-have a definite advantage. The reason for this is they have an idea of what they want to do and they do not waste much time try- ing to orient themselves. Thirdly, there is the factor of communications. There are various patterns of friendships, previous acquaintances, and organizational ties that put some delegates at an advantage in 'terms of receiving informationabout what is happen- ing. The people who receive this information, along with a great deal of rumor, are at an advantage in trying to develop a picture of events that are taking place at the congress. Many people who could do this do not, but they have an advantage in being able to under- stand the developments of the congress more intelligently. There are many factors that could be taken into consideration very legitimately. It suffices to say that the congress is a complex body that will never be understood in a simplistic fashion. It is far too complex a body to be managed by a manipulative elite with any degree of constancy. There are problems in the processes of the congress but these are the prob- lems that face any large and frag- mented democratic organization. TOMORROW-The Congress' Issues Free Seech WITHOUT freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as liberty without freedom of speech; which is theoright of every man, as far as by it he does not hurt or control the right of another;