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August 08, 1963 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1963-08-08

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Claims Loyalists

Crush Rebel Invasion;
Chase Insurgent Chief

Education Unit Expands
To Six Program Areas
There are now six areas available for research proposals within
the Cooperative Research Program of the United States office of
At present the six programs are basic and, applied research,
curriculum improvement, development activities, demonstration,
small contact and the research and development centers.
The six programs within the CRP fill nearly every category a
person wishing to do research in the field of education might want,
Robert C. Fitzpatrick, project'
representative of Office of Re-I'
search Administration, said yes-
terday. -

Foresee Changes in Rights Bill

THRUSTS-Arrows mark troop movements of Haitian loyalist
and rebel troops. The rebels are reported moving inland, cutting off
Cap Haitien while the government claims that its troops, airlifted
from the south, have checked the rebel advance.
Smih Tlor To Work
SrOn 'Blue Ribbon' Pro ect
Harold Smith will work full time if necessary and Harold Tay-
lor, newly appointed staff director of the "blue ribbon" committee,
will work as much as is needed on the "blue ribbon" committee, Tay-
lor said recently.
Both Smith and Taylor oxe associated with the W. E. Upjohn
Institute for Employment Research. Taylor, director of the institute,

Exiles Report
Still Advance
Contradictions Cloud
Position of Troops
Throughout Country
President Francois Duvalier's re-
gime claimed yesterday its troops
crushed a rebel invading force and
drove it across the border into the
Dominican Republic after several
hours of fighting in North Haiti
Private sources in the Haitian
capital tended to confirm the gov-
ernment's claim, but insisted the
rebel leader. Gen. Leon Cantave,
was still inside Haitian territory
pursuing his drive to bring down
Duvalier's regime.
Exile sources in Santo Domin-
go, capital of the neighboring
Dominican Republic, continued to
claim rebel gains. These sources
insisted two Haitian rebel columns
had speared down past Cap Hai-
tien and a third was moving
across the northwest peninsula in
an apparent princers action on
Gonaives, a west coast fort and
Haiti's third largest city.
Rebel informants and exile
sources claimed the original force
of 500 invaders was swelled in the
last two days by soldiers who de-
serted Duvalier's forces to Join the
insurgents, under Cantave, the
former commander.
However, a Haitian government
communique issued by Informa-
tion Minister George J. Figaro
contradicted rebel claims of ad-
vances deep inside North Haiti
after seaborne landings Sunday
and Monday.
Figaro insisted rebels wearing
Dominican army uniforms crossed
into Haiti from the neighboring
Dominican Republic Sunday night
and captured the frontier post of
Meillac by surprise.
Drive on Fort Liberte
The communique said the rebels
led by Cantave then moved
through the area around Ouana-
minthe, a town on the Haitian
side of the river border with the
Dominican Republic, and pushed
toward Derac in a drive on Fort
Liberte, midway on the road to
Cap Haitien, Haiti's second city,
about 35 miles to the west of the
Dominican border.
The communique said the rebels
never reached Fort Lberte as they
claimed but were driven back
across the Dominican border after
several hours of fighting.
Claude Raymond, foreign office
undersecretary, t o 1 d newsmen
some rebels were killed or cap-
tured, but gave no figures. The
communique said only that three
government soldiers were
Not Dead
He acknowledged, however, that
Cantave was not among the dead
or captured.
The communique listed a num-
ber of former Haitian army offi-
cers with Cantave but there was
no immediate indication of their
The communique placed the
size of the invading force at about
100, about a fifth of what the
rebels claimed.

All Schools
Proposals come from all schools
and colleges, Fitzpatrick said. The
money for the grants awarded to
the proposals is supplied by the
office of education from its fed-
eral research program.
The basic and applied research
studies include controlled experi-
mental research; surveys; corre-
lational, methodological and case
studies; developmental and histor-
ical studies in such subjects as
mental retardation, aptitudes and
abilities and the roles of teachers
and school administrators.
The curriculum improvement
program provides support for
curriculum improvement that it
feels are significant to education
at one or more grade levels.
General Purpose
The development activities pro-
gram has as its general purpose
to increase the high quantity of
high quality research and develop-
ment projects in particular areas
of education and to enhance the
competenpe of those engaged in
educational research.
T h e demonstration program,
which is new this year, has been
set up to disseminate, through
demonstrations, applications of
new, educational techniques and
materials that have been develop-
ed by research.
The small contract program and
the research and development
centers are also new this year.
The first is designed to support
small-scale research on educa-
tional problems.
Based at Colleges
The second, the research and
development centers, are to be
established and based at colleges,
state departments of education
and local school systems where
researchers, administrators and
teachers can work toward the im-
provement of educational pro-
Anyone seeking to do work in
education submits a proposal to
the office of education, Fitzpat-
rick said.
Six panels, broken down into
the six disciplines the CRP deals
with, review the proposal and de-
cide whether to accept it or not.
The panels are composed of ex-
perts in the various fields.
Romney Seeks
In Districting
Gov. George Romney called on
the Democratic party to cooperate
in drawing up the legislative dis-
tricts for the 1964 elections.
The Republicans, chief authors
of the new constitution, have al-
ready named their four members
to the eight-man apportionment
board, while Democrats have in-
dicated that they may appoint
only temporary members who
could be replaced at a later date.
jAtty. Gen. Frank Kelley, a
Democrat, has ruled that the
members to the apportionment
cannot be named after the con-
stitution takes effect next Jan. 1.
He ruled that the commission will
not have any legal status after the
constitution becomes effective.
Zolton F e r e n c y, Democratic
State Central Committee chair-
man, has indicated that his party
is willing to cooperate with the
Republicans on the terms set forth
by Kelley.

In Theology
Catholics place- their primary
reliance upon the teaching of the
Apostles while Protestants place
their greatest emphasis upon the
l Biblical Scriptures, Msgr. John F.
Bradley said last night at the
Newman Club summer series con-
I cluding presentation.
Msgr. Bradley, leading a discus-
sion on Catholic-Protestant theol-
ogy, pointed out that today Roman
Catholics place primary import-
ance upon the "content" of their
religion. Persons entering the Ro-
man Church must profess belief in
the doctrines of the Church, he
Protestants, on the other hand,
need not necessarily rely so heav-
ily on content. Instead, they tend
toward a reliance upon faith.
Protestant Origins
Msgr. Bradley pointed to the
origin of the Protestant churches,
by labeling them primarily as
"protest movements."
Early Protestants rejected basic
features of the Roman Church,
such as the supreme authority of
the Church, which led to placing
the laws of the Church upon an
individualistic basis and substi-
tuting universal priesthood for the
infallability of the pope, bishops
and priests.
Msgr. Bradley noted that be-
cause of the fact that Protestants
no longer accepted the placing of
infallability in the conscience of
human beings, Protestants were
able to dispose of all those sacra-
ments of the Church which de-
pended upon the pronouncements
of an infallable representative of
No References
Protestants also dropped all ref-
erences to what he called media
tors, such as the saints and the
Virgin Mary, and complete empha-
sis on Christ. Further, Msgr. Brad-
ley pointed out, Protestants dis-
pensed with blessings of a priest
and with all symbols relating to

said that additional personnel
from the organization would be
enlisted to work on the project
if it were necessary.
Work with Committee
They will be working with the
interim subcommittee which is
preparing a short range report to
be presented to the Legislature in
"We are dropping everything at
the Upjohn Institute until Oc-
tober," Taylor said.
After October, the "blue rib-
bon" committee will again have
to search for staff assistance, Tay-
lor indicated.
Finish Report
Smith has just finished a re-
port for the institute entitled
"Training for the World of Work,"
dealing with vocational education.
"We will be getting into differ-
ent areas but his report will be
helpful," Taylor noted.
Most of the organizational work
will be done this Saturday when
the interim committee meets
Make Outlineh
"However, we have been mak-
ing up an outline of the things
we will have to know," he ex-
Taylor said the outline included
a forecast of college enrollment in
the coming years as well as a fore-
cast of state personal income.
The forecast of college enroll-
ments translated into terms of
college budgets and capital out-
lays will be an integral part of the
study, he indicated.
A forecast of state personal in-
come will show whether or not the
state can finance a type of edu-
cational program that might come
out of the study.

... apartheid
U N Approves
Arms Block
United Nations Security Council
yesterday voted a worldwide arms
embargo against South Africa but
turned down an Asian-African de-
mand for a boycott of South Af-
rican goods.
The measures were aimed at
South Africa's policy of apartheid,
administered by South Africa's
segregation-strict Prime Minister
Henrik Verwoerd. African leaders
had denounced apartheid as a
threat to peace.
The economic boycott was killed
by a separate vote before the wat-
ered-down resolution was approv-
ed 9-0 with Britain and France
abstaining. The resolution was
sponsoredgby Ghana, Morocco and
the Philippines and was consider-
ably more moderate than some
Africans had wanted.
Ask Expulsion
Some had insisted that South
Africa should be expelled or at
least suspended from the UN, but
the sponsors decided such pro-
posals had no chance of approval.
The vote came after a week-
long debate which was boycotted
by South Africa. The South Afri-
can government contended that
its racial policies were purely an
internal matter and therefore riot
subject to UN action.
As approved, the resolution
Hit Policies
1) Deprecated South African ra-
cial policies;
2) Called on the South African
government to abandon sucn pol-
icies and to release all persons im-
prisoned in connection with the
policy of apartheid;
3) Called upon all countries to
cease forthwith the scale of arms,
ammunition of all types and mili-
tary vehicles to South Africa;
4) Requested Secretary-General
U Thant to report back to the
Security Council on developments
by Oct. 30.
The United States already has
announced it was ending all arms
sales to South Africa by the end
of the year, but its support of the
resolution was given only after
a change in wording eliminated
a reference to a threat to peace.
In its final form, the draft sub-
stituted the word "disturbing" for

WASHINGTON - Substantial
modification of the key public ac-
commodations section of President
John F. Kennedy's civil rights bill
could be the price of Congressional
passage of the measure, the Wash-
ington Post said recently.
Preliminary checks on both sides
of the Capitol found that support
for the bill with its present flat
ban on discrimination in privately
owned public facilities was lacking
and that a search was under way
in both houses for some new guide-
line or cutoff point that could
swing the needed votes.
In the Senate, a survey made
for the leadership showed that at
present only 55 votes could be
mustered for cloture with the bill
in its present form.
That count would be 12 votes
shy of the two-thirds Senate ma-
jority required to break a South-
ern filibuster on the controversial
section, if all 100 senators turn out
for the vote.
In addition to seeking Demo-
cratic votes from doubtful border
states, strategists for the bill say
they need a public accommoda-
tions formula acceptable to such
influential Republicans as Sens.
Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill), George
D. Aiken (R-Vt), and Bourke B.
Hickenlooper (R-Iowa).
An unofficial House tally sim-
ilarly has turned up a shortage of
Republican votes for the accom-
modations section.
Own Side
Democratic tacticians said that
at present they can count only 145
votes for the provision on their
own side of the aisle. That means
they need more than 70 House
GOP votes to win. At present they
only feel sure of about 40.
The House judiciary Subcom-
mittee, headed by Rep, Emanuel
Celler (D-NY), last week complet-
ed hearings on the omnibus civil
rights bill. Next week it is expect-
ed to begin the markup in execu-
tive session.
What comes out of this commit-
tee will be a bellweather measure
that must buck the House Rules
Committee and other hazards be-
ore- it reaches the House floor.
Rep. Celler nonetheless is hopeful
Tho Begins
Peace Talks.
SAIGON, Viet Nam (IP) - Vice
President Nguyen Ngoc Tho, the
ranking Buddhist in the govern-
ment of President Ngo Dinh Diem,
a Roman Catholic, began new
peace-making moves yesterday to
calm his embattled co-religionists.
He acted in the wake of a police
raid on the Saigon suburb of Tan
Son Hoa. Buddhist leaders re-
ported 365 persons, including
women, were arrested when found
in possession of Buddhist hand-
Government sources said only
40 were picked up.
Informed sources said, however,
that national police stationed in
Saigon have received high prior-
ity mobilization orders for today
and trouble is expected.
Tho also called in representa-
tives of several minor Buddhist
sects for consultations. Some ob-
servers saw this as an effort to
split the Buddhist intersect front.

of getting it before the House by
one method or another by mid-
Last Major Bill
However, some highly placed
parliamentarians believe c itv i
rights will be the last major bill
to . pass this session of Congress,
tailing even the President's tax
In whatever form the bill passes
the House, the Senate probably
will use it as a vehicle for putting
together its own civil rights bill.
Senate Commerce Committee
hearings on a bill dealing solely
with the public accommodations
section were completed last Fri-
day. This Senate committee will
go into executive session next week
in an effort to work out a block-
ade-running formula.

building trades. He said a progress
review would be made in three
Three-Month Period
Later in the day, leaders of the
demonstrations at the Brooklyn
state-financed medical center site
said they would stop the demon-
strations for the three-month
The picketing at the site had
drawn as many as 1000 demon-
strators in a single day and led to
hundreds of arrests.
Meantime, in Washington, of-
ficials of New York building firms
and construction unions told the
department of labor that discrim-
ination against Negroes and Puerto
Ricans was not practiced by either
employersor unions.
Strategy Conference
Also in Washington, officials of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored people
held a strategy conference and
sought out senators and represen-
tatives in their, offices to urge
support of President John F. Ken-
nedy's bill to ban discrimination
in public accommodations.
They reported some disappoint-
ing conversations, even with
Northern congressmen, but some
cheering visits, including one to
a senator from Massachusetts-
Edward Kennedy.
Danville, Va., started the trial
of the first of 328 demonstrators
accused of defying a state court
injunction against mass demon-
strations, but the trial ended in a
mistrial after an assistant prosecu-
tor referred in closing arguments;
to the fact the defendant had not
taken the stand.
Negroes picketed the United
Auto Workers' headquarters and
the General Motors Corp. in De-,
troit yesterday, urging an end to,
alleged discrimination in a Chev-
rolet Corvair plant at Willow Run.

Promise by Rockefeller'
May End Demonstrations
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-A promise from New York's Gov. Nelson A. Rocke-
feller ended a month of mass Negro demonstrations at a New York
City construction site, and Negro leaders lobbied in Washington for
proposed civil rights legislation as the attack on racial discrimination
moved forward yesterday.
However, a Congress of Racial Equality spokesman said, last
night that civil rights picketing will resume at a hospital construc-
tion site "until we see constructive evidence of more employment
opportunities," in defiance of the Rockefeller agreement.
Rockefeller's promise was that enforcement of New York's anti-
discrimination laws would be tightened, especially union membership
and apprenticeship training in thet

Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy
has indicated a willingness to ex-
clude some privately owned facili-
ties, such as most barber shops,
beauty salons, and private swim-
ming pools and the so-called Mrs.
Murphy-type small tourist homes,
from the requirement that they
provide service to all races.
But up until now, the Adminis-
tration-proposed exemptions ap-
parently have not been sufficient
to swing the votes needed to hold
the accommodations section of the
Supporters of the Administra-
tion regard the accommodations
section as the "heart" of the bill.
To strike it out, or substantially
nullify it, would worsen the pres-
ent uneasy racial crisis, they be-

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
BOGOTA, Colombia - The armed forces thwarted a plot by
former dictator Gustavo Rojas Pinilla to seize control of Colombia
yesterday while President Guillermo Leon Valancia was absent from
the capital, the national news service reported.
The usually well-informed private news agency said President,
Valancia had ordered the arrest of Rojas, Colombian president from
T1953 until his ouster in 1957, but

Ask World.
nuclear test ban treaty is thrown
open to all nations tomorrow and
19-led by Australia-are sched-
uled to sign here during the day.
President John F. Kennedy also
will send the treaty to the Sen-
ate for ratification, accompanied
by a special message today, the
White House announced. Hear-
ings begin Monday.
Administration sources appeared
confident that the Senate would
okay the treaty by the required
two-thirds majority.
Start Early
Signing of the treaty by other
nations was slated to start at the
State Department at the undip-
lomatic hour of 8:45 a.m. with
Australian Ambassador Howard
Beale affixing his signature.
United States officials predict-
ed virtually all nations on earth
will eventually join the pact, the
notable exceptions being France'
and Red China-both pushing
their own independent atomic de-
Washington's global survey has
found that between 102 and 105
countries out of a total ofp114
have indicated they favor the pact,
and 56 to date have indicated they
will sign.
Open to All
The treaty is open to all states.
The three atomic powers that
framed it-Britain, the Soviet Un-
ion and the United States-want
the maximum number to join,
on grounds it will be of maximum
effect that way.
Those wishing to join can do
so at Washington, London or Mos
cow. With the treaty opening for
universal joining today, envoys
were lining up to pledge their
countries to the ban in London and

Handlin Cites American Need for Order, Balance

"The constant problem of freedom in American life is how to
establish order and yet keep the rules necessary to establish order
from becomng oppressive, from unduly restricting the lives of the
people they govern," Prof. Oscar Handlin of Harvard University
said yesterday.
The noted historian and Pulitzer-prize winning author delivered
the concluding lecture in the summer series, "Where We Stand-A
Review of the American Position on Critical Issues."

While skin color will be a less important factor in American life
in future decades, Negroes will voluntarily maintain their group
identity, Prof. Oscar Handlin of Harvard University predicted yes-
"Skin color, while more noticeable, is not as important people
think," Prof. Handlin declared.
He said that 30 years ago people considered Jews, Irish and

he had not been found.
JACKSON, Miss.-Lt. Gov. Paul
Johnson and former governor J. P.
Coleman planned segregation-
centered strategy yesterday for a
Democratic primary runoff for
governor - their second in eight
Steadily mounting returns from
the first primary voting kept the
two political veterans well ahead
in the four-man race. Sources
close to both men predicted the
runoff campaign would make the
uneasy racial situation the prime


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