X AUGUST 7, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAM TnAEF, V, AUGUST 7, 1963 THE MICHTEAN flATLY PAr~V TUUIK~ S.AJ *S1ann flj 7A ±rench Students Picket for More Funds rom Government to State Universities From the Student Mirror PARIS-Pickets guard the en- trance to the Sorbonne. There are no grim faces, but friendly smiles. It would, be quite point- less to try and act as a strike- breaker, for not only the stu- dents but also the professors are on strike. And that is not only at the Faculte des Lettres, but also at all the other faculties and colleges of the capital as well a$ the most of the provincial uni- versities. During the afternoon there is a gathering of some three thousand students and a considerable number of profes- sors, some of them wearing their gowns, in the court-yard of the Sorbonne. Mindful of the excess which took place at the begin- ning of March, the police had already cordoned off the whole area an hour before the start of the rally--for every student there was at least one copper on duty. A helicopter circled above the Quartier Latin. But thistime , the whole operation proves to be unnecessary. In contrast to the noisy demonstration of sympa- thy for the mine-workers, this new rally runs its course calmly and with the necessary serious- ness. What is it all about? Its purpose was to draw the at- tention of the government once again to urgent needs of French universities and colleges. Today they comprise 300,000 students -- by 1970 it will already be 700,000. If nothing happens, the situa- tion will be catastrophic in a few years' time, as far as lecture halls, laboratories, and also lodgings and university restaurants are con- cerned. More Building It is not that nothing is happen- ing-everybody who has seen- the buildings which have been erect- ed in Paris for students during the last few years can convince himself of the contrary. But the situation is threatening to get out of hand. The forecasts which had led to the setting up of the "4me Plan" for the universities have already been overtaken by reality. Part of the credit provided for in the plan was only granted to an extent of 50 per cent; but the best thing is that no use at all was made of these credits! Thus, for instance, only 50 per cent of the credit amounts award- ed for the Oeuvres Universitaries (restaurants, student towns, etc.) in 1961 were used. More Rooms In Paris (80,000 students) last year, 50 rooms in all were built for students with the help of state money. The 25,000 students in the Faculte des Lettres have at their disposal just on 800 places in the Sorbonne library. The present-day buildings of this honorable insti- tution were erected during the 1890's for 4000-5000 students (at that time the girl students, who make up the vast majority at the Faculte des Lettres today, had not yet appeared on the scene). As far as the accommodation problem is concerned, it has been worked out that, if the construc- tion of student lodgings continues at its present "tempo," there will be 40,000-50,000 students without a roof over their heads in five years' time. 'Trade-Unionism' The facts and figures are not intended as an accusation against France; they are merely the back- ground against which the French students' demands must be seen. Thus in France today, no one seri- ously disputes the spirit of "trade- unionism" among the student movement any longer-even the extreme right-wing circles admit its justification. The unanimity shown during the strige of April 25, and especially the participation in it by the professors, has proved the seriousness of the students' re- quests. Despite this basic agreement, anything but unity exists among the French student body. On the contrary, the variances are re- flected in almost all of the total political color scale of the 5th Re- public, namely from left to right- -Extreme left: the Union des Etudiants Communistes (UEC); the number of members is difficut to establish; -"Moderate left": the Union Nationale des Etudiants de France (UNEF), with 80,000 members the largest and at the same time the oldest French student movement (since 1907); trade union struc- ture; in the "Charte de Grenoble" of 1946 it defined the student as the "young intellectual worker"; --"Center": the "Federation Na- tional des Etudiants de France" a -w ~ r (FNEF); arose out of the confu- sion of the April revolt in 1961 as a "non-political" movement; in the 2 years of its existence, the FNEF has mustered around it 50,- 000 students and has thus become a serious competitive organization for the UNEF; -Right-wing: "Etudiants de la Restauration Nationale": conserv- ative; visible inclination towards the ideal of trone-et-autel; more of folk-lore significance; -Extreme right: the "Fdra- tion des Etudiants Nationalistes" (FEN); a kind of student offshoot of the OAS and, like it, secret; it compensates its scanty stock of members (estimated at about 5,- 000) by the daubing of walls. If we disregard the extreme right-wing organizations which are not to be taken seriously, there remain the three first-named un- ions which more or less correspond to the three large political "fam- ilies" making up the France of today although, apart from the case of the Communists, there are no official connections between the student organizations and the par- ties. On the other hand the UNEF, in complete contrast to Guy Mol- let's Socialists, does not fight shy of workin gtogether with the Com- munists. It demonstrated this atti- tude by admitting three supporters of the UEC into its bureau at its most recent congress in Dijon at the beginning of April. No Politics And finally the FNEF, which was constituted in 1961 with the assistance of the government, has since then fittingly emancipated itself and it does not, for its part, fight shy of taking a stand against the government whenever this is necessary. Only it does not do this systematically like the UNEF which, even after the conclusion of the Algerian war, has not aband- oned its opposition to the govern- ment so that the Gaulle-ist paper "La Nation" complained after the UNEF congress " . . aucune en- tente n'est, semble-t-il, possible entre la Ve Republique et 'UNEF," to which the UNEF president proudly replied: ". . . donc tout syndicalisme est incompatible avec elle, puisque P'UNEF est une des branches du mouvement syndical francais!" Nevertheless, the relationships appear to be getting better: for several months now, the UNEF has been receiving its subsidies again (these had been suspended by the state because of the Union's attitude towards the Algerian war) and only recently a UNEF delega- tion was received by the minister of education, Christien Fouchet. Fast Work In the midst of the present- day polemics, one should not for- get all the work which has been done by the UNEF in the past: before World War II it was al- ready helping to found numerous Oeuvres Universitaires and until 1955 it played an active part itself in their management. The fact that every student today is able to have a thoroughly reasonable meal for 1,20 NF (30 cents) in the 2apital's 20 restaurants universi- taires is to a large extent the re- sult of good work by the UNEF Although it did not make an ap- pearance as an organization dur- ing World War II, it was in fact the students who paid the biggest toll of blood among all sections of the population during the Re- sistance. This procured for them, and thus for the UNEF, great po- litical importance after the Libra- tion and during the whole of the 4th Republic. Aid Students The parties, and in particular the left, took up their requests. As early as 1948 the UNEF achieved the extension of the Scurit So- ciale to all students, and in the middle of the 1950's it attained further essential improvements in the material situation of the stu- dent, especially under the govern- ments -of Pierre Mendes France and Mollet whose sympathy it en- joyed. The demand for a study salary which had been raised ever since 1946 was not however fulfill- ed although several bills went as far as the National Assembly. But then the Algerian war be- gan to overshadow the political scene. With it the UNEF began to take on a political character which in the end led to a break with the government when in 1956 the stu- dent union came out openly in fa- vor of the FLN and maintainedj lively contacts with the Algerian j student movement UGEMA which was forbidden in France. It was understandable that many of its members found themselves unable to declare their agreement with this policy. In 1957, 17 mem- ber unions of the UNEF broke away and founded a new move- ment with the name of "Mouve- ment Etudiants de France" (MEF). However, after May 13, 1948, this "non-political" wing re-joined the UNEF. The situation after the second revolt in Algiers in April, 1961 was, different. At that time, the UNEF went in for "anti-Fascism" to such an extent that many students once again felt the need for a non- political movement. The result was, as already mentioned, the founda- tion of the FNEF. It immediately began to receive the credits which had formerly been allocated to the UNEF. The cadres had already been in existence before the 1957 "rebellion," and a short time later the movement already had a mem- bership approaching that of to- day. Among them, of course, there were also many members of the "Algerie francaise" (including to- day's president), but the FNEF remained true to its non-political basic principle and today the Al- gerian question no longer has any significance, at least not among the student body.. . Morse Notes Value Conflict In Learning Students often encounter a con- flict in values: where schools ex- pect them to work, American cul- ture recommends they "enjoy life," Prof. William C. Morse of the edu- cation school said. "The conflict results in poor attitudestoward learning." Parents' attitude toward disci- pline has also changed. "Now par- ents are worried they're going to hurt the child. Their method, therefore, is to talk," Prof. Morse said. No Strong Authority Since parents no longer present as strong a source of authority, students look for this more on the "peer level" today, Prof. Morse ex- plained. This strong peer influence cre- ates a problem for teachers. Prof. Morse maintains they must have authority to deal with "symbols of defiance," such as non-conforming clothes and haircuts, before they reach the whole class. Some advocates of corporal pun- ishment have claimed that juve- nile delinquency increases when discipline is too lax. Delinquency does tend to rise when discipline is inadequate but it also increases when control is too harsh. The im- portant thing is for discipline to follow a pattern, Prof. Morse said. HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS: Michigan Governors Donate Documents Personal papers of a number of outstanding Michigan political fig- ures have been added to the Uni- versity's Historical Collections this year. F. Clever Bald, director, said two important collections were received dealing with the career of Sena- tor Arthur H. Vandenberg. These include 54 items of correspondence of Senator and Mrs. Vandenberg with A. Brooks Smith, 1932-51, 29 volumes of scrapbooks on the sen- ator's career and correspondence with him collected by Ralph H. Smith. Of great importance are the pa- pers of John B. Swainson, Bald said. These 170 feet of records for the years 1954-63 contain his cor- respondence, speeches, notes and other papers covering his career as state senator, 1955-58, lieutenant governor, 1959-60, and governor, 1961-62. These papers are not yet open for research. Personal Papers The Historical Collections is now the depository of personal papers of some 20 Michigan governors. Two former chairmen of the state Republican party deposited collections of their personal pa- pers: Lawrence B. Linderiner gave one box of papers covering the years 1957-61, and Mrs. Owen J. Cleary contributed 10 feet and two volumes of her husband's papers dealing with his service as secre- tary of state, as Republican party, chairman, and as an educator for the years 1945-59. Former Ann Arbor Mayor Wil- liam E. Brown gave his personal papers for the years 1945-62. 19th Century Politics A collection throwing light on 19th Century Michigan politics are Four volumes of scrapbooks of the late Willard J. Maxey were al- so received, dealing with his serv- ice as director of Michigan De- partment of Public Welfare. Additions Several important additions were made to already established collec- tions of political figures. These in- clude two Charles M. Ziegler scrap- books, 12 boxes of Representative Martha W. Griffiths' papers, 15 boxes of Representative Neil Stae- bler's papers, four boxes of G. Men- nen Williams' papers, and addi- tional files of correspondence of Frank Murphy. Papers of figures like Vanden- berg and Swainson are kept intact in the historical collections for use by researchers doing work on PhDs or writing articles or books. The historical collections, located in the basement of the Rackham Bldg., operates as a non-circulat- ing library. I Across Campus JOHN B. SWAINSON ... correspondence r~i" :""~t"-"" : "r "" ~~t.V"}:R " ":"JJ" """, "AtJ:"r -.~ rA~"1:rt"" .VMR"RrNY""R Y .1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ;r 1 7 rir- " -. r-.- .- .r- . ANN ARBOR'S KLH DEALER SERVICE Fast-Competent-Reasonable Used Hi Fi-TV .. . all guaranteed 19 So. University Ave.-North Side, Near Washtenaw, Dial 2-6264 r ENDING TODAY * ~FLIPPER" and "Tom and Jerry Festival of Fun" The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 General Notices Attention August Graduates: College of Lit., Science, and the Arts, School of Education. School of Music, School of Public Health, School of Business Admin. Students are advised not to re- quest grades of I or X in Aug. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the makeup grade not later than 11 a.m., Aug. 21. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation un- til a later date. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching depts. wishing to recommend tentative Aug. grads from the College of Lit., Science and the Arts, for honors or high honors should recommend such students by forward- ing a letter (in two copies; one copy for Honors Council, one copy for the Office of Registration and Records) to the Director, Honors Council, 1210 An- gell Hall, by 3:00 p.m., Tues., Aug. 20, 1963. Teaching depts. in the School of Edu- cation should forward letters directly to the Office of Registration and Rec- ords, Room 1513 Admin. Bldg., by 11:00 a.m., Wed., Aug. 22, 1963. student Government Council Approval of the following student-sponsored ac- tivities becomes effective 24 hours after the publication of ! this notice. All pub- licity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. U. of M. Friends of SNCC, Freedom Jazz Festival, Aug. 9; Ann Arbor Free- dom Rally, Aug. 28. Voice Political Party, Voice Retreat, Sept. 13-15. Day Calendar 8:30 a.m.-American Institute of CPA Staff Training Program-Mich. Union. 4:10 p.m.-1963 Summer Session Spe- cial Lecture Series, "Where We Stand: A Review of the American Position on Critical Issues-Oscar Handlin, Prof. of History and Director, Center for the Study of the History of Liberty in America, Harvard Univ., "The Meaning of Freedom": Aud. A, Angell Hall. 4:10 p.m.-CIC Far Eastern Language Institute Lecture-Prof. Frits Vos, Lei- den Univ., "Korean Literature": Aud. B, Angell Hall. 8:00 p.m.-Dept. of Speech University Players Summer Playbill - School of Music Opera Dept., Josef Blatt, conduc- ORGANIZATION NOTICES German Club, Coffee Hour, Aug. 7, 10-12 a.m., 2-4 p.m., 4072 FB. German Conversation, Music, Singing, Refresh- ments. Herzlich Willkommen! * * * Mich. Christian Fellowship, Aug. 7, 7:30 p.m., Union, 2nd Fl. Terrace. Speak- er: William Hoover. Social to follow. Univ. Lutheran Chapel, Book Review: "That the World May Believe," by Hans Kueng, Aug. 7, 9 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw. Midweek Devotion at 10 p.m. * 4 w U. of M. Friends of SNCC, Freedom Jazz Festival-A.A. Jazz Quartet and others, Aug. 9, 8 p.m., Newman Center, 331 Thompson; A.A. Freedom Rally, Speech by John Lewis, chairman of SNCC, Aug. 26. tor, Puccini's "Madame Butterfly": Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 8:30 p.m.-School of Music Concert- Stanley Quartet: Hill Aud. Opening Tonight at 8:00 p.m.--The U-M Players present the Opera Dept., School of Music in an English transla- tion of Puccini's "Madame Butterfly." Performances through Saturday night in the air-conditioned Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. Box office 12:30-8 daily. Tickets $1.75, 1.25; Fri. & Sat. 25c more. Doctoral Examination for Edward Russell Lady, Mechanical Engineering; thesis: "Low Heat - Flux Boiling," Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2146 Fluids Engi- neering Bldg., North Campus, at '3:00 p.m. Chairman, J. A. Clark. Doctoral Examination for Robert Frederic Lawson, Education; thesis: "Reform of the West German School System, 1945-1962," Wed., Aug. 7, 4024 University High School, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, C. A. Eggertsen. Placement POSITION OPENINGS: Sun Oil Co., Philadephia, Pa.-Tech- nical openings: Chemists; CE; ME; EE; Research Microbiology; Applied Plant Physiology; Product Dev.; Product Planning; Tech. Economics; Commer- cial Dev. (Mkt. Dev.); & Design Engi- neering Non-Technical openings: Eco- nomic Planning-MA Business or Fi- nance-no exper.; Computer Program- ming-BA or MS Math-2 yrs. exper.; Mathematician-Op. Res.-BS or MS Math plus Business course-no exper.; Architecture-BA Arch., no exper.; Wage & Salary Admin.-BE Bus Ad., Person- nel Ad., etc.-5-10 yrs. exper.; Motor Product Sales-any BA-sales bkgd. or aptitude. Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa.- Various openings for the following: BS/MS Chem.; BS/MS Chemical Engi- neers; and BS Mechanical Engnr. Library of Congress-Many openings including: Cataloger (music); Cataloger (arts); Editor-Trainee & Information Clerk for Copyright Office; Searcher- Cataloger for Descriptive Cataloging Div.; Asst. Head, European Exchange, Sect, for Exchange & Gift Div.; Libra- rian for Map Div. (Atlas Cataloger); Bibliographer for Science and Tech. Div.; Slavic Reference Librarian for Slavic & Central European Div. Aetna Portland Cement Co., Bay City Mich.-Seeking Plant Engineer. Prefer Mining, Mech. or Electrical Engineer with 1-5 yrs. exper., preferably in en- gineering, operations, or maintenance. United States Sugar Corp., Clewiston, Fla.-Immediate opening for Mechan- ical Engineer. Prefer recent grad with 1-2 yrs. exper., but will also consider potential graduates from this year's graduating class. Opening is at the Bryant Sugar House located on the outskirts of Pahokee. Good oppor. for advancement. Harper Hospital Detroit, Mich. - 1. Executive Secreatry, woman, no short- hand required (dictaphone)-age 30-35. Will be Exec. Sec. to Director. 2. Ad- ministrative Assistant-man or woman, to manage Out-Patient Dept. Must have ability to deal with hospital per- sonnel as well as patients and their families. Degree in Sociology or Welfare blgd. helpful. Some patient referral to the papers of the Brackley and Horatio Shaw family. Much of the correspondence in these papers concerns the legislative service of Brackley Shaw. Eighteen volumes containing the decisions of Judge George Arthur Malcolm of the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands were con- tributed by Mrs. Malcolm as the beginning of a substantial collec- tion covering his distinguished ca- reer in the island republic. Prof. Oscar Handlin of Har- vard University will speak on "The Meaning of Freedom" at 4:10 p.m. today in Aud. A. His talk is last in the series "Where We Stand: A Review of the American Position on Critical Issues." Stanley Quartet... The Stanley Quartet will give a concert of Haydn, Beethoven and Bartok at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. T heology.. . There will be a discussion on "Catholic-Protestant Theology" at 8 p.m. today at the Newman Club. other agencies or clinics involved. Age 30-45 with some exper. Navy Dept.-Civilian job opportuni- ties as follows: Engineers (all types); Librarians; Mathematicians; Digital Computer Systems Analysts; Chemists; Technical Editors (Math, Engrg., & Physics); Physicists; Operations Re- search Analysts; etc. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Shelby- ville, Ind.--Seeking experienced plant Industrial Engineer (Dept. Head) who has a strong interest in methods. 3-5 yrs. exper. The factory produces a variety of Fiber Glass Products. * * * For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. r d'ctLon in modern 'oornt DIAL 5-6290 HURRY-LAST DAYS YOU COULDN'T ASK FOR friendlier females or a funnier picture a storyif passion, bloodshed, THIS in fast that ITURE ONLY M ADULTS University Players resent Opera Dept., School of Music Puccini s MADAME BUTTERFLY OPENING TONIG.HT performances 8 p.m. thru Saturday in the air-conditioned Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre r i IF YOU W LAUGH.. wildest rio that everr way to th ANT TO . See the tof fun roared its e screen! OHNRD 11 in English translation by Prof. Josef Blatt ~ .. TECHNICOLOR* PANAVISION' 4 Shows Daily at 1:00-3:35-6:15-8:45 r NEXT * "Spencer's Mountain" $1.75, 1.25 4G: "55 DAYS AT PEKING" I t , j w1 A gli 5i r s. ^. X; ' ",,,? :. K:. :{;~ 4 .I . . M >F " O. 1u 22.: '; £' j Y Y . . .. : ; < : 4' . . §, "b. < }. £ 2 tr. is i ,. P$ SALE! BACK-TO-CAMPUS STRETCH KNEE-HI SOCKS 1.59 3 PAIRS FOR 4.45 Regularly $2 ... wool and stretch nylon cable-stitch knee-hi's, value-priced for I lmopqlwm i 1 Have You paid for your Daily yet this summer? Pay quickly or your credits will be withheld. ENDING