BIRTH CONTROL DOUBLETHINK See Editorial Page Y Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom E43a tI4 WARM High-87 Low-6: Partly cloudy, chance of showers VOL. LXXIII, No. 28-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDA AUGUST 2,1963 SEVEN CENTS FOUR P " l - EMU Council Urges Faculty Review Role Asks for Improved Channels For Communication, Decisions By. MARILYN KORAL The Faculty Council of Eastern Michigan University has recom- mended that steps be taken to insure channels of faculty communica- tion with the State Board of Education and faculty action in the "self-study" ordered by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools recently. The NCA report on Eastern, released in June at Gov. George Romney's insistence, was requested by the Board because they heard of law faculty morale and administrative problems at EMU. Subsequent to receiving the report, the Board dismissed Eastern President Eu- y gene B. Elliott, effective June, 1964. STOP GOLDWATER: GOP Leaders Launch Drive v DETROIT - State Republican leaders, worried about the surging political strength of Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) have launch- ed a stop-Goldwater for president drive in the state. The move, the Detroit Free Press reports, isthe reason for the GOP drive to commit state Republican convention delegates to Gov. George Romney as their favorite son. W h i1e Republican National Committeeman John B. Martin in- sists the Romney for favorite son movement is not a "stop Gold- water" maneuver, most GOP ob- servers see it in that light. New Steam If the Goldwater movements pick up steam, Romney, who has shuned the favorite son role, wel announce his interest in the posi- tion. Meanwhile, GOP moderates will hang an informal favorite son label on the governor. The movement's aim is to assure that Romney is the leader of the ROBERT KENNEDY . civil rights Court Sets Integration WASHINGTON-W-')-A presiden- tial promise to fight for civil rights laws no matter what the cost in personal popularity, and a sweep- ing desegregation order by three New Orleans 'Federal judges high- lighted the integration battle yes- terday. President John F. tennedy ad- mitted at a news conference that some voters might turn against' him next year because of his stand on civil rights, but said he thought any man holding his. job in this period of "national crisis" would have to stand firm for civil rights. New Orleans Ruling The New Orleans judges handed down an order that all the city's public parks, playgrounds, com- munity centers and cultural fa- cilities must be desegregated. They said private groups could use the facilities only if such use is not a veiled attempt to main- tain segregation. Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy told a Senate committee he would not object to an amendment to the administration bill on dese- gregation of public accommoda- tions as it pertains to some beauty 1 shops, barber shops and swim- ming pbols. To Offer Amendment Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. (D-NC) promhptly said he would offer such an amendment, but declined to assure Kennedy of support of the whole bill if the amendment were included. Meanwhile, Rep. Joe Pool (D- rTex) charged that "discrimination in reverse" was practiced by the government, and said three Ne- groes were put ahead of 54 whites on a Dallas, Tex., post office pro- motion list. Pool's charge led the House Post Office and Civil Service Commit- tee to order an investigation of Federal hiring and promotion practices. New Jersey Schools In New Jersey, State Education Commissioner Frederick M. Rau- binger cut off state aid to the schools of Orange because the Orange school board had failed to meet a deadline for an ordered school desegregation plan. New Jersey Gov. Richard Hughes backed up Raubinger, saying the Orange schools present "a classi- cal case of almost complete racial imbalance." Negro demonstrations continued in several states. More than 40 pickets were arrested in New York -City in a continuing drive by Ne- gro groups to win more jobs on public construction. A policeman tussled with a pick- et in Brooklyn after the policeman discovered four dozen eggs behind a fire hydrant. Outside Consultants Prof. Edward Potter, vice-chair- man of the Faculty Council, said last night that the Board has sug- gested EMU might utilize "outside consultants" in their self-study. The faculty report is intended "to put the council on record as op- posing the Board's idea," Prof. Pot- ter explained. The council plans to set up six faculty committees to study and find solutions for the problems plaguing Eastern. The committees will be on administrative problems, faculty affairs, instructional prob- lems, special projects, Board in Control of Athletics, and student and public relations. The NCA report had cited a "lack of finesse" in administra- tive, student and faculty relations as an important cause of low mor- ale at EMU. Communication Procedure The Faculty Council also sug- gested a procedure for communi- cation between faculty, Elliott, and the Board. Council recommendations, the report suggests, should be submit- ted to Elliott for approval, and then to the Board. If Elliott does not approve recommendations, they should then be returned to the council, after which they would be submitted directly to the Board. The NCA report on Eastern had mentioned the lack of communica- tion between faculty and adminis- tration as a problem at Eastern. The faculty report further states, "We believe the administration of Eastern has been remiss in many ways, but we do not believe the NCA report provides sufficien' ground for wholesale dismissal of administrators.' Intensify Problems "We believe that sudden and drastic changes in the adminis- tration at this time would only intensify the problems and inter- fere with the effective functioning of the university during the period of transition to governance by a new board" In explaining this part of the" report, Prof. Potter said, "the pub- lic Press has made the council aware that there are possibilities for further removals beyond that of President Elliott." Prof. Potter also commented that the Board had suggested the possibility of bringing in outside consultants to help choose Ellliott's replacement. The report stated, "We believe that no groups outside the univer- sity should participate in this process. We believe that the work of screening and recommending candidates for the university presi- dency must be done by the fac- ulty because the faculty is the best possible judge of the necessary qualifications for the office and of the competence of the candidates." One of the points the NCA made in their January study was that faculty believed they did not have enough say in the major university decision-making. The council set up six faculty committees to study and find so- lutions for the problems plaguing Eastern. The committees will be on administrative problems, faculty affairs, instructional problems, special projects, Board in Control of Athletics, and student and pub- lic relations. The NCA report had cited a "lack of finesse" as a cause of lowI morale at EMU. BARRY GOLDWATER ... to be stopped? Michigan delegation to next year's San Francisco convention in fact as well as name. A delegation, heavily infiltrated with pro-Gold- East-West Talks Continue: France Offers No Support WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary of State Dean Rusk will hold a new round of exploratory talks with Premier Nikita Khrushchev and other high officials in Russia next week, but without much support/ from France. President John F. Kennedy indicated at a news conference that the United States has offered France more atomic help if she would join in the new test ban accord."'But we have received no esponse from the French govern- e trnent, other than the remarks of len. (Charles) de Gaulle at his press conference," Kennedy said. Pro pos s LANSING--Appropriations leg- islation for research projects to explore and expand the state's economy may be considered in the Legislature's special September session. Executive director of the 'eco- nomic expansion department, B. M. Conboy has indicated that he will draw up several proposals for the session. They must have the approval of Gov. George Romney to iappear on the agenda, or wait until the regular session in Jan- uary. The September meeting has been projected by Romney for con- sideration of his tax program. Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) who chairs the House Eco- nomic Development Committee has indicated that Romney "would favor the idea of getting started on the research program as soon as possible," and that ignoring it would mean "a delay of several months in a program the Legis- lature has authorized and which is of vital importance to the state." He will ask Ronney next week to include the program on the agen- da. The economic research program was voted $750,000 by the Legisla- ture in May. Schools will submit suggestions for projects. Conboy's department will choose among them, allotting no school more than 30 per cent of the appropria- tion. "About eight" proposals have been subnhitted already in informal talks. Set MeCraken In State Post By The Associated Press LANSING - Prof. Paul Mc- Cracken of the business school was reported named yesterday to Eco- nomic Expansion Council, created at the last legislative session. The members of the council will help direct the economic growth of the state. Prof. McCracken's nomination to the 25-member group has not yet been officially made, but is expected soon. At his meeting with newsmen Monday, the French president shrugged off the "mere agree- ment on tests between Soviets and Anglo-Saxons" as of limited value and said he sees no purpose in a NATO-Warsaw bloc non-aggres-- Sion pact-one of the subjects Rusk plans to explore with Khrushchev. To Go to Moscow The State Department announc- ed that the 12-man United States delegation to the Monday after- noon signing of the test-ban treaty in Moscow will leave here by mili- tary jet transport tonight and arrive at the Soviet capital Satur- day afternoon. After the ceremonial signing, Rusk will stay on for three or four days as the guest of Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, the de- partment said. Rusk is slated to see Khrush- chev in an effort to find out more about the Kremlin proposals for the non-aggression pact, an exchange of observers to guard against surprise attack and other possible areas of agreement. Some of these subjects would require agreement among the Western allies, of whom France is an important one. Britain's For- eign Secretary, Lord Home, will be in Moscow for at least part of Rusk's stay. U.S. Offer Administration sources last night refused to give out details of what Kennedy may have of- fered France, but the president had no encouragement from Paris to report in his public remarks. Kennedy noted that as part of the United States-British Nassau agreement last December on shar- ing Polaris missiles, France, too, had been offered the nuclear, rockets. But France turned this down because of the condition that they assign their atomic force to NATO, he noted. He said the problem is not just that the United States Atomic En- ergy Act's prohibition against giv- ing nuclear secrets to non-atomic powers-because the United States now recognizes France as an atomic power. "The problem really goes to the organization of the defense of the West, and what role France sees for herself, and sees for us," water support will leave Romney little room to manuever. Fear Rightists There is also a fear that a Gold- water campaign will strengthen the conservative elements of the party and draw the far right- especially the John Birch Society -into the Michigan GOP. However, the anti-Goldwater forces lack a rallying point. Rom- ney has in no way declared him- self for the favorite son role, nor has GOP contender Nelson Rocke- feller set up a campaign office in Michigan. But the moderate forces are get- ting, worried. Pro - Goldwater groups are springing up all over the state. A Michigan Draft Gold- water for President committee has been formed and is about to be recognized by the national organ- ization. Goldwaterites The prime organizer ishTyrone Gillespie of Midland. Other im- portant members include Regent- elect William B. Cudlip of Grosse Pointe, Ink White of St. Johns, an unsuccessful Regertal candi- date last spring, L. Montgomery Shepard of Benton Harbor, who was boomed for the GOP guber- natorial nomination last year, Lee Boothby of Niles, a constitutional convention delegate who ran for the Fourth District congressional seat and Senators Kent T. Lund- gren (R-Menominee) and Arthur Dehmel (R-Unionville). Creighton D. Hoiden, a director of the Michigan State Chamber of Commerce, heads up the group. "So far, this is nothing more than the crystallizing of the Goldwater movement in Michigan, which has been gaining momentum for some time," he said. Holden denied he had any in- tention of splitting the GOP. "We have no desire to disrupt the state Republican organization or its leadership. We will operate within the framework of the Republican Party." Resist 'Redical Right' The group will resist efforts of the "radical right" to infiltrate it, Holden pledged. Despite GOP leadership denials, Goldwater support seems pretty widespread in the state. A Free Press poll of GOP county chair- men shows a two-one preference for the Arizona senator. The Michigan delegation to the national YR convention reported- ly voted 19-3 for Donald Lukens, an avowed Goldwater fan, who was elected president of the group. Leader Rejects Advisory Vote On Ordinance The question of holding an ad- visory vote on local fair housing legislation is not considered as a negotiable question by the board of directors of the local branch of? the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.1 Prof. Albert H. Wheeler, of the Medical School, and director of NAACP's committee on housing, maintained that civil rights groups do not believe that petitioners] have "a right to vote on our rights."1 Prof. Wheeler reported, follow- ing Mayor Cecil O. Creal's state-, ment that he would appoint ai committee representing communi- ty interests to study the latest fair housing ordinance proposal, that. petitions brought to the City Council are interpreted as coming from persons opposed to fair hous- ing legislation. The NAACP board believes ne- gotiation with the mayor's com- mittee will be useful because fair housing backers will be in a posi- tion of strength in seeking a strong ordinance, he noted. The board considers the newly adapted ordinance weak. Holding public hearings on the ordinance would be working from a weak po- sition, Prof. Wheeler asserted. Kennedy Sees Passage Of Nuclear Document Underground N -Blasts .. Tells Press Of Actions --Associated Press NEWS CONFERENCE-President John F. Kennedy at his news conference yesterday answered questions ranging from civil rights to those pertaining to passage of the- atom test ban treaty. Meany Calls for Talks In Rail Labor Dispute WASHINGTON (P)-AFL-CIO President George Meany told Con- gress yesterday if the public interest demands that rail workers be denied the right to 'strike, it's time to nationalize the railroad in- dustry. "I think this just naturally follows as night follows day," Meany told the House commerce committee. But he added: "This would be a sad day for tittee to endorse his alternative Three Nations To Establish 'Maphulino' MANILA (Y)-Malaya, the Phil- ippines and Indonesia agreed yes- terday to form a new association for closer cooperation called "Ma- philindo." They said Maphilindo-a linking of the first syllables of the names of the three countries-will be used as a framework for regular consultations on matters of mu- tual concern to the countries. But how the association will function in relation to the new Federation of Malaysia remained to be determined. Philippine Foreign Minister Sal- vador Lopez said he and the for- eign ministers of Indonesia and Malaya drafted a declaration out- lining the new association. It will be submitted to Malayan Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rah- man, Indonesian President Sukar- no and Philippines President Dios- dado Macapagal for formal ap- proval today. America." Meany urged the com- to President John F. Kennedy's roposal that the strike-threaten- ing dispute over railroad work' rules be turned over to the Inter- state Commerce Commission Resume Bargaining, The AFL-CIO chief urges that industry and union negotiators be sent back to the bargaining, table under supervision of a congression- al watchdog committee. "This. country cannot afford a nationwide railroad strike," Meany said. "It would be an economic catastrophe." But he added compulsory ar- bitration to avert a walkout would never be justified "as long as you kept the railroads under private ownership fro private profit." Opposes Public Ownership And he said he is opposed to public ownership' of the industry. Meany said of the Kennedy plan: "There is no question that this is compulsory work legislation in- troduced for the first time in the railroad industry." Instead, Meany urged the com- mittee to endorce a resolution pro- posed by Rep. Harley O. Staggers (D-W Va) to renew peace talks under congressional supervision. A similar plan has been offered in the Senate. On Dropouts Pleads with Students To Remain in School, Promotes Counseling WASHINGTON (A) - President John F. Kennedy said yesterday that "yes, we will" continue nu- clear 'weapons testing under- ground. At the same time he predicted ratification of a new treaty ban- ning tests in space, in the atmos- phere and under water. In the realm of the gravest do- mestic crisis of the day, Kennedy said he assumes that his handling of the civil rights issue has cost him political support and pres- tige. But he said he expects his administration to "continue to fol- low the same course it has fol- lowed in the past." Nuclear Tests The President talked about nu- clear tests and civil rights at a news conference centering largely around those two topics. Kennedy started off with an ap-' peal to parents and others t urge children to return to school in September and stay in school in order to combat the drop-out problem. Kennedy said he is asking all American parents ."to urge their children to go back to school:in September . " He asked school' officials, clergymen and other leaders to work toward the same goal. He said he will provide $250,000 out of the Presidential Emergency Fund for guidance counselors for the month of August to "see if we can get some of these boys and girls" to go back to school in September. When civil rights came up in the questioning, one of the first was whether he would seek to end miscegenation laws-the statutes in some states forbidding inter- racia' marriage. Court Relief Kennedy replied an individual prosecuted under these laws would have relief in the courts. "There are legal remedies in this field now," the President said. When pressed as to whether the justice department could initiate suits, the President pleaded ignor- ance as he was not a lawyer but added that he doubted that the justice department could enter such a case. Then the session with reporters took off into nuclear testing and civil rights and a spattering of other matters. The first question was whether the President was concerned about ratification of the American- British-Soviet treaty b'anning all 'tests but underground ones, since some Republicans and Democrats- in the Senate have taken a "wait- and-see" attitude. Wait and See Kennedy said there is nothing wrong with waiting or seeing, and: "My judgment is when the tes- timony is all in that this treaty will be ratified." The treaty is to be formally signed next Monday. There was a question as to whether the United States might give nuclear weapons, or know- how, to France. Kennedy said the United States has offered assistance to France on a number 6f occasions for de- fense purposes. He said the government has been in touch with the French on this and cooperation could con- tinueuin connection with the test ban. But hie said as yet 1"we see no response" from the French. Group Disdains Taxing Scheme By The Associated Press DETROIT - Members of t h e N h KornsAccuseU.S. Of Seeking To Start War KOREA (A)-Communist North Korea fired a propaganda broad- side at the United States yesterday, accusing it of plots to provoke war. But all was quiet along the armistice front where three Americans and four North Koreans died in patrol clashes Monday and Tuesday. Brig. Gen. Charles Pershing Brown of McAlester, Okla., acting commander of the 1st Cavalry Division, expected the lull to continue. " I think the Communists will be quiet now, at least until after the next meeting at Panmunjom," Brown said. ", WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP: Red China General Denies India Troop Buildup 1 1 11 By The Associated Press TOYKO-The chief of the Red Chinese Army general staff said reports of new tension on the Chinese-Indian borders were fabrica- tions of the Indian government, the New China News Agency said yesterday. * * * * WASHINGTON-President Kennedy said yesterday some of the leaders of the United States student group which went to Cuba in defiance of a travel ban seem "definitely Communist." The United States government is considering action against them when they return to the United States, he said. O mATP - -xrppky. * *m. renmrte vestra Panmunjom is the truce center where Communist officers and representatives of the United Na- tions command wrangle over in- cidents stemming from a war that officially ended 10 years ago. The United Nations command called for an armistice commission meeting yesterday. The Commun- ists demurred and proposed that the commission meet Saturday. I - ' ..::