NEED STRONGER HOUSING MEASURE See Editorial Page l~4ir IadA RAIN High-90 Low--4 Partly cloudy, warm Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 26-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1963 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES U.S. Sees Chinese Move To Increase Tensions House, Administration Act on Railroad Conflict WASHINGTON (P)-Congress and the administration continued efforts to unsnarl the rail labor dispute yesterday amid conflicting claims of new proposals by both the railroads and the unions. Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz met for about two hours with the carriers yesterday and a Labor Department spokesman said he probably would met with both sides today. The spokesman said "some progress" was made "but not enough to warrant any undue op- timism."h WANT MORE NON-WHITE JOBS: Children Block Construction By Red Korea Ambush -Associated Press KOREA--Army jeep lies on side of road after two American soldiers riding in it were killed and another wounded in a grenade and machine gun ambush by North Korean troops at dawn Mon- day. The attack took place south of the demilitarized zone. IMMEDIATE ACTION: New Judiciary Committee To Handle Special Cases By JEAN TENANDER The new judicial committee establshed by James A. Lewis, vice- president for stiudent affairs, is, a body set up to act in situations where immediate disciplinary action is necessary, John Bingley, director of student activities and organizations, said yesterday. Although the chairman or vice-chairman of Joint Judiciary Council sits on the committee, the committee's jurisdiction falls =entirely outside the area of the Set Defense Against Raids On Border Search Frontier For Communists, Seek Counter Plans WASHINGTON (I)-The United States yesterday linked the out- break of sneakyattacks in Korea, which have killed three Americans and a South Korean policeman, to a Chinese campaign to increase tension in Asia. State Department press officer Richard I. Phillips told a news conference "an intensive alert and search operation is now underway" along the United States-held sec- tors of the 150-mile long Korean truce line. Counter Measures Phillips said, "counter measures" are being discussed here and with the United Nations command in Korea. He would not say what they involve. For a second day Phillips said the incidents "remind us that peace in Korea is kept by UN strength and determination to re- sis Communist aggression. High United States officials said that North Korea is now "lock, stock and barrel in the Chinese camp and evidence of that fact is that Peking now has a puppet pulling the eagle's feathers. Pressure in Viet Nam Chinese pressure on North Viet Nam is also held responsible here for a high level. of violent inci- dents reported in South Viet Nam over the last several weeks. Ameri- can military adviser outposts have been the target of attacks. The reported buildup of Chinese military strength along the Indian border also was cited by Phillips. Second Day Referring to the second day of North Korean attacks on United States 8th -Army troops, Phillips said: "At this point, these attacks ap- pear to be a reflection of the North Korean activities in con- nection with the 10th anniversary of the Korean Armistice (on July, 26). "However, I would not want to exclude the possibility of their be- ing linked to wider developments in Asia." At present there are about 50,- 000 United States military men in South Korea, including two com- bat divisions deployed beside South Korean units along the 150-mile width of the peninsula facing the Red Korean army. The South Korean forces are be- lieved to total about 500,000, in- cluding some air force and navy personnel. The South Korean army is organized into 18 divisions. Also remaining in South Korea as UN forces are token units from Tur- key and Thailand.t Exhibit Models and charts illustrat- ing the Central Campus plan and the preceeding Medical and North Campus plans will be onf display 4-5:30 p.m. and 7-9:30 t p.m. today in the League ball-F room.e Meany Testifies AFL - CIO President George Meany, testifying before the Sen- ate Commerce Committee at a night hearing, said "I don't be- lieve the two sides are too far apart.", He urged the committee to re- ject President John F. Kennedy's proposal to shift the dispute over work rules and the employment of freight and yard firemen to the In- terstate Commerce Commission. The House Commerce Commis- sion, considering the same propos- al, heard earlier yesterday from a rail union' spokesman that the companies had made a new pro- posal. H. E. Gilbert, president of the; AFL-CIO Brotherhood of Locomo- tive Firemen and Enginemen, said "I don't know what's in it. I only know it arrived at our office. It's' the first proposal to come from them in four years." Deny New Offer But a management spokesman denied that the railroads had made any "substantially new" of- fers. He said chief negotiator J. E. Wolfe had merely given Wirtzj a statement of management's po- sition on the four-year-old dispute that could lead to a nationwide rail strike next month. A Labor Department spokesman said later that both sides, at1 Wirtz' request, had exchanged si- multaneous proposals Monday night on the jobs and that issue of firemen's both "appear to be Nuclear Ban 'Dirt Fraud' TOYKO {AP-China yesterday called the three-power partial nu- clear test ban agreement a "dirty fraud" and proposed a world con- ference to discuss complete pro- hibition of nuclear weapons. The Chinese said they could not join the test ban treaty initialled by the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union since it provides a "fake peace" rather than a "genuine peace." Instead, they called on all na- tions to declare they will prohibit nuclear weapons and destroy nu- clear arms already on hand. Official View The official Chinese view was made in a Peking broadcast by the New China News Agency and monitored here. The Chinese, at odds with Pre- mier Khrushchev's policy of peace- ful coexistence, had been expected to turn thumbs down on the test ban treaty. The agreement, initialed last week in Moscow, calls for Britain, refrain from "causing, encourag- the United States and Russia to ing or in any way participating" in any other nuclear explosions. It appeared to preclude the treaty participants from helping allies, such as France and China, in nu- clear weapons development. USSR Attacks China Union's propaganda organs struck Meanwhile in Moscow the Soviet out in many directions in their campaign on behalf of the nuclearc test ban treaty. - Most prominent among the tar- gets: _.1, The leaders of China, French President Charles de Gaulle and American nuclear scientist Edward1 Teller. The Chinese were bitingly criti-1 cized for suggesting that a better civilization could be built on the1 nuclear bombed remains of a capitalistic society.- Denounce de Gaulle De Gaulle was denounced in a Pravda dispatch which criticized< him for having "permitted him-1 self a slanderous comparison be-1 tween the socialist system of the U.S.S.R. and Hitler Germany." Teller was attacked by the news- paper Sovetskaya Rossia (Soviet Russia), which said Teller Was firing "cold war" shots at the1 test ban treaty because he "is above all concerned for his own pocketbook and for the interestsI of his 'friends' in the United< States war industry corporations."t Columnist Joseph Alsop also tried to question the motives for which the Soviet Union pressed for the agreement. He claims eco- nomic development in Russia hast dropped in recent years.I -Associated Press ARREST-A New York resident is seized by police at a Brooklyn hospital construction site after he provoked a fight by picketing civil rights demonstrators seeking more jobs for Negroes. Negroes tore up his signs before the police stepped in to break up the fight. UNITED NATIONS: Venezuela Offer's Plan For Action on Portugal UNITED NATIONS (P)-Venezuela submitted amendments yes- terday to water down an Asian-African resolution in the Security Council directing Portugal to set its African territories on the road to independence. Diplomatic sources said the amendments were satisfactory to the sponsors and they predicted the resolution would win the neces- U Integration Worker Views' SNCC Action By THOMAS COPI "The South has to be changed no matter how radical the meas- ures may seem," Susan Wender, '65, Student Nonviolent Coordinat- ing Committee field secretary, said last night. In response to questions from the group, Miss Wender told about SNCC actions in the South, and in Albany, Georgia in particular, where she has been working. Miss Wender stated the objec- tives of the Albany Movement as: equal job opportunities for all, the desegregation of the Albany Library and Bus Terminal, and the provision of equal facilities for Negroes. In discussing the last of these, she mentioned that in the Negro neighborhoods of Al- bany, the streets are not paved, there are no sidewalks,' there is inadequate street-lighting and very poor sewage facilities., Problems of Worke r In reference to the problems of SNCC field secretaries in Albany, Miss Wender said, "We have no one to go to when we have troub- les." The local police are opposed to the movement, and the repre- sentatives of the Justice Depart- ment, in other words, the FBI agents in Albany, work "hand in hand with the Albany police." So SNCC field secretaries have to work out their problems on their own. In Albany there is no branch of the National Associa- tion for the Advancement of Colored People, and no branch of the Congress on Racial Equality. SNCC is the only national-organ- ization represented in Albany. Two Facets Miss Wender also mentioned that there are two facets to the work being done in the South by SNCC. The first of these is voter registration, in which the field secretaries try to get the eligible Negroes to go and register to vote. Field secretaries educate council. Illegal Activities Bingley explained that in cer- tain cases where students are in- volved in illegal activities, such as morals cases, disciplinary action has to be taken immediately. In these cases there is no time to wait until the council's commit- tee refers the case to the proper body. There are also instances, Bingley noted, where students in graduate or post-graduate work are involved in cases requiring dis- ciplinary action. Serious Cases "In these situations it is often more advisable to handle the cases outside the council," Bingley said. Serious cases involving students much older than those on the council can be dealt with more ef- fectively b ythe OSA committee he feels. He said that in previous years situations involving immediate dis- ciplinary action had been dealt with individually by his office. "But I was unwilling to continue taking the sole responsibility for such instances and therefore feel the committee serves a much need- ed function." Besides the committee there are several other sources of judicial authority outside the jurisdiction of Joint Judiciary Council. Housing units, residence halls, fraternities and sororities organ- ize their own judiciary system in conjunction with the council. different" from their previous stands. Buthe didn't say to what de- gree they differed or what the proposals contained. Another rail spokesman denied Gilbert's claim that the railroads had not made any written propos- als since 1959. "Proposals have been submitted in writing to the railroad u n i o n s many times throughout the dispute," he said. AEC Requests Less Control Of A-Materials WASHINGTON (M)-The Atomic Energy Commission appealed to Congress yesterday to permit pri- vate ownership of special nuclear materials, and thus break the gov- ernment's monopoly on them. Robert E. Wilson, an AEC mem- ber who has long favored the change, presented the proposal to the Senate-House Atomic Energy Committee. Rep. Chet Holifield (D-Calif), who presided, called the proposal "the most sweeping amendment to the Atomic Energy Act since 1954." Holifield, chairman of the legis- lation subcommittee, said: "My mind-and I believe I speak for the full subcommittee- is open on this question." He added the group would give it "the most searching review and scrutiny." Wilson said the present sys- tem is costly to taxpayers and has hampered development of a private atomic energy industry. Pointing out commission pro- cedures would protect national se- curity and public safety, he stated: 'We are confident that our reg- ulatory controls alone can serve effectively to give adequate pro- tection against dangers from un-I authorized use of nuclear explo- sives, special nuclear materials, or radio-active fission products." sary seven votes when the 11- niation council meets today. Last-Minute Decision The amendments were worked out by Norway and the United States on one hand and the Af- rican nations on the other. A de- lay in arrival of instructions from Washington resulted in a last- minute decision to have Venezuela present them rather than Norway. Sessions.of the council on these two issues were requested by the 32 African members of the UN in the wake of the recent heads-of- state meeting of African nations in Addis Ababa. Proposed Changes These were the important changes made in the resolution in the amendments submitted by Tu- lio Alvarado, the delegate from Venezuela: 1) Deletion of a paragraph which would have had the council declare the situation in the Por- tuguese territories a threat to in- ternational peace and security. 2) The council would deprecate instead of condemn Portugal for refusal to abide by previous coun- cil and general assembly resolu- tions. 3) The council would direct Secretary-General U Thant to furnish assistance as he might deem necessary to gain implemen- tation of the resolution, and to report back by next Oct. 31. ;I Deba te Cults In Latin Aid4 Officials of the Administration in Washington are divided in their feelings toward the 50 per cent cut in the Social Progress Trust Fund program, thought to be the core of the Alliance for Progress, through a decision by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The fund promotes and finan- cially backs programs in housing, schools, sewage system and hospi- tals. It is administered by the I n t er - American Development Bank. The fund is in particular favor among Latin American coun- tries because it allows the receiver to channel the funds and benefits to the masses directly. One official is quoted as saying the blow to the alliance will be disastrous and it would be diffi- cult to expect Latin American trust after such a reduction. Treasury Secretary Douglas Dil-' lon is reportedly preparing a letter to J. William Fulbright, commit- tee chairman (D-Ark), indicating that the proposed reduction would have serious consequences and re- questing a committee hearing NEW YORK ()-A children's blockade temporarily prevented trucks from entering a construc- tion site in New York City yester- day in a continuing demonstration for more building trades jobs for non-whites. Police picked up 18 youngsters, some only 2 years old, and carried them to police cars. None was booked or held. Seven older pickets at the Brook- lyn site, where a hospital is being built, were carried kicking and screaming to police vans after they climbed on the loading platform of a crane. In all, 38 persons. were arrested at the Brooklyn site and in Queens. There have been nearly 700 arrests in the past three weeks as dem- onstrators sought to have 25 per cent of the workers on publicly financed construction non-whites. Patterson Speaks In Washington, D.C., Mississippi Atty. Gen. Joe T. Patterson told a civil rights hearing: "I firmly believe that the pres- ent United States attorney general (Robert F. Kennedy), with the ap- proval of the President of the United States, is far more respon- sible for the racial violence and troubles we are having throughout this nation than the ruthless lead- ers who are sponsoring and pro- moting racial unrest." He accused Atty. Gen. Kennedy of sending Justice Department agents into the South to incite ra- cial violence. Reuther Addresses League Walter P. Reuther, head of the United Auto Workers, AFL-CIO, said in remarks prepared for the National Conference of the Urban League in Los Angeles that the patience of millions of Negro Americans is at an end. He called for speedy enactment of Kenne- dy's civil rights program. In Farmville, Va., more than 60 civil rights pickets marched in front of downtown concerns pro- testing segregated businesses and closed schools. The demonstration is the sixth i nas many days at Farmville, county seat of Prince Edward County where public schools closed in 1959 to avoid de- segregation. In Gary, Ind., pickets from the recently formed National Associa- tion for the Advancement of White People demonstrated at a hospital that had signed an anti-bias agree- ment with civil rights groups, "Equal rights for whites," said one of their signs. In Clarksdale, Miss., Aaron Henry, state president of the Na- tional Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People, and 51 other Negroes were arrested in the largest protest against segre- gation in this delta city of 21,000. The Negroes, carrying placards, were jailed instantly by Clarks- dale police as they began parades at two different locations. Market Spurns Pleas To Stop 'Chicken War' BRUSSELS () - Western Eu- rope's Common Market yesterday turned down American pleas to lower the customs duty on poultry. This turn in the "chicken war"is widely regarded in the United States as a tip-off to the Euro- pean attitude toward vital Ameri- can farm exports, and United States reprisals are predicted. Foreign Ministers The refusal came after hours of debate among foreign ministers and their representatives from the six Common Market countries- France, West Germany, Italy, Holland, Belgium and' Luxem- bourg. They have had the issue before them for four months, and Ameri- can officials were saying that this Football Game One Italian delegate, bored be- cause his country neither imports nor exports much chicken, told newsmen in the corridor of the Palais Des Congres: "It's like a football game in there--a football game without a ball." It was expected that within a week the' United States would' counter by raising its own tariff against some Common Market product. The problem is to find a product of comparable import- ance-about $50 million worth of trade a year. American Reprisal American officials would also like tn make the reprisal snetacn- WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP: Royalists Claim Yemen Victories By The Associated Press BEIRUT - Royalists yesterday claimed fresh victories against Egyptian and republican forces in Yemen's seemingly renewed civil war. They declared 333 Egyp- tians have been killed in battles during the last two weeks. UNIVERSITY PLA YERS: Monique' Offers Suspense, Good Drama Saudi Arabia's state-controlled Mecca Radio relayed the claim, broadcast by a secret royalist sta- tion in northern Yemen. The in- formation could not be verified independently, however. * * * NEW DELHI-Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru exhorted his. countrymen yesterday to "be pre- pared for all eventualities" creat- ed by a Communist Chinese build- up along the Himalayan border. * * * LONDON-The House of Com- mons finally approved lasthight a bill giving peers the right to shed: their lordships, become ministers, and seek election to commons. A] self-made ex-lord might even be- come prime minister. TOYKO-Foreign Minister Ma- sayoshi Ohira will leave for Wash- ington today to confer with Presi-3 dent Kennedy and other govern-, ment leaders on Kennedy's pro-3 posed measures to check the out- flow of gold and dollar. Ohira told newsmen he will carry a ner- debt limit through November 30 was approved yesterday by the House Ways and Means Commit- tee. Leaders are expected to seek a vote next week in the House. Without congressional action, the, limit will drop to $285 billion on August 31. * *. 4 BETHLEHEM, Pa. - Democrat Fred B. Rooney, 37-year-old state senator and protege of the late United States Rep. Francis Wal- ter, was elected yesterday to fill Walter's unexpired term in a special election which was a sur- prisingly heavy voter turnout in Pennsylvania's 15th congressional district. CAPE CANAVERAL - A Blue Scout rocket yesterday propelled an instrumented probe toward a point 8,000 miles in space and the Air Force reported shortly after launching that the package was well on its way. * * * WAFrwTwNfTCN - Pai Thnpv By PATRICIA LEFTRIDGE The suspenseful, French-based murder mystery, "Monique," will open at 8 p.m. today at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Prof. William McGraw directs this, the fourth of the University Players' summer playbill. It will run for four days. French Novel "Monique" was originally a French novel by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac based on the award-winning novel, "Diabolique." It was adapted for the stage by Dorothy and Michael Blankfort. "This is not a run-of-the-mill murder mystery, but a quality play-unusual and of high caliber," said Prof. McGraw. He de- ...