THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THEMIC IG- - AIY- 1I AL ravr, 1 alai )e Gaulle senate Be4 Hits gins. Terms )f Accord By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Senators be- gan their formal study of the nu- clear test banhtreaty yesterday in the first of what some said would be many weeks of hearings. Undersecretary of State Averell Harriman, who negotiated the pact, outlined it yesterday to a closed meeting of members of the Senate Foreign Relations, and Armed Services Committees and the Senate-House Atomic Energy Committee. Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D- Ark) of the Foreign Relations Committee,'explained that today's session was primarily aimed at sounding out Harriman on general terms of the treaty which he ini- tialed in Moscow last week. Formal ratification hearings won't begin until the treaty is signed. Informed sources said yesterday that Secretary of State Dean Rusk will leave for Moscow Saturday or Sunday for the signing expect- ed to take place next week. Harriman ran into numerous questions in yesterday's session with the Senators. Chairman Richard B. Russell (D-Ga), of the Armed Services Committee, said: "Mr. Harriman made a very spirited defense of this treaty. He was asked some very probing ques- tions." From their comments it appear- ed senators hit hard on the pos- sible effects of a test-ban agree- ment on U. S. military security. This appeared to bear out indica- tions that for many the testimony of military leaders on the possible effects of the treaty will weigh heavily in their decision. Lacks Capacity Harriman, in reporting Khrush- chev's views on Red Chinese nu- clear capability, said the Soviet. leader believes China- lacks the in- dustrial capacity for swift devel- opment of a weapons system. He noted that Russia has not provided any technical assistance for Chinese industry since 1960 and that Russia also is anxious for France to join the agreement. Fulbright said he doesn't be- lieve de Gaulle's news conference rejection of the treaty would af- fect Senate ratification. NEWS CONFERENCE-French President Charles de Gaulle ex- pounds his views on nuclear test bans, NATO defense policy and European trade policies at one of his rare news conferences yes- terday. De Gaulle disdained the test-ban pact and said France would continue testing. NEW YORK: City Hall Demonstrators Halted by Police Action SPact; YRCI*I ~robe Spurns Bani1 As Danger 1 1 France To Continue Nuclear Build-Up PARIS-President Charles del Gaulle yesterday refused to join the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union in their Moscow ac- cord for a limited ban on atomic tests. He also spurned the idea of an East-West nonaggression pact. In an eagerly-awaited reply to last week's successful test ban talks in Moscow, de Gaulle said France must continue to build its nuclear arsenal or "bid goodby forever to security and indepen- dence." Own Proposals De Gaulle grandly announced at a news conference that France will call for a meeting "among interested parties" before the end of the year to take up France's own disarmament proposals. While differing sharply with Washington on policy, de Gaulle declared that France's friendship with the United States is historic and will not be disturbed by pres- ent disagreements. He said the nuclear club should be disbanded altogether: all' nu- clear arms must be junked, along. with their delivery systems, and all production halted, to bring all nations' defenses down to the non- nuclear level under international supervision. No Charge "The Moscow agreement," said de Gaulle, "has not lifted the atomic menace which weighs on the world. None of the signers has renounced the use of atomic weapons and under these condi- tions the world situation has not been changed in any way .. . "If one day the Americans and the Russians disarms, and come to the destruction and prohibition of nuclear weapons, France will then refrain from procuring them herself, but they don't seem to be at that point yet." De Gaulle pointedly recalled that France is furnishing strategio European real estate with its geo- graphic position. Allied planners are well aware that an adequate defense of Western Europe re- quires supply lines across France. Rejects Non-Aggression Pact De Gaulle rejected any non- aggression pact between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NA- TO) and the Warsaw Pact of So- viet bloc states of Eastern Europe. He claimed France could never consent to a deal by the "Anglo- Saxons" and the Russians "over France's head." Furthermore, he added, such a treaty would be completely need- less as far as France is concerned since France would never strike the first blow against anyone. State department sources said de Gaulle's rejection of the test ban agreement and possible non- aggression pact does not complete- ly close the door to cooperating with his allies on these issues. No official White House com- ment was available though. Britain's Foreign Secretary Lord Home declared yesterday that the French refusal had been expected because "the United States and ourselves have the nuclear bomb -France has not." France, he said, "is a long way behind" the three nuclear powers-the Soviet Union, the United States and Brit- New Head Tells Goal Of HUAC By The Associated Press NEW YORK-The House Un- American Activities Committee will turn to legislation rather than investigation, its new chairman Rep. Edwin E. Willis (D-La) pledged recently. Willis, who succeeded the late Rep. Francis E. Walter (D-Pa), said that the committee will con- centrate on legislative activities to put into -bills the fruits of past investigations. However, Willis quickly added that the committee is not going to ease the pressure of its investi- gations on the Communist ap- paratus in the United States. No Policy Change "There will be no change in policy, scope or direction" of the committee, Willis declared. i "On the basis of investigations we have conducted, I think we have material which shows the need for addition legislation," he explained. Willis indicated that it will take some time for the results of past investigations to turn into legis- lative action. A temporary shift in emphasis could quiet some of the criticisms of the committee's activities. "The committee members and staff have made clear all too many times that their primary purpose is ex- posure, rather than the gathering of evidence for legislation," Rep. James Roosevelt (D-Cal), the fore- most Congressional critic of HUAC has declared. But Willis noted that the com- mittee is not only empowered by House rules to conductdinvestiga- tions-it is ordered to do so. Underscoringrthe change in HUAC temper, but not policy, were recent quiet hearings in Los Angeles on illegal travel of Ameri- can citizens to Cuba. Different The hardly-noticed sessions bore little resemblance to the sensa- tional sessions of the late 1940's and 1950's-the days of the com- mittee probes of Communism on the campus and in the movies, of investigations of spies in govern- ment, of Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss. Willis is the ninth chairman of the committee in its more than 25 year history. The committee began as a special House group investigating Communist and Nazi groups in the 1930's. It was made a standing House committee in 1945 with nine members-cur- rently five Democrats and four Republicans. The group has held hearings in all parts of the United States- including Michigan in 1954 when it questioned several University faculty members. After refusing to answer several of HUAC's questions, three Uni- versity faculty members were fired by the University. The American Association of University Profes- sors censored the University for three years for its action. Koreans 11 Two U.S. Men By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The United States expressed outrage yester- day at what it called the "latest murders" of two American soldiers in South Korea. It charged North Korea with a premeditated murderous attack in the dawn ambush slaying of two American soldiers Sunday and the wounding of a third more than a mile inside South Korean terri- tory. Meanwhile, U. S. soldiers took up patrol position along the Korean armistice line last night hoping to find the North Koreans who ambushed the three. TURNING POINT? Soviet Objectives for Treaty Unclear By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Associated Press News Analyst LONDON - The Soviet Union's agreement with the United States and Britain on a nuclear test ban; treaty may mark a turning point in Russian policy toward the West, opening a period of world peace- or it may be merely a Cold War tactical maneuver. Behind the enthusiastic acclaim of leaders in Washington and London, there is considerable si- lent skepticism about what Pre- mier Nikita S. Khrushchev really wants to accomplish. When United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk and British Foreign Secretary Lord Home go to Moscow in mid-August to sign the pact they are expected to probe the Kremlin's intentions further. Follow Up Their job will be to follow up, at a higher level of diplomacy, the ground-breaking negotiations just concluded by Foreign Minis- ter Andrei Gromyko, Under-Sec- retary of State H. Averell Harri- man and British Science Minister Lord Hailsham. If the probe goes well, it will almost certainly lead to a fall summit meeting of Khrushchev, President John F. Kennedy and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. Some top British officials warn in private conversation against great optimism. As they see the outlook, such tough East-West problems as the future of Berlin, the division of Germany and dis- armanent inspection inside the Soviet Union are still a long way from solution. The b e s t judgment among Western diplomats at the moment World News Roundup By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - Ghana appealed to the United States and Norway yesterday to support an Asian-African resolu- tion urging Portugal to put its African territories on the road to independence. Ghana Delegate Alex Quason- Sackey told the UN Security Coun- cil the African nations do not expect Britain or France to vote for the resolution, which also calls for a partial arms embargo against Portgual. He spoke as United States Chief Delegate Adlai E. Stevenson en- gaged in private consultations with African and other delegates on amendments that would water down the resolution submitted by Ghana, Morocco and the Philip- pines, WASHINGTON - Secretary of the Treasury Douglas Dillon yes- terday asked the House Ways and Means Committee for legislation extending the present $309 billion ceiling from Sept. 1 to Nov. 30. If no action is taken by Sept. 1, the debt ceiling automatically reverts to the "permanent" figure of $285 billion. * * * HAVANA-A group of 58 United States students ended a month- long tour of Cuba yesterday say- ing they were convinced that only a "war of incredible proportion" can unseat Cuban Premier Fidel Castro from the Caribbean Island. They said they were convinced most Cubans support Castro. The group, who defied a state department ban on visits to Cuba, said that due to the ban the American public is uninformed and misinformed a b o u t the achievements of the Castro regime. * * * NEW YORK-The stock market snapped the string of Monday declines as measured by the Dow Jones industrial average which advanced 1.33 to 690.71. Other closings were: railroads, 166.17; utilities, 139.42; stocks, 249.32. is that Khrushchev's current ef- fort to improve relations with the West is a direct outgrowth of his split with the Chinese Commun- ists over his peaceful coexistence policy. The agreement, which excludes underground testing, does not even require that Khrushchev ad- mit a token number of foreign in- spectors. It can be policed from outside Soviet borders. The sec- recy cover of the Soviet closed society is left intact. Escape Clause The test ban also contains an escape clause and thus constitu- tes. a minimum commitment to stop testing. The clause specifies that, on three months notice, any one of the powers may withdraw "if it decides that extraordinary events, related to the subject mat- ter of this treaty, have jeopar- dized the supreme interests of its country." That seems to mean that if Red China explodes a nuclear device the United States can pull out of Header Seeks Court Facility By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Rep. Georgel Meader (R-Ann Arbor) yesterday urged the General Service Admin- istration to include federal court facilities in the new federal build- ing planned for construction in Ann Arbor by the GSA. At the same time, Meader in- troduced a bill in the House which would authorize holding federal court in Ann Arbor as part of the southern division of Michigan's Eastern Judicial District. Present 'laws permit holding of federal court in the southern divi- sion only at Detroit and Port Huron. Meader acted on the federal court matter at the request of Maxwell F. Badgley of Jackson, president of the Michigan State Bar Association, and Prof. Charles W. Joiner, associate dean of the University Law School. the agreement. Or if France con- tinues testing, as President Char- les de Gaulle has left no doubt it will, the Soviet Union can do likewise. In spite of limitations, the treaty symbolizes a remarkable change in the atmosphere of East- West relations. If it proves to be the first step in a series of agree- ments on Europe and disarma- ment it could turn out to be one of the great historic documents of the modern world. Side Effects The treaty is likely to have cer- tain side effects, whether Khru- shchev intended them or not: -It will make far more diffi- cult-perhaps impossible -Ken- nedy's task of pushing through plans for a North Atlantic Treaty Organization nuclear missile navy, devised to give West Germany a voice in nuclear weapons policy without formation of a German national nuclear force. -The treaty is also likely to make it more difficult for either Kennedy or Khrushchev to con- duct underground nuclear tests, even though those would be per- mitted. This is a problem in world public opinion. The implication of the ban on tests in the air, under water, and in outer space is that the powers want to stop all testing. No Crisis -A new East-West crisis over Berlin becomes 1e s s possible. Krushchev cannot play his dip- lomatic game both ways. --Quarreling among the West- ern powers, as well as within the Soviet-Chinese camp, is certain to increase. One reason is that the test ban itself and various issues which the Russians have associated with it are divisive. France has an- nounced it will not join in the test ban treaty. West Germany is opposed to a non-aggression pact which is Khrushchev's next pro- ject for East-West negotiation. Another reason 'is that, when Soviet hostility recedes, the nat- ural differences which exist in the Western alliance always come to the fore. Uy The Associated Press O NEW YORK-Racial demon- strations were held in both the North and South yesterday with most of the action centered in New York City where. 50 persons were arrested for picketing. Demonstrations were conducted; at four construction sites in New York City and police arrested more than 50 pickets. Demonstrators are demanding a halt in all publicly-financed build-. ing unless a quota of 25 per cent non-white construction employes is established. Resists Arrest In other action the Rev. L. W. Chase, president of the integra- tignist Danville (Virginia) Chris- tian Progressive Association, was led forcibly from his home by Have your Prescriptionis on file at ,The VILLAGE APOThIECARY OPEN 9 A.M. 'til 1 1 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS 1112 S. University Ave. - Phone NO 3-5533 Have Your Drug Bills Sent Home ! DRUGS COSMETICS LIQUOR BEER' WINE policemen yesterday when he shut the front door in their faces as they tried to arrest him. Later, he appeared in court to oppose an injunction against racial, demonstrations. The Negro min- ister was charged with contribut- ing to the delinquency of his two minor children by permitting them to march in a civil rights demon- stration Sunday. In Austin, Tex., W. T. Bonner, an unsuccessful candidate for the Austin City Council last spring, began a one-man sit-in demon- stration in Gov. John Connally's office. Discuss Rights Bonner said he would sit in Connally's office throughout the week in an attempt to see the gov- ernor to discuss civil rights. About 50 persons, Negroes and whites, blocked the entrance to the Boston School Committee headquarters for an hour yester- day, delaying 100 office workers from their jobs. Change Plans In Washington, plans to try to force a Fair Employment Prac- tices Commission to the House floor were laid aside after a stra- tegy conference of Negro civil rights leaders. Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D- NY) said that Negro leaders de- cided instead to try to persuade the House Judiciary Committee to put the provision in the Kennedy civil rights program. Judges Hear Scholle Case By The Associated Press PORT HURON-A panel of three federal judges began to hear oral arguments yesterday on At- torney General Frank Kelley's mo- tion for dismissal of the newest suit against Michigan's legislative system. Kelley has asked the U. S. Dis- trict Court to dismiss as "prema- ture" the suit filed by Michigan AFL-CIO President August Scholle against the districting formula of the new Constitution. 'r eve, CaNTeM 1?R~ ge them at.. 307 S. State St. ain. He added that, "General de Gaulle has always made it clear that France will wish to have a French bomb. We shall have to have discussions with the French on this matter. At present we did not anticipate anything else." 1.6 * I11 U, I I --- -r MEET THE MOST INTERESTING ::::: n . : r ' 3' s t PEOPLE? Be a Route Carrier for - 7I/f. 1. I