IMMIGRATION LAWS NEED CHANGE See Editorial Page t!1U Iady FAIR High-- 5 Low-CO Not much change in temperature today and tomorrow Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 25-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1963 SEVEN CENTS City First Reads H ousing M easure .. .. ;....'..' . SIX PAGES Council Changes FHA Coverage, Broker Provisions in Document S BY ANDREW ORLIN City Council passed on first reading a-revised fair housing ordi- nance last night. In order for the proposal to become law, it will have to be passed a second time when it comes for a second reading in September. The new proposal drops federally insured housing and rooning units from coverage. In addition, MARK NOFFSINGER . new appointment Noffsinger Fills Position Mark G. Noffsinger has beef appointed assistant director of res idences effective Aug. 15. He will assist the recently ap pointed Director of Residences Eu gene Haun in developing a "nev philosophy" during the conmin year of transition. Noffsinger noted that this tran. sitional year will be necessary ti "look the situation over soundly' in preparation for the "inevitabl ultimate change." No Change for Change "We will not be making change, for the sake of changes but fo: the best type housing for the Uni. versity." The unified plan that the officE hopes to eventually establish wil end the split housing conditions o: men and women. This will ulti- mately affect our rules and regu- lations as a philosophy develops, Noffsinger added. While co-education is a direc- tion, it is not a single directing force, he said. Unified Direction Another "force" will be giving the residence hall staff a "pur- poseful and unified direction.' "This exists now but it must be complimented so that it serves in the best possible way for the sole purpose of the student-academic achievement," he said. One of the immediate problems facing the housing system is com- munication. During this past year of transition in the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, many of the staff did not know whose responsibility was whose. "And if the staff didn't know, the students remained equally in the dark," Noffsinger explained. He added that' he didn't believe that this was anybody's fault, but just the problem of a transitiona] year. With the establishment of the posts of director and assist- ant director of residences, Noff- singer believes that this problem will be very much alleviated. Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis said that the appointment was made at the re- quest of Haun after the newly ap- pointed director had two confer- ences with Noffsinger. HISTORICAL COP Shayon R( By MARILYN KORAL "Every . society's use of mass media bears direct relation to that society's view of man," Robert Shayon, Radio and Television Ed- itor of The Saturday Review said yesterday. Speaking on "Critical Issues and The Mass Media," Shayon drew parallels between contemporary mass media and the condition of discrimination by real estate broker -4and advertisements now come un- der the ordinance's purview. Revise Complaint Means Procedure for handling com- plaints and penalties for discrim- ination have also been revised. Complaints are filed with the Hu- man Relations Commission. If con- ciliation fails to eliminate an "un- lawful discriminatory practice," the matters will be turned over to the city attorney. He "shall institute a misdemean- or proceeding in Municipal Court for the City of Ann Arbor . .. un- less such attorney shall determine that such proceedings could not lawfully be sustained." In the pre- vious ordinance this discretion- ary power was absent. The previous ordinance allowed for injunctive relief to be obtained against persons discriminating. Under the revised ordinance as it was passed last night, this relief could only be used against per- sons who have been previously found guilty of discriminating. No Prison Sentence The possible 90 day prison sen- tence has also been dropped from the new proposal. B If the ordinance is passed at the second reading in September it will go into effect as of January 1. However, its penalty section ($100 fine) will go into effect July 1 in order not to injure persons ignor- ant of the law. Councilwoman Eunice Burns of the first ward opposed these dates. "When the coverage only affects 20 per cent of the dwelling units in the city, I see no reason to take time to inform people that most likely they are not covered," she said. Dwelling Units Vary The number of dwelling units covered by the ordinance varies from 20-30 per cent depending upon whom you speak to. There was some question of the authority of Council to pass such a fair housing motion under the new state constitution. Prof. James Pollock of the political science de- partment and a delegate to Con- Con said there was no question about the legality of such a law. "It was not our intention to pre- empt or preclude action by local governments in this field," Prof. Pollock said. Chairman of Ann Arbor Fair Housing-CORE Lemar Miller ad- dressed Council at the end of the session and said that his organiza- tion is fighting for a "strong ordi-1 nance." "I do not think the ordi- nance presented tonight is a strong one," he said. Prof. Albert Wheeler of the Med- ical School and local head off NAACP said "the propsed ordi- nance gives minimum protection to the Negro victim of discrimi- nation but maximum considera- tion to the pejudiced financial in- terests. Pickets As usual for the past nine con- secutive weeks, this organization had, according to one spokesman, 220 pickets out parading in front of City Hall. More than 1800 registered vot- ers in Ann Arbor have signed a petition calling for a strong fair housing ordinance. Petition, signers include Vice- President for Academic Affairs" Roger W. Heyns and former Annx Arbor mayor Prof. Samuel Elders- veld of the political science depart- ment.. 'SI -Daly-James Keson Walkways and sub-campus focal points dominate future Central Campus planning. Many present buildings will disappear as the campus grows. Ian 0 ulee anslo TO HEAR 'DELICATE CASE': Establish Disciplinary Body O~ By JEAN TENANDER A new committee has been es- tablished "to act as a disciplinary body to consider students involved in actions of a severe but delicate nature." Set up by the Vice-President for Student Affairs under the author- ity delegated to him through Re- gents bylaws 8:01, 8:02 and 8:03, the Referral Committee has been included in the appendix of the new Joint Judiciary Council as one of "other sources of judicial authority" outside the jurisdiction of the council. It differs from council's Refer- ral Committee since it has the power to act and council's commit- tee was designed solely as a screening body. The council com- mittee is designed "to refer all possible cases of regulation viola- tions to the proper University agency." Other Agencies The agencies may be the coun- cil, mental hygiene department, or other counselling agencies. The committee may also refer cases Director of Discipline, Student Activities and Organization, John Bingley, said the referral commit- tee set up by the vice-president for student affairs was "a wise thing there were certain cases which to have done." He indicated that should be handled by a special body. Patricia Golden, !63, past mem- ber of the council, disagreed point- ing out that council's constitution was "designed so that all stu- dent conduct matters requiring judication would come through Joint Judiciary and that any spe- cial cases would be sent to the appropriate counselling agencies through the referral committee." Never Considered Committee "She said the council had never discussed the Office of Student Affairs Referral Committee." This type of a committee was never brought up because Joint Judiciary Council felt its committee was competent to handle all cases of student discipline falling under its jurisdiction," Miss Golden noted. The OSA's committee is to be composed of the vice-president of1 student affairs or his designated representative, the administrative official most knowledgeable of the facts, and either the chairman or vice-chairman of JJC or both. The council's committee will con-, sist of the advisor to the council,; a student member of the Univer- sity Committee on Standards and Conduct, and the referring offi- cials of the OSA. Result of Study . ACE Seeks More Funds For Studies By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Massive schol- arship aid-preferably from the federal government-was sought by the American Council on Edu- cation yesterday for college stu- dents. The ACE, one of the leading higher education organizations representing more than 1200 col- leges and universities, made this plea in a report on urdergraduate costs and the financial assistance available. Elmer D. West, ACE director of. statistical information and re- search and the compiler of the report, declared that "economic barriers deprive capable students of a higher education and deprive the nation of their services at the level at which they could per- form." The survey, West said, showed 287,600 scholarships worth $98, million were awarded by 1700 col- leges and universities in 1959-60. But, West said, 34 per cent of this money was controlled by only three per cent of the institutions, indicating that they were not be- ing equally distributed. f One-third of these scholarships were awarded in three states- New York, Pennsylvania and Mas- sachusetts. Michigan, he reported, ranked seventh. During 1959-60, students bor- rowed $64.5 million to attend col- lege, $50 million coming from Na- tional Defense Education Act Proposal Points To Campu Unity Program. Aims at Enhancement Of Walkways, Building Complexes By PHILIP SUTIN Co-Editor A green Central Campus, highlighted by building com- plexes and walkways is envisioned in the Central Campus plan, released yesterday. The plan, which does not detail specific building pro- jects, is designed as a general guide to University expansion on Central Campus. Explaining the plan to local civic leaders at a noon luncheon at the League, Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont JAMES A. LEWIS ...establishes committee back to a lower judiciary, except in appeal cases or cases where the lower judiciary has expressly waiv- ed jurisdiction. Weaver Says .Bias Orders May Not Change Views y 9 By The Associated Press, WASHINGTON-Federal Housing Administrator Robert Weaver said yesterday that the attitudes of white homeowners toward Negro neighbors won't be changed by federal housing orders, but such orders can affect behavior patterns and accelerate open occupancy. Weaver said it is inevitable that anti-discrimination orders even- tually will be extended beyond the one issued by President John F. The changes in council were the I loans. said that it had five purposes: 1) To analyze the physical char- acteristics of Central Campus and its potential for growth; 2) To provide for an orderly processes of growth, retaining the pleasing characteristics of Cen- tral Campus and enhancing them; 3) To minimize conflicts with the city that result from Univer- sity growth; 4) To set forth alternative pos- sibilities for growth; and 5) To serve as a framework or guideline for Central Campus growth. "Hopefully, the plan concepts offered in this report will provide a lasting resource of stimulation and direction in the effective ad- justment of, campus plans and educational goals," the plan says. Walkways and integrated build- ing complexes are the main fea- tures of the plan. "If exploited, a walkway with such proper des-. tination points along the way can become a major stroke. of order, identity and vitality to an aca- demic'environment," the plan declares. "These natural movements of students and faculty could be a more dominant force in the con- cept of architecture, function and physical order of the Central Campus." The plan notes that the Central Campus is divided into a central "quad" area and five sub-campus zones-entertainment, around Hill Aud, and the League; academic, around the Dental School Bldg., North Hall and the Computing Cite Outlook For Building Declaring that the University will grow "in all its ;functions, parts and areas," Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont reviewed plans for $17 million in Central Campus build- ings within the next three to four years. The largest is a $10 million den- tal school building, to be located adjacently north and west of the current facility. It will house ex- panded teacming, research and of- fice facilities of the school. An 800-car parking structure will be built near the new dental school building, Pierpont added. The $1.2 million structure will serve dental school faculty, pa- tients and students as well as those of other nearby buildings. $ 3.3 million library annex will be built on the site of the West Physics Bldg. connecting the Gen- eral and Undergraduate Libraries, Pierpont announced. Preliminary planning for this library annex is already underway, he added. The fourth new Central Campus building is the Institute for Social Research Bldg. to be located on Thompson St. Preliminary plans are complete for the $2.5 million structure and bids will be sought next spring. Pierpoint cited the $2.5 million second unit of the Fluids Engi- neering Bldg. and the $1.75 mil- N1TEXT: elates Mass Media, Man. e "At the time of Locke and Mill communication rested exclusively in the hands of authoritarian governments who used the media for their own restrictive purposes. This was the target for revolt." Shayon called those who pio- neered in the battle against an aristocracy of ideas "libertarians." However, men who opposed the libertarians "from Plato to the merely dispensing a public trust, guided by the will of the people. "But the people who first pres- sured for free flow of information held the assumption that man has a desire to know the truth and be guided by it. Apparently, as re- flected in the mass media, we now know man does not desire to see truth, rather to escape from it," Shayon charged. Kennedy last November. But he would not predict that this will be done by Kennedy. That order barred racial dis- crimination in public housing or in new houses financed or guar- anteed by the Federal Housing Ad- ministration or the Veterans Ad- ministration. It's too early, Weaver said, to determine the effect of that order on housing discrimination. But the order certainly has not fulfilled "the prophecies of woe and disas- ter" that it would dry up the build- ing business. "Actually we had in May the highest volume since 1950," Weaver said. Weaver, the highest ranking Ne- gro in the executive branch of result of a study made by the council last year in an effort to make the body more efficient and more competent to handle the cases brought before it. The re- vised constitution was then re- viewed by the vice-president for student affairs who must approve any amendments before they can be effected. One of the biggest changes re- sulting from the study was the. establishment of the University Committee on Standards and Con- duct which replaces the former Committee on Student Condact. Korean Clash Kills Soldiers Students earned another $98.5 million, West said. A total of 341,- 400 students were employed. India Confirms New Reports On Red Troops NEW DELHI (P)-India's for- eign ministry confirmed yester- day reports of Communist Chinese troop concentrations along the Himalayan border, but declined to speculate on whether the move- ments indicated. the Reds were planning a new attack. The announcement coincided I