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July 27, 1963 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1963-07-27

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Seventy-Thbird Year
Truth WTil Prevail"

A Place In The Sun

Treatment of Greeks
Challenges Tradition

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


'URDAY, JULY 27, 1963


Governor's Conference
Acts Irresponsibly

THE NATION'S governors showed the world
this week how afraid they were to take any
meaningful stand on civil rights. Through
partisan parlimentary maneuvering and secret
caucuses they plotted just what they would
do-15 Republicans to force civil rights to a
vote and 34 Democrats to sidestep the entire
issue. It seems the governors were looking for
someone to pin the blame on and New York
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller fit the bill. There is
little doubt that Rockefeller has presidential
ambitions, and his fellow governors accused him
of pushing civil rights for his career. Oile
thing is certain--no one's political career was
helped in Miami Beach.
The first way of avoiding any vote was to
suspend the Resolutions Committee so that no
resolutions could be made at the conference.
In a strictly partisan vote Democrats shoved it
through over cries of foul play from Rocke-
feller and Oregon's Mark Hatfield. Sixty-nine
resolutions, including key ones on Cuba, were
placed in the garbage pail. Both Rockefeller
and conference chairman Albert Rosellini
(D-Wash) had prepared similar resolutions on
a civil rights study. Rockefeller wanted a spe-
cial committee, while Rosellini proposed to use
the existing Democratically-controlled Execu-
tive Committee. It was fairly obvious that
Rosellini was attempting to "steal Rockefeller's
The second day during a "civil rights debate"
Rosellini wielded parlimentary procedure so
Rockefeller could barely open his .mouth. The
rules were suspend~d by a three-fourths vote,
and a Rosellini-patterned motion presented.
A rules suspension and motions were the only
way to get any resolutions passed for the
conference. The Executive Committee became
a meaningless tool for studying civil rights,
and the Rockefeller amendment asking for a
special committee was tabled. Through it all
Southern governors, like Alabama's Gov.
George Wallace, thought civil rights were a
waste of everyone's time. Though all this
meaningless haggeling, CORE pickets calmly
passed. in front of the hotel with signs saying
INDEED IT IS a shame. When 49 governors
(minus .Gov. Scranton (R-Penn) cannot sit
down together and come up with some mean-
ingful stand on civil rights, it is very shame-
ful. The Democratic, majority did not even
attempt to endorse Kennedy's civil rights pack-
age pending before Congress. They whined
that "national legislation is not our business."
But who puts this legislation into effect?
Who will scream if it gets passed? During the,
parlimentary civil rights maneuvering, the
Southern governors never had to open their
mouths-the Northern Democrats did it all for
them. It is true Rockefeller and the Republi-
cans did bring the civil rights issue to a head,
probably for partisan reasons. But they wanted
to show the nation just how badly the Demo-
cratic ranks are split and for this reason you

might call their victory a moral one. The gov-
ernors avoided what they wanted to-a civil
rights filabuster that almost wrecked their
conference last year. Yet they spent the ma-
jority of time in this conference wrapped up
in caucuses on civil rights or fighting with
each other on the floor.
The last day of the conference was spent the
same way, when Hatfield presented a minority
report of the Committee of Health, Education
and Welfare. Every provision in it had civil
rights phrases attached to it so that federal
funds would not go to states practicing dis-
crimination. Hatfield and Gov. Richard Hughes
(D-New Jersey) had worked the whole thing
out in advance. Hughes presented the majority
report for adoption, Hatfield substituted the
minority report for it. Both were foiled when
South Carolina's Democratic Gov. Donald
Russell liked neither and moved that they both
be duly recorded in the minutes as "informa-
tion." The majority's report endorsed some of
Kennedy's proposed welfare legslation, which
no Southern governor wanted to approve. Rus-
sell's motion won, and the issue was thought
BUT ROCKEFELLER tried again and moved
that the conference go on record for a
Declaration of Conscience, circulated by Gov.
Endicott Reabody (D-Mass). Rockefeller was
quashed again, and the conference had enough
sense to adjourn itself. The political blood bath
was over with Northern Democrats signing
petitions for civil rights, proclaiming their
support of Kennedy's program and Republicans
crying foul the whole three days of the con-
ference. Even the CORE pickets had enough
sense not to return to the conference on the
third day, when they saw how little these gov-
ernors were able to accomplish. The Southern
Democrats loved every minute of it and
bombastically claimed civil rights was an issue
brought on by. the federal government, when
it released the "Trojan horse" full of mobs
into the streets.
Rockefeller left the conference a very un-
popular man among governors. His political
career 'was not helped, but neither was Presi-
dent Kennedy's. Kennedy reportedly said in a
press conference that the American Legion
Boy's Nation issued a more meaningful civil
rights platform than the governors in Miami
Beach' were able to. He is right. They did little
and turned. the conference into exactly what
they had feared: a civil rights debating society,
a partisan torn forum and a "social gathering."
But even Rockefeller should not despair, since
he got a chance to show off his new wife,
Happy, and everyone agrees she's very pretty.
As the press packed up its belongings, the
state of Florida gave them souvenirs of minia-
ture papjr weights in the shape of an eight
ball. Some reporters were very smart-they
gave them away to the governors, who really
deserve them.

California, Tired of Struggle

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Jeffrey shero
was .an editor of the Daily Texan
this past year. This summer he is
travelling in Europe and writing for
the Texan, where this article is re-
printed from.)
LONDON-Suppression of dem-
onstrations during Queen Fred-
erika's state visit openly challeng-
ed some of Britain's time-honored
Labor leaders in Parliament,
philosopher Bertrand Russell, and
average Londoners questioned po-
lice activity when over one hun-
dred persons were arrested in de-
onstrations that met with the
tightest security measures since
Nikita Khrushchev's visit.
Over two thousand battled po-
lice in protests over the Greek
government's continued incarcer-
ation of political prisoners and the
assassination of Dr. Gregory Lam-
brakis, Greek member of Parlia-
At 8 p.m., the pent-up crowd
marched out of Trafalgar Square
in an attempt to reach Bucking-
ham Palace. Two police lines
were successfully broken, but the
police force of 5000, blocking all
routes, finally halted the main
body of marchers.
THE CROWD milled about
shouting slogans in a confused
state; its leaders had been arrest-
ed. The police, with no obvious
plan to disperse it, called in mount-
ed horsemen.
Then densely packed people, un-
able to run, avoided the horses by
pressing more tightly to the side-
walks. Some sat down in circles
in the streets as the horses reared
about them.
"Fascists! Fascists!" yelled the
incensed crowd.
A squadron of police violently
threw the passive sitters into pad-
dy wagons. As the police went
about their grim business, a sar-
castic chorus of "Rule Britannia,
Britannia rules the waves," came
TWO HOURS later, a group of
200 marchers, with a police escort
approached the square, They had
filtered past the police through
side streets and re-formed at
Buckingham Palace. There they
had sung songs and held a min-.
ute's silence for Dr. Lambrakis.
Olga Levertoff, leader, said they.
had sung "Free the Prisoners,
FFrederika," a song to the~ tune of
"John Brown's Body" outside the
palace. She added "it was jolly
loud" and the royal diners may
well have heard.
Throughout the Queen's visit
there were minglings of cheers
and boos, but most onlookers were
silent as she passed along routes
with policemen stationed every few
yards. Londoners felt that, at least,
this was, an inappropriate time for
the visit.
Mrs. Betty Ambatelos, whose
husband has been a prisoner 16
years, repeatedly tried to approach
Queen Frederika. Sobbing and cry-
ing out "Release my husband,"
time and time again, she was
halted by police.
The British tradition of tolera-
tion of dessenting views was chal-
* *. *
millan in Parliament declared that
the right to peacefully demonstrate
during a state visit should not be
The commissioner of police
charged with preventing disorder
decided that demonstrations would
not be in the public interest. He
took measures with powers grant-

ed by the Directives of 1839 and
1962 and banned "disorders and
obstructions in parts of London,
including the vicinity of Parlia-
ment." Further powers came from
the .Metropolitan Police act oof
1 939,~
Among the restrictions were:
forbidding of anti-Greek posters,
of wearing black sashes (symbol
of mourning for Dr. Lambrakis),
of demonstrations peaceful or oth-
erwise, and of using Trafalgar
Square as a meeting place. Also
the power was given to the senior
police officer on duty to define a
disorder or obstruction and handle
it "on streets In the area of every
place to be visited by King Paul
and Queen Frederika."
* * *
THE POLICE appeared to act
unwisely. The announced demon-
strations were to be non-violent,
the march from Trafalgar Square
to Buckingham Palace to be sil-
ent and orderly ;with a silent pro-,
test in front of the Palace. By
banning every form of public pro-
test, people were angered and made
determined to express their views.
In the Trafalgar episode the po-
lice arrested the principal leaders
as soon as the march got under
way, removing their moderating,
influence. Without leadership, the
demonstrations very nearly be-
came a mob.
The demonstrators had taken
over an hour to congregate at the
Square. The police could have
dispersed them upon arrival, never
facing a large clearly defined
group. This had been done at Vic-
toria Station when many onlook-
ers were searched and protesters
forced to leave before the Queen's
arrival. This policy, however, an-
gered many citizens that had come
to greet the Queen and found
themselves searched for no ap-
parent reason.
The demonstrations were cen-
tered on three grievances: the
assassination of Lambrakis by a'
right-wing gang, after he had
made an address at a peace rally'
given requested policehprotection;
the principal issue of the continued
imprisonment of 900 Greek politi-
cal prisoners arrested during the
Greek civil war; the treatment of
the Marathon-to-Athens peace
marchers, and deportation of 1
British citizens who attempted to
take part, coupled with suppres-
sion of peace movement activities
in Greece.
SOME MEMBERS of the British
Parliament have been aroused at
the use of statutes not intended
for curtailment of political ex-
pression. They have criticized the
stretching of la*s and the gov-
ernment/s handling of the visit.
The Conservatives, already on the
defensive because. of the Profumo
affair, now have another front to
As a result of this and other
police measures, the rather large
British peace movement is be-
ginning to feel intimidated. The
more active branch (the Commit-
tee of 100) seems to be gaining
Through adept handling the La-'
bor Party may be able to protect
an image of greater interest .in
civil liberties than the Conserva-
tives. The opportunity lies in the
debates over the Public Order Bill
now before the House of Com-
Whatever the political ramif>-
cations of Queen Frederika's visit,
one fact remains clear - Queen
Elizabeth, as hostess to the Greek,
Queen, is as popular as ever with
the British people.

Integrated Football

FOOTBALL, the "greatest show on earth"
around the University in the fall, is fast ap-
proaching the limelight. The first game for
the Tigers is scheduled for September 21 against
Texas A&M in Tiger Stadium.
But these are critical times in the South-
eastern Conference-and at LSU. The SEC has
been dealt three severe blows within the past
year. First, Kentucky announced intent to re-
cruit Negroes into its athletic program, bring-
ing the segregation issue to a head. Second,
new scholastic entrance requirements were
voted into effect. Third, controversy flared over
Wally Butts and Bear Bryant.
The segregation problem is the biggest. Many
sports experts feel the SEC is on the verge of
collapse. Reports have it that Georgia Tech
may drop out of the conference, and Vander-
bilt and Tdlane may follow. Kentucky may also


withdraw if schools refuse to play its integrat-
ed team.
won't leave the conference, although we
wouldn't stick our neck out for Georgia Tech.
The SEC is being shook up, however it is up to
its member schools to keep it on a solid foun-
Let us look at our Tigers and see where they
stand. Rumors have popped up that the king of
the Bayouland is considering leaving the con-
ference because of the segregation issue and
new entrance requirements.
The Tiger football organization will live
through the entrance requirements, but segre-
gation presents a boulder in the way of football
LSU HAS BUILT its athletic program into one
of the finest in the country. Its football
team is nationally known and respected. Every
game is a sellout, and the Tigers battle highly
ranked teams trying to get a good schedule for
its supporters. LSU does not pick only the teams
it feels are easily beaten.
But if we are to continue to have a good
schedule, bring top name teams here and par-
ticipate in post season contests, LSU will have
to make up its mind to participate against
teams with Negro players.
We are not advocating integration of the
LSU football team. The Tigers have fielded
fine teams and can continue to do so without
integrating them.
OUR BAYOU BENGALS must play integrat-
ed teams at home as well as away. Perhaps
doing so will bring other problems; if they don't
play them LSU may be faced with a collapsing
football empire. The Tigers played against Ne-
groes in the Orange Bowl, and to get bowl bids
in the future will have to agree to play against
them again.
H-igh conference officials cautinthat SEC

Daily Correspondent
TrORRANCE, Calif.-This sunny
and usually placid Los Angeles
suburb is the sight of a civil rights
demonstration, believe it or not.
Right here in California, the heart
of the land of equality, a civil
rights demonstration.
ITEM: Seems realtor Don Wil-
son is putting up a housing de-
velopment, and, of all the strange
things, he doesn't have any Ne-
groes on his house selling staff..
Or at least he didn't used to.
What's more he hasn't sold one
of his houses to a Negro family.
Why, he hadn't even negotiated
with any Negroes up 'til a little
while ago.
But now he's coming around,.
He's hiring Negroes; he's nego-
tiating to sell houses to Negroes;
and he's got a picket line across
the front of his housing develop-
ment to remind him of his pre-
vious sins. It will'stay there until
a Negro family is firmly ensconsed
in one of his houses.
To make a long story short, Don
Wilson has been integrated. But
the funny part of my story is that
Mr. Wilson never was segregated.
True, he didn't have any Negroes,
but I fail to see that in itself
amounts to segregation.
ITEM: IN Los Angeles, Negro
civil rights leaders tell of a boy-
cott that the Rev. Martin Luther
King plans for later this year.
Seems the good Reverend intends
to call upon all the nation's Ne-
groes and sympathetic whites to
boycott all products produced by
the General Motors Corp. (a size-
able number, in case you don't
believe it).
From all appearances of that,
some might get the impression
that General Motors are Big Time
Bigots when it comes to Negro
rights. But of course that is not so.
GM leans over backwards for the
Negro. No one company in the
nation employs more Negroes than
GM, and King admits that, too.
In fact, he is reportedly kind
of sorry this, has to happen to
GM, but the fact remains that
they are the largest company in
the nation. And the fact remains
that Rev. King wants the Ameri-
can manufacturing concerns to
hire more Negroes. Ergo, boycott
the giant to force it to whip the
followers into line. (If that doesn't
represent a warped sense of jus-
tice, I'll put in with you.)
* * 4.
ITEM: LOS Angeles N e g r o
leaders have threatened mob ac-
tion in Southern California if
Negroes are not given first crack.
at all job openings.
ITEM: LA Negro leaders have
demanded that a civil rights com-
mission be formed with sweeping
enforcement a n d proclamatory
powers to advance the rights of
California Negroes in LA.
ITEM: Federal authorities in
California r e v e a 1 a directive,
Washington has urged them to
fill job openings wherever pos-
sible with Negroes.
T'Tr! -r. ifrn.nc m.P npf

have been echoed with popular
support, but now that cry seems
to meet only emptiness here. There
is arising a noticeable lack of in-
terest in the Negro's plight. And
what is more, political pundits in
the area are beginning to quietly
speculate if the pendulum might
not be swinging away from civil
Mexican-American leaders are
expressing concern that the Ne-
gro drive for equality of oppor-
tunity is eclipsing M e x i c a n
chances for the same opportunity.
Negroes, they claim, are taking
jobs away from Mexicans. And
they have employment statistics
to prove their poit.
Understandably perhaps, Negro
TN AN ARTICLE on "Congress-
men in Uniform" in "The Na-
tion" of December 2, 1962, Jerry
Greene first broke the story of
the liason between Congress and
the Pentagon. Until then, probably
not one American in a thousand
had any idea that ndoless than
fifty Congressmen were holding
reserve commissions. He was ac-
customed to the idea of their be-
longing to law firms, owning sub-
stantial shares in radio and TV
stations, putting their relatives on
the federal payroll, etc., but that
they were also members of the
forty, fifty or sixty billions a year
armed forces, while dispensing
to these same organizations, was
too much of a strain on the imagi-
Now, however, this particular
rat hole is being probed, and per-
haps is due to be closed up. The
voters, might decide that even a
Congressman can go too far. Jerry
Greene had all his facts straight
except one: Jim G. Lucas of the
Scripps-Howard Newspapers, which
seem to be regaining some of their
old crusading zeal, reports that
not 50 but 175 Congressmen hold
commissions. Either Greene missed
some of the Congressional war-
riors, or the Pentagon has re-
doubled its recruiting in the legis-
lative halls .
Editorially, the "New York
World-Telegram," one of the
Scripps-Howard chain, refers to
this practice as "Pentagon payola"
and calls on the Senate Judiciary
and House Rules Committee for a
complete inquiry. If such probes
should be undertaken (some of
the Congressmen might be investi-
gating themselves), the prospects
could enliven an otherwise dull
summer ..
These Congressmen doubling in
brass are violating the traditional
American principle of civilian
control of the military; they are
guilty of a conflict of interest-
they can and do raise their sti-
pends as reserve officers-they
are members of a built-in lobby
for which the public pays; and
they get preference in grade be-
cause some operator in the Penta-
gon figures they may be generous

leaders have taken a "let-'em-
eat-cake" attitude, but they seem
to be all alone
It is, I would say, a bit early
to tell exactly what will come of
all this. Maybe this is but a brief
lull in the civil rights fervor, a
phenomena to be expected in a
campaign of any sort.
BUT THEN again, perhaps it is
a permanent disillusionment. One
prominent Negro here, a member
of NAACP, lamented recently that
the civil rights movenment "has
gotten away from us." He describ-
ed it as "greed manifesting itself
in its ugliest form-the anarchy
of a mob." I asked him whether
he thought the charges of Gov.
Barnett, that Communists were
behind the current drive for Ne-
gro rights, was valid, and he look-
ed grave.
"There was a time," he said,.
"when I could emphatically sa3
such was not the case. All I can
say now is that we certainly didn't
plan it this way.
"We want to live at peace with
the world, but at the rate our
cause is now moving, we'll be at
odds with our white neighbors
for years to come, regardless of
how many laws are passed. And
if that's the case, we haven't
gained an inch."
Perhaps Mr. Average American,
in Calfornia at least, agrees with
my Torrance Negro friend. At
any rate, Mr. AA out here has
cooled off on the topic of civil

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IrE SCIENCE OF POLITICS is advancing at
a startling rate. Just think, last year at this
time nothing was known of the tremendous ef-
fect that presidents who drink too much and
call girls who sleep with ministers can have on
a government. ..
Let us hope that the University's political
science department. will keep pace with the
times and include these new concepts in course


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Editorial Staff
RONALD WILTON......................Co-Editor
PHILIP SUTIN.......................Co-Editor
DAVE GOOD. ...........Co-Sports Editor
CHARLES TOWLE............. Co-Sports Editor
RUTH HETMANSKI..,...............Night Editor
ANDREW ORLIN.....................Night Editor

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