POLITICING MARS GOVERNORS PARLEY Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom 4E2at1 HOT slgh--9 Low--69 Steady temperatures; continued muggy See Editorial Page T N n OA _. r. _ ," NOZ4= ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1963 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAES - - I ... .. _, .. _,, s'VVI.u a rluliO EPraises Test Ban. s eaceful Step Lists Four Reasons for World Hope: Calls for Swift'Senate Ratification By The Associated Press WASHINGTON--President John F. Kennedy told the American ople last night that the nuclear test ban accord initialed in Mos- w is a victory for mankind and a step away from a war that could pe out 300 million, lives in less than 60 minutes. However, Kennedy cautioned in a radio-television broadcast that e treaty is no milennium, and will not resolve all conflicts, cause e Communists to give up their ambitions or eliminate the "dangers war. Yet, he claimed the agreement offers the world hope for four Regents Set Haun in Halls Post, First, it can be a start toward a reduction in world ten- " sions and toward broader areas of agreement. Kennedy said no one can predict what further under- standings, if any, can follow. A prove Create Commiutee To Review Appeals Replaces Three-Man Faculty Group, Old Unit on Conduct of Students By JEAN TENANDER The Regents yesterday approved a new bylaw which will affect the judiciary system and formalize reforms decided last spring. A request for the revison of bylaw 8.15 dealing with the Com- mittee on Student Conduct was orignally asked for by Vice-Pres- ident for Student Affairs James A. Lewis. The change will replace the Committee on Student Conduct with the University Committee on Standards and Conduct. The new committee will "serve as a final appeal and review board for all penalties invoked by judicial bodies within its jurisdiction, ajudicate violations waived to it by the Joint Judiciary Council, aid in the Create ANew establishment and inaintenance of the student judiciary structure, and in conjunction with Joint ^ Judiciary Council, advise the vice- D P art m en t president for student affairs on changes in rules and regulations." l0u JOHN F. KENNEDY ... hails treaty Kelley Ruling Hits 'Measure Ann Arbor's proposed fair hous- ing ordinance appears to have hit a new snag yesterday as Atty. Gen. Frank J., Kelley ruled the new constitution's civil rights commission has the power to en- force open occupancy. Kelley, answering the legalques- tion of Sen. William G. Miliken (R-Traverse City), said the com- mission has the power to stop dis- crimination in ther selling and renting of private housing. It will have similar powers in public accommodation, education and employment, he added. Kelley declared that the new constitution clearly says that pur- chasing, mortgaging, leasing or selling of private housing free from discrimination is a civil right. The commission is empowered to, issue cease and desist orders to secure compliance, he asserted. The commission, an eight-mem- ber bipartisan group, takes office when the new constitution goes into effect January 1. Pre-Empt Local Action Bylaw Revision Non-Aggression Russian Premier Nikita S. Khru. shchev has called the signing o: an East-West non-aggression pact "the most urgent" of possible fu. ture agreements. Reportedly, chief American negotiator W. Averel Harriman, British Lord Tailsham and Andrei Gromyko agreed tc continue discussion of a possible non-aggression pact at a future meeting, Second, Kennedy s a i d the treaty could help free the world from the fears and dangers of radioactive fallout. In addition it could be a step toward preventing the spread of nuclear weapons to nations other than the four now possessing them: the United States, Russia, Great Britain and France. More Signers Harriman has said all three countries want as many other na- tions as possible to adhere to the nuclear test agreement. He men- tioned especially France a n d China, but cpnceded the problems there were tough. The Chinese have condemned the treaty as providing a nuclear monopoly for the three signatory powers. France's reaction, negative so far, will be set forth by President Charles de Gaulle at a news con- ference Monday. Asians and Africans Harriman said he expects a great many Asian and African countries will ask to sign the treaty. He recalls several African countries already have protested French nuclear explosions in the Sahara Desert. Kennedy's final point was that the treaty could check the nuclear arms race in a manner which, on balance, would strengthen this country's maturity far more than a continuation of unrestricted testing. In an indirect appeal to the Senate to give its approval to the treaty, Kennedy urged that the nation "take that first step" back from the shadows of war and to- ward peace. Kennedy's appeal for Senate ratification came at the, end of his address. Close Examination Meanwhle, C h a i r m a n John Stennis (D-Miss) announced his Senate defense preparedness sub- committee will examine the treaty proposal in detail. He said his sev- en-member group wants to know "whether this agreement fully protects our national security and whether any risks which may be involved in it are truly accept- able." Senate Republican Leader Ev- erett M. Dirksen (Ill) told news- men he has spotted a possible "gimmick" or flaw in an advance draft of the treaty he had re- ceived earlier. He declined to specify what the flaw was, and indicated it may have been changed in the final text as an- nounced yesterday. Administration hopes for Sen- ate ratification were bolstered by word that the Joint Chiefs of Staff intend to endorse the treaty, which would still permit nuclear testing underground. The Regents yesterday approved a request for the establishment of the new engineering department of meteorology and oceanography. Appointment of Aksel C. Wiin- Nielsen as professor and chairman of the new department was also approved at yesterday's meeting. Receiving his masters degree from the University of Copen- hagen and his doctorate from the University of Stockholm, Prof. Wiin-Nielsen has been serving as assistant director of the National Center of Atmospheric Research since 1961. Previously Shifted Around The study area which now com- prises the department of meteorol- ogy and oceanography has for sonie time been shifted around to various departments of the college of engineering. Now a separate de- partment, it will be able to func- tion as a distinct unit of the college. Executive Vice-President Mar- vin Niehuss said that the areas of meteorology and oceanography are closely linked because they both deal with "fluids on the earth's surface and in its atmosphere." There is a very close .inter-action between the two, he added. Concepts Application Niehuss said that the new de- partment was made a part of the college of engineering because scientists in these fields are more interested in application of con- cepts than concepts themselves. "Meteorologists are not primar- ily interested in weather fore- casting. They are more involved in applying meteorological concepts to other areas," he said. Claim Mishandling Of Rail Dispute WASHINGTON OP) - Railroad union spokesmen assailed yester- day President John F. Kennedy's plan to hand the work-rules dis- pute to the Interstate Commerce Commission. Dual hearings, how- ever, went ahead while congres- sional leaders pressed for legisla- tive action ahead of the newly established strike deadline of Aug. 29. Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz said, "There is no basis for thinking at this point that the dispute can be settled outside leg- islation." Faculty and Students It will be composed of three faculty members appointed by the University President from a slate of six submitted to him by the University Senate's Committee on Student Relations. Also on the committee will be two students appointed by the President and selected from a slate by the In- terviewing Committee (or Mem- bership on the Council. The old Committee on Student Conduct. had the power of disci- pline over cases involving students enrolled in combined courses, or- ganized student groups and. those referred to it by other disciplinary authorities. Although its decisions were final, the President was con- sulted on all cases where suspen- sion or expulsion was practicable. It also had the power to create a subcommittee on discipline and delegate to it the power to act. The committee had done this, composing the subcommittee of three faculty who had complete jurisdiction-over the gases brought before it. The committee itself has not met for 14 years. Standards and Appeals With the establishment of the Committee on Standards and Con- duct a committee has been created with the power to both establish standards and hear appeals. The proposal to make the change came out of a year's study of the judiciary system by Joint Judiciary Council. The study was then submitted to the Office of Student Affairs for evaluation. Lewis said the change was "an attempt to make Joint Judiciary Council into a complete system." He also said that careful recog- nition of due process would be ' given to all cases that come before the committee. May Appeal to Regents In response to a question by Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor, Lewis explained that all; students brought before Joint Judiciary Council had the last re-I course of final appeal to the Board of Regents. However, this has very seldom been done, he added. The faculty terms of office on the University committee are to7 be staggered on a three year basis. None are subject to re-appoint- ment.1 Student terms will run for onet full academic year, appointed in the spring of the following year.1 NEW CHAIRMEN-The Regents named two new department chairmen in the Medical School yesterday. Prof. William Smith (left) will chair the orthopedic surgery division and Prof. J. Robert Willson will head the obstetrics and gynecology depart- ment. Wilison, Smith Named To Medical School Posts' By JEAN TENANDER Dr. J. Robert Willson will become chairman of the University Medical School's department of obstetrics and gynecology it was announced at the Regents meeting yesterday. Willson will succeed Dr. Miller, the present chairman, on Jan. 1, 1964. Willson is presently president of obstetrics and gynecology at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. He attended the University and graduated from Medical School here in 1937. Dr. William Smith, professor and director, of the division of orthopedicsurgery at Ohio State University, will become professor of surgery and head of the ortho- pedic surgery section at the Uni- versity Medical School in October. Succeeds Badgley Smith will succeed Dr. Carl E. Badgley, who began his retire- ment July 1 after being a member of the University Medical School since 1920. Smith attended the University. A new degree called "master of museum practice" was also ap- proved at the Regents meeting. The degree work is designed to train students who desire to work in the field of museum director- ship in such areas as art, history and anthropology. Internship Support for the program will be given by the Toledo and the Freer Museums of Art by sponsoring an internship program for those stu- dents interested in obtaining the degree. In other action of the Regents meeting, Dean Burton D. Thuma submitted a recommendation for institutional membership in the Michigan Center for Education in Politics. Machinery Group Secretary of the University Erich A. Walters also submitted a recommendation- for institu- tional membership in the Associa- tion for Computing Machinery. Regent Carl Brablee of Rose- ville requested that the Regents officially congratulate the Uni- versity's Men's Glee Club for win- ning top honors in their recent European tour. The Glee Club won first prize in the International Eistedford at Llangellen, Wales, this month. It competed aganst 13 other univer- sity singing societies from both Europe and the United States. To Head Aenc .a. Of Housing- Units Appointment Fills Year Vacancy In Reorganized OSA Structure By PHILIP SUTIN Co-Editor Eugene Haun, currently associate dean of students at Cornell University, was appointed director of University resi- dences yesterday. Filling a year-long vacancy in the revised Office of Stu- dent Affairs structure, Haun will direct the operations of the men's and women's residence halls starting Aug. 5. He may also teach English after f the first year if his OSA duties permit. Assistant City Attorney S. J. Elden said that the city will look closely at Kelley's ruling to deter- mine if the commission will pre- empt local action in the civil rights field.' The city, however, will continue to study the problem. The city! council fair housing committee is expected to bring a further-revised ordinance tQ council Monday night. The council passed on first reading a fair housing ordinance drafted by the human relations commission last March. Extensive revisions, broadening the ordi- nance were suggested last month and final suggestions will be made by the committee Monday. Creal's Position Mayor Cecil O. Creal, in East Lansing yesterday for Gov. Rom- ney's civil rights conference, said that state action "had been his position from the beginning." He 4 warned of conflicting local or- dinances. Local Republicans praised Kel- ley's opinion, saying only supple- mental local action was needed. Democrats also lauded Kelley, but pushed for a strong ordinance. The ninth in a series of protest demonstrations will be held Mon- * day night in front of city hall. The Ann Arbor Area Fair Housing Association.-Congress of Racial Equality is continuing its drivee for enactment of a local ordinancei and is protesting alleged delayingt tactics. Shelve Boston, Q-&h"Ark riOa Cal" World News Roundup By The Associated Press SEOUL-South Korea's ruling junta announced yesterday it will hold national elections this fall and return the country to civilian rule in December. Gen. Chung Hee Park said the junta was with- drawing its proposal to hold a referendum on whether military rule should be extended four more years because the people want a return to civilian government. * , , UNITED NATIONS - Ghana, Morocco and the Philippines pro- posed yesterday that the UN Se- curity Council urge Portugal to give up her African territories and slap an embargo on any arms aimed to help her hang on to them. The United States urged 'the UN Security Council to ap- point a special representative who would try to persuade Portugal and African leaders to enter into talks on self-rule for Portugal's African territories. BELGRADE, Yugoslavia--A vio- lent earthquake hit the heart of Skopje at dawn today, badly dam- aged or destroyed 80 per cent of the city's buildings and killed pos- sibly 1,000 persons, Tanjug News Agency reported. MIAMI-Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro charged yesterday that the United States reneged in the ransom deal for Bay of Pigs invasion prisoners. "We accuse the American gov- ernment of not complying with its agreement, and that it owes us $10 million," the Cuban prime minister said. He also declared Cuba is ready to negotiate dif- ferences with the United States- but added "we are not willing to make any ideological concessions.. * * * WASHINGTON - Mayor Ivan Allen Jr., of Atlanta, Ga., testified yesterday that federal civil rights legislation would help advance voluntary desegregation of places of public accommodation. Gov. Donald Russell of South Carolina said it would breed resistance. WASHINGTON-Defense Sec- retary Robert S. McNamara au- thorized Armed Services yesterday, Hale Resigns John Hale, currently assistant to the director of housing, re- signed to become director of housing at the University of Delaware. Hale and assistant to the vice- president for student affairs Elizabeth Davenport have been directing the residence halls on an interim basis. Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis told the Re- gents that he had been searching for more than a year "for the right man to head the residence halls. He has the balance between a scholarly attitude- and exper- ience yin personnel work." Lecturer in English j Haun is a ,lecturer In English, specializing in Restoration drama. Hann will deal only with resi- dence halls, although the original OSA organization scheme called for one official to supervise all housing. " "The job now is too big," Lewis explained. Hopefully, he added, Haun will add affiliated and inde- pendent housing to his jurisdic- tion. But this eventually is many years away, Lewis predicted. Create Academic Spirit Under the re-organization plan, the director of University resi- dences would attempt to create a more academic atmosphere in the residence halls and would carry out established plans such as co- educational housing. The director's office would cen- tralize authority once diffused in the dean of men's and women's offices. 1 Haun ,a native of Little Rock, received his bachelor's degree from Hendrix College and his master's a t Vanderbilt University. H e earned his doctorate in English at the University of Pennsylvania where he remained for 11 years. His last post there was assistant dean of men (director of men's residences). For the last four years, he has served in the administration of Cornell University, first as asso- ciate dean of men, later as asso- ciate dean of students. Hale Resigns To Take Post AQt Delaware By ANDREW ORLIN Assistant Director of Housing John Hale has resigned, effective1 September1 to become director of F residences at the University of Delaware. Hale, who has been with the University for ten years, has held various positions, ranging fromi resident advisor of Allan Rumseyi House in 1951 through assistantt dean of men in 1958 to the position he now holds of assistant director of housing.1 "Integration" of all the elementss that go into feeding and housing1 students has been, in his view, the most serious problem with which he has had to deal. "Adequately developing a pro- gram of educational value for stu- dents living in residence halls hasI " Views Post As Exciting "I' am coming to this job with no preconceived goals," Eugene Haun, the new nd first director of University .residential halls, com- mented yesterday. "I want to make a study of the residential situation at the Uni- versity-this will take about a year-and then think about goals." The residence halls, he said, are "a big exciting operation." Haun declared that .he "was elated at the prospects of participating in it. Going Concern "The residence halls are a go- ing concern. I am going to help them to continue to go." However, Haun sees himself as more than an administrator. "I love my teaching. I regard myself as essentially a teacher." In addition to serving as as- sociate dean, of students at Cor- nell, Haun taught several Eng- lish courses, ranging from fresh- man composition, through survey courses to seminars in Restoration drama, his specialty. Keep Teaching He said that he had an under- standing with the University that he can teach as he is able to. "The job is so big that I will not be able to teach at least until the first year here has elapsed," he explained. Declaring .that residence halls were "part of the educational ap- paratus, a service of the Univer- sity for students," Haun expressed hope that "students will feel at liberty to offer their advice." Legitimate Interest "I believe students living in residence halls have a legitimate interest in the administration of the halls." Admittedly unfamiliar with res- idence hall student government here, Haun said he hoped he would have good relations with Inter-Quadrangle Council and A.- sembly Association. To Display V" Ir" u1QM r1 £l ] Q JAMES A. LEWIS ..ill-s post INDUSTRIALIZATION: Chu Examines China Family Role ,w By PATRICIA LEFTRIDGE, The industrialization of parts of China has brought changes in the classical Chinese family struc- ture, but these changes exist only in large industrial cities, not in rural areas which maintain the traditional pattern, Solomon Chu, Grad, said last night. Speaking on "The Changing Chinese Family," Chu described Chinese society. The gentry is the educated and privileged class. The peasants, constituting the major- ity, are uneducated and have little chance for mobility. This social structure "has remained unchang- ed," Chu said. "Education is the chief channel of mobility." There are great differences be- tween the gentry and the peasant classes. Chu exnlained. "The gen- man' in terms of psower, the break- ing up of family solidarity, and very important, "the youth move- ment." Chinese youth today are more economically independent, and. have thus broken away from the traditional structure. Other changes have been in the status of women: they are now more independent. The modifica- mammmmmme