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July 26, 1963 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1963-07-26

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FRIDAY, JULY 26,1960"


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To Open New Concordia College

U.S. Planners Weigh New Power Blocs


tip !

The Ann Arbor area will have
its first junior college this fall.
Located on a site between Ged-
des Rd. and the Huron River, Con-
cordia Lutheran College will open
its doors this fall to 250 new stu-
dents. The students will receive
two years of a liberal arts educa-
tion to prepare them for careers
either as teachers or as ministers
in the Lutheran Church.
L. J. Garnow, business manager
r of the new college, explained that
the college will be the 17th liberal
arts school of its type built by
the Missouri Synod of the Luth-
eran, Church.
College Needed
The synod had needed a college
in this area, he said. The college
will nmainly enroll students from
Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, but
many students outside the region
will also be accommodated.
Although only 250 students will
enroll the first year, the college
will-admit 450 students the follow-
ing year. Garnow said that this is
the maximum number which the
college can accommodate in its
present buildings. However, plans
exist to extend the facilities if
Eight main buildings as well as
dormitories and staff housing are
being constructed. The total cost
of the project is six million dollars.
Modern Buildings
The campus is characterized by
a triangular chapel in its center.
Kurath Notes
Voe Sound
A large number of Middle Eng-
lish long vowels, short vowels, and
diphthongs have been combined
to make up a comparatively small
number of modern English "free
vowels" and "check vowels," Prof.
Emeritus Hans Kurath of the Eng-
lish department asserted recently.
Presenting "A New Lork at the
History of the English Vowel Sys-
tm"Prof. Kurath said that Mid-
dle English short vowel sounds
have been recombined to form
modern "checked vowel" sounds
as in the words "sit," "set," and
"cat,"- while the descendants of
Middle English long vowels and
diphthongs are found in modern
"free vowel" sounds in words such
as "lie," "read," and "do."
Old Pattern
Most of the evolution of these
sounds, he said, took place be-
tween 1400 and 1600. Thus by
Elizabethan times, poets were
rhyming words such as "mirth'
and "earth," and "claim" and
"frame," although these rhymes
could not have been formed with
Middle English pronunciation.
Some vowel changes took place
in post-Elizabethan times, Prof.
Kurath declared. Thus Shakes-
peare's rhyme of "play" and "sea"
was acceptable in the bard's day.
The American colonies contrib-
uted a few new sounds, such as
the "a" sound in "far," although
these were derived from English
folk speech, he said.
Triangle, Rectangle
Prof. Kurath said Middle Eng-
lish had a "triangular system" of
five short vowels. By Elizabethan
times, these had become a "rec-
tangular system" of six sounds,
and appear today as six "checked"
vowel sounds. The number of Mid-
dle English long vowels and diph-
thongs, however, were greatly re-
duced by "mergers" of sounds by
Elizabethan times, he said.
Only two Middle English diph-
thongs-"au" and "oi"-have sur-
vived to modern times, Prof. Kur-
ath asserted. But in some areas of
the United States, he noted, a few
words such 'as the southeastern

out" still retain the Middle Eng-
lish pronunciation.
DIAL 2-6641

Seven other modern buildings are
grouped around the chapel. The li-
brary, housing 35,000 books, is sit-
uated in front of the chapel. It is
connected by a roofed walk with
the administration building, which
will be occupied starting today.
The facilities include buildings for
science, fine arts, classrooms, a
cafeteria and a gymnasium.


Housing Units
The dormitories and the staff

housing units lie off the main
campus. The women's dormitories
lie west of thecampus. in the midst
of groups of trees. The men's dor-
mitories are on the other side of
the campus. They are grouped in-
to units of four houses.
By the fall there will be four
units for women and eight for men.
Space remains for additional dor-
Housing is free for the college
staff. On the north side of Geddes
Rd., fifteen houses will be ready
by the beginning of the fall semes-
The college staff this fall will
consist of 23 academicians.
May Transfer
Students graduating from Con-
cordia Junior College may trans-
fer to Concordia Senior College in
Fort Wayne, Ind., if they plan to
become ministers. Those who in-
tend to go into the teaching pro-
fession may transfer to the Con-
cordia' Teachers College in either
Seward, Neb., or River Forest, Ill.
There are several other colleges
available for transfer from the
Students planning to enter the
college are advised by college au-
thorities to take Latin and Ger-
man in high, school since these
languages are an important part
of the college's curriculum. Social
studies and English will also be
stressed along with pre-theological
studies at Concordia.
Tuition for a year at the college
is $470. Students who do not carry
a full class load pay $10 per term
The Lutheran Church-Missouri
Synod supports to a' substantial
degree those students who plan to
enter the 'services of the synod.
The education fee for these stu-
dents is halved.4

Associated Press Military Affairs Reporter
WASHINGTON-United States
strategic planners began weigh-
ing the possibility of a world pow-
er realignment long before the
current angry Soviet-Chinese dis-
pute and Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev's talk about a non-
aggression agreement with the
But the fact that this possibility
has been considered for more than
a decade and almost certainly is
being looked at today has not
changed the professional military
man's belief that the major armed
menace to this country continues
to be the Soviet Union.
The potentials of the discus-
sions in Moscow still are too nebu-
lous to warrant any recasting now
of American military strategy.
Contingency Plans
On the other hand, -the Joint
Chiefs of Staff maintain a folio,
constantly revised, of contingency

-Daily-Eric Keller
BODY AND SOUL-A modernistic cafeteria and chapel will serve
the varied needs of Concordia College students. The Missouri
Synod Lutheran Church institution will open next month to pro-
vide junior college education for 250 students.

Steel Peace Triggers Layoffs

Associated Press News Analyst
PITTSBURGH - As expected,
the steel labor contract signed last
month has triggered a sharp cut-
back in steel production and ac-
celerated layoffs, but the situa-
tion does not appear as serious as
originally feared.
Steel output has steadily plum-
meted from a 38-month peak in
production of 85 per cent of capa-
city in May to about 63 per cent
capacity as of July 6. The downhill
dive is expected to continue until
leveling off around 55 per cent.
At least seven firms have an-
nounced plans to close furnaces,
furloughing more than 2500 work-
ers. United States Steel Corp., bell-
weather of the industry, will lay-
off 1000 alone in the Pittsburgh
High Consumption
But optimism exists because of
a high consumption rate.
Many consumers who had stock-
up earlier in the year as a hedge

against a strike that never ma-
terialized are using their inven-
toriesf aster than anticipated. Can-
cellation of new orders has not
been as heavy as expected.
This is especially true in the
auto industry where sales are up
nearly 10 per cent over last year.
Model changeover has slowed the
demands but by clearing out their
inventories, the automakers will
have to place new orders.
Liquidating Stockpiles
Other major steel consumers
also are liquidating their stock-
piles at a high rate. Many small
customers did no heavy stock-
piling since the threat of a strike
prior to the contract settlement
was not considered serious.
In addition, there are always
production lags at this time of
the year due to customer vaca-
But there is nowhere near the
slump that occurred last year when

production plunged to nearly 40
per cent capacity after the 1962
contract settlement r
High Production
Because production was so high
earlier this year-60 million ingot
tons in the first six months-most
observers have forecast the high-
est annual ingot production in six
Steel Magazine says steelmakers
need to operate at only 55 per
cent capacity over the last six
months of the year to reach a
figure of 103 million ingot tons-
an increase ofealmost four million
ingot tons over last year.
Plant shutdowns and layoffs
Shut Down Works
United States Steel is closing
eleven open hearthsband one blast
furnace at its nearby Homestead
and Edgar Thompson works, idling
1000 men.
Bethlehem Steel Corp., the sec-,
and biggest producer, has an-,
nounced plans to close six furnaces
(five open hearth) at Lackawanna,,
NY, throwing an undetermined
number of men out of work.
Jones & Laughlin Corp. has
furloughed 250 men and Pitts-
burgh Steel Co., a speciality pro-,
ducer, plans to layoff 750-1000-
or 10 per cent of its work force-
by October.
Professor Cites '
Education Role'
"We live in a post-Christian
world, and education as the only
moralizing force today must get
our children to make patterns, to
experience closure in artistic
terms," Prof. W. H. G. Armytage
of the University of Sheffield at
Sheffield, England, said here re-
Speaking on "The Arts and Sci-
ences in Education," Prof. Army-
tage saw an intimate association
between education and "the great-
est unsolved dichotomy in mod-
ern society": How can one ac-
knowledge an increasingly mech-
anistic culture yet still retain goals
which are the product of free will?
The Western artistic response to
an era where science is taking
prominence is one of "escape,"
Prof. Armytage said. "They hope
to resolve the frustration result-
ing from the sciences becoming in-
struments for programming of hu-
man beings through retreating into
a religious view of the world."
Prof. Armytage claimed that
"the abler literati, critics such as
Edmund Wilson and T. S. Eliot are
not talking about the arts at all.
They are talking about theology."
The artist, however, should be
'"the eternal dissident." The artist
must create alternatives to scient-
ism, he continued.
For the Western artist, attempt-
ed retreat into religious mysticism
"is not adequate" because "the
West has no religion. The only
country in the world today which
has a religion is the Soviet Union,
and the Soviet Union is the last
Christian nation in the world. The
Christian father is Marx," Prof
Armytage said.

war plans. It is patterned to esti-
mates of what changes might ori
conceivably could occur in inter-,
national situations, with accom-
panying combinations of powers.i
Russia and her relationship with
present or erstwhile allies as wellE
as the free world is a prime factor1
in the JCS "program for planning"
The program is divided into
three strategic plans-long-range,
medium-range and short-range.
Each is reviewed and changed an-
Coordinate Planning
The plans, of course, also are
patterned to national military ob-
jectives as established by the Pres-
ident and the National Security
Council. The military planning is,
coordinated with political, psy-
chological and economic factors.
The joint chiefs therefore keep,
close liaison with the State De-
partment and other agencies in an
effort to make the military plans
as realistic as possible.
The first of the three plans-the
"Joint Long-Range Strategic Esti-
mate"-covers a four-year period,
beginning eight years after a re-
vision of the previous plan. This
means that the estimate is pro-
jected 12 years into the future.
The mid-range strategic area is
covered in the "Joint Strategic Ob-
jectives Plan." The JCS dictionary
says this plan "translates United
To Pressure
Ott N-Tests
Signing of a nuclear test-ban
treaty would bring enormous dip-
lomatic pressure on France to stop
its own testing, the Christian Sci-
ence Monitor said recently.
This pressure would be aimed at
persuading F r e n c h President
Charles de Gaulle to join the
United States, the Soviet Union,
and Great Britain in foregoing
further atomic tests in outer space,
the atmosphere, and under water.
In effect, this would be asking
General de Gaulle to give up the
cherished project on which his
foreign policy is based-the ac-
quisition of an independent French
nuclear force.
Back Seat
To the French president this
would mean taking a permanent
back seat among the first class
powers, and there is every prece-
dent for concluding that he would
refuse to agree.
The French government has
held consistently that a test-ban
treaty, to be effective, must be
linked to world-wide agreement to
disarm. Suh an agreement would
reduce the United States and the
Soviet Union to rough parity with
A partial test-ban treaty by it-
self, the French insist, would leave
the three nuclear powers just
where they are-possessing a suf-
ficient stockpile to protect them-
selves-while penalizing a late-
comer like France.
Fallacious Atmosphere
It would create a fallacious at-
mosphere of detent, according to
the French government, while add-
ing nothing to the world's security.
This view is not unique with
President de Gaulle, but was gen-
erally expressed by the premiers
of the Fourth Republic who pre-
ceded him, with the exception of
Pierre Mendes-France.
The result of French adherence
to a nuclear test ban would be to
force continued French depend-
ence on the United States for nu-
clear protection, a condition which
President de Gaulle has explicitly
Long-standing French refusal to
participate in the Geneva disarm-
ament talks is a harbinger of the
probable French government atti-
tude, should a test-ban treaty be

achieved in Moscow.
French officials, however, admit
the extremely difficult diplomatic
position in which continued test-
ing would place them.
Begin Ticket Sales
For Music Series
Season tickets are now on sale
for the University Musical Socie-
ty's choral union series, extra se-
ries and chamber arts series. Tick-
ets may be purchased at the of-
fices of the Universiay Musical
: Society in Burton Tower.

Associated Press News Analyst
SAIGON -- Buddhists in South
Viet Nam are willing to commit
ritual suicide, go to jail, face
police beatings and storm barbed
wire barricades to enforce their
demands on the government head-
ed by Roman Catholic President
Ngo Dinh Diem.
Why are Buddhists in South
Viet Nam willing to do such
things, and what do they hope to
gain from it all?
In hundreds of thousands of
mimeographed words, Buddhist
leaders have detailed some of their
demands in the past two months.
Fly Flags
They want freedom to fly their
five-colored, patchwork f l a g s
whenever and wherever' they
choose. They want legal reforms
under which Buddhists pagodas
can buy and hold real estate as
freely as Christian churches. They
want to be able to meet freely
without special police licenses.
They also want to be able to
demonstrate freely in support of
these and many other demands.
Some of the demands are vague
and expressed in obscure ways.
United States officials are not at
all sure just what the Buddhists
do want of this Communist-
threatened government.
Buddhist Struggle
The slogan of the Buddhists is
"religious freedom and social jus-
tice," but this is not a complete
explanation either.
One Buddhist leader, who has
traveled abroad, expressed it this,
way: "It is not so much a ques-
tion of what we want as it is of
what we don't want.
"Many of us are North Viet-
namese refugees. We escaped from
the north in 1954 because we knew
what Communist persecution does
to religion-including Buddhism.
"But we do not want a police
state anywhere: We do not want
terror or discrimination or state
control. We are local Vietnamese,
but this government treats us as
if we were political rebels or
Viet Cong.
'Ready for Sacrifice'
"The world has seen what the
police are willing to do to us. We
are ready to sacrifice ourselves
and die to end this in Viet Nam
ands bring freedom to all the
None of the leading priests or
Buddhist laymen has said he
favors the overthrow of the Ngo
Dinh Diem government. But as
passions mount and police crack
down harder, the Vietnamese
"Buddhist problem" become in-
creasingly a political matter.

States national objectives and pol-
icies for the time frame 5 to 8
years in the future into terms of
military objectives and strategic
concepts and defines basic under-
takings for cold, limited, and gen-
eral war which may be accom-
plished with the objective force
levels." (This means the size and
weapon equipment of the Army,
Navy, Marines and Air Force.)
Short Plan
The JCS short-range plan em-
braces a period of one year and
therefore is a "fighting plan" to
be used in event of a war tomor-
row morning.
Although a non - aggression
agreement is not a document for
mutualmilitary support it can pro-
vide indirect benefits for a partici-
A non-aggression pact with the
West could leave Russia with more
confidence in preparing for any

-Daily-Eric Keller
DORMITORIES-Concordia College students will be housed on the Geddes Rd. campus of the new
Junior college in modernistic dormitories. The institution will offer a liberal arts education or pre-
ministerial training. The junior college is affiliated with several senior colleges run by the Missouri
Synod-Lutheran Church in other states.
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Shows at 1:00-2:55
5:00-7:05 and 9:15
Eves. and Sunday......$1.00
Weekday Matinees .....75c
Children under 12. ......50c
/ presents

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
9:00 a.m. -School of Public Health
Institute on Arthritis and Metabolic
Diseases-School of Public Health.
2:00 p.m. - Audio-Visual Education
Center Film Preview-"High Arctic Bi-
ome," "Balance in Nature," and "Se-
crets of the Bee World": Multipurpose
Room, Undergrad Lib.
7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild -
James Stewart, March Connelly, and
Murray Hamilton in "The Spirit of St.
Louis": Architecture Aud.
8:30 p.m.--Dept. of Astronomy Visi-
tors' Night--Prof. William P. Bidelman;
Dept. of Astronomy, "Seeing Double":
5006 Angell Hall.
Astronomical Colloquium: Today, 4:00
p.m., Room 807, Physics-Astronomy
Bldg. Dr. Helen Dodson-Prince, Mc-
Math-Hurlbert Observatory, will speak
on "How Many Flares?"
Doctoral Examination for Charles
Michael Lanphier, Social Psychology;
thesis: "Political Orientation in Work-
Group Cliques," today, at 1:30 p.m., 5609
Haven Hall. Chairman, P. E. Converse.

Doctoral Examination for Melvyn Joel
Feinberg, Chemistry; thesis; "The Dilute
Triangle-Well Fluid," today, 3003 Chem-
istry Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, A.
G. DeRocco.
General Notices
Aug. Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
All requirements for the teacher's cer-
tificate must be completed by Aug. 2.
These requirements include the teach-
er's oath, the health statement, and
the Bureau of Appointments material.
The oath should be taken as soon as
possible in Room1203 Univ. High School.
The office is open from 8-12 and 1-5.
A Breakfast honoring candidates for
the master's degree, will be held at the
Michigan Union on Sun., Aug. 4, at 9
a.m. Candidates may pick up their
tickets in Room 3510 Admin. Bldg. be-
tween the hours 8-12 and 1-5 Monday
through Friday, or 8-12 on Sat., July 27.

Trust Territory, Marshall Islands -
Education Specialists, Secondary Teach-
WED., JULY 31-
Ortonville, Mich.-Early Elementary.
* * *
For additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext. 3547.
National Society for Crippled Children
& Adults, Chicago, Ill.-The following
openings are available with Easter Seal
Societies & other agencies engaged in
the care & rehabilitation of crippled
children & adults throughout the U.S.
Positions are available in these areas:
Executive-Administrative; Occupational
Therapy; Physical Therapy; Psych.; Re-
hab. & Vocational Counseling; Social
Service; Special Education; & Speech
U.S. Army, Biological Laboratories,
Fort Detrick, Frederick, Md.-Many &
various openings innluding: Research
Mathematician; Res. Chemist; Mech.
Engnr.; Aerospace Engnr.; Chem. En-
gnr.; Microbiologist; Research Entomol-
ogist (medical).

0 4 Master Barbers
0 Air-Conditioned


During the month of July the fol- For further information, please call
lowing schools will be at the Bureau to General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
interview candidates: 3200 SAB,.Ext. 3544.

through 8-6416
Saturday e.1-
Winner of 2 Academy Awards-pls
15 international Awards
of "6 2AaeA
R;{iM j-y
mall W



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