Y Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom ~!IaitP WARM High-92 Low-72 Chance of showers late tomorrow ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1963 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES To Consider Housing Chief Appointment * * * * * * * * * T s i I {4" Co-Editor The Regents will consider at their monthly meeting today the appointment of a director of housing to direct University residence a he appointment may fill a vacancy created when the Office of Student Affairs was reorganized last summer. Under the reorganization, housing, which had been separately directed by the dean of men's and women's offices, were merged into Approve Bill To Dirop Aid, WASHINGTON (P)- A bill to cut off federal support for racially segregated educational programs won overwhelming approval yes- terday in the House Education Committee. A 27-1 vote brought the measure' out of committee, but that did not guarantee it would reach the. House floor. The House Rules' Committee normally must approve legislation for floor consideration. The Administration is opposed' to the mandatory fund, cut-qff which the bill would require, pre- ferring to have discretionary pow- er to deal with states in which segregation is practiced. A provi- sion to grant such discretion and extend the authority to all feaeral aid programs instead of just edu- cational ones is included in the omnibus civil rights bill now be- fore another committee. Would Cut Funds The Education Committee bill would cut off funds after June 30, 1964, for segregated programs un- der the National Defense Educa- tion Act, Library Services Act, Vocational Education ,Act, Land Grant Colleges Act and Impacted Areas Act. The committee also approved two other bills which bear on the civil rights fight. One would authorize $70 million over a three-year period to pro- vide basic education for ,adults. President John F. Kennedy re- quested it in his civil rights mes- sage last month to combat illit- eracy among Negroes. Increase Funds The other would increase funds available .under the Library Ser- vices Act for grants to commun- ities. The present $7.5 million for such services would be increased to $25 million and an additional $20 million would be made avail- able for construction of libraries. In addition the bill would re- move the present restriction lim- iting the services to rural areas. All communities would be eligible on a basis of need. -one unit. This was in line with the general policy of combining par- allel men's and women's services. Affiliated Housing Off-campus and affiliated hous- ing were placed temporarily under the supervision of director of disci- pline and student organizations John Bingley, whose other du- ties partially overlapped the hans dling of these types of housing. When appointed, the new direc- tor is expected to form policies to induce a more academic atmos- amsphere in the residence halls and to carry outrestablished plans such as co-educational housing. In the past year, projects ad- vancing both these ideas have been undertaken. Co-educational housing will begin in South Quad- Eangle and Mary Markley Hall following decisions made last win- ter. Rails Set New Date On Rules WASHINGTON (P)-Yielding to Congressional pressure, the rail- road industry agreed yesterday to a month's delay in its timetable for the posting of new work rules which threatened to touch off a nationwide strike after midnight Monday. House and Senate leaders said the 30-day postponement, to 12:01 a.m. on Aug. 29, would give Con- gress sufficient time to act on President Kennedy's plan to avert a walkout by turning the dispute over to the Interstate Commerce Commission for two years. It was the seventh time since 1960 that a deadline for imposi- tion of the manpower-reducing work rules had been set and then postponed. Earlier delays came at the request of the Kennedy Ad- ministration and as a result of court action. Urge Postponement Heads of the House and Senate commerce committees had urged the latest postponement, saying Congress did not have time to act on the Kennedy proposal before next Monday midnight, the old deadline. Five unions representing on- train employes had served notice they would strike the minute the changes became effective. Daniel P. Loomis, president of the Association of American Rail- roads, announced the postpone- ment as the House Commerce Committee opened its second day of hearings on the Administration plan. Accelerated Pace On the other side of the Capitol, Sen. John O. Pastore (D-RI) said he was "very pleased," and prom- ised the'Senate Commerce Com- mittee will continue work at an accelerated pace to get the Ad- ministration proposal to the floor. Pastore is acting chairman of the committee. One hundred ninety-five rail- roads are involved in the four- year-old work rules controversy, which hinges on some 60,000 jobs including those of 32,000 fireman, and a variety of other jobs the industry contends are unnecessary. Loomis and J. E. Wolfe, chair- man of the National Railway La- bor Conference, argued the indus- try case before the House com- mittee. 'Reasonable, Necessary' Loomis told the committee the two-year life of the Administra- tion settlement proposal is "rea- sonable and necessary to make a real 'test of whatever action the commission might take." "I do believe that a two-year test should shed a great deal of light on the proper solution to these problems, and that it should lead to a permanent settlement within a two-year period," Loomis said. Big Three Agree On Limited Pact Foreign Ministers To Pursue Drive For Ending Nuclear Experiments MOSCOW (M--The United States, Britain and the Soviet Union in a treaty initialed yesterday agreed to end nuclear testing in the atmosphere, outer space and under water. They immediately hailed their unprecedented accord as a major breakthrough toward easing Cold War tensions. In the agreement, the three powers also affirmed their determination to continue striving for a complete ban on nu- clear testing and implied they will give no nuclear aid to nations that do not go along. The big three foreign ministers -the United States' Dean Rusk, Britain's Lord Home and Russia's Andrei A. Gromyko" -will sign the treaty in Mos- cow in "the near future," a . -Associated Press BIG THREE ACCORD--Negotiators W. Averell Harriman for the United States, Lord Hailsham for Britain and Andrei Gromyko for the Soviet Union yesterday initialed a treaty banning nuclear weapons tests in the air, in outer space or under water. The treaty is expected to be signed in the near future after United States Senate ratification. The negotiators expressed hope that the par- tial test-ban would lead to agreement on other outstanding issues. INTERIM SUBCOMMITTEE: oint Bentley nit Head Housing Projects Greene and Little Houses converted into special houses centrating on integrating were con- the classroom and living units. Hins- dale House will be added to this project this fall. The reorganization in housing followed the philosophy recom- mendations of the OSA study committee report of 1962 which found a lack of definitive lines of authority and a philosophy not fully attuned to the Michigan House Plan. It specifically called for a di- rector of housing and declared that "educational purposes must. infuse the residence halls." Urge Reform Other reports and studies, such' as the Schaub report, conducted by Harold Schaub, who was then resident advisor in Strauss House, urged a philosophic and structural reform of the residence halls. The Regents meeting is expect- ed to be routine with no policy an- nouncement. As usual, a few fac- ulty appointments and changes in status will be announced. University President -H a r 1 a n Hatcher and Director of University Relations Michael Radock have been in Europe for most of July.' President Hatcher returns just in time for the Regents' meeting. The July Regents' meeting is usually a dull one, News Service Managing Editor Donald Morris explained yesterday, as the Re- gents catch up on backlogged rou- tine matters. By ANDREW ORLIN Gov. George Romney's Citizen's Committee on Higher Education is getting into full swing with the appointment of Alvin Bentley to head its interim subcommittee. The 12 other committeemen have not yet been selected, Bentley, for- mer Constitutional Convention education committee chairman, said. "Blue Ribbon" Committee Chair- man Dan Karn has requested an interim committee report by Octo- Pickets Ask More Jobs By The Associated Press More than 80 pickets, including 24 clergymen, were arrested yester- day in another demonstration at a hospital construction site in New York City. One group of 14 persons had chained themselves together. Nearly 550 persons have been arrested at the site of the public- financed medical center in Brook- lyn since the picketing began Monday with a mass demon- stration of more than 1000 per- sons. About 130 pickets were on hand today. Worm Force The pickets want at least 25 per cent of the work force on publicly financed construction to be Ne- groes. Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy said in Washington that the gov- ernment has no evidence that any top leaders of the major civil rights movements are Communists or Communist-controlled. In a letter released at a hearing of the Senate Commerce Commit- tee he specificallymentioned as being free of Communist taint Rev. Martin Luther King. Raise Issue The Communist issue previously had been raised before the com- mittee by three Southern gover- nors. The Chicago board of education president and Negro leaders agreed to discuss "open enrollment-for- integration of all public schools." The open meeting is scheduled for Tuesday. The board president said the agreement was only to discuss the issue. Byron De La Beckwith, charged in the assassination of Negro lead- er Medgar Evers, was taken to the Mississippi State Mental Hos- pital near Jackson for court-or- dered mental tests. Councilman Trin ber and another one by the first of the year, he added. # Present Report The first one is to be presented to the special session of the Leg- islature in October while the sec- ond report is for the regular ses- sion. Karn publically announced yes- terday that the committee had received a $50,000 grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek. He said that the grant would be used to employ a full time staff and enlist consultative advice. Employ Persons "It will be used to employ per- sons with educational backgrounds and pay for the services of a staff director," Karn commented. He went on to say that the only full-time paid employes of the committee will be the staff direc- tor and his secretary. Up to now, the committee, or- ganized last April by Romney to look into the short-and-long range problems of higher education in the state, has been hindered in its activity by a lack of funds. Meets Four Times The committee, composed of about 60 members, has met four times so far and up to now there has been some question whether the interim report would be fin- ished by the estimated completion date of October, 1963. The interim report on the short range needs is due in October while the long range report is due later in the year. The Kellogg grant had been an "open secret" for weeks and is the second time that the foundation has come to the aid of a state group in needs of funds. Eased Problem In 1961, a $85,000 grant eased the monetary problems of the Con- stitutional Convention's prepara- tory committee. , Because of the grant two com-; mittee members are resigning. They are Emory Morris of Battle Creek, foundation president, and Dr. E. Gifford Upjohn of Kalama- zoo, a foundation trustee. The foundation prohibits its officials from working on a project financ- ed by it. Propose UN Arms Stall UNITED NATIONS QP)-Afri- cans were reported to -have pre- paredaeresolution yesterday call- ing for the UN Security Council to embargo 'arms shipments to Portugal. Diplomatic sources said Ghana, Morocco and the Philippines, as members of the 11-nation council, would hand in the resolution to- day. They said the resolution would have the council decide that all countries should stop any aid that1 would enable Portugal to continue colonial repression and, for this purpose, should act to prevent the supply of arms and military equip- nent to Portugal. The informants said the pro- posal made no mention of a full economic and diplomatic boycott of Portugal or of her suspension or expulsion froni the United Nations-ideas that have been dis- cussed previously. Some doubted that the arms embargo could get' the seven votes necessary for adoption. The arms embargo goes against mutual-aid commitments to Por- tugal from four other members of the North Atlantic Alliance that are on the council - Britain, France, Norway and the United States. The resolution was finished at a meeting of the eight African members of a 12-nation Asian- African strategy committee. communique said. Undersecretary of State W. Averell Harriman, who led the United States team through the 10 Moscow sessions leading to agree- ment, initialed the draft in a sim- ple ceremony with Gromyko and Britain's chief negotiator, Science 'Minister Lord Hailsham.; Home called the agreement "the first of any substance which the West has been able to make with the Russians" since the Austrian treaty of 1955. Not Bound But in Paris, President }Charles de Gaulle's government reaffirmed that it would not be bound by the test ban agreement in its efforts to make France an independent nuclear power. Communist China, striving to enter the nuclear club, had de- nounced the treaty in advance at the same time it was drawing far- ther away from its Communist world alignment with the Soviet Union. In Washington, President John F. Kennedy moved quickly to mar- shal American opinion behind the treaty to win the two-thirds sup- port in the Senate necessary for ratification. To Address Nation The White House announced the President will speak to the nation tonight on the partial test-ban agreement. The State Department said Secretary of State Dean Rusk is expected to take a Congression- al delegation with him to Moscow for the signing. Right up to the initialing, it had been feared the test ban negotia- tions might flounder on Russian demands that the treaty be asso- ciated in some way with a non- aggression pact between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Communist Warsaw Pact na- tions. The United States and British delegations opposed the Russian stand. They insisted that they would need the consent of all 15 NATO nations .for a non-aggres- sion pact and this would delay-if not make. impossible-a partial test ban accord. The initialing ceremony was held up for four hours while the dele- gations argued, presumably over the non-aggression past issue. But finally the test ban treaty was ini- tialed independently. CHARLES DE GAULLE ...not bound Ban Includes New Clause WASHINGTON ( ')-The major difference between the pending limited nuclear test ban and the treaty offered in 1962 by the United States and Britain is in an escape clause covering with- drawal from the pact. The new treaty says that each nation has the right to withdraw from the treaty if it decides that "extraordinary events" related to nuclear matters "have jeopardized the supreme interests of its coun- try." A three-months' notice of withdrawal' is required. In the 1962 proposal which the United States and Britain pre- sented to the 18-nation disarma- ment committee in Geneva, there were three points covering with- drawal from the agreement, in- cluding a provision that a, con- ferepce be called to consider the withdrawal request. Safeguards Withdrawal By simplifying the language, United States officials feel the safeguard of a withdrawal from the tr' ±y has been broadened. In addition, it would cover any action .that' might result from a surprise nuclear test explosion by Communist China or other coun- tries not now members of the nu- clear club. In the first article of the treaty, the language calls for each of the nations to prohibit, prevent "and not to carry out" any nuclear weapon test explosion, or any other nuclear explosion in the at- mosphere, outer space, or under water. Provision Exists In this case the significant phrase is "not to carry out" any test explosion. This provision was lacking in the 1962 proposal. Article II of the new treaty covers amendments to the treaty. It provides that they must be ap- proved by a majority of all the parties including the original three signing powers. The earlier pro- nn1 ca11d fo a two-thirds vote Diag Bursts Boundaries WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP: ay Leaves Postmaster Job -i"..:;:.:":;:,::::.::::;::>:::::<;::..:.,;s:_,...,,..:-By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Postmaster General J. Edward Day has sub- mitted his resignation and President John F. Kennedy has accepted it. Day is the third member of the President's original cabinet to resign. He will become partner in charge of a Washington law office. WASHINGTON-The United States is protesting to the Castro regime that its seizure of the American embassy in Havana is a gross violation of international law, but there are'no present United States plans to confiscate the Cuban embassy in Washington. ' , .. ': , , 5 ,t :.. ::,,:::. ::::.":: ,:::: i' isi::ii::i::5iii:i::<>'"i?% ><_: i:::i.Y: r:>ii: i : it:<: i'r=>::>3:'t+:5:v :'t ............sen~saas