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July 25, 1963 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1963-07-25

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Sen ty-Third Year
"Where opinions Are Pre STUDENT PUsLCAtiIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, Mici., PHoNE NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"I Was Hoping They Wouldn't Schedule A Stop Here"

Goverors' Conferences
Lifts Rockefeller's Chances

Hawaii for their annual convention last
month, President Kennedy delivered a strong
speech on the significance of the civil rights
"The time for token moves and idle talk
is over," he told the mayors, "these rights
are going to be won." He asked them to "join
with me" in "guiding along constructive chan-
nels the attainment of a peaceful revolution,
a peaceful revolution which will not only avoid
disaster, but fulfill our highest obligations."
The President has sent no such message to
America's governors, currently having their
week in the sun at Miami Beach. On the con-
trary, indications are that the White House
has told the 34 Democratic governors to stiffie
all civil rights talk. Object: to prevent New
York's Gov. Rockefeller, who aspires to a
certain other job, from getting a forum and a
THE DEMOCRATS have done quite well-in
the short view. Northern liberals and South-
ern reactionaries became indistinguishable
when, in order to keep a civil rights motion
from reaching the floor of the conference, they
eliminated the resolutions committee alto-
The peak of absurdity was reached when
Washington's Gov. Albert D. Rossellini, the
conference chairman, accused Rockefeller of
"playing politics" with the civil rights issue.
Rockefeller showed no such pettiness when he
unhesitatingly backed the Kennedy civil rights
package last month.
Such maneuvers usually fail in the long run,
Rockefeller has been pretty well shuttered
and this time appears to be no exception.
inside the conference hail, but he has certainly
had his forum in the nation's press. The
pemocrats have looked ridiculous.
Moreover, since Democratic tactics are gear-
ed toward the 1964 Presidential race, there is
an object lesson to draw. The Goldwater move-
ment is going to quiet down by convention
PENNSYLVANIA Supreme Court made a
wise and far-reaching decision Monday.
The Court, by a vote of 6-1, ruled a newspaper
co ld refuse to 'disclesa its sources for news
stories, thus reversing the convictions of Robert
Taylor, president of the Philadelphia Bulletin,
and Earl Selby, city editor of the Bulletin.
Both men had been convicted of contempt of
court for refusing to disclose to a grand jury
investigating alleged corruption in Philadel-
phia's municipal government the sources for
Bulletin stories about alleged corruption.
A Common Pleas Court judge had convicted
Taylor and Selby without a jury, fined theni
each $1000, and sentenced them to 15 days in
TAYLOR AND SELBY contended a 1937 Penn-
sylvania law permitted them to withhold
the names of their sources. But Judge Bernard
J. Kelley, who convicted them, said that be-
cause they disclosed the sources in published
stories, they could not invoke the state law.-
The Pennsylvania decision if of utmost im-
portance to members of the news media in the
United States. It can be used as a precedent
when similar situations occur.
A good news source is invaluable to a report-
er. A reporter is told many things "off the rec-
ord" and only after he promises not to reveal
the source of his story.
Forcing a reporter to disclose who gave him a
story violates one of the basic fundamentals of
a democracy-the right of privacy.
WHEN A REPORTER is told something in
trust he promises not to reveal his source.
Anyone who violates this confidence is guilty
of a flagrant violation of newspaper ethics and
soon will lose the trust of persons who are re-
sponsible news sources.
The Pennsylvania case is the latest in several
incidents where reporters have been badgered
and threatened because they would not violate
a trust. A Congressional committee threatened
a Scripps-Howard reporter with a possible con-
tempt citation for refusing to tell them from

whom he got his big "scoop"-which aircraft
company was going to be awarded the TFX
Yet, the reporter steadfastly refused to dis-
close his source during two hours of testimony
before the committee.'
News sources are invaluable to a reporter.
They should be his business, not that of a Con-
gressional committee or grand Jury. It is a
good omen when a state supreme court upholds.
this basic tenet of journalism.
Editorial Staff
RONALD WILTON .... ................Co-Editor
PHILIP SUTIN........................Co-Editor

time; the Republicans will unquestionably pro-
duce a strong civil rights candidate to face
President Kennedy (best bet: Rockefeller-
with Pennsylvania's Bill Scranton a good
money second choice).
In such a role Rockefeller has ably forced
the Democrats on the defensive in the past
week. Should he or a similar candidate be
able to do the same against Mr. Kennedy, he
would be our next president. The New York
governor is emerging from the conference in
a much stronger position than he was a week
F OR THE SECOND TIME this year, three
members of the I.U. Chapter of the Young
Socialist Alliance have been indicted for viola-
tions of the 1951 Indiana Anti-subversive Act.
And for the second time this year, the case
has passed out of the public domain and has
been inserted in this nation's judicial machin-
ery where, according to the Constitution, "the
accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and
public trial, by an impartial jury ..."
When the case was bound over to the courts
following the first indictment in May, The Daily
Student maintained that the YSA trio's con-
stitutional right to trial "by an impartial jury"
was being imperiled by the circulation of cer-
tain statements through the press. These state-
ments-made by attorneys and 'private citi-
zens were reported by news media as news, or
as letters to the editor-often representing big-
oted viewpoints and containing irrelevant but
damaging accusations and insinuations. There
is no place for such statements in this nation's
legal system-certainly they do endanger the
right of the accused to an impartial jury trial.
As for The Indiana Daily Student, we again
intend to stand by the Constitution and perform
the role which we feel is our moral, ethical, and
legal responsibility. And that does not include
giving vent to such statements until and unless
such statements appear as admissible evidence
or testimony in a court of law. This will be
our guiding principle in determining what ma-
terial to print in The Student.
IN ADDITION to private citizens and the
press, we feel that public officials and others
directly involved with this case must also real-
ize a certain ethical, moral, or legal responsi-
bility to insure the impartiality of the jury
which will eventually hand down a ruling.
In addition these persons have another code
which should guide their actions. As members
of the American Bar Association, they are ask-,
ed to follow a minimal code of conduct called
the Canons of Professional Ethics. Canon 20 of
this code reads:
Newspaper publications by a lawyer as to
pending or anticipated litigation may interfere
with a fair trial in the Courts and otherwise
prejudice the due administration of justice.
Generally they are to be condemned. If the ex-
treme circumstances of a particular case jus-
tify a statement to the public, it is unprofes-
sional to make it anonymously. An ex parte
reference to the facts should not go beyond
quotation from the records and papers on file
in the court; but even in extreme cases it is
better to avoid any ex parte statement.
Our point is this, we all have an obligation-
whether we are the press, public officials, at-
torneys, or private citizens-to insure-and
thereby preserve-the constitutional rights of
our countrymen.
Tax. Cut
THE STABILITY that consumer and whole-
sale prices have shown in the past 14
months reduces the reasons for not cutting
The Washington Post reports that the Con-
sumer Price Index has barely moved in that
period. Furthermore, while consumer services
rise in cost, consumer durable prices are fall-
Of course it is still possible that a tax cut
could cause inflation. But since there is al-
most no inflation now, the chances of future
inflation from a tax cut are less than if there

were current inflation.
While the reasons why taxes should not be
cut are minimal, the reasons why they should
be cut are major. The growth in the national
product that would result from a tax cut
would mean a more vigorous economy with
less unemployment. In turn, more jobs would
lessen the racial tension that presently grips
the nation, since Negroes, "the last to be
hired," would be getting hired at last. Negro
unemployment can be attacked economically
as well as politically.
With price stability and with racial tension
the time is ripe for a tax cut. With the present
slow rate of economic growth, the need is

Double Feature,
Double Success
THE CAMPUS Theater is currently featuring two of the most raved
about British films of the past five years-"Saturday Night and
Sunday Morning" and "Room at the Top."
"Saturday Night" is a fluid and well-constructed piece (why not?-
director Karel Reisz has also written a fairly interesting book called
"The Technique of Film Editing") and what's more, a strong per-
formance by Albert Finney as a confused and antagonistic young
factory worker deserves mention. The product of a narrow, tightly
squalid neighborhood, he quite often philosophizes about his low status,
trying either to rationalize it or deny that it bothers him: "I'm out
for a good time. All the rest is propaganda," he says.
He , messes around with a couple of girls and, happily I guess,
walks off into the brickdust sunset with one of them (Shirley Anne
Field). The other (Rachel Roberts) is a married women who becomes
pregnant by him and after an attempt at abortion she decides to have
their child anyway. A minor pictorial deficit was the unrealistic
scene where the two soldiers beat up Albert Finney. (The stunt men
were too awkward for my taste.)
"ROOM AT THE TOP" is ultimately the better of the two films,
however, directed as it is with an articulate flair by Jack Clayton. At
times his scenes contain active bits of byplay with cigarettes, drinking
glasses, and so on; and1sometimes a corner of the action seems to
freeze onto our attention (or perhaps the less meaningful material
just melts into the background as residual "business"). I like it be-
cause it displays a conscious aesthetic selectviity behind the film's
The story line is basically this: A young auditor (Laurence Har-
vey) gets his foot in the door of a large corporation owned by a man
named Brown. His ambitions soar, (much like Clyde Griffith's ambi-
tions in Dreiser's "An American Tragedy") to hopes of marrying
the boss's daughter and thus getting the measure of prosperity he has
always sought as a handsome by-product. He doesn't really love the
girl, but he does find sexual satisfaction with an aging actress
(Simone Signoret he has met. In the end, he is "shot-gunned" into
an engagement with the girl and also warned to give up the actress.
Tragedy ensues, of course. In spite of the soap-opera qualities one
can read into this description though, let me 'emphasize the fact that
it is not that kind of film at .all. It is excellent and rewarding.
Run, don't walk, to see both these films at the Campus Theater.
-Gary T. Robinson
Modern Wo Sprks
As Quartet Perlform~s

_ V
Ir-anian Student Back's Shah

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article is reprinted from the Indi-
ana Daily Student, the student
newspaper at the University of In-
diana. The author is an Iranian
student attending that university.)
ACHANGE in the Iranian sys-
tem would mean more than
overthrowing a monarch and the
top hierarchy of the government.
The change in the present govern-
ment of Iran will only worsen the
situation. For, at least, the pres-
ent regime has got one thing which
other would-be regimes do not:
that is the determination for the
achievement of internal political
stability necessary for other social
and economic goals.
A change of the present regime
would not guarantee a democracy
-a government in which a large
number rule and a small number
is ruled. How could those who
usurp power maintain their politi-
cal position and at the same time
tolerate various opposition groups
from Communists to pro-monarch-
ists? How could they permit their
blood-thirsty enemies-the repre-
sentatives of these groups to be
nourished in the parliament? Any
attempt to give positive answers to
these questions would be just like
making mockery of ourselves.
ments of Reza Shah, the father of
the present Shah of Iran, was the
elimination of various autonomous
local powers which indeed were
sources of extreme weakness for
our nation. He gave girth to a po-
litically stable nation where the
internal security and the liberty
of the individual (in legal sense)
came to ;be protected. Being him-
self uneducated, Reza Shah began
a social revolution and took nec-
essary but unfinished steps to-
ward economic development which
indeed broke Iran from her im-
mediate past forever.
Reza Shah's realization of the
necessity of a centralized political
power meant that it was unfeasi-
ble for the Iran of that time to
pursue a democratic form of gov-
ernment-a government run by
the people. For, such a democratic
framework for a people, born into
conditions of autocracy and abso-
lute monarchy not only through-
out history but also in all dimen-
sions of life (culture and sponta-
neity), would have been more than
The Shah of Iran was confronted
by a relatively small core of in-
tellectuals who by finding more
and more about the standard of
life in some developed countries of
the West and partly as a result
of contact with international Com-
munist movement began a tenden-
cy to overestimate the role of the
government in economic and ocial
matters. They started to doubt the
efficiency of the government and
all this led them to attribute all
the slowness in our economic and
social progress only to one factor,
the government. But this was not
true ,the government was not guil-
ty of anything for it had done far
more than its role justified its
existence. There was something
wrong with our social system the
origin of which had to be search-

ple could only be done gradually
and in balance with other things.
Within the limited ability (eco-
nomic and social) of the govern-
ment, if anything constructive
could have been done, it would
have been possibly only through
centralized power and the cential-
ized decision, that of the Shah
himself. The toleration of any op-
position in Western democratic
sense was at the time unfeasible.
For criticism and opposition in
that country are not only far from
being constructive, but are also in-
herently destructive. A free elec-
tion in Iran, for example, could
mean free entry for Communists,
anarchists, and other extremists.
TLa Douce'
Good, Bad
A LITTLE (and only a little)
rain has at last fallen to
quench Ann Arbor's long draught
of Hollywood films. Billy Wilder's
"Irma La Douce," with all its
faults, is really not toobad a pic-
ture. Director Wilder gambled
when he chose to transform a
musical comedy into a dramatic
comedy, and his success in this
film is nearly balanced by some
quite bad points.
He is working with a most banal
of themes: a prude and a prosti-
tute and their inevitable conflict'
in morality. He has also loaded
the first part of the movie with
scenes and dialogue that count-
less lesser directors have long since
exhausted for their comic value.
Similarly, I suppose through the
adaptation of the work from stage
to screen, the whole film pro-
gresses as merely one scene tacked
onto another. That is, there is no
sustained or strongly unifying
theme other than the slight sus-
pense of the final reconciliation of
the two principals, and because of
this weakness too much must de-
pend on slapstick and jokes. Thus
the film often weakens when there
is an attempt at any intense
movie builds up a little momen-
tum, and Jack Lemmon partly
redeems it by his excellent hand-
ling of dual roles with as much in-
tensity as we would expect from
Peter Sellars himself. Lemmon's
normal "screen self" wonderfully
fits the character of the prudish
but amiable and adaptable Paris-
ian cop, and his portrayal of the
fictitious English Lord is ham-
med up in true burlesque manner.
Shirley Maclaine, cast as the
B-girl, represents the most lack-
luster portion of the entire film.
She has succeeded in most of her
earlier films by virtue of her so-
called vitality and cuteness. As
Irma she seems to have retired
from. the comic role and her at-
tempt at serious drama, as in "The
Children's Hour," is quite uncon-

IN CONCLUDING this article, I
should say that the cause of our
slowness in the last thirty years
has not been the government, but
our people with two hundred years
of accumulated economic and so-
cial stagnation behind. And the
cause of our trouble in being slow
at present is the lack of unanimity
and support toward the regime and
the existence of too much expec-
tation of a government which is
essentially for internal security
and individual liberty (the main-
tenance of order by seeing that
laws are exercised).
The efficiency of the operation
of an economy under any system,
whether capitalism or communism,
depends essentially on each indi-
vidual, his habits, motivations, and
his understanding of the system-
and his role in that system. The
government is more of a guidance
and, though planning plays a large
role in socialist countries, the ul-
timate success of the plan depends
on the way that individuals in the
system react to the demands of
that system.
I do no deny that there is not
any corruption and mismanage-
ment at government levels in Iran.
But these social vices exist in dif-
ferent degrees in any individual
in that country. The question of
corruption could not be removed
by a change in government, but by
inducing each individual to do
away with hishmisbehavior and so-
cially undesirable habits-a modi-
fication of those parts of the cul-
ture which nourish them.

PACED by a contemporary work,
the Stanley Quartet's second
summer concert got well off the
ground last night.
The modern piece was Roberto
Gerhard's Second Quartet, com-
missioned by the Stanley Quartet
and performed previously at last
spring's Contemporary Music Fes-'
Divided into seven parts, Ger-
hard's quartet is an arresting
essay in post-Webernian style.
Most obviously striking are the
rather extreme sounds called for
by the score: in the second sec-
tion, at least three types of "col
legno" (played with the wood of.
the bow) are specified. Another
technical "tour de force" is a
shimmering effect of string har-
monics in the sixth section.
Beyond these stylistic devices,
the piece presents a series of
varying textures (rather a la
Webern), which do not however,
appear as isolated incidents, but,
are linked within movements and
between movements. One can
easily believe (as I was told) that
the work is "mathematically pro-
portioned," but it still sounds like
music and as such, the Stanley
Quartet did it justice.
S* *
ALSO ON the program was a
piece which hardly, classes as a
second-run feature: the Beethov-
en C-sharp mingr quartet. After
nearly 140 years, it is still a diffi-
cult piece, for the audience, as
one can see looking around at a
concert hall, and of course for the
performers, who invariably look
as if they need to be wrung out
by the end of the work.

The difficulty is somewhat par-
adoxical; while the C-sharp minor
is superficially a work of great
disjunction, it nevertheless repre-
sents Beethoven at his most uni-
fied. The great challenge for any
ensemble is to bring out the unity
within the disparity and diversity.
This the Stanley Quartet did
with a fair degree of success (this
is not meant as a kind of damn-
ing with faint praise; I have yet
to hear a performance of the C-
sharp minor which is altogether
convincing; perhaps I have just
not lived long enough).
* * *
THERE WERE, of course, some
points of contention. Intonation
should really be excepted, since
it was rather a humid evening. It
must certainly be added that Hill
Auditorium is hardly the perfect
chamber music hall; one hears
four separate voices going to var-
ious parts of the auditorium rather
than the warm, rather intimate
sound one associates with Rack-
ham (even the cheery glow of the
floor lamp standing in the middle
of the stands was missing).
The third work on the program
was a Haydn quartet, Op. 50, No.
3. which opened the evening. This,
regrettably, did not receive the
Stanley Quartet's usually deft
handling of Haydn. One never
minds a bit of opening raggedness
in the first number, but somehow
it never subsided.
Although the piece disclosed
some of the genial surprises one
thinks of in connection with
Haydn, on the whole it seemed to
lack melodic sparkle and drive.
-Mark Slobin

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