Sit Fat1 WARMER High--9Q Low-66 Continued fair through tomorrow Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1963 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES fa rris Asks 30-DayR ails Strike Halt --Associated Press SMILES AFTER HOURS-Michigan's Gov. George Romney and his wife are shown with Iowa's Gov. Harold E. Hughes and his wife as they enter the National Governors Conference state dinner and ball in Miami Beach. Governors Re port Shows No Clear Civil Rights Stand. By BARBARA LAZARUS Personnel Director special To The Daily MIAMI BEACH-Republican governors failed again yesterday in two attempts to get the National Governors Conference to go on rec- ord as taking a definite stand on civil rights. The first bid came when Republican Gov. Mark O. Hatfield of Oregon attempted to get the conference to approve a Republican mi- Judge Issues Scho Order By The Associated Press DURHAM-A federal judge yes- terday ordered a sweeping speed- up of desegregation in Durham schools this year and "total and complete" desegregation next year. Chief District Judge Edwin M. Stanley filed the order. He directed the Durham school board admit all Negro elementary and junior high school children to white schools who formally apply for transfer before August 12. The construction site in New York City where more than 400 anti-bias demonstrators have been arrested was picketed yesterday by about 80 demonstrators. Half of them were arrested. Shaky Truce A shaky truce prevailed in the Cambridge, Md., racial situation after the agreement reached Tues- day night in Washington. City of- ficials were reported working to head off a petition aimed at get- ting a referendum on an equal ac- commodations issue. The National Association for the Advancement of ' Colored People said in Little Rock, Ark., that it has asked the Justice Department to investigate the recent fatal shooting of a Negro youth at Mar- ion, Ark.. Andrew Lee Anderson, 17, was shot by a group of citizens and sheriff's deputies who chased him after a white woman reported that he tried to rape her 8-year-old daughter. Marches Continue In Charleston, S.C., anti-segre- gation marches continued. Truce talks between white and Negro leaders appeared at' a standstill. More than 60 merchants have said they will desegregate stores, but Negro leaders said they will dem- onstrate until a list of specific stores is made public. About 75 young Negroes march- ed in Pittsburgh in what was called a practice parade and picketing aimed at opening up more jobs for Negroes. nority report of the public health and welfare committee which in- cluded civil rights provisions. The majority report presented by Democratic Gov. Richard J. Hughes of New Jersey endorsed Cuban refugee resettlement, the proposed national service corps, youth employment and the mental health and mental retardation acts pending before Congress. It with- held approval of the King-Ander- son Medicare bill until further study' and made no civil rights provisions on how proposed federal money should be allocated. Hatfield, who substituted his re- port for the majority's was thwart- ed when Democratic Gov. Donald S. Russell of South Carolina mov- ed that the rules be suspended and the governors vote to go on record for neither'report. The rules were suspended 29-12; his motion pass- ed 25-16. Printed Data Russell asked that the "infor- mation in the reports be printed for anyone who wished it." He did not feel that "any of us were elect- ed to handle bills before Congress." The minority report also did not approve of the national service corps, mental health bill and youth employment act. It was signed by Hatfield, Governors George Romney, Archie Gubbrud df-South Dakota and John Chafee of Rhode Island. The second attempt came when GOP Gov. Nelson Rockefeller ask- ed for a suspension of the rules so that a motion could be adopted endorsing the "New England Dec- laration of Conscience." Rights Statement The declaration, circulated by Democratic Gov. Endicott Peabody of. Massachusetts is a civil rights statement of' "conscience" signed by 37 governors. Rockefeller, who did not sign the statement, made his motion after Peabody had ask- ed him that it be put in the sec- retary's official report. Rockefeller's motion was de- feated 27-12 with some Republi- cans joining Democrats, including Peabody, in rejecting it. Rockefel- ler said that he did not blame Pea- body "for having his conscience bother him, since we have been gagged at this conference." Expect Reply In 24 Hours Premature Decision Categorically Denied WASHINGTON W)-The chair- man of the House Commerce Com- mittee asked the railroad indus- try yesterday to delay for 30 days its Monday-midnight deadline for imposing m a n p o w e r - trimming work rules that threaten to touch off a nationwide strike. Rep. Oren Harris (D-Ark) asked an answer within 24 hours. J. E. Wolfe, chairman of the National Railway Labor Conference, said the carriers would reply today. Almost simultaneously a Colum- bia Broadcasting System report that the railroads had already de- cided to delay 30 days drew this response from J. Handley Wright, vice-president of the Association of Railroads: "Categorically denied." At the Labor Department a spokesman said the department had no information on any rail- road offer to delay the rule chang- es. But a possible indication that a delay 'isstill likely came from Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore). He said he had been in touch with leaders of both sides and was hope- ful a postponement would be an- nounced. Meanwhile, railroads began post- ing notices on bulletin boards in many parts of the nation stating the new work rules would go into effect at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday. Harris, in making his appeal, said Congress can't act on Ken- nedy's railroad labor plan in time to avert a strike threatened by rail unions when the work rules changes go into effect. Daniel P. Loomis, president of the American Association of Rail- roads, promptly complained that any new postponement would drain off more of "the lifeblood of an anemic industry." A spokesman for the five on- train unions involved told news- men he doubted there would be any formal group statement by the unions on the plan. But H. E. Gilbert, head of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire- men and Enginemen, told a news conference in St. Louis yesterday that the five unions are all op- posed. State Senator Acts To Avert GOP Conflict Freshman State Sen. Robert Vanderlaan (R-Grand Rapids) has moved to avert a threat of a party split by five of his freshman col- leagues. The five voiced their dissatis- faction with party leadership last week and began work on an ulti- matum to Republican caucus chairman Stanley Thayer of Ann Arbor. Vanderlaan, expressing himself in sympathy with the senator's demands, has proposed that they be discussed before the party cau- cus as a whole. He is against an ultimatum. Two of the dissatisfied senators have agreed to go along with Vanderlaan. The demands call for more par- ty caucuses, closer communication between the party leadership and other senators and the creation of an assistant caucus leader, to be filled by a freshman senator. "We will probably have an in- formal caucus before the next ses- sion of the Legislature where com- plaints can be brought out and weaker points corrected," Vander- laan said. * * * * * * Representatives Finish Treaty; Redi Soviet Bloc Will Discuss Economics East-West Relations Also To Be Viewed MOSCOW 0P)-The Soviet bloc's high command opened Kremlin parleys yesterday on meshing their economies with the Moscow-dom- inated Council for Mutual Eco- nomic Assistance. The meeting of Communist party and government heads con- vened early yesterday morning as Moscow awaited the outcome of the United States, British and Russian nuclear test ban talks. Official announcements h a v e said the Communist summit meet- ing would discuss questions of COMECOM cooperation and other economic problems. Other Issues But the prospects for a thaw in the East-West cold war re-! sulting from the possible agree- ment on a limited nuclear test ban and the schism between Rus- sia and Red China also were ex- pected to be discussed. Major developments have taken place in the Kremlin's relations with the West and Red China since the Communist chieftains met in East Berlin three weeks ago. Western officials said the events of the last month indicate Pre- mier Nikita S. Khrushchev has decided to press for an accommo- dation in the West while he de- votes most of his attention to the steadily worsening power struggle with the Chinese on the East. Will Brief Allies He is expected to brief his allies from East Europe and Mongolia on his next moves at this week's meetings. At the same time, the COME- COM leaders were expected to continue efforts to resolve fric- tions in their economic alliance. One of the major problems is Romania's resistance to t h e COMECOM councils plans to put a crimp in its development of heavy industry and assign it to grohing food and turning out light industrialgoods. Romanian President Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej stayed away from the East Berlin gathering in an apparent display of his determina- tion not to give up ambitious plans for turning his backward country into an industrial power. alks Convene THE LEADER AND HIS MEN-Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev is show addressing Communist party chiefs in Moscow. This week he will be dealing wi pean allies. Among the problems to be discussed are greater economic cooperatio accommodation with the West in the form of a non-aggression pact. 2.0 VULNERABLE Increase Disciplinary * By JEAN TENANDER Many students may not yet be aware of it but the "once sacred 2.0 is no longer sacred," Wayne Carruth, assistant dean for aca- demic counselling in the literary college, said yesterday. In the year and one-half since the change in the qualifications for re-registration have been in effect, student reaction in general has been favorable, Carruth said. The ruling on re-registration was changed by the Administrative Board of the literary college as "a service to the student," he added. Until last September the state- ment in the literary school calen- dar regarding permission to re- register had said that the records of all students whose over-all grade point fell below 2.0 at the end of a semester or summer ses- sion would be reviewed by the Ad- ministrative Board. Students were then either placed on probation or asked to withdraw from the University. Change Section Now the section has been alter- ed considerably and put under the heading of academic discipline. According to the new rules,, the Administrative Board now reviews the academic record of all stu- dents whose over-all and semester grade point falls below 2.0. It means, Carruth said, "that stu- dents can no longer do well in their first few semesters at the * * in Moscow ePact Ma Be Sined TOda By Delegates 'Escape' Clause May Result in Opposition By Many Senators By The Associated Press MOSCOW - After nearly a whole day of negotiations, the nuclear test ban treaty was 're ported complete yesterday and\' probably will be initialed today. _Associated Press Efforts to get the agreement n in a familiar pose, yesterday apparently were held up 'n i a fmilar pse, by prolonged discussions over the ith his Eastern Euro- nonaggression pact wanted by the on, Red China and an Russians but which cannot be no- gotiated by the British and Ameri- can delegations here. Earlier Premier Nikita S. Khru- shchev said a "radical turn to ward a better international cli- mate" could result from signing the agreement. [le nOne More Meeting One last meeting will be held today to discuss further the non- econd letter more severe aggression proposal of Khrushcv i be taken, because the American delegation w regulations state that is anxious to take back to Wash- who are asked to with wanted. re the college, whethet Meanwhile, the administration revtoul xsimprve poorcontinued its campaign in Wash- previously existing pro- intn to persuade legislaors ta status, for incurring a a treaty prohibiting nuclear tests y severe loss o honor in the air, outer space and under- one semester, for con- Water would be a good thing. low standard work, al- But there were mounting signs L graduation average is of senatorial opposition and while d or for any other rea- t h e administration remained ed sufficient under the hopeful that it will get the two- discipline olicies of the thirds Senate vote needed to ap- tive Board, have the prove a treaty, it became clear f petitioning the Board that much more ex-planning is steai o hat rtdents are necessary to dispel senatorial etition the Board for a doubts. Rusk Testifies their case. Secretary of State Dean Rusk No Pattern was the administration's spokes- ssed that there was no man in two appearances on Cap- pattern in dealing with itol Hill, first with members of on academic discipline. the Senate armed services com- nts' transcripts are re- mittee, and later with the Senate- Dean James H. Robert- House atomic energy committee. e and reviewed for in- Tuesday he briefed the Senate problems. The literary foreign relations committee. alogue says the ultimate Rusk has shown senators the of a student academic text of the draft treaty which in- y case, "the success or dicates that the Moscow negotia his petition, rests solely tors have agreed on the final form examination and the of the pact and that other issues, ntributing to his indi- possibly a Soviet desire for a non- :ord." aggression pact, delayed the sign- s who have been placed ing. nic discipline and sub- Some members of the armed petition the board have services committee said they were tunity to raise any issue skeptical about the test ban treaty. y feel may have rele- One of them, Sen. Barry Gold- their case. water (A-Ariz) said he would vote n and transfer students against. the treaty in the form special consideration. Rusk submitted to the committee. University and then expect to waste away until graduation on the honor points they achieved early." Letters of official concern are sent to those whose over-all aver- age is still above 2.0 but whose semester average has fallen below minimal standards. If a second consecutive semester of below av- erage work occurs a second offi- cial letter of concern is sent to the student. If no change occurs Mendenhall Views Bible By VAUGHN WALKER Historical interpretation of the Bible provides a rationality which contradicts many modern inter- pretations, Prof. George Menden- hall of the near eastern studies de- partment explained at the New- man Club's summer lecture series last night. Speaking on the sources of old testament texts, Prof. Mendenhall concentrated on the story of the flood as the "most obvious ex- ample" of the value of historical approach to Biblical study. He noted how the early Jews took pagan accounts of the flood and related them to their religious philosophy. Prof. Mendenhall said the story of the flood had existed in pagan writings long before the time of Moses. The early Jews were faced with the problem of whether or not to disregard these accounts. The Jews eventually accepted them, but the content of Jewish interpretation varied greatly from earlier Babylonian versions. Different Interpretations While the Babylonians constru- ed the flood story to mean that the gods were returning the world to the state it had existed in at the time of creation, the Jews used the flood story to support their belief that God ruled the world through a set of natural or physi- cal laws. Prof. Mendenhall noted that the Babylonians made their equiva- lent to Noah immortal and that the Tower of Babel, which gave the Babylonians access to the di- vine world, had the same dimen- sions as the ark. The Jews, on the other hand, used the flood story as a means of revelation to God's purpose. If explained in the historical context, the Bible gains a ration- ality to its times, Prof. Menden- hall said. It is just as necessary, he claimed, to attempt to explain the Bible in relation to the ancient pagan religions as it is to view after the s action will The nev "students draw froni from faiu remove, a bationary particularl points in tinued bel though th maintaine son deemE academic AdministrE privilege o to re-regi Carruth asked to r hearing of He streE particular studentsc The stude ferred to son's offic dividual1 school cat disposition disciplinar failure of upon the factors co vidual rec Student on acaden sequently the opport which the vance to t Freshme are given Committee May Defeat" Several Tax Reforms WASHINGTON-Several key tax reforms, agreed to earlier, face defeat as the House Ways and Means Committee finishes up work on a tax revision bill, originally proposed by President John F. Ken- nedy, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday. Threatened are provisions eliminating federal deductions for state excise taxes paid on gasoline and increasing taxes on profits " gained from the sale of inherited stock or other property. 'MEN OF GOOD WILL': Angeil Sees Chance for Disarmament 4~1 By RUTH HETMANSKI "Disarmament is not beyond the wit of men of energy and good will," Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department said yes- terday. Prof. Angell spoke on "The World Context for Successful Dis- armament" in the series "Where We Stand: A Review of the Ameri- can Position on Critical Issues." "I believe American values must M be nrerveIr T sav this because He defined transnational rela- tions as those between individuals or groups of- different nationali- ties; international relations as those between nations and supra- national relations as those formal- zed in such structures as the nited Nations. Some Positive Steps Certain factors would make dis- armament more likely, Prof. An- gell said. First, transnational participa- Although tourism may have fos- tered more mistrust than trust, such activities as study programs abroad increase good relations, he said. He approved of projects like the International Geophysical Year and the International Year of the Quiet Sun, to be held in 1964-65. New Approach Positive international reciproca- tion is necessary for successful Committee discussion has indi- cated that tighter tax rules on pay for sick employes, deductions of accidental losses and stock op- tions for executives will be en- acted. The committee has yet to tackle President Kennedy's request for a $10 billion cut in corporation and individual tax rates. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Wilbur Mills (D-Ark) has urged the committee to first determine how much new money it could raise. Mills hopes to finish work on the bill by the end of next week, but other committee members consider this deadline doubtful. The group will probably debate W orld News Roundup By The Associated Press HAVANA-Prime Minister Fidel Castro's government yesterday ordered the confiscation of the American embassy building in Havana as retaliation for the freezing of Cuban assets in the United States. * * * * WASHINGTON-Proof of the bigness of government was offered yesterday in Labor Department statistics which showed that federal, state and local government posts accounted foi' about half of the new jobs created in the last five years, THE HAGUE-The .new Netherlands government will continue to promote European unity and press for Britain's membership in the Common Market, Premier Victor Marijnen said yesterday. * * * * DAMASCUS-Syria's national revolutionary council last night ac- cused President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Republic of trying to wreck plans for a union of Syria, Egypt and Iraq. But, the council said, Syria is still prepared to go through with the union. * * * * WASHINGTON-The cost of maintaining Army troops for the protection of Negro student James Meredith at the University of Mis- sissippi ran to about $4.3 million, the Pentagon estimated yesterday. GUATEMALA-Col. Enrique Peralta, head of the governing mili- tary junta, announced yesterday Guatemala is breaking relations with r n >s