(dg3Mtetgatt Battgy Seventy-Tbikd Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvEnTsrr OF MICHIGAN _ UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS IMere Opwniont Are Fre'STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MiCH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "How Long Is A Boarding-House Reach?" P~Ot s CELESTIAL ACTORS: Familiar Cast In New Roles BAR HARBOR-Two familiar" AY, JULY 24, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW ORLIN Stassen Speech Transcends Identity of Two Parties, characters in an unusual alignment delighted audiences scattered throughout Maine last Saturday as the 1963 Sun Eclipse. opened on schedule. Vastly more costly than "Cleopatra" and "Ben Hur" combined, the spectacle was visible on new wide-sky natural- color Astro Vision although, oddly enough, there was no sound. Skeptics abounded in the au- dience. "But how do they know there's going to be an eclipse," was the phrase most often heard. In spite of the lateness of the hour (4:45 EDT), the sun was still fairly high in the sky while the moon, invisible offstage, pre- pared for a hasty entrance. One hour later, at 5:45 EDT, the last bit of sun was obscured, and the countryside was plunged into darkness. Birds searched fi roosts, and isolated Maine res dents began preparing for bed. A few moments later, the st began to emerge and withinf hour, was once again visible a complete circle, for those wl had taken the precaution to o serve the earlier phases throuE filters. New England residents we generally satisfied with the recel tion given to this phenomena and have scheduled another pe formance for 1970. Since Main features mainly inexpensive a commodations for tourists, ti authorities have decided to pl the next eclipse for Cape Co, where housing rates are conside ably higher. From this a mo profitable afternoon and eveni can be expectedK .-David Kessel or si- un an as ho r- gh re 'p- _.i CRITICS of the American two-party system seem to argue against its viability on the grounds that the Democratic and Republican ;arties are scarcely any different: their con- servative, moderate, and liberal blocs have fore in common with the respective blocs of Ihe opposing party than with each other. Some ;olitical theorists now call for a realignment >f the nation's political parties along liberal- onservative lines, Harold Stassen, who calls himself a Re- ublican, last week provided one recent exam- ple which tends to confirm this latter theory. St ssen in a speech at the University presented t tentative platform which he plans to take to he presidential primaries next year. The pro- tram he offered makes President John F. Ken- iedy look like a hopeless reactionary by com- >arison. It is, however, generally acknowledged that stassen commotted political suicide when he >ublicly came out against the renomination of llchard Nixon for the vice-presidency in 1956. thus his recent announcement of interest in he Republican presidential nomination in 1964 net with'hardly a ripple of interest from news neda and politicians. Whatever his program or opular appeal may amount to, his chances of aining political power are slim indeed.. HAT STASSEN DID in 1956 was to violate a fundamental political axiom which oper- tes under a two-party system. Although Nixon ould never have won a .popularity contest in 956, it *7as known he was President Eisen- ower's personal choice as a running mate. He Lad served the party for four years, and Eisen- 1ower did have tremendous popular appeal. tassen's accusations hence, were amazingly 1-timed, since in President Eisenhower there ras a strong'figure at the party helm, who ob- Jously disagreed with him, defending a loyal arty member who had been in the White House br four years. Out of necessity, Stassen ha 0 be cast in the role of a boorish antagonist. Has Stassen outgrown his political provincial- r HE PROGRAM Stassen is' now offering- which he admittedly plans to take to the rimaries in three states next year-is further the left than that 9f q ny other serious Re- ublican contender. As articulated in his speech last week, it in- Ludes: 1) Support of a foreign policy less na- .on listic than that of President John F. Ken- edy, 2) support of concrete steps toward dis- rmament, including specifies he cited which ould require definite trust in the Russians, 3) uishing for admission of Red China to the Unit- I Nations, 4) agreeing to recognize East Ger- Lany and bringing both Germanies into the N and 5) closer and more frequent consulta- oL with European allies in all matters of mu- ial concern. Stassen criticized Kennedy's recent European unt, likening it to a Broadway ticker tape Grade. He pointed out thet the gist of Kenne- y" offerings to Europe was the spread of nu- ear warheads. This is true. Were it not for the ssent of their Scandinavian sisters, central, iropean nations would have, reaped the dub- u1s benefits of Kennedy's "defense" plan. Instead of offering our weapons as friendship kens, Stassen suggests implementation of a an whereby we would use German scientists iWd other European technicians toward our 'ace effort. These countries would share in e gains as well. T FIRST THOUGHT, this may seem a de- lightful plan. It is certainly idealistic. How- er, It is pragmatically impossible, and con- adicts another point Stassen makes. He says e should do more than Kennedy has done to oltivate the love of our allies. But, however uch Stassen may dislike it, this love is cur- ntly measured by the amount of defense we fer tbhem: Until Stassen shows concrete ways change the predominate European attitude, is grand image is certainly incompatible with litical realities. The one suggestion, however, is a mere icrocosm of the concept of foreign policy Stas- n advocates. He wants us to work for the od of the world, not for our own good at e expense of others. Because of the. recent issian overtures, Stassen may have caught ld of a general policy that displays insight to the times and may be more politically pos- >e in the future. Stassen's argument for bringing Red China id both Germanies into the UN are sound. e are not going to eradicate East Germany Editorial Staff NALD WILTON ......................... Co-Editor ILIP SUTIN ....................... Co-Editor NE GOOD..................Co-Sports Editor IARLES TOWLiE ............... Co-Sports Editor TH HETMANSKI...............Night Editor DREW ORLIN+.................. Night Editor AN TENANDER ................Night Editor or China by pretending they do not exist, and it is possible that we will have a better chance of keeping the peace if they do belong. BUT THERE IS an important corollary to the China question which he apparently dis- misses. In light of the recent Chinese display of the-bloody-revolt-of-the-oppressed-is-neces- sary-for-the-salvation-of-us-all, what guaran- tees are there that the. Chinese would agree to join an organization like the UN? Second, it is foolish for us to continue trying to ignore East Germany, but one of the major reasons it is supposedly being done is to mol- lify the nervous West Germans. By not admit- ting this problem, he does not confront it in any way that might lead to a politically con- structive plan. Stassen's step-by-step plan to achieve dis- armament is totally naive, not because dis- armament is not necessary or not possible, but because it must be carried out in the proper way in order to be enduring. THE IDEA he set forth has been considered before by those who are very concerned about disarmament, as student groups. In fact, when one University student last week pointed out to him the impracticality of the plan he was offering, he gracefully changed the subject. He made no attempt to qualify ,his views or to make them more valid. This was certainly dis- turbing evidence of lack of concern for facts. Yet, if one can summarily dismiss Stassen as a serious presidential hopeful, who are the Re- publicans who do have a chance to get the nomination? Governor Nelson Rockefeller is certainly political poison for the Republican Party. Those who predict his recent marriage will not be a significant popularity factor' point to earlier claims that Kennedy wuld never win the nomination, or election, because he was a Ro- man Catholic. Yet there is certainly a differ- ence between being Catholic (the typically American view might be: "You can't hold a man's religion against him-as long as he has one"), and breaking up two families. This would undoubtedly indicate to a large segment of Americans that Rocky has no religion. His nom- Ination is' about as likely as that of Elizabeth Taylor. The only real alternative contender of presi- dential timber is Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona. Assailed by a barrage of "Bury Gold- water" buttons, the states' rights spokesman . -has openly conceded the votes of Negroes and of the urban, northern cities. He hopes to sweep the West and South. Yet there is considerable question as to whether he can make any seri- ous headway in the electoral college without support from the large cities. FURTHER, Goldwater's concept of "individual freedom" makes it impossible for him to even attempt to backtrack or politic in order to win the Negro vote. Rockefeller recently tried to win Negro support with firm civil rights pro- posals at the National Governors' Conference. But Goldwater would utterly betray himself were he to try to come out even half-heartedly in favor of welfare plans or civil rights legisla- tion. He is the only prominent Republican hope- ful who is not trying to imitate liberals. The ironic thing about this is that nearly half of the Democratic Party is closer in their over-all political view to Goldwater than Kennedy. In fact, nearly half of the Democratic Party is more conservative than Rockefeller. If one is to believe Stassen, he is much further to the left than Kennedy. This presents a confusing picture of precise- ly what the two parties. represent today, and will represent in next year's presidential con- test. A realignment is most certain, sparked by Kennedy's strong civil rights proposals. The Republicans might take a cue for 1964 from two classic political thinkers. Niccolo Machiavelli once wrote, "I am not concerned with things as they should be, but as experience has shown that they are." Plato took the oppo- site view, ,and argued for an ideal state, never once considering the way these "ideals" could be realized from an historically evolved society. A man like Stassen is neither considering nor appreciating the unpleasant realities which are in existence now, and which he would need to grapple with rather than ignore, were he chief executive. Goldwater, conversely, seems without a vision of what he could mold these realities into in order to create a semblance of a better world, somewhat more appropriate to future socie- ties than past. (NE TYPE OF CANDIDATE may capture the fancy of American imaginations, but not their votes. The other may appear unquestion- ably, practically sound, but he offers nothing except what exists today or existed yesterday, something Americans will never again commit themselves to. Perhaps it is most alarming to realize that the Republican political opponent most likely to challenge Kennedy's re-election would be a candidate very nearly like himself. This raises in, r- ne LC- he an ,r- ire ng TODAY AND TOMORROW: T reasuryResists Monetary Re form SINO-SOVIET CONFLICT: Politics, Economics Yield Rift By RONALD WILTON Co-Editor THE CURRENT split between the Soviet Union and Com- munist China ranks as one of the most important events on the in- ternational scene in the past ten years. While the true extent of the split is open to speculation it is evident that the once vaunted. "monolithic unity" of the Com- munist bloc is no more. That it will reappear again in the future is highly unlikely; the main causes of the split are not likely to be rectified for some time. The split is commonly referred to as an ideological one and there is much truth in this. Certainly different interpretations of Marx- ism-Leninism make up the bulk of the official charges and counter- charges hurled back and forth. However the nature of each side's dogmatic interpretation can be di- rectly traced back to economic, political and social conditions af- fecting the two countries. If Leninism is "Marxism in the era of imperialism," then Khru- shchevism can be said to be Marx- ism in the atomic age. The world knows this as "peaceful coexis- tence." Put very simply it en- visions a world where capitalist and Communist states will co-exist peacefully, with the only competi- tion being an economic one de- signed to show the underdeveloped nations which of the two systems is superior. THIS POLICY is not a result of altruism or a loss of faith in Com- munist theory so much as it is a recognition of the state of modern weaponry and Russia's economic position. As one of the two strong- est nations in the world and as one which is rapidly rising to the forefront of the developed nations Russia knows full well what the effects of nuclear war would be on her internal structure and de- velopment plans. Therefore her in- terpretation of Marxist-Leninist doctrine is conditioned by the fact that she has much to lose should war break out. Khrushchev himself has describ- ed the effects of a nuclear war in terms which would endear him to the most avid member of the American peace movement. He fully realizes that his country's population, while relatively large, is still within the limits of those able to be well decimated by a major war. As far as peaceful competition with the West for the underdeveloped nations is con- cerned he has much to be pleased with concerning his progress to- ward winning them over goes. Thus the fear of a nuclear holo- coust plus unbounded optimism in the superiority of the Russian sys- tem is responsible for the policy of "peaceful coexistence." The ideological reasons given for the policy are merely window dress- ing. s s THE CHINESE, on the other hand, reject the notion of peace- pies of "the imperialist policies of aggression and war," and to urge them to maintain a high degree of vigilence against these exam- ples. They charge the Russians with being opposed to the expos- ure of imperialism and its agents and of trying to prettify it as much as possible. The second area concerns the question of safeguarding world peace. The Chinese Communist Party asserts that world peace can only be safeguarded if the Social- ist camp and the national demo- catic movements in the develop- ing n a t i o n s are constantly strengthened. As the "People's Daily" put it, "to achive world peace it is necessary to rely main- ly on the strength of the masses of the people of the world and on their struggles." China does 'not rule out negotiations as a means of reducing world tensions as long as they do not damage "the fund- amental interests of the people." They claim that the Soviet Union is trying to get the people of the world to have faith in the sensi- bleness, assurances and "good in- tentions of the imperialist powers." The third issue concerns sup- port for the national liberation movements and the revolutionary struggles for independence going on in the underdeveloped world. The Chinese view these as power- ful forces weakening the power of the imperialists, and claim that these , struggles are inseparable from the problem of the defense of world peace. They call on the people of the world to support 'these movements and "wars of na- tional liberation and peoples' re- volutionary wars." According to the Chinese their enemies attack these views as "warlike" and place the search for world peace in opposition to these movements of national liberation. THE CHINESE position is sup- ported by Marxism-Leninism, par- ticularly Lenin's work, "Imperial- ism-the Highest State of Capit- alism." However, here too, we can look behind the ideology and find political, social and economic rea- sons which form, the basis and cause for the Chinese position. China became a Communist na- tion only 14 years ago and as op- posed to the Russians she is still a part of the underdeveloped world. Since she lacks capital and her ratio of cultivatible land to area is not too great her main asset in development lies in her huge, mobilized population, the largest in the world: This factor of population has affected her military strategy and shaped her view of nuclear war. Ever since Mao Tse-Tung in 1946 called the atomic bomb a "paper tiger," Chi- nese military theorists have tend- ed to downplay the importance of nuclear. weapons. Instead they boost the mass army and the guer- rilla warfare type of conflict. Since she could come out of a nuclear war losing half her population and still possibly end up as the most populated nation in the world, her leaders have no hesi- tation in proclaiming that the joy the fruits, of which the de- Stalinization program is one. Another explanation for her militancy lies in her international position. As the most populated nation in the world China wants to be recognized as a world power. However, due to the efforts of thej United States she has been kept out of the United Nations, pre- vented f r o m expanding into Southeast Asia and across-the For- mosa Straits, and in general been isolated from the intercourse of the major powers. Since she is denied big power status by the West and. prevented from domin- ating the Communist bloc by the Soviet Union, her one hope for major international recognition is to gain the leadership of the un- derdeveloped nations. Thus, in her contacts with these countries, she emphasizes the similarities be- tween herself and them. She also supports any elements in these countries which push hard for nationalist or Communist revolu- tion, since these groups, once in power, are likely to be friendly to her. Thus the Sino-Soviet split will get worse before it will get better. The Chinese have quite a way to go before they feel economically and internationally secure enough to feel the need for moderation. Until that time the best the world Communist movement can hope for is tenuous peace between the two nations. What effect the split will eventually have on the East- West cold war remains to be seen. T H E ADMINISTRATION pro- gram for dealing with the defi- cit in our balance of payments is quite evidently provisional. Something had to be done, be-, cause the deficit has not really been reduced in the past year. But only provisional measures were judged to be practical in the pres- ent climate of international fi-, nance. The most seriousproposal is to check the outflow of dollars fcr foreign investment. This is to be done by taxing the sale to Americans by foreigners of long- term foreign securities. This tax is to last for two years, ending on Aug.-16,'1965. NO ONE CAN be certain that these measures and the underly- ing situation will bring American payments into balance in two years. However, even if they do, as the President allowed, "As we close our payments gap, we will cut down on our provision of dol- lars to the rest of the world." This will put serious difficulties in the way of an expansion of world trade and economic develop- ment. If deflationary pressures develop,, as is probable, there will be needed big reforms in thd in- ternational monetary system. It is perhaps fair to say that while the Administration has been in the past opposed to such re- forms, they have been favored by the British, who share with us the burdensome honor and privilege of providing the world 'with a reserve' currency. There are many Ameri- can experts within the Adminis- tration and outside it who favor major reforms. THE TREASURY is hoping to maintain confidence in the dollar by the time-honored banking rule of not allowing anything to let the dollar be questioned. While ,meas- ures may be necessary to enlarge the reserves at the base of the in-~ ternational monetary s y s t e m, these measures must not be talked about publicly or treated as im- portant, but must be made to appear as an unalterable, rock-like monetary system. The rule of our conduct must be, therefore, that the reform of the monetary sys- tem must come after, and not be- fore, we have closed our own pay- ments gap. But these arrangements were; not designed to solve the underly- ing balance of payments problem. With regard to that, as Secretary Dillon told th, Joint Economic Committee on July 12, progress has been "disappointingly slow and uneven over the past 12 months." * * * THAT IS why the President has Just sent his long message to Con- gress which includes among other things the proposal for a two-year emergency tax to cut down Ameri- can foreign investments. Despite all the efforts at home and abroad to close the gap, the "hard core of our deficit" is greater by well over a billion dollars than the apparent deficit. For the accounts include a number of what Secre- tary Dillon calls "special transac- tions," which cannot be repeated very often. Thus there has been prepayment on old debts. There have been advanced payments on military purchases which will soon be completed. N o t counting these special transactions, the deficit is still at the 1962 level, which is much too high. This leaves the Administra- tion with the task of trying to in- crease our dollar receipts by in- creasing our exports and encour- aging investment by foreigners in the United States, and of reducing our dollar outflow by 1) cutting military expenditures a b r o a d, which are $2.4 billion, 2) cutting foreign aid, which is $3.5 billion, 3) cutting down on private foreign investment, which is $2.5 billion. , The military expenditures can- ,not prudently be reduced until and unless there is a much greater accommodation with the Soviet Union than is yet in prospect. Foreign aid, which looks like the easiest mark, turns out on exam- ination to consist increasingly of "tied loans" which call for the export of goods, but not of dollars. That leaves foreign investment, which in a gingerly way the ad- ministration proposes to tax. IT IS A plausible guess that within the two years of the emer- gency tax, the Treasury will be- come increasingly interested in international monetary reform. It will be realized. generally that the burden of providinga reserve cur- rency for the world cannot be solely an American and British task, but is in fact a world ob- ligation. (c) 1963, The Washington Post Co. ' ' i' I :r 4 a y J ....... [ ............. N 3 n + ... .......... .... ..... a a Nk y 4 £v 7 F 4 ;E l at ' t. . T " a x 1 7 x g . 1 is t + n ff x Y fi ' I Y t 1 " t E. y i ^k il5 4 y try . N Y 4 v F A Y.t.. .tw.. . 35x x P # .I Y ti f = y s ..' w w xC Ya8 I d i R r N