STASSEN TRANSCENDS PARTY LABELS See Editorial Page Lti~i4aut ~Iaii4 FAIR High-49 Low--63 Partly cloudy, continued warm Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 21-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1963 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES CAMBRIDGE PEACE: Agreement To End Violence CAMBRIDGE VP)-Negro and white leaders from Cambridge, Md., one of 'the nation's racial battlegrounds, signed an agree- ment yesterday in Washington that brought at least temporary Another agreement appeared to have been reached in racially troubled Charleston, S. C., where 62 merchants said they would de- segregate stores if Negroes will halt demonstrations. The 62, part of a group of 100 that met with NEW YORK POLICE-A picket lets himself go limp as New York City police carry demonstrator, previously blocking, road. Demonstrators were trying to block trucks and workers from entering 'construction site of a public housing development. IMMIGRATION: Kennedy, Asks Congress To Revise Qu.ota System WASHINGTON (A')-President John F. Kennedy told Congress yesterday that country-by-country immigration quotas are "without basis in either logic or reason" and should be abolished. Kennedy proposed legislation that would do away with the 39- year-old national quotas on a gradual basis during the next five years. A major effect of the program would be to increase annual immigration from the 1962 level of 92,000 to a planned level ofI the mayor, agreed to grant equal employment opportunity and in- tegrate store facilities. Negro lead- ers were considering the action. More than 700 Negioes were arrested in Charleston during sev- eral weeks of demonstrations re- cently. Announces Agreement Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy announced the Cambridge agree- ment after nearly 10 hours of negotiating between the two sides. The Negroes agreed to end demon- strations. National guard troops will remain in Cambridge for the time being. The agreement noted that some gains have, been made toward equal rights and that "further progress can best be obtained in an atmosphere of calm and seren- ity." In New York City, police ar- rested more than 140 pickets at several construction sites, where demonstrators blocked trucks driv- ing onto the jobs. Police Action More than 100 of them were carried away bodily by police at the downstate medical center con- struction site in Brooklyn, where some 300 were seized Monday. Leaders of the pickets, who want more jobs for Negroes and Puerto Ricans in construction trades, met with Mayor Robert F. Wagner. He promised to investigate their complaints. Leaders of the 122 locals that make up the New York Building and Trades Council agreed to set up a six-man biracial committee to review applicants, with they right of appeal to three public officials. Police Beaten In Baton Rouge, La., Police Chief Wingate White and five policemen were mobbed by about 50 Negroes attempting to desegre- gate the city park swimming pool. A police captain was cut on the head and arm. Five Negroes, in- cluding two women, were arrested. A spokesman for six civil rights organizations planning a demon- stration in Washington on Aug. 28 said in New York that the group will ask President Kennedy to re- ceive a small delegation the day of the march. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., un- dersecretary of commerce, told the Senate Commerce Committee that racial discrimination has become an explosive national issue and "is crying for an answer." Rails Endorse New Proposal To End Threat WASHINGTON (P)-The na- tion's railroads emphatically en- dorsed yesterday President John F. Kennedy's plan for averting a nationwide railroad strike as Con- gress began consideration of the legislation, cautiously optimistic of passage. But a railroad spokesman said new job-eliminating work rules would still be imposed at midnight Monday-the signal for the threat- ened walkout-if the administra- tion's bill has not been approved by then. Congressional leaders would not predict they could act on this be- fore the Monday-midnight dead- line. A spokesman for the five on- train unions involved said a state- ment on the unions' reaction to Kennedy's plan would be issued to- day. But in Cleveland, Roy E. David- son, grand chief engineer of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- neers, said he could not think of "a worse place than the ICC to refer the dispute to." "The agency is management- oriented and has no grasp of labor management relationships and principles," he said. Meeting Reaches Accord By BARBARA LAZARUS Personnel Director Special To The Daily MIAMI BEACH-In the midst of parliamentary haggeling yester- day the national governors con- ference suspended its rules to pass a motion that its "executive committee give top priority to the matter of civil rights for the coming year." The motion, sponsored by Demo- cratic Gov. John Dempsey of Connecticut, passed 38-3 and wip- ed out all chance for Republican Gov. Nelson Rockefeller andother GOP governors to go on record as being responsible for any civil rights motions produced by the conference. Immediately after Dempsey in- troduced his proposal and asked for a suspension of rules, Rocke- feller attempted to add an amend- ment which would have set up a "special committee" in place of the executive committee to handle civil rights. Out of Order Conference chairman Gov. Al- bert Rosellini of Washington ruled Rockefeller out of order until a motion to suspend the rules had passed. The rules suspension mo- tion, which requires a three- fourths vote, carried 36-5. When Rockefeller again tried to press his amendment, the gov- ernors moved to table it, 25-17. Dempsey then moved for a vote on his motion which passed lack- ing only Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina support. During the roll call, Democratic Gov. George C. Wallace of Ala- bama and Rockefeller asked for and were granted time to explain their votes. After the vote, Rosel- lini asked them to file explana- tions to the conference secretary, since the scheduled civil rights "debate" had extended past its 4 p.m. deadline. Allows Speeches Rosellini finally allowed Wal- lace and Rockefeller to speak for one minute each. Rockefeller said that he had "been accused of playing politics, If the conference acted in its procedural way in the beginning, we would have avoided any trouble." Earlier in the session Republi- can Gov. Mark Hatfield of Oregon representing 15 GOP governors proposed to suspend the rules and pass a motion "for the purpose of introducing ,a meaningful civil rights resolution for a meaningful vote." The motion failed 18-27. Hatfield later issued a state- ment on behalf of Republican governors which said that "the majority of governors here assem- obled have abdicated a funda- mental responsibility of the con- ference, namely to have a mean- ingful conclusion drawn concern- ing this vital issue." Wallace followed with a motion condemning President John F. Kennedy's civil rights bill before Congress. His motion failed 10-35. The session opened with a blast by Rosellini at "some members using the grave issue of civil rightsas ammunition for political warfare. "The voices of several governors in particular have been loud in accusations and denunciations. Vice-President Lyndon B. John- son summoned the nation's squab- bling governors last night to join in providing a "responsible Ameri- can answer"-not a Democratic or Republican answer-to what he called corrosive racial wrongs. The vice-president stepped into a national governors' conference torn by bickering over politics and the civil rights issue. "The trust of public leaders," Johnson said, "will not be kept by exploiting the issue for partisan ends or discouraging its solution for personal advantage. Cautiou Treaty Completion v v :".w.:".1"J.". " :: " v: ", " ""r" -o11vr ":::vr, vv ". R"."." :'. .V.""."::::.":::.tV ":::." : ^ :"r:.^^.":.1..y.'."J::.y ::Y.Y.M: h":::.L" :V .:V.: ..v.....".... ...{..'v .....,. y... y.,...., ^...... v.:". v."n^"."::.": ".v.".o::" : r a:1.o::1": J:::" ^.:v.". :::.:e:vr: " +:{{ '':{R v..?v?:o> .:............:....{ rr .. }.. yA":::: h"}, 1 "'V.yy:R'Yrr :RRy:. M 11;..":: "y"',' 1.1. .y,.}:: rte':y R 11 ti.. Y V ""t"{' yR.. v.{{r:.wx::."'. :: rv b' . . '1i: ^:":v{ ' r. y .. Ravv?..v ...".. r{" , v ,.v. ,t¢ 'v'{ {v$ v .. .. ..:":".{:':{":{"i:{tiff{ : : t:".": Ji:{, r.. h.: M14"A'r: r::: Jr.",{"::':: J:1:Jn:ti {1 :1':.V:':.{YYJr: y:{'.:{{4y:y{tit:{ :{{':{L{1ti."::.1.11.11 1"..:M1...1:{i :{ti::{1 ~1yYA1:...y..,..... .. ..... {R""S{111 J.J 1{^:1...:.,A":?:f:rAv..,.:"'L°".". .11,.J,"v11:.1R" ? ":s8{":' Change Linked to Educa'tipon riy:: i By JEAN TENANDER Dean William Haber of the literary college links closely the instability of today's world and the obligations of higher educa- tion. "In a time unequaled in the history of the world for its changing patterns in all fields from political science to eco- nomics, only the broadly edu- cated person is in a position to adjust himself to these chang- es," Dean Haber commented. He pointed to the technolog- ical revolution and the current battle raging on the civil rights issue as examples of changes oc- curring on the domestic scene. In international affairs he used the evolving nations of Asia and Africa to illustrate his belief. "For the new nations groping toward a better life there is no such thing as stability," he said. "The only stability is the sta- bility of change. This can be applied to ourcountry and to our individual worlds as well." Continual Adjustment In the face -of the great ad- justments society is continually forced to make in the present decade, universities and the University must help prepare their students for the adjust- ments they will have to make. "They must be helped to under- stand the reason and the na- ture of change and how to' adapt themselves to it," he said. Turning to more specific problems of higher education, he explained the pressure under which higher education finds itself is the result of three eas- ily identifiable sources. They are, "the increasing number of high school graduates, the rela- tively greater capacity of Amer- ican families to underwrite the cost required for higher educa- tion, and the growing demand of employers for college gradu- ates to fill their job openings." Impart Challenge "These three factors impart an unusual challenge to the lit- erary college, Dean H a b e r commented. He termed it a He stressed the necessity of maintaining the human side of liberal arts. "Education must be preserved and strengthened. More attention should be foc- used on training good and crea- tive teachers who inspire the student to explore the myster- ies of both our society and our' human relations." Residential College Regarding the proposal to es- tablish a small residential col- lege, within but separate from the literary college, Dean Haber said it was "a proposal which deals with the problem of growth and would make it pos- sible for a larger number of students to take advantage of high quality education without engulfing the present structure of the college." He did not spe- cifically endorse the proposal but said the faculty of the lit- erary college would discuss the plans in the fall. The new college would pro- vide a different curriculum as well as a different housing sit- uation from the regular college. It would not, however, differ in either student-faculty ratio or running-cost expenditure per student from the literary col- lege. Master Plan Asked whether he thought the "Master Plan" of education which has been put to effec- tive use in the California school system could be applied to edu- cation in Michigan, lDean 1Ha- ber replied he did not think so. He explained that the back- ground of education in the two states differed too widely to See HABER, Page 3. DEAN WILLIAM HABER ... change and education challenge which the college must not only meet but must win. "One of the most vital parts of the challenge is the necessity to prevent numbers from diluting the quality of the education. This is not an easy task in a world, which is in- creasingly required to deal with' ever larger numbers of people, machines, and ideas," he said. Nears Thay rA sks Legislative Tax Relief Relieving the burden of busi- ness and property taxes and mak- ing hard decisions about imple- menting the new constitution are two major problems the Legisla- ture faces in its special fall ses- sion, Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R- Ann Arbor) said Monday. The Senate GOP caucus chair- man told Ann Arbor Lions Club that "Michigan business taxes pose, two major problems; they, are high in relation to business taxes levied by competing indus- trial states and they are partic- ularly burdensome' to new or mar- ginal businesses." Hinder Competition Thus they are a hindrance in competition for job-producing in- dustry, he said. Thayer also noted: the .tax bur- den on low income families. "Fai- ilies of low income pay a greater percentage of their total income for such things as food, clothing and other things but a lower per- centage on services not subject to state taxation than do families of higher income. He cited the tax problems of re- tirees and those loving on small fixed income. Property Taxes Inadequate Property taxes are inadequate to meet the service demands on local government, Thayer said. He named three major consti- tutional decisions facing the Leg- islature: 1) Shall the civil rights commis- sion be merely a watchdog or strong body? 2) Shall present county officers be retained as part of county home rule charters? 3) What should be the precise kind of court system to replace justices of the peace whose offices will be abolished in five years? He assured the Lions Club that "some of the finest minds avail- able at our state institutions of higher education" are at work on law revision proposals. T3 "IT1 * X164,000. Most of the increase' would be accounted for by putting to use some 60,000 quota numbers which} are "wasted" each year by countries having, larger quotas than they can use. Another effect would be to in- crease sharply immigration from certain countries-notably Italy, Greece and Poland. Quota Discrimination Kennedy argued that present quotas discriminate against most prospective immigrants except/ those coming from northern Eur- ope. In a letter to Congress, the President presented an alternative quota plan-sure to stir contro- versy-which he said would ob- serve "principles of equality and human dignity." Instead of admitting immigrants native country, Kennedy proposed according to quotas assigned their these priorities: 1) Half of all immigration visas would be reserved for those likely to contribute most to the. United States "by virtue of their excep- tional skill, training or education." 2) Second priority would go to those with relatives living in the UniteI States. Immigration Ceiling Within each priority group, visas would go first to those who filed applications at the earliest date. Under present law, an annual immigration ceiling of 156,700 is divided among the other coun- tries of the world in proportion to the ancestry of various nationality groups living in the United States in 1920. Kennedy would boost the annual ceiling to 164,500 and cut each individual country's quota by 20 per cent a year for five years-un- til these quotas were entirely elim'- inated., ............. N.. :{.Y."W.4 5a PRINCETON, YALE: Eastern Fee Hikes Not T o Affect 'U' Rusk Notes Settlement 'Possibiity ' Negotiators Warn Against Optimism Until Treaty Signing MOSCOW 0P)-A nuclear test ban treaty appeared virtually com- pleted yesterday but late hour re- ports both in Washington and Moscow added a note of caution. American, British and Soviet ne- gotiators were bright and smiling when they left the conference ta- ble yesterday afternoon, appar- ently having drawn up a treaty to ban tests in the air, under water and in space acceptable to all sides. However, United States chief negotiator W. Averell Harriman suggested that in preparing trea- ties they were finished when they were signed-and not before. An- other meeting was scheduled for today, possibly to talk about an East-West non-aggression pact. In Washington, United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk told newsmen after attending a closed door meeting of the Senate For'- eign Relations Committee "we think there is a possibility we can get an agreement." He said the onegotiations will continue for a day or two. ' Earlier Reports To earlier reports that he might be going to Moscow perhaps' with United States lawnakers to take part in signing a treaty, he com- mented: "There are no plns t go anywhere now." At. the end of yesterday's nego- tiating ssson Harriman, Britain's Lord Hailsham and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko were in as jovial a mood as when Pre- mier Nikita Khrushchev opened the talks nine days ago. In London,'Prime Minister Har- old Macmillan said he would will- ingly attend a summit conference if the Moscow; test ban negotia- tions produced a thaw. r Questioned in Commons He was closely questioned in the House of Commons about the prog- ress of the Moscow negotiations for a nuclear test ban. Picking his words carefully, the Prime Minister replied: "I hope we may soon find these negotiations reach a satisfactory conclusion." It still has not been confirmed, however, that Soviet Premier Khrushchev is willing to agree to a testban without insisting on the conclusion at the same time of some form of non-aggression pact. Criticism Already there is considerable. criticism in Congress of the pro- posed treaty. In a speech prepar- ed for the House, Rep. Craig Hos- mer (R-Calif) said it would par- alyze United States progress in big weapons when the Soviets have al-' ready achieved capabilities in this field. Another risk, Hosmer said, is that "the United States gives up entirely its opportunity to cope with the Soviet's massive program of hardening its offensive inter- continental missile bases." Meanwhile issuance of a final communique on the Moscow nu- clear test ban talks was expected shortly. W. Averell Harriman was due to return to Washington soon afterwards, perhaps by Thursday. Smit Answers Fair Housing Accusations Ann Arbor Republicans lashed back yesterday at a six-point Dem- ocratic charge that Mayor Cecil 0. Creal has "repudiated the pledge of a fair housing ordinance made in this year's platform of his party." Republican city committee chair- man Raymond J. Smit termed The fact that Princeton and Yale Universities have both un- dergone considerable tuition in- creases this year will probably not effect the University at all, Clyde Vroman, director of admissions,1 said yesterday. Yale has increased its tuition by1 $250 from $1550 last year to $1800 this year. Princeton has raised its tuition by $170 from $1600 to $1,- 770.+ There are two different reac- tions that could be expected from the University, Vroman said. One would be a comparable tuition raise which he indicated was clear- ly not going to occur this year, and probably would not occur next' year either. "The University does not hike its tuition just to match1 a tuition raise in another institu- tion," he pointed out. The second reaction to the east- ern colleges' increased fees would be an increase in the number of applicants to the University since the raises 'place the University in a lower fee bracket. This he said was also unlikely.q There is a general pattern in college applications today, Vro- man said and this seems to be es- tablished on a level more or less unaffected by the various tuition boosts of the educational institu- tions. Three types of applicants have emerged in the last 20 years, those who have the financial ability and the intellectual capability to at- World News Roundup, By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted yesterday to restore President Kennedy's authority to extend most- favored-nation treatment to Yugoslavia and Poland. The action was the first major victory for administration forces in the committee's consideration of Kennedy's foreign aid program. It is expected to generate a fight when the bill reaches the Senate, which last year accepted a House provision requiring the President to withdraw tariff concessions extended to Yugoslavia and Poland "under the most-favored-nation trading policy. tend any university they wish, those who have the intellectual ability but not the financial, and those who have the intellectual ability and have managed to ob- tain scholarships. He said that many students have fixed their goals on colleges far from their home states. Iraqi Fe ud Said Internal WASHINGTON IP)-The United States is watching the war be- tween Iraq's government and the rebel Kurds, but regards the bloody 22-month-old civil war as a strictly internal matter. Officials also acknowledge the United States would not want to become involved out of fear of antagonizing the three countries which have to live with their per- ennial Kurdish problem: Turkey, Iran and Iraq. Anti-Communist Two of them, Turkey and Iran, are U. S. allies. Though Iraq is not an ally, its present regime, which overthrew the rule of Abdel Karim Kassem last February, is at least firmly anti-Communist and decidedly more friendly to the West than Kassem's was. Washington, however, . would welcome a peaceful solution of' the Kurdish problem with which the Middle East has had to live for decades. When the Western allies decided to carve up the Ot- toman Empire after World War I, the Kurds were promised an in- dependent Kurdistan-a promise quickly forgotten in the Western capitals., Extreme Demands But Washington believes Kurd- ish demands for complete auton- omy are extreme and unrealistic. No soverign country, an authorita- tive United States informant said, RACIAL EQUALITY: Negroes Must Take Risk o Vil 3>-- <'? By THOMAS COPI "The Negro has got to be will- ing to tike the risk of violence," said Detroit's Rev. Albert Cleague yesterday. "The Negro is no longer going to accept second class citizen- ship." Speaking to a gathering of the University Friends of the Stu- dent N o n v i o 1 e n t Coordinating Negroes every day by refusing them city service in not keeping up parks, streets and libraries in Negro neighborhoods. Negro Struggle "The struggle is essentially a Negro struggle because whites don't fully comprehend the dis- crimination that is taking place, because it doesn't really affect ing from the scene as the protests get more militant, and the in- equalities are more dramatized. Fight for Survival "We are fighting a fight for survival," he emphasized. People must continue to protest, and when sit-ins and boycotts fail to work, we'll move on to something DAMASCUS-Syria will con- tinue to work for Arab unity, a government spokesman said yes- terday, despite Egyptian President Nasser's angry repudiation of the proposed Egypt-Iraq-Syria fed- eration. Information Minister Sami Jun- di hinted the next move might be a two-way union. WASHINGTON - George E. Mueller, who has worked on de- velopment of both military and civilian space rockets, was named yesterday to head the nation's _: .