THE MICHIGAN DAILY LISES STDEiN CMANUSPTe: 5eneration Contents Liiterary' Daily Plan 0i e Among College Newspaper ringing a literary touch to pus is Generation, the Uni- ity's inter - arts magasine,' ch gives student writers an op- unity to display their creative nts. h~e publication does not limit scope to short stories, essays, na, and poetry, however, but includes art, along with pho-f and articles on music and pture. oing into its 10th year, Gen-k ,ion began solely as a literary bure at a time when many warI rans were returning to campus. magazine soon became a cen- for those young writers who red an outlet for their talents,t perpetuating a "veterans' renais- sance" at the. University. ' A major aspect of the magazine, from the point of view of the as- piring author or artist, is the way in which submitted material is chosen for publication. The editors. and contributor get together for an "informal bull session" to dis- cuss and evaluate the particular work. After discussing the contri- bution, the entire staff takes a vote on' whether or not to accept the work, the final decision, however, being left up to the managing edi- tors. Through this process of open criticism, the contributor becomes more critical of his own work, hav- ing an opportunity to evaluate his capabilities and to hear comments from his fellow students. Generation is run entirely by students and accepts only stu- dents' works. Contributors do not necessarily become permanent members of the staff, although many authors help edit the maga- zine. Conversely, all staff members need not be writers. After a short training period, students may as- sume positions on the editorial, business or art staffs. Board 'Manages An editorial staff, appointed by the Board in Control'of Student Publications, manages the entire publication as well as the indi- vidual departments of art, drama, fiction and poetry. The business staff is in charge of soliciting advertisements, man- aging circulation and planning sales campaigns; while the art staff designs advertisements, makes up the cover and prepares the general layout. Tryouts for the staff are held .during the first weeks of the fall semester. Many staff memnbers and con- tributors are recipients of a Hop- wood award, the highest literary award at the University. Former contributors have also had their works published in magazines ranging from the Atlantic Month-. ly, Partisan Review and Poetry to Harper's Bazaar and Mademoi- selle. Generation offices are located in the Student Publications Building. The magazine is increasing its publication this year from three to four issues. Copies sell for 35 cents'and can be purchased at var- ious points around campus on pub- lication day. Manuscripts 6r art work may be submitted in person or mailed to the magazine offices. Considera- tion is given to all contributions, and those of sufficient merit often receive publication. GARGOYLE FOLDS-Activity in the office of the campus humor magazine has gone ta man's best friend since spring, when Gar- goyle published what appears to be its las tissue. A satire of Time Magazine, it ironically carried a picture of a dog on the cover. H umor MgzineW'Gatg Depa'rts With Laug hte "At the present time it seems unlikely that Gargoyle, the cam- pus humor magazine, will be pub- lished next year," according to editor Jean Willoughby, '59. W GENERATION-Members the campusliterary maga. e staff avidly examine the est issue. Material for thes er-arts magazine is selected r publication at staff meet' gs and a vote is taken. The agazine accepts manuscripts ly from students. The reasons for this are many, she continued. "We have no edi- tor for next year. Also, interest in the publication is lagging.. "There are not enough talented people who are willing to ,spend the time involved in order to put out a good edition. I intend to prepare a handbook of 'tips' to people who might want to revive the magazine in a few years," she added. The magazine was conceived in 1906 and was a satire of The Sat- urday Evening Post. Since then the topics of humor were enlarged and localized with 1954 marking the high point of a cosmopolitan magazine as opposed to a campus magazine. In that year a satire of the New Yorker was published. Since then Gargoyle has slowly deteriorated. Interest of people in the publication decreased. Magazines around the country are switching from humor to serious writing' Most college hu- mor magazines are continuing only because of the support given them by the alumni, Miss Willoughby said. In, 1955-56 Gargoyle satirized The Daily for the first time. It also introduced the concept of 'fold- out' pages for the Michigras pa- rade. 'An anthology put together 'the best stories' in the magazine's' history. This edition was sold out at registration. The following year the advan- tages gained in sales decreased. There was not enough advertising }to cover the cost of publishing the magazine. The editorial stfaf was composed mainly of seniors who couldn't find an undergraduate staff to continue the work. "This year the business staff completely deteriorated because they were either married, trans- ferred or left school,"' Miss Wil-! loughby said. "The passing of Gargoyle leaves a definite gap on the local scene," said David Kesgel, Managing Edi- tor for 1955-57. "Gargoyle was relatively free to criticize, in a more or less un- restricted way, everyone from the Student Leaders right on down to the Administration. Many of these people have intimated to me that theyr were not entirely un- happy about this criticism." Kessel pointed out that many former Garg staff members had risen to unprecedented heights; most notably Marjorie Nicholson, editor in 1910, now Dean of some- thing or other at Columbia Uni- versity. The last issue of the magazine was a satire on TIME Magazine published in -May. MATRIX PREPARATION - The pressman "rolls" the completed metal form containing day's front page. About 444 tons of pressure forces the impression of metal into the spe which will then be baked to withstand the heat of the molten lead. PAGE MAKEUP -- Hands fly as the make-up man puts together the next morning's pages ace Ing to the layout sheet prepared by the night editor. Ready to cut stories. if they run too long, night editor stands by -with his galley proofs. STUDENT DIRECTORY--An aid-to communication between students in the. directory containilng the names, years, home and local addresses and phone numbers of all University Students. The Di- rectory is published each fall and summer session. It also contains a listing of campus organiza- tions and a yellow pages index. Publication costs of the Student Directory are financed by sales and advertisements.' "The Finest in Printed and Recorded Music" .VUN R ITYUSICOUSE, Inc. 340 Maynard Street Phone NOrmandy 8-7515 (Across From Nickels Arcade) STEREOTYPE PLATE CAST -- Pressman's assistant handles the newly-formed stereot: cast from the baked and curved mat. After the plate is trimmed and chiseled .on the ends a tic Fairchild engravings are mounted in place, the plate will be put on the press, ready COMPLETE MUSICAL SERVICE PRINTED MUSIC - Extensive domesti: and foreign publications represented. RECORDED MUSIC - One of the largest selections in the midwest UMH RECORD CLUB, open to U of M students offers sub- stantial savings on all labels. ticulars. Ask sales personnel for par- INSTRUMENTS OF BAND AND ORCHESTRA -Complete and master repair service. lines EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS - Elementary, Junior High, Senior High, and College. RECORDERS - Adler and Dolnetsch with complete stock of re- corder music. x , t x ,,,... ,: ist..: .. ", ..' .S ... .t NidO c:, ." .....e. . x. 'r... al"t. °.......t., :,... .. .... ..... r....