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January 17, 1959 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-17

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A oint Fonde As
Quits Ann Arbor High School Post;
Assumes Michigan Backfield Duties




Jordan Seeks Grades,
M' Basketball Pivot


(Continued from Page 1)
"In fact," said Elliott, "Hank
didn't apply for the position; I
offered it to him."
Both Elliott and Oosterbaan
were immensely pleased with
Fonde's acceptance and the Re-
gent's approval.
Said Elliott, "We're overjoyed
by his joining our staff."
Chimed in Oosterbaan, "He will
Nave a WORLD of FUN!
- Trave/ with SITA
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be a fine representative of the
coaching staff and of the Uni-
versity as a whole."
How does Fonde fit into recruit-
ing plans?
"He's definitely capable of do-
ing everything a college coach is
expected to do," Elliott explained.
"And, of course, recruiting comes
under that."
Oosterbaan agreed wholeheart-
edly, "I believe he'll be excellent
as a recruiter since he's a highly
personable young man and of the
highest character."
Oosterbaan further predicted
that "Hank will have the respect
of high school seniors all over the
state" by virtue of his extended
connection with Michigan second-
ary schools.
Fonde actually was associated
with Wolverine grid fortunes even
while coaching the AAHS Pioneers.
He was employed by Oosterbaan as
a spotter in the press box, con-
tinuously phoning important ob-
servations down to the playing
For Fonde, it was a tough deci-
sion to make.
"I hated to leave Ann Arbor
Graduation Announcements
have arrived at
322 S. State NO 3-3371

High School and I do so with
mixed emotions, but this is cer-
tainly a wonderful opportunity,"
said the new Wolverine mentor.
Fonde had previously turned
down an assistantship at Michigan
and the head job at Western Mich-
igan as well.
Ann Arbor High's Athletic Direc-
tor Lou Hollway summed up his
school's feelings as "Michigan's
good luck, our bad luck."
"But I'm greatly pleased with
the fact that the Michigan staff
thought enough of Hank's work
to invite him."
Application for other Michigan
assistant coaching posts are still
under consideration by Elliott.
Bob Hollway (son of Lou) is ex-
pected by many to be the only
holdover from Oosterbaan's assist-


A possible solution to basketball
coach Bill Perigo's lack of depth is
hiding behind an Economics book'
Steve Jordan, along with the rest
of the campus, is getting ready for
finals, and Perigo will be waiting
as anxiously as Jordan for the re-
Freshman Standout
Jordan, a graduate of Detroit's
Cass Tech High School in 1957,
was a standout on the freshman
squad last year and showed a great
deal of promise for this campaign.
However, the academic axe was
lowered and Jordan was declared
ineligible. So this semester he was
set to the task of raising his

... Econ takes priority

Wolverine Wrestlers Face Three Meets

Clip and mail to:
18657 Livernois, Detroit 21



Michigan wrestlers, now in the
midst of a 22-day rest from com-
petition because of final exams,
will face a rather rugged schedule
between semesters.
In the space of eight days-Jan.
31 through Feb. 7-the Wolverine
matmen will engage three dif-
ferent foes in dual meets. Coach
Cliff Keen will be holding daily
practice sessions during exam
period for those wrestlers who
find the time to stay in top shape.
Michigan gets a break in the
between-semesters schedule in that

the "easiest" two meets are first-
Northwestern here Jan. 31 and
Purdue there Feb. 2. Then comes
the Illinois meet here Feb. 7, where
the quality of competition will be
markedly improved.
The Big Ten this -year has a
number of good squads, each with
the potential to win the Confer-
ence meet. While it can be said
that no Big Ten team is a push-
over, it can also be concluded that,
from results of meets so far, Pur-
due and Northwestern are not to
be rated highly.
After finishing in a virtual tie

City State
Daily Classifieds
Bring Results

......... . ..

for a remote second place in a
quadrangular meet Jan. 3, North-
western and Purdue have had their
lumps. Mkehigan State won that
quadrangular by 29 points.
If Keen's matmen are in pre-
sentable shape, they should down
both of these teams. Last year
Michigan walloped NU, 25-3, and
Purdue, 23-7.
Illinois, runnerup to Iowa in the{
Big Ten last year and strengthened
by five returning lettermen, is al-
most certain to be near the top
in the \ Conference meet, so a
Michigan victory over Illinois
would boost the stock of the Wol-
verines considerably.
Rugged I1linij
Illini Coach Pat Patterson has
as mainstay of his team 147-lb.
captain Werner Holzer, Confer-
ence champion last year. Other
seasoned campaigners on the Ill-
nois squad include Rex Whitlatch
at 130, Harold Brownstein at 167,
Forest Devor at 137, and Tom Gab-
bard at 157.
The Northwestern meet starts
at 3 p.m. Jan. 31, but the Illinois
meet on the following weekend be-
gins at 2 p.m., because of the
Indiana-Michigan basketball game
at 4:30 which is also at Yost Field
House that day.

Only time will tell, but the big
(6'4") Detroiter feels that perhaps
he has licked the study problem.
Says Jordan, "Everything seems to
be going fine so far, but you can't
tell until after the finals."
Need Depth
Michigan's cagers, now tied with
Indiana and Illinois for the league
lead, are sorely in need of some
reserve strength. Perigo was made
painfully aware of this last Mon-
day night.
The Wolverines were holding a
comfortable 22 point lead over the
Wisconsin Badgers when Perigo
sent his reserves in for some sea-
soning. Against this congregation,
the Badgers dsid not seem quite
so inept and had outscored Michi-
gan, 23-5, when the regulars had
to be called on to pull the game
out of the fire.
Center Spot Open
Jordan could be Just the man
to give some depth to the Wol-
verine squad, now in one of its
infrequent runs for the Confer-
ence crown. Perigo indicated that
the center spot, being occupied by
Gordie Rogers and Lovell Farris
presently, is wide open if Jordan
or any of the rest of the squad can
take it away.
Says Perigo, "Jordan can help
us a lot: We're stile too thin. He's
a forward, not a pivot man, but
we'll experiment with him at the
center spot. It would take a while
to work him in, but we need bal-
anced scoring and he should help.
He has good one-hand jump and
set shots."
Solid Four
The Wolverines appear well set
at four positions, with three of
the league's leading scorers in M.
C. Burton, John Tidwell, and
George Lee, and Terry Miller doing
the "quarterbacking" for the team.
But that fifth position is still wide
open and Jordan may get his
crack at it when the second se-
mester and the meat of the Big
Ten schedule rolls around.
Jordan, leery of any predictions,
cautiously comments, "I'd like to
think of playing a little."
He'll probably get that chance,
but Coach Perigo would be the
first to tell him to stay behind
that Econ book until the grades
are in.

Once Agaii ..
ONCE AGAIN the Michigan basketball team is on the thresholt
success. For the third straight season the Wolverines have a
Big Ten -Tecord going into the long exam period. And for the tl
straight year they are tied for the lead in the Conference cage race
For the last two years they failed once exams were over. In 1
coach Bill Perigo's charges ended up tied for fifth place with an
record, while last season the 'M' cagers won only one game &
finals, to have a 4-10 record and a ninth place finish.
The big question is, then, will things be any different this ye
The situation is the same: the Wolverines have made a fast at
but have faced only one of the other top teams in the league-Nor
western, and lost; and there is the same long break for exams, wI
always seems to cool off the hot shots.
Of course, Michigan does have a - better pre-Conference rec
than they have had for many years. They were 6-1 before engag
Purdue on January 3, but they had met only one team that was ran
high nationally-Tennessee, and lost.
Many Things Diff erent ...
HOWEVER, THERE ARE some things that are different about 1
year's 'M' cagers--and they could be important differences. In
first place, they have the niost solid foursome since the 1948 Big '
champions (when Michigan actually had FIVE good basketball pi
ers.) As is shown quite dramatically by the Big Ten statistics,
Wolverines have the best scoring and rebounding balance in the lea
thus far. Forwards M. C.. Burton and George Lee and guard Jc
Tidwell all rank well in each category.
It is possible that they will even develop a center who can k
up with the Big Ten pace, as they have Lovell Farris and Gor
Rogers approaching that peak, and may have big sophomore St
Jordan to work with. Of course, Perigo seems destined to face a G
stant problem of depth-but the M' seems to have shown they
play iron-man ball if necessary.
And there are some very nice things about the 1959 version of
'M' cagers that should be pointed out. In the first place, they hi
exhibited teamwork-in the form of a fast break and sharp pass
to set up shots-that will match any other Conference team. And
the first time in years the starters hsve played fairly consistent bask
ball. The three top scorers have always been near 15 points a gal
taking turns going over 20 and sometimes 30. At least, there h
been no two-point games by players who are usually counted ul
for 20.
The Big Games NowU. ..
THEE SEEMS to be little doubt that this year's squad is the I
Perigo has been able to put on the court since he has been
Michigan. And judging from those who will graduate, it may be .
best he will have for a few years to come. The question, of course
just how good are they?
This will, with no doubts left, be answered when the M' nr
return to the court after vacation. After a warm-up game with Wa
ington of St. Louis on the 28th of this month, the Wolverines N
face, in this order, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan State and Nor
western. The Illini and Hoosiers are at present tied with Michigan:
the Big Ten lead, while the Spartans and Wildcats are a half-ga
behind and the Hawkeyes have proved that they, too, can be tough
upsetting MSU.
So, the big step will be taken when Perigo and his boys wade h
'the next part of their Conference schedule. Until, then, only gues
can be made. What's yours?

rvvvrrvqvvvvvgvvlvv If VIIIV 9 VIVIIV VIVIVIV I I I - V V - V V V I


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