"Anything Special You Were Looking For?" 4r qtr l an Ball Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNBVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth m IPreval" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.e ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE VANDERSLICE LT THE CAPITOL: New Show, Old Routine E j - ! . . f s + Y 4 .. I iis . .-- - .} - L - IL f i t .% AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Dowling Presents Vaudeville Variety N THE COURSE of a long, public career as director, actor, innov and entrepreneur Eddie Dowling, last night, returned to his struggl primeval beginnings-Vaudeville. The talk was entitled "From Sha speare to Saroyan" and he began by saying he'd get to the recital minute, but first ... he never quite finished that first minute. Ind the speech could just as well have been called "From Dowling to I ling"-with selected interludes on the greats he used to run arC with. Since those flighty, boozy, "0-so-gay" days Mr. Dowling has c a long and wonderful way. He has introduced Williams, Carrol THAT 1959 EXTRAVAGANZA, the "Michi- gan Follies" was well under way yesterday in Lansing. Spectators who attended the opening, Tues- day in a theatre in the round called the Capitol Building saw the Republicans attempt, and for the moment carry off, one of the most daring, vaudeville acts of all time. With breathtaking courage, the Republicans walked a one-vote tight-rope to dump the Democrats in the House. And things have been going on at the same rate. Thursday Gov. G. Mennen Williams trot- ted out one of his financial glamor queens, who would give the state $50 million from the Vet- erans' Trust Fund. Then, as if on cue, the Republican Chorus trotted on stage crying "raid" in only faintly melodious voices. Time has changed the Re- publican Chorus somewhat, for in the Repub- lican libretto was a pleasing rendition of "There is no other solution I can see." It was done somewhat sotto voce, to be sure, but it was a pleasing addition to the Republican Chorus. ANY MORE ACTS are planned before the late spring closing of the Follies. The House Democrats, teeth clenched, vow they can dupli- cate the Republican act in spades, and they 'probably can. Meanwhile, Gov. Williams has promised more of his beauties to parade before the Legislature bearing banners like "Miss Tax Proposal-'59". However, spectators who have seen the Follies before warn not to be bemused by these minor attractions. They maintain that the thing to watch for in the 1959 edition is a spec- tacular, well-organized version of what the "Michigan Follies" is most famous for -- a pratfall. -LANE VANDERSLICE I No Parking-Studyng Zone WITH FINAL EXAMS beginning Monday, rule is no more than fair. Those who get there the semi-annual mass migration to the earliest should get the best seats. Undergraduate Library has begun. This week- UT THERE is a problem. Since its origin, end will see herds of desperate students flood- there has been an unwritten, but under- in te ibar i te op otheren t habe an unrte, bu udr ing the library in the hope of imbibing the stood law of "squatters' rights" in operation. lost knowledge they have neglected during the Under this custom a student can leave their semester, books on the table or desk as a signal that it Some of the more foresighted of the student Is reserved for him and he will return shortly. group began their studies last week. Robert C. Theoretically, this is a convenient practice and Keniston, undergraduate librarian, -reported saves the snatching of seats while someone is about 8,200 students used the library every da'd'. sharpening his pencil. Of course, this total is computed by the turn- Some people, however, take great advantage stiles and therefore subject to slight errors due of a good custom. Not only do they leave their to students who enter the building several books on the desk for hours on end, but show times in one day or those who don't use the definite schizophrenic tendencies in reserving library facilities. two or three seats simultaneously. In the meantime, latecomers are pacing all AS ANYONE who has looked for a private three floors looking for a place to "roost" or study niche after 7 p.m. any day last week, absorbing coffee and Plato's "Republic" in the knows, the building is being used to its fullest basement snack bar. capacity. Not. only are the desks and tables Obviously, there is a "clear and present" full of diligent students, but people are crowd- danger. Perhaps martial law could be declared ed into the lounges and lining the staircases. for the duration of the crisis or maybe some Of course, every University student has a budding engineers could devise a new type perfect right to use the $30 million, one-year- parking meter to solve the problem. old structure, and the first come, first served -JEAN HARTWIG A me o Torust? : x ,s ' "2 _f.X _ t ^ H .. s'! ' Y r _ .t' .a .. MIKoYA , _ : Saroyan -to the American stage. He brought back Laurette Taylor for the most acclaimed perform- ance of all time - "The Glass Menagerie." He produced "Rich- ard II" for the first time since Edwin Booth. But all this was hardly in evidence last night as Mr. Dowling offered up his huge storehouse of jokes and anec- dotes. He could have been George Jessel or Walter Winchell for all the wit or perception he added to the well-told stories. * * . BUT EDDIE DOWLING is a fine and practiced story teller and the evening was only occasionally dull. The stories of Eugene O'Neill, suffering from Parkinson's disease and playing "Santa Claus on Eighth Avenue" with the bowery derelicts with whom he had spent his youth was touching humor with a dramatic sense of pathos.. However, for a good deal of the evening Mr. Dowling was a homey, happy swell-guy personality tell- ing tales which seemed a cross between Sam Levenson on TVand Eddie Cantor in the Saturday Eve- ning Post. BUT THE EVENING'S highlight was the story of Sarah Bernhardt doing the death scene in "Camille," at the Palace theatre. It seems the young Dowling was to follow Bern- hardt on the program-an impos- sible task at which the vaudeville greats of the period had failed completely. But the Dowling lad was not to be thwarted in his first opportunity (no one else would even attempt the job) and so in the midst of Bernhardt's seventh or eighth pandemonial curtail call (twenty-five had been expected) the dauntless boy protruded his nervous head from off-stage and in a quivering, hilarious, bashful voice proclaimed "I'm next." The audience, already whipped to frenzy, went wild and poor Eddie was fired. But when Bernhardt discovered what had happened she announced that he was to become a permanant part of the show with one addition-after her per- formance he was to emerge from beneath Camille's death bed with his immortal line. -Eli Zaretsky TODAY AND TOMORROW: Free Germany: Elections, Guarantees THE COMMENTS and reactions of the Soviet Deputy Premier during his tour of the United States, while being taken with a grain of salt by government officials, may be indica- tive of the apparently growing similarity be- tween the ideals and much of the way of life of the two nations. Communist ideology and the American con- cept of democracy remain at opposite ends of the political scale, but in practice, the differ- ences perhaps decrease appreciably. Russia, if we are to believe Mikoyan, is making a genu- ine effort to increase the standard of living of its population while maintaining state control of the economy and forging ahead with scien- tific and military achievements. Our standard of living, geared from the be- ginning to individual incentive, continues to rise with the growth of capital investment, but the federal government has gained control of the nation's economy to some extent through such socialistically-inclined institutions as graduated income tax and social security pen- sions. In the realm of scientific and military achievement we have followed Russia's exam- ple, devoting a major portion of the national economy to research and development projects of both federal and private agencies and main' taining strict security controls on information, Thus, it would seem, America and Russia are approaching each others' methods, but the purposes for which they are used remain in conflict. Russia's intentions evidently still cen- ter on world domination, America's on the protection of the free world and the fostering of democratic principles - and both, as Mi- koyan pointed out in a conference with the Vice-President, remain adamant in the belief that their policy is the only policy. COMPROMISE - peaceful coexistence - ac- cording to the professed views of Mikoyan, might seem to be the only way to avert a seemingly imminent war for supremacy. But, if coexistence is the answer, a workable plan for attaining it must be developed through joint effort. Any such plan necessitates the building of a mutual trust - something which the free world has been unable to attain in past deal- ings with the Soviet Union. But in his good will tour Mikoyan has pre- sented an entirely new and much more liberal concept of Russian policy which, he would ap- parently like Americans to believe, means that the Soviets are sincerely ready to compromise some of their ideologies in favor of establish- ing peace. Perhaps he is not just a "diplomatic tool," but truly representative of a Communist about-face in international policies. SINCERE or not, however, Mikoyan's optim- ism about the feasibility of peaceful coex- istence seems infinitely preferable in this, the beginning of the nuclear age, to his alterna- tive of eventual outright conflict. If Russia does male overtures aimed at es- tablishing a lasting peace, the free world might be wise to renew its trust in her and honor her avowed intentions. If the Soviets were to again prove they can't be taken at their word, coexistence would, in all probability, automatically cease and war or its threat would reappear - a situation hardly worse than the present one in which the cold war could con- ceivably turn hot at any moment. The West, then, may have a world of peace to gain and very little to lose (which isn't al- ready endangered) by accepting future Soviet negotiations at face value. -KATHLEEN MOORE By WALTER LIPPMANN AT HIS press conference this week, Mr. Dulles opened the door to negotiations on the future of Germany. He was scrupulously careful to say that he was not now negotiating with Mr. Mikoyan. But he has made it possible for Mr. Mikoyan to report back to Moscow that -there is "a desire on both sides to get together and talk." Mr. Dulles did this by making two points. Neither of these points is entirely new. But the emphasis upon them, considering the cir- cumstances, gives them a new im- portance. The first point is that while the formula of reunification by free 'elections is the "agreed formula" and while we think it is "a natural method," he "wouldn't say that it is the only method by which reunification could be ac- complished." The second point is its acceptance of the principle that for a reunited Germany there must be military guarantees to reassure the Soviet Union:-"If there is going to be any reunification of Germany, it has got to be under conditions which take into account realistically some of those very elemental, primitive facts of life." The record shows that the point which Mr. Dulles made about free elections was first made in our note to the Soviet Union on Sept. 30 of last year, and was reiterated in our note of Dec. 31. For some months at least we have not re- garded free elections as the neces- sary first step to German reunifi- cation. And the record shows also that we have long recognized that if the Soviet Union withdraws from a reunified Germany, it is entitled to have military guaran- tees against the possibility of Ger- man aggression. Nevertheless, it is important that Mr. Dulles emphasized these two points on the eve of his second round of talks with Mr. Mikoyan. It was evident at the press con- ference that he was acutely aware that there would be a reaction in Bonn, possibly in London and in other West European capitals. To soften this reaction, he dwelt on the thoroughness of our consulta- tions with our allies, and he spoke at length on his agreement with and admiration for Dr. Adenauer's conception of European policy. But his remarks that free elec- tions are not the only method by which reunification can be accom- plished have, as the dispatches show, aroused Dr. Adenauer. It remains to be seen whether once again, as on several previous occa- sions when Mr. Dulles tried not to be entirely inflexible, Dr. Adenauer will compel Mr. Dulles to retract and reverse himself. S * * THE REAL question about free elections is whether they must come first, whether they are the necessary first step to German reunification. Those who hold this view are in effect demanding the liquidation of the East German state and the absorptions of the East Germans into the West Ger- man state. The trouble with this view is that it is absolutely im- possible to achieve it in any fore- seeable time. For it demands an unconditional surrender of the Soviet position in the whole of Germany, and unconditional sur- render by the Soviet Union is a pipe dream. I think it is not unfair to say that those who demand free elec- tions as the first step to German reunification are not urgently in- terested in bringing about reuni- fication. Some of them want to believe, hoping against hope, that the Soviet Union will somehow col- lapse. May of them do not want to have to face the enormously complicated problems which a re- unified Germany will pose. In the status quo with a divided Germany there are very powerful interests which would prefer not to be dis- turbed. Thus, for example, a reunified Germany with free elections ?would be far more to the left than Dr. Adenauer's Germany. For another example, the whole fascinating structure of the West European political and economic community, which Mr. Dulles spoke of, would have serious problems if it had to digest the 17,000,000 East Ger- mans. For still another example, a reunified Germany could not long remain the camping ground of the NATO armies, and this would raise the problem of where the NATO forces should be sta- tioned. AGAINST all these difficulties there has, however, to be weighed the grave and incalculable dangers of the continuing partition of Ger- many. For, sooner or later, there will be uprising against the Soviet hold on East Germany and on Poland, and if there are these up- risings, we may all be sucked into the struggle. To avert that it is necessary to proceed to the reuni- fication of Germany which, if I understood him correctly, is what Mr. Dulles has decided that he must try to do. , If that is our purpose, there is no reason why German reunifica- tion should not begin with a pro- visional regime-that of a dual state with some common political institutions-under a pact or con- stitution which promised that there should be a gradual integra- tion over a period of years, culmi- nating in a free election to elect a constituent assembly, which would form an All-German state. This is only one among innum-. erable conceivable ways of bring- ing about reunification of the two Germanys. The crucial question is m whether on the Soviet side and on our side there is in fact a genuine will to make one German state. LETTERS to the EDITOR DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETN The Daily OfflcIal Bulletn Is official publication of The Univer- city of Michigan for which TA Michigan Dailynassumes no eel- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 pam. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1959 VOL, LXIX, NO. 88 General Notices Academic Costume: Can be ren~ed a Moe Sport Shop. 711 N. University Ave Ann Arbor. Orders should be place immediately. During the examination perIod, th General Library, the Undergraduate Li- brary, and divisional libraries will b open on regular schedules, with the ex ception of the Physics Library whic will be open additional hours 8 a.m. t 12 noon, Jan. 17 and Jan. 24, and th Undergrad. Library which will be ope additional hours Sat., Jan. 17 from p.m. to 12 midnight. Beginning Thurs., evening, Jan. 2 the General Library and the Under grad. Library will close at 5 p.m. Bot libraries will be closed evenings, Sa and Sun. between semesters; and, un til the opening of the second smesta, will observe the following hours: Mor through Fri., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Divisional libraries, with the excem tion of the Medical Library, will ca Thurs. evening, Jan, 29, and will fol low short schedulos thereafter unti the opening of the second Semester a Mon., Feb. 9. The Mdica Library wil observe regular hours throughout th examination period and interim period Schedules of hours following the exam !nation period will be posted m th doors of each library, and information may be obtained by telephoning 0Al 3184. At the beginning of the new semen ter, more voices will be added t tl mixed vocal group of Univ tudent, assisting in producing the radio muS classroom, "Festival of song," which I broadcast twice a week from "al Univ. Broadcasting service, to i9 elementary schools th'roughout ici These students will also have an oppo? tunity to assist in the Spring Festival which the Broadcasting service pie sents in many Mich. communitis Those who are interested in more i formtaion and in auditioning for t i group Should contact Miss Egdythe Al bert at WUOM, 5th floor of the Admir Bldg. (U. ext. 2761) as soon as poasibl Parking for Mid-Year Graduato Guests: The parking lots behind i: Aud. and the lot betwee , the Nat. Sc and the Chem. idgs. will be reserve for graduation guests on Sat., Jan. 24. Lectures Isotope Unit Journal Club on Jar 29, will hear Mrs. Audrey Wept, Radis tion Health Physicist of the Istp Unit. Subject title: "Explanation C Source Calibrator." University Lecture, auspices of tb Dept. of 'Psychiatry. "Experiments c the Psychological Bases of Asthma. Marvin Stein, M.D., Assist. Prof. 0 Psychiatry, Univ. of Penna. Medics School. 8:00 p.m., Tues., Jan. 20, Ohi] dren's Psychiatric Hospital Aud. Concerts Student Recital: Marjorie Blno Crampton, who studies violin with Gil bert Ross, will present a recital in Ad A, A. H., Jan. 18, 830 pm. Miss Cramp ton, whose recital is presented In pa tial fulfillment of the requiremeitsft the degree of Master of Music, will1" accompanied by Carol Papich at t piano. She will perform composition by Tartint, Schubert, Strawinki, a Beethoven Open to the public. Student Recital: William Tate, Ci ganist, who studies with Marilyn Me son Brown, will present a recital o Fri., Jan. 23 8:30 p.m. The recital, i Bill Aud. Is presented in partial fu= fillment of the requirements for tIh degree of Master of Music. Mr. Tate he included in his program works by Ot Perin, Buxtehude, J. . Bach, Peppil and Langlais. Open to the general p) lie. Academic Notices 704 Programming Course. A short Intensive course in programming th IBM 704 computer will be given by ti Statistical and Computing Laboratm starting Mon., Feb. 9. The course wi brief lycover the characteristics of t 704 and will emphasize programmhi£ using the Symbolic Assembly Prograr (SAP). Some previous computer expei ience will be assumed. The course will be divided into ri two-hour sessions - to be given frorr 3-5 p.n in Rm. 1042 E. Eng. on Fel 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18. Interested person should leave their names with Mrs Sarah Brando, im. 110 Rackham, Ext 2768. Room Assignments for final examina tions: English 23 and 24, Wed., Jan. 21 2-5 p.m. English 23: Baker, 229 AH; Barlow 2223 AH; Barrows, A HAud. B; Bende AH Aud. C; Bennett (2), AH Aud. A Bentman (2), AH Aud. A; Billiar, 241 MH: Black, 3011 AH; Blake, 10071AH Lynn Bloom. 2508 FB; Robert Bloom 25 AH; Brown, 3017 AH; Buck, AH Aud C; Camp (2), 231 AR: Cox (2), 2235 AH Creeth (2), 2003AH; Dale (2), 1025AH Drake, AH Aud. C; Durand (2), 231 AH Eastman, AH Aud. C; Engel, AH And A; Engelberg, 1020 AH: Fanger (2), A SUPPORTS BRANCHES: MSU's Hannah Warns Against Size Art? . .* To the Editor: CENSORSHIP, control and con- formity are words that remind us of 1984, Hitler and Commun- ism. The dread with which we view these infringements are but one comment on the value we have placed on our freedom. Nevertheless, the lines between freedom and license, self discipline and anarchy, remain important moral and social problems con- stantly subject to analysis and re-evaluation by all civilized people. Apparently, there is a segment of our intellectual community for whom the word "civilized" is an epithet viewed with horror ,and heroically resisted. As might be expected, our' Praetorian defend- ers of art recently have found an- other opportunity to confuse cre- ativity with procreativity, cinematology with scatology and inspiration with perversion. * * * THESE observations are prompted by a recent contribution to the "arts" shown by Cinema Guild called "Flesh of Morning." The film shows us the erotic frus- trations of a man suffering from the loss of his girl friend. His fan- tasies get the best of him. While the drums are savagely beating, the camera slyly observes our male "actor" masturbating. The technical aspects of the film, how- ever "artistic" in portraying this slice of life is superfluous to the content. The camera angles, the musical accompaniment and the lighting all combine to display what can at best be called artistic pornography. Any comments on the producer, "artists" and purveyors of this per- version of both good taste and good art might more aptly be stated by a trained clinician. The cult of social irresponsibility hid- ing behind the aegis of avant- garde is not a new sickness. The response of the students to the film is even more alarming than the film itself. Most of the students I have talked to seem unwilling to make any statement .ahr.ii If n.dit 44', +ha fnrt.+hat. | INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Reds Aim at Latin America By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Analyst NEW YORK-A painstaking survey indicates Moscow has mounted a determined new of- fensive aimed at exerting powerful influence In Latin America, The study, published here by the Latin American news magazine Vision, pictures sig- nificant strides in a program financed by world Communist headquarters to the tune of more than 100 million dollars annually. Primary targets are Argentina and Vene- zuela, the richest Latin American nations, where there is already a considerable amount of anti-U.S. feeling. But no Latin American nation is beyond the line of Communist fire. of a three-pronged attack," says Vision. "The first objective is to discredit the United States among labor leaders, businessmen and intel- lectuals. The second is to frighten away United States and European investment by fomenting labor unrest. The third is to attain a sufficient- ly strong position in the hemisphere's strategic industries to sabotage them, should Moscow give the order." The movement is aided by the heat of in- tense nationalism, fanned by the notion that anti-Communism somehow is related to U.S. domination. It is also helped by Soviet scien- tific successes, plus irritation over such Wash- ington measures as the imposition of quotas on lead, zinc and oil and other items important to Latin American economy. All nove T.tin Amric a n.C ,munismi s cnn- By THOMAS DY:GARD Associated Press Staff Writer EAST LANSING -- The war babies are growing up and going to college. The mammoth wave of human beings that flooded the secondary schools now is sweeping on toward the colleges and universities. The American Council on Edu- cation says there will be 12,283,000 persons of college age in the United States in 1965-66 and 14,304,000 in 1970-71, compared with 8,571.000 in 1954-55. On top of that, a greater per- centage of the college-age popula- tion is going to college than ever before, How can the problem of bursting the seams of higher education be licked? Is the answyer in bigger and bigger universities, giant commun- ities of students? Or is the answer in more smaller colleges? President John Hannah of Mich- igan State University, an old hand at the business of mushrooming college expansion, says the solu- -when the campus is so large and sprawling that students can't walk to class in 10 minutes, when the necessary administrative machin- ery is so bulky that it defeats its purpose, when duplication of fa- cilities becomes imperative - the school reaches a point of diminish- ing returns. * S * "THE SCHOOL must either stop enrolling students or branch out to another campus," said Han- nah. "We can't stop enrolling be- cause our society demands more and more training for young people, and it demands equal op- portunity" MSU is branching out. Next fall it will open Michigan State Uni- versity Oakland, a branch near Pontiac in Oakland County. MSU oflicials expect 600 freshmen for the first year and an eventual enrollmentyofe30,000. The branch gill be autonomous except at the very top and will not necessarily be an exact image of MSU. It is a matter of record that the area islakin, in higheredii- no small matter," he added. "A student graduating from MSUO will get a degree from Michigan State University. He will havegto meet Michigan State University standards. We have the prestige that it takes years to build, and MSUO will have that prestige im- mediately." Pointing to the growing need for requirements of the world today for more people with post-gradu- ate studies behind them-Hannah said branch universities are better prepared to set the student up for advanced education. "COMMUNITY colleges serve a great purpose if they do their job well," Hannah said. "But too often we lose students who met the standards of their junior college, then found themselves not well enough prepared for advanced studybon the university level." A branch university would set the necessary standard from the start, he said. From the standpoint of operat- ing funds-the money that a state- ,,,,rn~t,_? : - , < -I, _- _ 1,TQT