See rage 4
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
XIX. No. 88
Responding to Appeals, Regents
3rakes Merger
Request Study of Hilberry Proposal
For Control of WSU by Regents
Wayne State University's faculty council movedyesterday to
.ke its president's plan to place the school under the University
ard of Regents.
At the same time, the council, composed of 40 faculty members,
animously urged an immediate and thorough study of the merger
posed by President Clarence Hilberry.
In effect, the second of the two proposals passed endorses the
n. suggested by Rep. Charles Boyer (R-Manistee), calling for an
ension of the terms of the present Wayne Board of Governors.
r Election of a new six-man Board,
Pay Change Spokesmen Oppose Use,
Sees Star
Wayne State University's star is
fast rising, while the University's
is dimming, a Wayne English
teacher -and University alumna
-said last night.
Prof. Thelma 0. James por-
trayed the Detroit school as "young
and vigorous" and not "hampered
by traditions and size" as is the
Needs Consideration
She warned that any merger
under the University Board of
Regents should be preceded by
careful consideration.
Prof. James pointed out a "splen-
did Michigan way" which, she said,
might not be compatible with
Wayne's "distinctive patterns,"
She cited "vast" differences In
the two schools' athletic programs
and the fact that Wayne, attended
largely by commuting students,
does not have a system for housing
student on campus comparable to
the University's.
Feels Warmly Toward ' M
"I feel very warmly toward the
University," Prof. James, who took
her undergraduate work and mas-
ter's degree here, emphasized.
But "I'm afraid the University is
becoming a little too big and im-
personal," she continued.
To make it still larger is not
is scheduled for April.
Under the Council's recommen-
dation, the present board would
continue in office until the merger
study was completed. The recom-
mendation was sponsored by Prof.
Alfred Kelly of the Wayne history
department, and Prof. Glenn
Howell, of the engineering school.
Asks 'Open' Attitude
The recommendation, Prof. Kelly
said, asks the Wayne administra-
tion to maintan an "open" attitude
towards any legislation in Lansing.
"We're not sponsoring any spe-
cific bill in the legislature," Kelly
told The Daily, "but the proposal
does imply the Boyer plan is
He explained that he did not
wish to see the merger issue "swal-
lowed up" by the "fast-approach-
itg" April election. "It is unlikely
that there will be a merger if the
election proceeds as scheduled," he
Merger Improbable
Prof. Kelly added that a merger
would be improbable also if the
Legislature adopts the bill spon-
sored by Sen. Edward Hutchinson
(R-Fennville) which would allow
the governor to appoint a ruling
board for Wayne.
By approving the Hutchinson
plan, the Legislature would fore-
close any chance for a merger,
Prof. Kelly said.
He stressed that the recommen-
dation was not unfriendly towards
a merger but merely was an at-
tempt to gain time to study the
proposal, which would ally the two
schools under the Regents while
leaving them autonomous.
Support Resolution
While 21 Council members of the
33 present voted in favor of the
Kelly-Howell resolution, support
was unanimous for establishment
of a study committee to consider
the "wisdom and feasibility" of
the plan for coordination.
The Council called for a com-
mittee composed of the faculties
and administrations of both
schools and "prominent" public
citizens, Prof. Howell, Secretary of
the council, said.
The group would study the vari-
ous facets of the merger and even-
tually make a recommendation
favoring or opposing the proposal.
Given Okay
Dismissed Personnel
To Get Year's Pay
The Regents yesterday adopted
a Faculty Senate-recommended
Bylaw governing severance pay to
academic personnel dismissed be-
fore the expiration of their ap-
Faculty members who are dis-
missed by the University will be
entitled-with some exceptions-to
a year's severance pay.
The changed Bylaw was drawn
up by a Faculty Senate committee
chaired by Prof. Merwin H. Water-
man of the business administration
Several Set Up
Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss ex-
plained that the Waterman com-
mittee was one of several set up
by the- Senate after the so-called
"Nickerson-Davis case" to reex-
amine faculty dismissal procedure.
Niehuss said that the affair "un-
questionably called attention" to
the whole faculty dismissal ques-
tion, but that both the Senate
committee and the Regents had
considered the Bylaw change by
itself, not in relation to the Nick-
erson-Davis case.
"The Bylaw change is not retro-
active," he explained, and "did not
tie in" with that case.
Prof. Moise 'Pleased'
Prof. Edwin Moise of the mathe-
matics department, who was a
member of a committee set up by
the Ann Arbor chapter of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors to study a report
by the national AAUP censoring
the University on this case, said
that he was "very pleased to hear
of the Regents action.
"But I doubt that this Bylaw
change in itself will be enough to
cause the AAUP to remove the
University from the blacklist."
Prof. Mark Nickerson of the
pharmacology department and H.
Chandler Davis of the mathe-
matics department were dismissed
from the University after they had
refused to testify before a House
of Representatives subcommittee
on Un-American Activities (the
Velde Committee).
One issue was the Regents' re-
fusal to grant severance pay.
Ot .Fund in Lash (risis
LANSING (P)-Spokesmen for organized veterans in Michigan
refused yesterday to budge from their opposition to using the 50-
million-dollar Veterans Trust Fund to help meet the state's cash
They presented their views to Gov. G. Mennen Williams in the
executive office. The commanders of the eight major veterans organi-
zations returned to the governor's office after an hour-long conference
with him earlier in the day and then a private discussion among
SGC Plan;
Recognition Clause
Ambiguty Cited
Refuse To Rule in Sorority Case;
Claim Concern Lies in Jurisdiction
Review of the Student Government Council Plan was
called for by the Regents yesterday.
This came in response to SGC and Faculty Senate appeals
to overrule the Board-in-Review's decision in the Sigma
Kappa case.
Section Called Ambiguity
In a prepared statement the Regents called attention to
the "ambiguity" of the section of the plan concerning recog-
niton of student organiza-'
themselves. Their statement read i
Red Offers
Fresh Plan !
For Berlin
Anastas I. Mikoyan suggested yes-
terday a three-point plan for
settlement of East-West differ-
ences over Berlin.
He also told members of the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee Russia might be willing to dis-
cuss withdrawing its troops 500
miles east of the Elbe River. The
Deputy Soviet Premier talked at a
closed-door luncheon meeting
with the committee members.
Asks Berlin Access
Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-
Ark.) said Mikoyan proposed a
program calling for:
1) Free access to Berlin, free
elections for West Berlin only and
removal of all outside troops from
2) Asking the United Nations to
participate in guaranteeing the
freedom of West Berlin.
3) A permanent international
commission to administer the af-
fairs of West Berlin.
U.S. Would Withdraw
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-
Minn.) said discussions of with-
drawing Soviet troops 500 miles
east of the Elbe also would in-
volve withdrawal of free world
forces 500 miles to the west.
That would move United States
forces out of all northern Europe
and pull the Russians back of Po-
Sen. Humphrey said he believed
this comment from M i k o y a n
showed some flexibility of position.
on the part of the number two
Soviet leader.
Two-Hour Conference
The session with the senators
followed a conference of more
than two hours between Mikoyan
and Secretary of State Dulles. The
two arranged to meet again at the
State Department later in the day.
Sen. Humphrey said the sub-
ject of troop withdrawal came up
when he asked Mikoyan if the
Soviet Union would go along with
a disengagement plan for Central
Europe advanced by Foreign Min-
ister Rapacki of Poland.
in part, "We unanimously agree that
Ono tampering, changes or altera-
tions affecting the trust fund are
acceptable to the organized veter-
ans of the state."
Most Would Be Lent
Gov. Williams had proposed
lending the bulk of fund securities
to hard-up State universities to
pledge as collateral in obtaining
bank loans.
As he left the governor's office,
Frank J. Lada, State Commander'
of Amvets, said, "Personnaly, my
position still is strictly hands off."
Had No Alternative
Lada had no alternative, unless
it was to dip into the state retire-
ment fund, for the cash the state'
needs. The governor had rejected
this as without "moral justifica-
In brief, the governor's plan is
to lend the bulk of securities in
the Veterans Fund to hard-up
state universities for use as col-
lateral in negotiating bank loans.
Gov. Williams said he was
against outright liquidation, some-
thing he reminded the Veterans!
Group leaders that the Legislature
could decide on at any time.
The governor argued that his
plan assured preservation of the
fund at least during the period
the bonds were pledged as securi-
ty for loans, possibly five or ten
Regents Favor
Bond Transfer
For Payrolls
The Regents said yesterday they
"looked with favor upon any move
which will provide funds as soon
as possible" for the University.
They thus granted approval to
Gov. G. Mennen Williams' scheme
to transfer $38 million to the Uni-
versity and Michigan State Uni-
versity from the Veterans Trust
"We will continue to study this
c a r e f u 11 y," Vice-President in
Charge of Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont told the Re-
gents. He said payroll costs have
been cut 10 per cent because of
the state's inability to pay the
University its monthly payments.
The bonds will be used as col-
lateral for loans to the University
from banks, and the interest on
these bonds will pay interest costs
on the loans, Pierpont explained.
.. . back to Michigan
Name Fode
New Varsity
Back Coach
Hank Fonde, a football coach
with the winning habit, yesterday
was appointed by the Regents to
an assistant coaching position for
one year beginning Feb. 1.
The new Michigan mentor will
be in charge of the backfield, tak-
ing over the post vacated by ex-
teammate Bump Elliott, who
moved up to head grid coach the
first of the year.
The official announcement,
three days after Fonde's thirty-
fifth birthday, came as little sur-
prise. It had been rumored to be
in the offing for over a month.
Successful Coach
Fonde brings to his alma mater
the state's most successful high;
school coaching record. In ten'
years 'at the Ann Arbor High
School helm, Fonde's teams com-
piled a total of 69 wins, six losses
and four ties.
Included in the dazzling decade'
that began in 1949 were nine con-
ference titles in the tough Six-A
League, seven undefeated seasons
and a victory skein that once
stretched to 40 games.
Elliott and Fonde have been
close friends over a period of years
that dates back to the middle
1940's when they were the Wol-
verines' number one and two right
halfbacks, respectively.
On 1947 Team
In their last year together they
were an integral part of then-
head coach H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler's
1947 Big Ten and Rose Bowl cham-
Only 5'7" and 155 pounds in his
playing days, Fonde is called by
ex-head coach Bennie Oosterbaan,
who was backfield coach then, as
"the best back, pound for pound,
I've ever had."
Fonde was the only person con-
sidered for the backfield job.,
See QUITS, page 6
It stated the Regents' primary
concern was with matters of Juris-
diction, not in the "merits of in-
dividual cases as such."
The Regents returned the mat-
ter to Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis. He will
work with the Senate and SGC to
suggest clarifications or changes
in. the present Council plan.
Sent After Decision
Both appeals were sent to the
Regents after the Board-in-Re-
view overruled SGC's decision
finding the sorority in violation
of University regulations concern-
ing discrimination.
.University President Harlan
Hatcher said the Regents' decision
in effect upheld the administra-
Regents Irene Murphy and Eu-
gene Power explained that both
sides believed themselves right,
and both SGC and the adminis-
tration could cite evidence for
their cases.
Possible Conflict
Regent Murphy noted the "pos-
sible conflicting statements of
jurisdiction" in the SGC ' Plan.
For complete text of statement,
see page 5
There was "no other decision open
to SGC than the one they
reached," Regent Carl Brablec
Regent Power said the Regents
should not decide specific cases
but should act on their causes.
Since there are certain areas of
ambiguity in the Council Plan,
"the fault (of this dispute) lies
with the Regents," he added.
"We favor student govern-
ment," Regent Power added.
Record "Magnificent"
Regent Roscoe Bonisteel termed
SGC's record "magnificent."
Regent Murphy suggested the
dispute's source may lie in the
"negatively stated" University
regulation on discrimination. She
urged the 1949 statement - "Rec-
ognition will not be granted any
organization which p r o h i b i ts
membership on the basis of race,
religion, or color"-be put in posi-
tive terms,
Should Not Be Bound
Groups on this campus should
not be bound by the mores of oth-
er parts of the country, she added.
Lewis said the administration as-
sumes on the basis of the resolu-
tion passed by Sigma Kappa Na-
tional last summer saying the sor-
ority would abide by the rules of
each campus that "Sigma Kappa
here is free to pledge anyone."
The Regents statement said in
part, "The Regents are naturally
concerned with the right of Uni-
versity living groups to govern
their own affairs, including the
freedom of choice of members,
within the framework of Univer-
sity policy and not by requirement
of a national organization."
President Hatcher termed the
present dispute "a signal to clari-
fy what we set out to do" four
years ago in originally adopting
the SGC Plan.
Seek Geneva
Regents Act.
SGC Leader
Maynard Goldman, '59, SC's
presidentrsaid last night the Re-
gents' lack of action on the Coun-
cil's Sigma Kappa appeal "wasn't .
what I had hoped for."
He added that although he was
"disappointed" he believed there
was "still room for some solution
for all."
Dean of Women Deborah Ba-
con commented that the Regents
statement on the question was
"the point of view that any regen-
tial board would take."
Look for Principle
They cannot permit themselves
to rule on every specific instance
of problems that arise, she added.
"It is usual for them to look for
the principle behind a case."
Good will on the part of all
parties, she said, would have
solved many of the problems S
hag faced by means of the "ordi
nary communications which nat-
urally come out of good will."
Most problems can be solved
when two parties are willing to
sit down and talk things over, she
"Danger in Tampering*
IHC's president, Bob Ashton,
'59, said there "is a danger in
tampering with the Plan." (The
Regents asked the Vice-President
in Charge of Student Affairs to
recommend any "necessary and
desirable" changes in the SOC
Plan - its equivalent of a consti-
The danger lies, he explained,
in that student government could
be weakened. He added that he
didn't think this was probable,
Hopes Not Substitute
David Kessel, Grad., said, "No
one expects the Regents to solve
our problems with one stroke of
the pen but I hope this (the re-
gential examination of SOC's
Plan) is not a substitute for ac-
He explained that in June some
of the most valuable members of
the Council, from a point of ae
and experience, will be graduate
U.S. Develops
Cheap Atomie
Power Plant
House yesterday unveiled a minia-
ture atomic power plant which of-
ficials said could be produced for
about $200 a. nitt.
AEC officials hailed the deve-
opment as a signficant break-
through in the achievement of
small size, long lasting power
plants which can be used, for ex-
ample, to operate the instrunents
in space satellites.
Donat Says Area's Industry
Faces Economic Challenge
The industry in the Great Lakes states face a major challenge
with the recent formation of the European Common Market, a Parke,
Davis & Co. officia'l declared yesterday while addressing the final
session of the Great Lakes Industrial Development Council's three-day
meeting, George Donat, director of marketing services for the overseas
division of the pharmaceutical
firm, said that the rate of increase
in European productivity has been
almost twice that of the United
* States since 1952.
Imports Impressive
He noted that the imports of
European automobiles, optical
equipment and radios is impres-
sive, but even more important "is
the favorable growth of construc-
tion and electrical equipment, steel
and aluminum products, type-
writers and office machines."
Assembled in Area
All these products are made
and assembled in the Great Lakes
area in keen competition with the
Common Market countries.
France, Holland, Belgium, Italy,
Luxembourg, and West Germany
will profit from the formation of
the Common Market by the con-
solidation of fragmented manu-
facturing operations, ease in the
movement of capital and labor and
use of a mass selling market for
their products, Donat commented,
Exports in Danger
Increased competition from the
consolidated countries, he said, will
Outskated Ieers Lose to North Dakota
Michigan's hockey team-outmanned, outskated, but never out-
fought-dropped a 6-1 decision to North Dakota here last night in
a contest shortened by the season's first all-out brawl.
Play was stopped at 14:42 of the final stanza after Barrie Hayton,
Wolverine defenseman, entered the penalty box and started swinging
at the North Dakota student manager. Immediately, both benches,
fans and police became involved in the most violent donnybrook the
Collesium has seen in recent seasons.
Officials Call Game
After Coaches Al Renfrew of Michigan and Bob May of North
Dakota had broken up the hostilities, the officials decided to call the
game. With the outcome in little doubt, referee Ed Sabbie feared that
tempers would fly again and stated that he was "afraid too many play-'
ers would get hurt."
Renfrew explained the incident afterward as resulting from the
verbal abuse of the Michigan icers by the student manager. The foul
language being used was "more than we had to take," Renfrew noted.
He added that he didn't blame the fans, who had been listening, for
a ,joining in the melee.