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January 16, 1959 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-16

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Yq n I r .e .. ... as s. ., ... . ,.. .. w ,. n I

YH QUESTION of changing the selection of student representatives
o'n the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics has appar-
tly hit almost everyone concerned in a very sore spot. The con-
versy that has resulted, generally between members of the Board
A members of SGC, but in some cases among members of each body,
s resulted in a strict alignment over three critical issues.
The three issues that have caused particular problems are all
inted up by members of the Board as reasons why the motion before
W should not be passed. The first area of controversy is the present
ection of'members. Most of the members of the Board have ex-
rased opinions feel it is now quite adequate, although it has under-
ne constant criticism for the past 10 years.
The second area of argument concerns the amount of skill needed
holding a student position on the Board. This actually boils down
whether or not a non-athlete knows enough about athletics to
ndle the problems. This eventually leads into the third criticism
the suggested change: that it distinguishes between students and
hange IS Needed,. . .


GIRL wanted to share lovely, reasonable
apartment near campus. NO 5-7115. BY OWNER - Three bedroom home, CLASSI FIED A V ERT ISING RATES GOOD MEAS MEAL JOB CalNQ
)C246 completely furnished. 1449 Glaston- Frat. five minutes from Engineering
bury, NO 2-8476. )R17 Building. Reasonable. Any or all meals.,21
WANTED=Two males to share apart- LI N ES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS Steward, NO 3-2600. )F285 pchNOVo2gal expert
ment with two others during Spring BEAUTIFUL during the next t
Semester for '59. NO 3-9431. )C243 Brick, 3 bedrooms, 12 baths-a new 2 (" ti f PROFESSIONAL STENOGRAPHER per hour, for 1-10
BOYS-Rooms available next semester. Into it. Near Hasley School and new and Typed at SPECIAL RATES FOR room 1020 Adminis
617 E. University. Jim Booth, Rm. 10 junior high. Kitchen has built-in 40.. -TV3.55 STUDENTS. Joan Cobal. NO 3-6942. ca _ NO 39578.
or call NO 3-7159. )C244 range, oven, hood, fan, disposal. PullA)F 0 WANTED --Electric t
ROOM in Frat. (Prof.). Two blocks from tlbation auiu cm 11 .0 .4m
cmu Al rivilege. NO 32600, 5- binationstorms, screens and outside WANTED: One or two Grad. girls to Box H43 icg
P.M. C245 doors: eavetroughs and downspouts, Figure 5 average words to a line. share nicely furnished, comfortable
and the lawn is in. Naval Officer apartment, one block from campus, POSITION as Resider
FOR RENT: 3-room apartment, Church unexpectedly transferred-must sell. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily.I1I :00 A.M. Saturday Rent $40 a month. Call NO 3-9830 for older Grad. coup
and Hill Streets. Ideal for 3 students. NO 3-2367. )R15 Phone NO 2-3241 after 5. )F283 city for 2 or more ye
Available now to June 15. or after- and salary. Time for
wards if desired. NO 2-6340. )C240 YPSILANTI AREA. Beautiful new 1,Y O ESIA2aesa ay,"ee Me uatework. Call Mr. C
and 3 bedroom apartments now rent- ________________ and Save. Buy Your 1959 Michigan-
ROOM FOR RENT-Men students. ing. Luxury features include air con- MISCELLANEOUS LOST AND FOUND ensian Today." )F267
Cooking or without cooking. Half ditioning, combination washer-dryer, FOR Sa
block from campus. 417 E. Liberty. built-in oven and range, garage, dis- We buy and sell antiques. ONE GRAD student wanted to share
)C242 posal, kitchen vent fan, GE refrigera- Old Elm-723 Packard LOST-Diamond pin circle with two apartment for three. 4 rooms attract- FOR SALE-Girl's Eng
tor, gas heat. Rent from $100 to $125. )M2 initials, between Markley Hall and ively furnished. Rent $45 per month- dition. Reasonable
TWO OR THREE GIRLS over 21 to Take Expressway to Grove St. exit. University Terrace Apartments. Re- Call NO 2-5036 after 6 p.m. )F262 Stockwell.
share roomy house on campus. Rent Proceed on to Expressway Service SITUATIONS WANTED ward, all NO 8-7960. )As
$25. Call*NO 3-6387 anytime-Marilyn, Drive, then east to apartments at __ T AT___WA TE___d.CalN__79_._A_ TYPING: Quick Service. Spelling, punc- FOR SALE-MGTF, '5
Nancy or Bev. )C241 Harris Rd and Share St. Model open COOK-Local references. Write to Box ALTERATIONS tuation need correction? NO 8-6276. ized top, motor ove
LARGE, well furnished single room. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2 to 5 AA7, Michigan Daily. )AA7 )F255 3-9860.
Linens. Near campus. NO 3-6039 after ad 6 to 8 Tuesda, Thursday, Satur- DRESSMAKING and ALTERATIONS FOR SALE: 1952 Pont
6 P.M. )C243 day and Sunday 12 to 5 and 6 to S. MUSICAL MDSE., 2905 Fernwood NO 3-7341 PERSONAL: Engine student would likeFO SA :182Pnl
__Model phone HU 3-5711. )R2 R' P9 1 or 2 studious, well-rounded room- Hydramatic. Owned
NEW THREE ROOM APT. available RADIOS, REPAIRS__ _ _ _mates to share modern apt. with who only drive it to
.15 Stadium Place. NO 3-2784 r 7 ROM HOUSE i G beos A trt , Dressmaking swimming pool, modern kitchen. Have day. NO 5-5017.
Jn 2-33 aium Plae. O 3 23studyOOM HO bathroomsi g abrge sat-terations, D e s a i gsome furniture. $117.50 rent to be
NO_.2-3394._)_C239_tud_bahromsGaa rH FI gTUIe atExpertly done. Reasonable. NO 3-2389. split evenly. 5-7664. )F251 LIONEL TRAIN equip
,LAsnl omfrml tdn t tached. Dishwasher, disposal, storm I F1 }~~ p ________________ reasonable price.1
CLEAN, single room for male student at windows, screens, blinds, and other Lion1Pone NO 2-29
314 N. Thayer. Phone NO 3-5400 after extras. Excellently located with re- TYPING: Thesis, term papers, reason-
4 P.M. )C235 spect to schools. NO 2-3428 evenings. Hi Fi TaOe Recorders JOHN'S TAILOR SHOP able rates. Prompt Service. NO 8-7590. DUnTuM -a

HE MEMBERS of the Board that have spoken in favor of the
present set-up-Athletic Director H. 0. Crisler, Faculty Repre-
tative to the Big Ten Marcus Plant, and present student repre-
batives John Herrnstein and Stan Noskin - state that the elec-
i system now used has in almost all cases resulted in very helpful,
perative and well-informed members.
This may be true, although there has been much discussion to
contrary. Nevertheless, the important thing is that many people
it non-athletes on the board, so that the "stands" as well as the
ld" can be represented. Plant says it is possible for a student
er than an athlete to get on the Board, he simply has to petition
get elected. Sure, but in an all-campus election-which, no mat-
what Plant says, is a "popularity contest" --- the non-athlete al-
'a loses to the athlete. Thus, a change is needed if non-athletes
to sit on the Board,

rowledge Will Come . .
I FOR THE second argument, students other than athletes can
md do know much about athletics. And certainly, if they don't
w enough, they are capable of learning it. It is a safe assumption
if they were admitted to Michigan they have the necessary in-
gence, What is needed is the interest, which can be assured by a
e deliberate petitioning process.
The faculty members on the Board are not athletes, and they
ously understand the situation. And there is no requirement that
' be former athletes, either, since the important consideration is
rest. Some members of SGC have pointed out that an intricate
wledge of the situation may not even be a necessity, since they
t, more than anything else, the opinion of the average University
ent. They point out that if the person to be selected must "think"
an athlete, the basis for change is defeated.
New Solutione.. .
I FACT that the motion before SGC does distinguish between
,thletes and students is certainly a valid criticism. Even to dis-
iish between athletes and non-athletes is perhaps a bad thing,
almost a necessity if different. categories of representation are
e set up.
The only means by which this could be removed from the motion
Id be complete elimination of the present election method and
>tion of the suggested dual-selection method. This would es-
sh a special committee to do the selecting of all three members
suming that three is better than the present two.) The commit-
-consisting perhaps of the Athletic Director, the Faculty Repre-
atlive, the Vice-President for Student Affairs and the Dean of
- would receive petitions from aspiring members (petitions
would require both a certain number of signatures and some
i proof of interest and knowledge in the area of athletics.) The
nittee could then select the members that they felt would be
best, leaving the Judgment of interest, knowledge, and other con-
'tions to them.
A system of this sort should please everyone, since both athletes
non-athletes would have equal opportunity to become appointed.
rtainly couldn't miss selecting the best qualified men - and this.
Id be what both sides want.
A single sijcct or a compife course

NICE, quiet room, private bath, linens,
for male graduate student. NO 2-5192.
FURNISHED 3 room apartment with
utilities, private porch, and parking
space included. NO 3-7805. )C236
FOR RENT-New 3-bedroom house in
Southeast Ann Arbor. NO 3-6655.
FOR WOMAN, studio apartment, very
attractive, newly furnished, all modern
facilities, Hospital-campus area. NO
8-6787. )C237
NICE attractive sleeping room with
kitchen privileges, Near campus. Call
mornings NO 5-7015. )C233
QUIET ranch style one bedroom de-
luxe available now. Also one Feb. 1,
and Feb. 15, unfurnished except for
stove and refrigerator. Large living
room, bedroom and kitchen with
dinette area, tub and shower. Just off
State on Stimson, only $100.00. Phone
NO 2-4611 to see. )C230
APT. FOR RENT. Utilities and linens
furnished. Hamilton 6-8134. )C231
SUBLET February to June: 2 bedroom,
unfurnished except stove and re-
frigerator. Regularly $113.50, now $75.
NO 3-9239. )C232
US-23 15 miles North of Ann Arbor.
Large lots, reasonable rates, pleas-
ant surroundings.
10175 Bishop Rd. ACademy 7-7199
block to St. Joseph's Hosp. Suitable
for 2. Available Jan. 1. NO 2-8248,
9-5 p.m. )C171
CAMPUS-furnished 1 or 2 bedroom
apts. with bath, for 3-4 students. $100
to $150. NO 3-6688. After 6 p.m. NO 3-
8134., )C228
ROOMS. Close to Campus. Cooking priv-
ileges, Linens, Automatic Laudry
facilities. As low at $8 per week. Phone
eve. after 7. HA 6-2321 or NO 3-1511,
Ext. 2558. )C229

State at William Sts.

NO 8-7831

44th Year

35 FOOT '56 Marlette. excellent condi-
tion, fully equipped, air conditioned.
Call NO 3-2294 after 5. )C227
FOR RENT: Large 1 bedrm. modern
apartment, unfurnished or semi-fur-
nished. Swimming pool. Sub-let till
June, August or later. $117.50 per
month. NO 5-7664. )C224
FOR RENT: Five large rooms, unfur-
nished. All utilities included. 723
Packard, Children welcome. )C222
FOR RENT: 2 doubles and 1 single. 1
block from Law School and Bus. Ad.
School. 808 Oakland. NO 2-2858. )C220
There are available for immediate
occupancy-efficiency, one and two
bedroom apartments at both Uni-
versity Terrace and Northwood
Apartments. To be eligible you must
be a married student or full-time
faculty member who is not already
assigned to either Univ. Terrace or
Northwood Apts. For information,
please contact Mr. Melhuish, 1056
Admin. Bldg. or call NO 3-1511, Ext.
No. 3311 or No. 2914. )C213
CAMPUS: Single for man. Large and
quiet. Available Jan. 6. Double room
for second semester. Linens furnished.
NO 3-8680, 508 Elm. )C209
FURNISHED 3 room apt. for 3 or 4
boys. South State St. NO 3-2800. )C205
APT. FOR RENT. 4 room unfurnished
apt. for rent. $100 per month, heat in-
cluded. Call NO 2-4189. )C197

1 of M Business is Good, Why?
barbers as good as you can find
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LARGE, well furnished, single room.
Near campus. NO 3-6039 or HA 6-2321
after 6P.M, )C155
ROOM FOR male student. Clean. Hot
and cold water. 2 blocks from cam-
pus. $40 a month. Call after 5 p.m.
1302 Washtenaw Terrace. )Cl11
STUDY undisturbed; Large quiet rooms
for men. Near campus. NO 3-4747.
to The
Michigan Daily


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I I I ? tY~t 7 ~ ts "f :. i. II~.. ... ,1......


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