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January 15, 1959 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-15

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ichigan's Burton Leads Conference Scoring
[RA TIME OUT ADDED: Tidwell Place
VCAA Widens Goal Posts, Eases Substitutions Co-Captain L

)s Seconc
ee Fourt



After two weeks of Big Ten
competition, Michigan's Wolver-
ines have produced the best three-a
man scoring punch in the league.-
Following Monday's contests,
official standings show that M. C.
Burton, John Tidwell, and George
Lee are ranked first, second, and
fourth respectively in overall Con-,
ference scoring.
Play Longer
Coach Bill Perigo's weaknesses
on the bench have forced him to
play his starting squad for the bet-
ter part of each game, and as a
result, the Wolverine trio has
raced to the top of the league in
individual scoring.
Despite being held to 17 points
in Monday's 84-74 win over the
cellar-dwelling Badgers of Wis-
consin, Burton is still in possession
of first place in the standings with
89 points in four games.
Point Splurge
With the biggest point splurge
of the week, Sophomore John Tid-
well jumped into second place
only seven points off Burton's
pace. Tidwell hit for 37 points in
the Wisconsin game and dropped
two records by the wayside in the
His total of 37 was the best ever
recorded by a Wolverine in a road
game, and also shattered the Wis-
consin fieldhouse mark. Perigo
noted that Tidwell hit his 15 field
goals in 21 attempts for a brilliant
71.4 percentage.
The genial coach stated, "Tid-
well can become one of the best
shots in the country. You just
can't beat that percentage."
Rounding out Michigan's heavy

scoring threesome is big Georgi
Lee, who has played consistentl:
good ball all season. With only 1(
points in the Badger game, Lee
was still able to hold down fourtV
in the standings with 72,
The only threat to the Wolver
ines' monopoly on individual scor
ing honors comes from Manni
Jackson of the high-flying DIlini
Jackson hit for 24 against Iowi
last Monday to take third place
with a 79 point total.
Share Lead
Illinois now shares the leagu
lead with Michigan and Indiana
but is tops in team scoring aver
aging 89 points per game, a figurt
that wasn't hurt by the 103-97 vic
tory over Iowa.
The only other Wolverine lister
in the standings is guard Terr
Miller in 18th position. The littl
playmaker, who would probably b
leading the conference if record
were kept for assists, has hit fo
49 points while setting up hi
higher scoring teammates.
(Top Twenty)
Name Games Points
Burton, Mich. 4 89
Tidwell, Mich. 4 82
Jackson, 111. 4 79
Lee, Mich. 4 72
Wessels, 11. 4 69
Radovich, Ind. 4 67
Kulas, Wis. 4 67
Wordlaw, Iowa 3 67
Anderegg, MISU 3 62
Green, MSU 3 61
Bellamy, Ind. 4 61
Ruklick, N U 3 60
Merriweather, Pur. 3 59
Mantis, NU 3 57
Gunther, Iowa 3 54
Lee, Ind. 4 54
Huston, osu 2 51
Miller, Mich. 4 49
Eison, Pur. 3 47
Wilkenson, Ind. 4 47

TOP SCORERS-Two of Michigan's "big three" in the Big Ten
scoring columns are seen in action. George Lee (35) goes after a
rebound, while John Tidwell (43) jockeys for position. M. C.
Burton, who leads the league in scoring is not shown, while Tidwell
is second and Lee fourth in the Conference.

Canadiens Place Three on NHL All-Star Sextet




Montreal's league-leading Cana-
diens gave further proof of their
dominance of the National Hockey
League when three of their players
were named to the circuit's all-
star team in the recent halfway
mark voting.
Colorful right winger Dickie
Moore of the league leaders led the
poll, receiving 86 of a possible 90
votes. He was accompanied on the
starting team by teammates Henri
Richard at center and Tom John-
son at one of the two defensive
Detroit placed two players on
the six-man squad - goalie Terry
Sawchuck, whose sensational work
in the nets has kept the low scor-
ing Red Wings in contention, and
defenseman Marcel Pronovost,
who is having the best season in
his NHL career.
Rounding out the squad at right
wing is New York's Andy Bath-
gate, who is second in the league
scoring race. The Ranger star
edged the Canadiens' Bernie Geof-
frion, who is the league's leading
scorer and Oordie Howe, the Red
Wing great who has been on the
all-star first team seven times in
his long NHL career.
The Canadiens placed two play-
Boston 123, New York 112
St. Louis 114, Detroit 101
Syracuse 119, Philadelphia 104

The Doscola Barbers
near Michigan Theatre

ers on the second team in addition
to Geoffrion. They were center
Jean Beliveau and goalie Jacques
Plante. Others on the second team
were defensemen Bill Gadsby of
the Rangers and Fernie Flaman
of the Boston Bruins, and left
wing Alex Delvecchio of Detroit.
Another Poll
The league will take another
poll of hockey broadcasters and
writers at the end of the season
and combine the two votes to pick
the final team. The unique half-
way mark voting system was ini-
tiated to give a better break to the
fast starting players who might
be neglected if the voting was held
only at the end of the campaign.
The selection to either the first
or second team means more than
just another honor as first team
members pick up a $1,000 bonus
and second team players $500.
Other Stars Missing
Noticeably absent from the first
two teams besides Howe were
Montreal's Doug Harvey and De-
troit's Red Kelly, who have dom-
inated the defensive positions in
recent years' voting.
In the league race itself the
Canadiens are off on another un-
beaten streak - this one is only
six games compared to the 13
game streak they rolled up earlier
in the season. Surprising Chicago
remained in the second slot de-
spite losses to Montreal and New
York over the weekend.
With only seven points separat-
ing the second and last place
teams, the race for Stanley Cup
playoff berths - the top four
finishers - should be an exciting
Montreal 24 9 8 56 148 82
Chicago 17 16 9 43 116 124
New York 16 16 10 42 115 121
Detroit 16 18 6 34 98 111
Boston 15 22 6 36 116 135
Toronto 13 20 4 35 98 118
Last Night's Score
New York 3, Toronto 2
SAE Defeats
ATO Squad
In I-M Swim
Sigma Alpha Epsilon nipped Al-
pha Tau Omega's swim team,
31-20, by out-racing the ATO rec-
ord-holding medley relay trio in
the last event yesterday to move
into the finals of the I-M dual
meet competition.
SAE's team of Jim Boylan, Mike
Martin and Bill Niemann swam
the 75-yd. relay in :37.5 - a half
second off the record that the
losers set earlier this year,
Delta Tau Delta, winners over
Sigma Phi Epsilon in the other
semi-final, will clash with SAE in
the finals.

... (pocket) all-star

Special. Purchase

$ 00
Made To Sell
for $12.00'

Iisa Konrads,
McKinney Set
Swim Records
By The Associated Press
SYDNEY, Australia-Ilsa Ko
rads, Australia's amazing 14-y
old swimming champion, add
the 1,500-meter and 1,650-y
world records to her fast-grown
collection last night.
The Latvian-born phenom w
timed in 19:25.7 for both 1,A
meters (1,640 yards, 1 foot,
inches) and 1,650 yards. The I
ter distance represents 30 lap
the 55-yd. North Sydney Olymr
A crowd of 2,500 cheered her
an unpaced race against the clot
She clipped :37.4 off the 1,50
meter record of 20:03.1 set
Jans Koster of The Netherlan
and cracked the world standard
20:30 for 1,650 yards by a who
ping :64,3.
* * *
Sets Backstroke Mark
ney, Indiana's Olympic swimm
bettered the NCAA record for t
200-yd. backstroke here last nig
as Indiana won a 48-38 dual me
victory over Miami University.
McKinney, a sophomore, cover
the distance in 2:04. The old r
cord of 2:05.1 was set in 1953
Yoshi Oyakawa of Ohio State.

6 to 12

Bto D


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