4 "Can't We Do Something More Thaiin Stand Firm?" Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MIlCHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONs BLDG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 [ben Opinions Ae Free Ttuth Will Prevail" Editoriali printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH LANGER AT RACKHAM: Woodwind Ensemble Wins Local Applause LAST EVENING, a small group of chamber-music devotees braved rain, and on-coming exams to attend the concert given by Michigan State University Faculty Woodwind Ensemble. The g under the auspices of the School of Music, played this concert gesture to the University of Michigan Woodwind Quintet which pl a concert at Michigan State several months ago. It was the first exchange between the two schools and a fine way for such negle musical organizations as the Michigan Singers, the Universit Michigan Orchestra, and the University of Michigan Woodwind Qu to obtain well deserved recognition outside of the confines of the Arbor city limits. On last evening's program, the visiting ensemble chose to form a program of compositions which ran the gamut of musical s Changing Circumstances Force J-Hop To Limp AND ANOTHER campus tradition goes down the drain. The proposed discontinuation of J-Hop if, as presently expected, the dance fails to make ends meet this year, is simply the latest and most spectacular example of the demise of "collegiate" traditions on campus. Women in the front door of the Union, perfunctory cheer- ing and attendance at football games, the non- roaring lions-all exemplify the change in atti- tude that has marked the University and other campuses in the last dozen years or more. However, J-Hop and football cheering are in a different class from the others mentioned. They are supposed to be fun. For varying segments of the campus, they have ceased to be so. Therefore, they no longer have any particu- lar reason for existence, at least on the scale previously maintained. PART OF THE TROUBLE with J-Hop, no doubt, is the competition; housing groups now have dances, often formal, once or twice a year. They don't get the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, to be sure, but few want to spend seven dollars for the band and the dance, plus ten for a tuxedo and goodness knows what-all else to go clear down to the I-M building in the dead of winter or drive around looking for a parking place for fifteen minutes. The fra- ternity house, the League, the VFW hall, or someplace similar would serve just as well, and, do. The smaller dances continue; J-Hop, like the dinosaur, fails to adapt. But there is more to the autopsy than this. That something has been happening both here and elsewhere, no one doubts. Students are different now than they were on February 17, 1877, or in 1905, or 1928. Student generations have gone through a depression, and a war, and an influx of GI's. They are on the verge of something new to mankind, something resembling the Age of Discovery in the fifteenth and sixteenth cen- turies, but on a vastly-increased scale. To some- one really interested in, or worried about, the ramifications of this, J-Hop doesn't seem worth the effort, or the money. THEN AGAIN, the University is getting larger. People who go to J-Hop no longer see two or three thousand people with whom they feel some kinship, but several hundred utter strang- ers they may not have seen in three years on campus. Smaller dances, full of people the stu- dent knows are much more congenial. An all- campus dance is something like an all-campus graduation, which a good proportion of students would just as soon-and do-miss. J-Hop has been breaking up into its component parts, which, under the circumstances, is to be ex- pected. J-Hop might survive by moving permanently to the League, and being kept on a weekend. But the days of the big, big, all-campus dance that only the I-M building can hold, appear to be gone forever. --JOHN WEICHER City Editor >~\ ~i *.. K ~ .,. III, - ~2~% i~-c~ ~ 0f~s5~ r$v. +Ik.4tZ'AJ ?c'S~r c~. Justi ce ? Employers Finance Strikes UNIONS MAY BE killing the goose that lays the golden paychecks. Monday, the State Supreme Court decided to allow employees to collect unemployment com- pensation if they are idled by a strike in the employing company in another state. The decision was rendered in the five-year- old case involving nearly 11,000 Ford Motor Co. employees who were laid off for periods of up to three weeks as the result a parts shortage caused by a strike at Ford's Canton, Ohio plant. Since Michigan unemployment law provides for benefits to workers idled "through no fault of their own," the decision is sematically defen- sible. Actually it is a perversion of the original intent of that phase which was to dispense Such Loyalty THE MARIGOLD faction is growing. There are those patriots who want to see a twen- tieth generation native American plant as the national flower. So now they're lobbying to see the true American flower take over its due place. Currently representing this country is the immigrant rose, subtitled American Beauty to hide its true nature. This, the marigold men maintain, is intolerable. There wasn't even a quota system back then, you know. Dangers exist in the choice of the marigold, but diligence on the part of all can prevent a catastrophe. Marigolds are, in horticultural terms, fast breeders, and if their planting is encouraged, they could cover the nation from coast to coast, or sea to shining sea, as the new flower men think of it. A nomination for national flower no one has apparently thought of is the Mayflower. Of course, there weren't immigrant quotas then, either. --ROBERT JUNKER benefits to workers other than those idled by strikes in their plant. The law doles no money to workers on strike even if they do not actu- ally take part in the strike themselves. Business and industrial agents, and insurance experts agree, that a "new era" has dawned in the State court's history. The Democratic-controlled State Supreme Court has demonstrated some of the drawbacks of a court heavily weighted in either direction. All justices except one approving the decision were Democrats. HE UAW called it "a substantial victory for all Michigan workers." But decisions of this sort may help eliminate the Michigan worker altogether. The business climate of the State is not going to be helped by a practice that, in effect, makes employers pay strike benefits. Jessie F. Motsinger, former UAW-CIO or- ganizer, told a Congressional Committee last August that a long range goal of the CIO is to enact a law enabling the union to "strike a smaller plant of a bigger company and let the firm's idled workers collect job benefits of that company. The Supreme Court has handed them that goal. The decision is even worse because the jobless aid trust fund is at a low ebb. The fund had $199 million at the beginning of the year but $113 million of that is owed to the federal government. The trust fund, paid to workers laid off through "no fault of their own," is established from a payroll tax levied on Michi- gan employers. Employees do not contribute. The particular case involves very little indi- vidual benefit. The most any single individual will gain from payment of the compensation is $105. Unfortunately tfie state has lost much in its fight to prove it has a favorable business climate. This is no way to attract geese, -RALPH LANGER tI CAPITAL I WASHINGTON -Soviet propa- W ganda used to be effective in this country mainly with young men and women who fancied themselves to be victimized in- tellectuals - and with gangster types who would grab any old vehicle to power. It was fair to say in those days that in the field of influencing sensible people the Soviet Union was an elephant that could not dance. But the elephant can dance now; indeed, he is dancing all over the front pages and all over the toes of our government. This is the unpleasant truth about the visit of Soviet Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan. Whatever else he may be doing here, he is doing a folksy job of selling the line that the Commu- nists are pretty good people, after all. Here he is grinning in a super market. There he is talking seri- ously to businessmen-and mak- ing some headway with them. Here he is joking with Hollywood come- dians and eyeing buxom movie ac- tresses with that semi-respectful and manly leer that our public expects of important men con- fronting such impressive womanly charms. * * * NEARLY EVERY place he has been he has hit just the right note of appeal to Americans. Sometimes he has been just a little apologetic about the vast crimes of the Com- munists. Some of these things were perhaps bad, yes; but, man to man, you know hoW matters get out of hand sometimes, Again, he has quipped about the imperma- nence of official jobs in Moscow. By WILLIAM S.WE Our national characteristic is to be very kind to the partly-or the maybe-repentant as well as to those who declare total repentance.. For proof, just recall the McCar- thyite period when shrill, profes- sional ex-Communists were ac- cepted by many as the absolute and final authorities on what was good Americanism. Even the occasional hostile dem- onstrations have helped rather than hurt Mikoyan's mission, for they have created a bit of an un- derdog sympathy for him. * * * HE HAS MADE a big soft sell here, no two ways about it. The State Department does not offi- cially acknowledge it, but import- ant people here are worried about his impact. Among them, two con- clusions are now emerging, and neither is good news. The first is that the Soviet Rus- sians have gained Western propa- ganda know-how almost as they have gained in space implements. The old air of glacial menace has vanished under the sunshine of a Shhh! By The Associated Press DETROIT - A dispute over the merits of a juke box in the stu- dent union snack bar at the Uni- versity of Detroit was settled yes- terday on a note of compromise. The student council approved placing three silent records in the machine to be played by those who want quiet. The silent records will cost a dime to play, same as the 101 noisy ones on the big machine. COMMENTARY: yan Builds Soviet Prestige wide Soviet smile. The old movie- heavy tone of dreary Soviet rhe- toric has gone, too. In its place are the snappy rejoinder and the hap- py touch-we are all good fellows together. Where this marked improvement in Soviet influence techniques has come from is, of course, not cer- tain. But some believe the princi- pal author is the Soviet Ambas- sador here, Mikhail A. Menshikov. He can look as American, as the saying goes, as apple pie. The second conclusion is that it might be wise to revise the old es- timate that we need more East- West exchanges. * * * FOR SUCH exchanges, it now appears, might be, more harmful to us than otherwise. Moscow, for example, no doubt would accept as a visitor to Russia some American official on a rebuttal "good will tour." But does anybody suppose succh a visitor could enjoy the freedom-including the freedom of the press to be generous to a cold-war traveler--that Mikoyan has enjoyed here? And, worse yet, suppose such a miracle did occur? The central fact remains that it is not the Russian people who make or even influence Soviet policy. All this is not to support a mere rigidity here. It is only to suggest that sooner or later we must fact up to the fact that we cannot real- ly ease tensions with our propa- ganda. In the nature of the case our antagonist has the better of us in this field, for the contest is played with different rules. For us, it must be the long, plod- ding pull-patience, strength, and waiting. . from Early Romantic to Contem- porary. The first selection was the Woodwind Quintet by Anton Reicha, numbered Op. 91, No. 3. The composition, classically con-, ceived, consists of four move- ments. It was, for the most part, very nice, but neither striking nor original. SUCH WAS not the case, how- ever, with the rest of the en- sembles which were performed. The second selection, a Trio by the French composer Francis Poulenc, for oboe, bassoon, and piano, was perhaps the most highly diverting and singularly musical composi- tion performed during the entire concert. It was "modern," but not oppressive to the listener as is so much of the contemporary music of today. In this, Poulenc utilized his great gift of melodic genius with great success. * * * THE THIRD selection was a Quintette by the French composer Henri Tomasi. Like the Poulenc Trio, this piece showed the stamp of a great technician. It lacked however, the invention of Poulenc,: and rarely proved to be genuinely interesting to the listener. For its final two selections, the group performed a rather light Sonatine- Humoresque by Jean Hubeau for French horn, flute, clarinet, and piano and a Divertimento by Paul Joun for woodwind quintet and piano. The program as a whole, was rather pleasant, however. Despite the extremely faulty intonation of the flutist, Russell Friedewald, the rest of the group played splendid- ly. -David M. Schwartz LETTERS to the EDITOR Farce? .. To the Editor: N SATURDAY'S Issue of The. Daily, R. F. Burlingame calls public opinion polls a farce. He states himself that he does so, because the public opinion polls do not deflect the opinion of experts in the question considered. Mr. Burlingame, I would like to inform you that public opinion polls are just-public opinion polls. The ob- ject of the poll is to learn the opinion of the general public and not that of the experts. Remem- ber that they are called public, not expert, opinion polls. --U. R. Colts, '61 AT ALUMNI HALLS Basic Form Explored PROFESSOR Richard Wilt's i vestigative procedure invol( a progression from pen and in sketches to watercolors, and summarized in his exhibition Alumni Memorial Hall by ten e paintings. He uses the sketch to analyze basic natural form then adds water colors to effect mood or suggest an atmospher condition. Interested in investiga ing new painting techniques, I explores the fusion of line av colors in his oil paintings. The sketch "Ocean" achieves feeling of the mass of rushir water yet the subtleties of his in lines cause the viewer to admi his precise drawing as well as I analytical observations of nature * * , THE WATER COLORS reve his interest in how color affee and enhances the line drawin For example, in "Sentinel Pin the viewer is aware of .the li dj-awipg of a knarled tree; but . also notices how the color inten: fies the expression of the subje without obscuring its underlyi form. This concern for the bas forms is also seen in "Rock Led with Drift Wood," in which t pervasive atmosphere is achiev by the use of thin washes wh he selects natural forms to gi coherence to the composition. another water color "Blue Roc and Spray" the artist utilizes t fluidity of the medium to indica a microcosm of sea life. * * * THE OIL PAINTINGS, althou less representational, seem to be logical continuation of the artis interest in color and line. TI viewer is aware of a tension i tween the depicted and the sul gested. An especially handson picture "Calm Black Waves" co veys the notion of its subject the simple use of horizontal bar in dark blues and blacks whi contrast with bare areas of canoe Another painting "Brown Pota Rpck with Spray and Fog" evok an impression of water swirli against encrusted rocks, but t viewer is equally as cognizant the surface variations of the paint. The exhibition shows that I artist has found copious yiel from his, explorations into pain ing techniques. -Aaron Sheon DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i qll rr ngrl4 rr grrrllq r lrl MI*I rllw INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Reds Still Patient LATIN AMERICA: ErT By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst SOMEBODY is always jumping up these days with the sudden pe'rception of signs that Russia wants to ease East-West tensions. Western officials are always "keeping the door open" and expressing willingness to re-appraise their position if the Reds will give concrete evidence of a desire for settlements. But don't start putting crumbs on your win- dowsill to feed the dove of peace, They would get awfully stale before that bird arrives. Secretary of State Dulles set off a wave of re-appraisal talk at his news conference Tues- day with the statement that there might be other means of unifying Germany besides the free elections for which the West has always stood. Certainly there are. But none to which both sides will agree. If the Western powers come up with new proposals it may appear to the noncommitted world that they are being rea- sonable. But it won't make any change in the fundamental situation. L1 r %icbi-gan Dail HERE'S WHY, and why the Communists want to keep tension eased, but not too much: 1) The Communists want and expect to take over the world. 2) They count on help from failure of the Capitalist system-permanent depression. 3) They want to keep a sufficient tension so the capitalist nations will both waste their resources on armament, so contributing to economic collapse, and eventually use the arms among themselves in suicidal climax to eqo- nomic competition. 4) They don't want the tension to get to the point where the West will unify in an attempt to wipe out Russia and international Communism once and for all. 5) They also wish to appear reasonable be- fore the neutrals, at the same time trying to convince them that the capitalist West is marching to its own doom while Communismj offers them the material progress they so desire. IT IS. THEREFORE, in the Communist in- terest to keep the West spending heavily on arms, thus limiting the resources it can apply to the economic warfare which Russia is now beginning, while maintaining a political level avoiding war. Alwnav in the hnckgrondn nf cnurse Is the By FRED L. STROZIER Associated Press Correspondent RIO DE JANEIRO -- Diplomats south of the border are won- dering whether the Eisenhower administration's new program to woo back lost friends in Latin America may be too little and too late. Hemisphere cooperation that reached a peak under the United States Good Neighbor policy has turned to resentment and jealousy in recent years. Both sides accuse the other of failing to understand their problems. The United States adds that there are limits on its ability to help Latain America. Nobody paid much attention to the mounting rift until last spring when Vice-President Richard Nixon made a goodwill tour and was booed, hissed, spat upon and once even attacked by mobs. Washington suddenly came to life and started work on new policy. Acting as emissary for his broth- er, Dr. Milton Eisenhower followed up his fact-finding missions to Latin America with a long list of recommendations that were pub- lished Jan. 3. One of his nronosals to came from the Pentagon in recog- nition of his help to Western Hemisphere defense but that. made it no more palatable. Under Dr. Eisenhower's plan, the United States would give dic- tators a handshake but not a warm Latin embrace. Such a poli- cy would pose tough problems for ambassadors representing Wash- ington in dictator countries. They would need a delicate instinct to steer between getting too close and losing friends for the United States or being too cool and cre- ating trouble for American citi- zens and business interests. United States ambassadors to Argentina during Juan Peron's dictatorship were c o n t i n u a 11 y faced 'with this dilemma. Those who were unfriendly weresaccused of mixing in the affairs of a sov- ereign nation. Those who got along well with Peron were ac- cused of pandering to dictatorship. LATIN Americans are violently jealous of their sovereign rights. Any suggestion that Washington might try to pass judgment on them or their presidents would stir up unforgettable resentment. Several years agto one Latin Latin pleas for a new bank to lend money for Latin American devel- opment south of the border. Now President Eisenhower is reported ready to accept formation of such a bank with United States help. It appears that Washington wants to contribute less than half of the capital. Latins think Uncle Sam can dig up a much larger share, perhaps 66 per cent - the United States share of expenses in the organization of American states. This could be a bitter point of contention, * * * THE EISENHOWER adminis- tration now favors more money for all lending organizations, more reciprocal trade and continued distribution of farm surpluses on easy terms where they are needed in Latin America. But the United States is not yet ready to agree on pacts to stabil- ize the prices of basic Latin Amer- ican commodities such as coffee and copper. Wild price fluctua- tions on these and other staples have sent some Latin economies into a tailspin during the past few years. U.-J,Anotnn will nt flpavf ftalk, The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which Tne, Michigan Daily assumes no edl- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before.2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 86 General Notices Midyear Graduation Exercises: Jan. 24, 1959, to be held at 2:00 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Exercises will conclude about 4:00 p.m. Reception for graduates and their relatives and friends in Michigan League Ballroom at 4:00 p.m. Please enter League at west entrance. Tickets: Three to each prospective' graduate, to be distributed from Mon., Jan. 12, to 1:00 p.m. Sat., Jan. 24, at Cashier's Office, first floor lobby of Admin. Bldg. Academic Costunie: Can be rented at Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. University Ave., Ann Arbor. Orders should be placed immediately. Assembly for Graduates: At 1:00 p.m. in Nat. Sci. Aud. Marshals will direct graduates to proper stations. Graduation Announcements, Invita- tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Stu- dent Affairs. Programs: To be distributed at Auditorium. Doctoral degree candidates who tend the graduation exercises are titled to receive a hood. Those rea ing a doctoral degree other than T tor of Philosophy may exchange Ph.D. hood given them during the c mony for the appropriate degree h immediately after the ceremony, in rear of Nat. Set. Aud. International Center Tea: Thurs., 15, 4-,:00 p.m. at the International ter. The Inter-Cooperative Council is accepting applications for rooming boarding. There is space for grad. men and grad. and undergrad. men per month for board; $60 per m for room and board. 2546 S.A.B. C Hours: 10-12; 2-5 daily, 10-12 Sa1 Parking for Mid-Year Gradua Guests: The parking lots behind Aud. and the lot between the Nat. and the Chem. Bldgs. will be reset for graduation guests on Sat., Jan, Applications for Grants in suppo research projects: Faculty mem who wish to apply for grants from Faculty Research Funds to suppor search projects should file their a Application forms are available in cations in the office of the Gradi Schoo not later than Thurs., Feb 113, Rackham Bldg. (Continued on Page 71) .Senimore Says