JANUARY 15, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY tliies F'eature Individual Earphones Eastern Michigan College CLEARANCE SA y PHILIP SHERMAN audio room of the Under- te Library is unique among abilitiesin American uni- libraries. difference is that it has a room from which music piped to individual sets of ones. In addition to this asting system, there are 72 >les for playing individualE The needles used in these ma- chines have been breaking at the rate of three per day early in the semester, Margarita Anderson- Imbert, librarian in charge of the audio room reported. This high rate of needle failure has de- creased slightly, though, she said, due to signs explaining proper needle care which are now posted by every machine. Needles Expensive The needles cost the audio room apptoximately t w e 1 v e dollars apiece. The number of turntable fail- ures at the beginning of the se- mester is attributed to the fact that, as they were new, the "bugs" had to be ironed out, Mrs. Ander- ion-Imbert added. Selected broadcast music is played in the control room and transmitted to individual ear- phones in the room on any of 13 channels designed for this pur- pose. Users of the audio room se- lect the desired channel by means Gies To Speak On Business Prof. Thomas G. Gies, of the business administration school, will address the Ann Arbor chap- ter of the National Association of Accountants at 7:30 tonight. His subject will be "The Busi- ness Outlook for 1959," according to M. Ross Miller, publicity direc- tor of the city's chapter. All interested students are wel- come at this speech and to all other meetings of the organiza- tion, Miller said. . Notices _ (Use of this column for announce- mnsIn vial oofcal recog- and registered organizations only. Organizations planning to be active for the coming semester should register by Feb. 28. Forms available, 2011 Student Activities Bldg.) Baha'i Student Group, weekly meet- ing, Jan. 15, 8:30 p.m., 725 S. Division. Christian Science Organization, regu- lar testimony meeting, Jan. 15, 7:30 p.m., Mich. League: check bulletin board in main lobby for room numr., congregational and Disciples Guild, Social Action Luncheon, Jan. 15, Noon Guild House. of a dial similar to those on a television set. Nine of the channels are devot- ed to the playing of assigned music from the music literature courses while the remaining four are used for the "pleasure listening" pro- gram. Attracting about one third of the total audience in the audio room, the "pleasure listening" program was instituted so that students lacking their own equip- ment could listen to recordings otherwise unavailable to them, Mrs. Anderson-Imbert said. She noted that over 25,000 people have used the audio room iince it was opened on a full-time basis last September. Classical Music in Majority In order to accommodate these people, the room has a collection of 2,300 long-playing records, and many tapes. Emphasis of the col- lection is classical, though there are records of folk music and jazz needed for music l i t e r a t u r e classes. In addition to the music there are about 150 records of poetry readings and dramas for use by speech and English classes. The most popular records are those of the works of Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart and Haydn, the librarian noted. Among the more popular symphonies, Toscanini's recording of Beethoven's "Chor- ale" symphony has been played almost 300 times. Other records have received similarly large cir- culation. Cannot Expand Because of a low library budget this year, no additions to the col-. lection are planned except for spe- cific works requested by course instructors. No replacement pro- gram is planned either. As to plans for the future, Mrs. Anderson-Imbert commented that service could be expanded to in- clude morning hours if there was an increase in the budget allot- ment. More money would also mean more new records and more copies of old ones, she added. At present, the collection is limited to, at most, four copies of any one work, all performances included. There are no plans for stereo- phonic installations, Mrs. Ander- son-Imbert commented, though stereophonic needles will be stocked in order, to play any new recordings on present apparatus. ook Voyages Exhibited Here Clements Library is featuring an exhibit describing the explorations of Captain Cook. The exhibit in- yesterday began the dedication events at the Daniel L. Quirk. Jr. Dramatic Arts Building at East- ern Michigan College in Ypsilanti. John W. Gassner, Serling Pro- fessor of Playwriting and Drama at Yale University will give the dedication speech at 4 p.m. this afternoon. The Eastern Michigan College Players gave their first of four performances last night of Arthur Miller's "The Crucible." Features Little Theater The new $800.000 structure features a 400-seat little theater which has no center aisles. Access is from two side aisles. Rows are set several inches farther apart than in conventional : theaters, and special acoustic treatment and air-conditioning have been provided. The proscenium opening is flanked by two curtained side stages, which will be used for Shakespearean and similar types of "into-the-audience" presenta- tions. An elevator-operated fore- stage just beyond the main stage serves as an orchestra pit. Scenery Lines Provided Forty sets of lines for scenery are provided and there is a 100- t circuit switchboard. The stage area itself is also large enough to accommodate a 175-seat "theater- in-the-round." In addition to the main theater, there is a radio-TV studio, and rehearsal areas, stagecraft shops, classrooms and an outdoor amphi- theatre. The classroom wing, which houses four classrooms and four faculty offices, and the theater itself are designed to par- tially surround the outdoor ain- phitheater. A small studio theater has been provided for use in experimental, student directed productions. An oil painting of Quirk done by Alice K. Reischer of Ann Arbor Acceptance ceremonies, a stu- dent production and a reception-hangs-- the theater lobby. Quirk i i r MUSIC TO STUDY BY-Individual earphones in the audio room of the Undergraduate Library can be tuned in to 13 different channels, nine of which are used for assigned music for music literature courses while the remaining four are devoted to "pleas- ure listening." FORMER 'U' DEPT. HEAD: Marquis Appointed by MIT To Industry Relations School Prof. Donald G. Marquis, former chairman of the University's psy- chology department, has been ap- pointed a professor in the in- dustrial management school of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, Julius A. Stratton, presi- dent of the Institute, anmounced yesterday. Prof. Marquis, who was at the University from 1945 to 1957, will do research, teaching and con- sulting and management of hu- man resources in industry. MIT has been doing research into the human side of economic enterprise since 1937. Management's Role Modified In announcing the appointment, E. P. Brooks, dean of the School of Industrial Management, said that profound changes are taking place all over the world in the de- mands on industrial management and in the nature of manage- ment's responsibilities. He added that these changes are bringing about extensive modifica- tions in theory and practice, which will probably accelerate in the fu- ture, and that the appointment of Prof. Marquis is in line with the desire of the Institute to give proper emphasis to this subject. Prof. Marquis served as the chairman of the psychology de- partment of Yale University and has been on the staff of the Social Science Research Council since 1957. Worked on Consultations During World War II he was director of the psychological per- sonnel office and served in the Office of Scientific Research and Development of the National Re- search Council. Prof. Marquis has been a con- sultant to many public and private organizations and is a past presi- dent of the American Psychologi- cal Association and a member of the National Advisory Committee on Mental Health. His research and publications have been in such diverse fields as learning, manpower utilization and the social psychology of hu- man behavior in organizations. Wl w NNW, cludes books which record the four voyages and Cook's death in the Hawaiian Islands. ., save on these costume-complementing belts...cowhide and other Mix 'Em or Match 'Em I I Slacks Sweaters r ,, i : "-'tr }j; i 7 " Skirts Blouses Bermudas Jerkins Perfect companions for your VACATION and CAMPUS 3 wonderful groups $3.98-$5.98-$8.98 Many of these were twice their Sale Price Save for that vacation trip and be the Best Dressed Gal on Camuus I 11 I i j