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January 14, 1959 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-14

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"Anybody Want To Argue About Other Rules?"

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Sixty-Ninth Year

"When Opinions Are Pre
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




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Pops Tour Orchestra
Almost Real Thing

U.S. Poor Host
To Mikoyan

IT IS HOPED that the second ranking man in
Russia today will not be shot when he re-
turns to Russia after all the wining and dining
he has been doing with imperialistic capitalists.
Business and industry leaders all over this
country have been hosts to Anastas I. Mikoyan
during his "private visit." Such contamination
with owners of large private enterprise concerns
may just prove too much for the Deputy Pre-
mier. He may go back to Russia "brainwashed"
by what he finds here, so that he will have to
be removed in order to preserve the Communis-
tic system.
Some of the things that Mikoyan has been
so willingly saying have been so bad, in fact,
that they have not been repainted in Russia.
And, anyone who would remark that he is con-
vinced that business owners in this country do
not want war because their plants would be
damaged obviously needs watching. As any
Communist knows, it is the capitalistic im-
perialists who want war in order to riake
T HE IRONY of this whole situation is that
there have been demonstrations against
Mikoyan. But these have not come from the
nervous capitalists. The protestors have been
workers, most of them from countries recently
"liberated" by the Communists.
Yet Communism is supposed to be the friend
of the working class. Yet George Meany, presi-
dent of the AFL-CIO labor union, refused to
see the high-ranking Soviet under any condi-
Of course, Mikoyan has almost been forced
to siend time with business leaders. The State
STUDENTS ARE ALWAYS ready these days
to do away with any outside help and are
more than eager to "do it themselves."
Recent indications that juniors and seniors
in the literary college may be allowed to sign
their own election cards have been met with
glad cries and whoops that "paternalism is
dying, etc. etc."
It is difficult to visualize, however, what great
good this proposed move would accomplish .. .
other than appeasing a ,few oppressed, down-
trodden underclassmen who want to "go it
Since there are nearly one-third of second
semester seniors with unfulfilled distribution
requirements, it seems inconceivable that it'
would do any earthly good to place the respon-
sibility in the hands of students who apparently
don't give a darn now. It seems more likely that
a more thorough counseling program is needed
instead of abolishing the present old one.
THE MAIN DIFFICULTY with the counseling
program is probably the "rubberstamp" atti-
tude of many of the counselors. Honest mistakes

Department has taken a stay-clear position
because Mikoyan is here on a private visit and
it has not arranged any official receptions.
BUT THERE ARE more serious aspects to the
Government's handling of his visit. It has
provided only the most minimal security pro-
tections and has refused to help facilitate his
trip by advising cities on the itinerary how to
handle his visit.
The wounds inflicted by the brutality of the
Communists in people of many countries, es-
pecially Hungary, are too recent for those
refugees in the United States to allow the
arrival of a high-ranking Soviet to pass un-
noticed. Demonstrations should have been ex-
pected from past experiences and plans should
have been made to handle them so there would
not have been so many embarrassing incidents.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower called for
courtesy on the part of the American people
so as to give Mikoyan an accurate picture of
our country. However, the President should not
expect individuals to show courtesy to someone
like Mikoyan when the State Department does
not treat him as one of the leaders of another
IN EUROPE news of Mikoyan's trip is taking
precedent over all other events. At the
moment the United States looks very foolish
because of its actions ... or lack of them.
The United States must make some official
gesture of friendship to the man whom Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev has called "my Ar-
menian rug salesman" before another battle
is lost in the public relations war.
Still Needed
of course do occur but if the one-third figure
is true, there is more to it than mistakes. Errors
in one-third of second semester seniors' distri-
bution requirements indicates two things. One
is indifference on the part of counselors. The
other is a partial cause of the first: insufficient
time. The few minutes available to each stu-
dent are are not enough to plan.
AND, IF THE problem is uncertainty whether
specific courses fulfill requirements it is
more than doubtful that students could do
the job better. On the contrary, the chaos
feared by the Counseling Committee is almost
certain to be monstrous.
This is no time for students to grab at every
"concession" or bit of authority they can, wrest
from a "hostile administration, desirous of
paternalizing the poor students to death." Every
item of this nature should be weighed for its
logical potential in developing responsibility, its
logical position of vestiture, and not for the
glory of a victory over those guys in the pink
building on State Street.

f9s9p T7 "V , .14 TDAI oS'14
Six Years in the White House

LAST EVENING, the Boston Pops
threw down a curiously woven
cape of musical fabric for an en-
thusiastic audience to walk upon.
However far from the topic this
bunch may stray, they somehow
always manage to finish with a
flurry of encores so that everyone
goes home happy.
The Pops normally hangs out at
Symphony Hall, during the sum-
mer season, where the musically
infatuated can sit at little tables,
eat and drink, listen to the orches-
tra, and generally talk an evening
away. Away from Symphony Hall,
the so-called Boston Pops Tour
Orchestra, of uncertain back-
ground, sweeps across the land
playing a strangely unvaried pro-
gram to packed houses.
Fiedler's comedy of manners began
with a rather restrained "Rakoczy
March," moved on into a frivolous
overture by Rossini, a Bach
"Fugue" grotesquely orchestrated
by Cailliet, and the fascinating
"Divertissement" by French con-
temporary Jacque Ibert. This last
piece was well received by the
complacent audience; trumpet
cat-calls, police whistles, and
satire on Mendelssohn's wedding
march to the contrary.
After a brief intermission, the
Pops was joined by Mr. Ozan
Marsh, a pianist of frightening
talent, for Liszt's "Totentanz."
This keyboard rattling set on vari-
ations on the "Dies Irae" (a sort
of whiskey served at the Detroit
Athletic Club) is at best a mad
romp for piano and orchestra; at
worst a musical chamber of hor-
rors. Fiedler led the chase through
graveyard and funeral parlor with
no difficulty, while from the piano,
Mr. Marsh tore through deathless
passages with hardly a quiver. The
"Russian Easter" which followed
was less than ideal: too much
Yet another intermission, and
then the Pops returned for some
"pops." First, a medley of dancing
music from cakewalk to rock and
roll; then a Mantivanesque "Smoke
Gets in Your Eyes"; finally "76
Trombones" fresh from an -en-
gagement at the stadium. This
type of music is held firmly in the
grasp of this orchestra and helped
erasera memory of the unexciting
BOSTON POPS lovers can al-
ways be counted on to keep the
applause at high level for a while
after concerts, because Pops en-
cores are half the show. The five
encores which followed were at
least one-third of the show;
mainly because of Leroy Ander-
son's "Classical Juke Box" which
satires the tendency of popular
music to steal from the classics,
especially Liszt. And with the tra-
ditional playing of the ever-popu-
lar "Stars and Stripes," the or-
chestra brought to a close yet
another chapter of "Life in Hill
* * *
THOSE unfamiliar with the Pops
on its home grounds cannot im-
agine the happy times at Sym-

Schedule Suggestion

phony Hall, with champagne cork
popping, waitresses carting, O
trays of sandwiches, people fallin
asleep. During the summer, the
Pops also has a large visiting dele
gation from the Boston Symphonj
which is welcome. Last night
Pops was certainly adequate,, a
Tour Orchestras go, but not up t
summer standards.
But until we can persuade thi
University to uproot the first fioo
seats in Hill Aud., move in a littl
tables and chairs, and fly in son
snacks from Durgin Park, some
thing of the Pops effect will alway
be lost. The "Divertissement" an
most of the Pops music cami
closest to the Pops I remember.
-David Kessel

ONCE AGAIN, as final examination time
rolls around, the old familiar cry is heard,
"It never fails, I have three exams in two
days and my last one is one week from my
This common complaint could easily be
avoided in one of two ways. The first way, and
this would entail more work on behalf of the
University, would be to publish the final exam-
ination schedule for the semester in the time
schedule for that particular semester. In this
way, students will be able to sign up for classes
knowing when their exams will fall and thus,
the students would be able to spread out their
exams during the examination period.
Another way would be to establish a per-

manent schedule which would avoid the extra
work done each semester to devise a new one.
An example of the permanent schedule would
be all classes held at 11 a.m. Mondays will al-
ways have their exams 9 a.m. to noon on the
first Monday of finals. Special sections can
also be posted on this permanent schedule.
The schedule could then be posted in gener-
al locations including the Faculty Counsellors'
Offices and the individual residence halls.
In this way, counsellors, instructors and stu-
dents will know at all times when their exams
will be and this would also help departments
to plan the times of their respective course
meetings and make exam week a little easier
to face.

Associated Press Correspondent
W ASHINGTON- World peace,
enduring and just, still is
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
No. one goal and overriding inter-
eskt after six years in office.
And as -he starts his seventh
year, President Eisenhower still
doesn't like politics in the broad
sense-particularly the pulling and
hauling, the bargaining which are
an inevitable part Of any Adminis-
tration's efforts to get legislation
through Congress.
Nor has President Eisenhower
ever relished his role as head of
the Republican party. His interest
in the role is likely to diminish
during his remaining two years in
the White House.
It would be over-simplifying to
say that President Eisenhower's
dislike for politics on the one hand
and his deep interest in the search
for peace on the other provides
full answer on how he ticks as
But perhaps more than anything
else they are key factors in getting
at President Eisenhower's opera-
tions pattern of the last six years,
and in loking ahead to the rest
of his term.
It boils down to the President
being much more absorbed in one
phase of his job-the hunt for
elusive peace-than he is in do-
mestic programs.
AN AIDE estimates that in the
last couple of years President
Eisenhower on most days has de-
voted perhaps 75 per cent of his
working hours to international
problems - atomic weapons con-
trol, for example, and such crises
as those in the Middle East, the
Far East and Berlin.
Certainly the 68-year-old Presi-
dent is not going to change in any
dramatic fashion in the next two
However, he is keenly aware of
being the first President to be
barred from a third term, which
he said he wouldn't accept anyway
because of his age. The bar, set up
during President Truman's term,
stemmed from objections to the
four terms of President Roosevelt.
President Eisenhower is aware
more specifically of predictions
that because he is barred from
another termhe can'tbexpect to be
very effectual in the next 24
months - in dealings with the
heavily Democratic new Congress,
in world affairs, in every manner.
The President reportedly is de-
termined that history won't pin
any meaningful "lame duck" tag
on him. He-and his staff are mak-
ing plans now on how to accent
the positive.
But if the past six years have
demonstrated anything they have
shown that President Eisenhower
is not a man who goes looking for
a battle-notwithstanding his at-
tacks on the Democrats in the re-
cent election campaign.
Generally he tries to avoid ;
scrap-in his relations with Con-
gress, for instance. Some of his
critics contend he tries too hard.
IN ANY EVENT, the Eisenhower
of the future will be essentially the
Eisenhower of the past. As always,
he will steer clear of any skull-

spent many years in the army and
the policy of taking only major
decisions to the boss is ingrained.
POLITICS - Because he never
has cared for politics, President
.Eisenhower more and more will
turn over to others the job of
rebuilding the Republican party in
the wake of last month's Demo-
cratic triumphs. He has said in'
substance he wouldn't dream of
trying to hand pick a successor
among the Republican aspirants.
present trend seems to be toward
fewer Eisenhower news conferen-
ces. During the year 1958, he held
21. The year's total is almost cer-
tain to be the smallest since 1955
when Eisenhower had met with
reporters 19 times before his Sep-
tember heart attack put an end to
conferences that year.
The announced goal when the
President took office was one ses-
sion with reporters each week. The
average over six years has been
something less than one confer-
ence every two weeks-23 in 1953;
33 in 1954; 19 in 1955; 24 in 1956;
and 25 in 1957.
* * *
AT THIS POINT President Eis-
enhower's working day pattern is

pretty much the same as it was in
1953-except for the mid-day rest
or break he takes from business
routine because of his 1955 heart
attack. His 1956 ileitis seizure and
surgery and the minor stroke he
suffered last year haven't changed
his daily routine.
In Washington, PresidentsEisen-
hower still turns up at his office
each morning except Sunday be-
tween 7:30 and 8 o'cdlock. During
the forenoon he generally confers
with staff members and receives
The calling list is somewhat
lighter and there are fewer cere-
monial visitors, contest winners
and the like than there were before
the heart attack.
President Eisenhower's after-
noons usually are given over to
handling of correspondence, work
on government programs and con-
ferences, with federal officials -
many of them never announced by
the White House.
The President generally leaves
the office for his living quarters
about 6 p.m., but during the last
three years there has been a deep
cut in the number of his evening
social engagements.

Mikoyan Demonstrations Justified

(Continued from Page 3)
Personnel Report.
Driving Regulations Board.
Standing Comnmittee; National ad
international - International Staudet
Relations seminar, Michigan Region
Christmas Card Sales; Public Relations;
Education and 'Social Welfare-Eary
Exam Schedule, Forum Committee; Stu-
dent Activities Comuittee-Council for
International Living, Summer Place-
ment Bureau Report; Election-Rule,
Change in Date,
Old Business-Inter-Cllegiat Ath.
letie Board.
New Business.
Members and constituents time.
J-Hop Parties:, Regulations for Par-
Student groupsa wishing to have Pa,
ties during the J-Hp period are in-
structed to seek approval from the Of+
fice of student Affairs following usual
procedures. Requests for approval lor
specific social events should be filed o1,
or before Fri., Jan. 16. Chaperonds are
subject to the approval of the Dean of
Men, Two married couples, ,6 years Of
age or older, or one such couple and
the chaperone-in-residence are re-
quired as chaperones. Exception For
dinner preceding and breakfast follow-
ing the J-Hop Gance, only one qualified
married couple or the chaperone-ii-
residence is required. It is suggested
that chaperones be selected from such
groups as parents of students, faculty
members, or alumni, who will be will-
ing to cooperate with the president of
the house to, assure that Ulniverdt
regulations are observed.,
No house parties will be approved
for the night of the Hop. Pre-Hop din-
ners must end not later than 9:30 p.m.
Fraternities are closed to callers during
the hours a group attends the Hop ad
may re-open if desired at 2:00 a.m.
Breakfast must close in sufficient
time to allow women students to re-
turn to their residences before 4:00 a.m.
Fraternities occupied by women guests
must be closed to men promptly at 4:0*
Parties are restricted to the Ann Ar-
bor area.
Women's Housing and Hours
Arrangements for housing nvo a
overnight during J-Hop period, i1
mnen's residences must be s parately ap-
proved at the Office of Dean of Women.
For fraternities occupied by women
guests, a chaperone-in-residence mu4
be approved by the Dean of Women
The chaperone selected is to be ,
residence for the entire period and t
not to attend the Hop.
Fraternities having overnight women
guests must vacate their houses by
1:00 p.m. Fri.. Feb. 6 after which the
women guests and chaperones shall
move into the houses and regular men's
calling hours will be in effect. The
houses will be opened to mce t 9.0
a.m. sun. to return furniture fia
the Hop.
Occupancy of houses by -fop guiests
shall not exceed that which is ap-'
proved by the University Health Service.
Women have a 2:30 a.m permisso
following parties on Fri. night., )eb.
6 and :00 a.m. permission follwing
the J-Hop on Feb. 7. Regular calling
hours in women's residences will not
be extended This includes faei-
ties which are housing women, uness'
a party in the house has been ap-
proved by the Office of Student Affaie.
Fraternities housing women guests
must remain open during the hours of
the Hlop and the chaperonein-resi-
dence must be in the house.
All Students: Before registration pay
the University Cashier all money for
which you have been billed and which
you have not yet paid. Save your re
ceipts as you may be asked for them
when you register. Your coming regis-
tration and your receipt of first semes
ter grades depends on prompt atten-
Lion to this matter.
Linguistics Club: "Linguistic Re-
search in South Africa." Prof. D. L
Cole, Univ. of Witwatersrand, Johan.
nesburg. Thur., Jan. 15, 8:00 p..,
Rackham Amphitheatre,
American Society for Public Admin,
istration Social Seminar: A social sen-
nar of the Mich. Chapter of A.8.PA,
will be held on Wed, Jan. 14, 00 p.m,
E. Conf. Rm.,, Rackham Bldg. The
speaker will be Mr. James L. Miller.
who will speak on "Coordination of
Problems of Higher Education and the
Role of Public Administration" -A&
freshments will be served.
lDept. of Far Eastern Languages ant
Literatures is sponsoring a lIcttre;to

be given by Prof. George R. Storry,
Fellow, St. Antony's College, Oxfored
Unlv, on Wed, Jan. 14. 4:15 p.m., MAd.
A. Angell Hall. The lecture is entitled
"The Super-Patriots of Pre-War Japan."
Lecture, a us p ic es of the Applied
Mathematies Seminar and Semina on
Magnetohydrodynamics. "A Variational
Principle for Hydromagnetic Equilib-
ria." Dr. Russell Kulsrud, Project Mat-
terhorn, PrincetIon Univ. Thurs., Jan.,
15, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 1042, E. Eng. Bldg.
Lecture, auspices of the seminar o
Magnetohydrodynamics, "A Problem of
Stable Hydromnagnetic Equilibria in the
Controlled Thermonuclear Program."
Dr. Rusell Kulsrud, Project Matter-
horn ,PrinceAton, Univ.. Thurs.. Jan.15




Demonstration . .
To the Editor:
YOUR Sunday issue brings visit-
ing Yugoslavian Professor Bu-
jas's comments on anti-Mikoyan
demonstrations. Mr. Bujas seems
to be misinformed concerning Mi-
koyan's tour' because neither was
he invited by Americans - he is
Menshikov's guest - nor was he
greeted by Americans "with such
a lack of respect." Those who have
been "greeting" him with rocks
and rotten eggs in this "very rude"
way only return an insignificantly
small part of what they think he,
as representative of the Soviet
Union, should deserve for the high-
ly civilized, merciful, love-inspired
and humanitarian manner in
which the Reds treat their subjects
and which is very familiar to the
When the witness of the latest
Soviet "humanitarian action" in
Hungary recalls the events of 1956,
he is obviously infuriated by hear-
ing Mikoyan declare: "We don't

like to shoot people." Having
learned well enough the truth be-
hind the Mikoyant' statements,
promises, smiles and handshak-
ings, he obviously doesn't want to
see a top-Red again, travelling
with mysterious purposes in a free
country, acting as an apostle of
peaceful co-existence and perhaps
misleading some of those who have
less experience in dealing withr
Communist propagandists. So he
goes out to the street protesting
and demonstrating; and if, for a
moment, the image of his hanged
friend or of his deported brother
appears in his memory, he throws
off a few innocent eggs in despair,.
It's too bad that Mr. Bujas
doesn't seem to understand the
, -Name Withheld by Request
Immunity .. .
To the Editor:
THAT NEWSMEN should be en-
trusted with immunity power
as suggested by Mr. Tarr in The

Ike Muffs Question

Michigan Daily, January 10, 1959,
does not seem so evident to me.
Why is it necessary that newsmen
be granted the privilege of keep-
ing the source of their information
secret? If the information is worth
printing and aids the cause of
"public information, discussion
and debate," the source can be re-
vealed with no drastic conse-
Doctors, lawyers and clergymen
are confidentially approached by
people seeking personal help, ad-
vice anai guidance. The informa-
tion concerns only the two In-
dividuals involved which is not
analogous to the information of
more or less public concern dis-
persed by newsmen.
Immunity laws would give news-
men the opportunity to print
"news" without any authoritative
source, protecting them while do-
ing so. Granted, many newsmen
would not abuse this immunity but
why should we enact laws to pro-
tect those who would?
If news is fit to print, the source
is fit to print.
--Kristin Hoppe
Review .
To the Editor:
FEEL that the cynicism ex-
pressed by Mr. Wolter in his
review of January 10, is sopho-
moric at best. As a member of the
fourth estate, he has every right
to say what he pleases. However,
I feel that he is also obligated
to justify his criticisms.
The march, which he so glibly
condemns, was played solely be-
cause it was written for the con-
vention which sponsored the con-
cert. Whether a transcription for
band is good or not, it deserves to

GRANTED THAT the President's first mes-
sage to Congress is bound to be rather
general in character, what the President had to
say on Friday throws very little light indeed on
the state of the union. He said in effect that we
are "ceaselessly challenged," and that in meet-
ing this challenge all that we can afford to do,
without raising taxes, is all that we need to do.
This is a remarkable coincidence-that we
are able to meet so great a challenge without
any additional effort and sacrifice during the
coming fiscal year, and that in the following
year we may be able to relax and to reduce
taxes. We are confronted, said President Eisen-
hower, with a question which is "as old as
history," whether a government based upon
liberty can endure when it is ceaselessly chal-
lenged by a dictatorship with growing economic
and military power. And what is the answer to
this question which is as old as history? It is
that we can indeed endure by doing no more

endure if the answer is that we are already
doing all that is necessary? The explanation, I
am afraid, is that the President is trying to
ride two horses at once-to be hard when he,
talks to Moscow and soft when he talks to our
own people. We are to defy the challenge
abroad and are to reduce taxes at home.
This does not sound as if the President ex-
pected the nation to take the ceaseless chal-
lenge very seriously. For if it is true, as in
fact it is, that the Soviet Union is challenging
us with "an economic and military power of
great and growing strength," how is it conceiv-
able that we can look forward to a tax reduc-
tion just before the coming national Presi-
dential election? This is the kind of softness
and self-indulgence which is "as old as history,"
and again and again in history has meant the
ruin of great states.
T BE HARD on the outside and soft on the'

Senimore Says .

. .

2 41~

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