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January 14, 1959 - Image 1

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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SLXIX, No. 85




Group Asks SGC To Cancel
J-Hops Following This Season

Murray Feiwell, '60, said yester-
day he plans to ask Student Gov-
erment Council to discontinue
J-Hops after this year.
Feiwell, chairman of the cen-
tral committee for the dance, cit-
ed disappointing ticket sales as
r the cause of the dance's prospec-
tive financial failure.
Sales have only been about half
1 of what the dance will need to
break even, he said. So far about
300 of the 500 necessary tickets
have been sold.
Moved to League
The dance was transferred from
the Intramural Building to the
League by the J-Hop central com-
mittee yesterday, he said, because
of the low sales. *
"The dance may lose from
$1,500 to $2,000, which must be
paid by Student Government
Council," Mort Wise, '59, SGC's
executive chairman noted.
"As far as the central commit-
tee is concerned," Feiwell said,
"the general apathy of students
toward ticket sales is such that
J-Hop will no longer be justified
after this year.'"
Date Changed
He said the date of the dance
had been changed from during the
week to the weekend to make it
more popular with students. If the
dance is not successful even on a
weekend, it will have to be
The matter will be placed on
SGC's agenda tonight, Wise said.
The position of the Council last
fall, he explained, was that if this
J-Hop lost money again it would
be dropped.
"We are still paying for last
year's J-Hop," he added. That
dance lost over $1,000."
If the ticket sales increase in
the next few days, the fate of the
dance will be reconsidered, Feiwell

MUSIC MAKERS-The parade of big-name bands, including that
of Buddy Morrow in 1957, which has made its way to the J-Hop
annually may cease if ticket sales don't pick up soon. The J-Hop,
which dates back to 1877, lost money last year, and faces the same
prospect. this year. SGC, which bears all deficits and is still paying
for last year's, may be forced to discontinue the affair.
Bureau NotesA Offers
Of Increased Salaries
Higher salaries for graduates with doctoral degrees and job
opportunities with lessened degree requirements are indicated in
recent reports by the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational In-
Over three thousand requests for faculty members in 1957 and
1958 were compared. They came from colleges and universities in every

A ttacked
WASHINGTON (A - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles yes-
terday blasted Russia's proposals
for Germany as brutal, stupid and
probably unworkable.
Coupling this harsh criticism
with an implied promise of flex-
ibility, Sec. Dulles added that this
country is willing to meet with
Russia, Britain and France to dis-
cuss the German problem.
The secretary thus set the stage,
at a news conference, for round
number two of Anastas I. Mikoy-
an's Washington talks about the
future of the divided nation. Mi-
koyan, Deputy Russian Premier, is
due back here late this week after
a cross-country tour.
To Exchange Views
Sec. Dulles said:
1) His and President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's conferences with
Mikoyan on Friday and Saturday,
respectively, will amount to an ex-
change of views and not two-na-
tion negotiations - something
which United States allies oppose.
2) Russia's proposal to isolate
and demilitarize dermany is not
only brutal, as West German
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer con-
tended Monday, but "it's a stupid
approach because we don't think
it will work."
3) The Western allies believe
Germany should be reunited
through free elections. But Sec.
Dulles said - apparently for the
first time in public-that a free
election is not the only method
possible. He declined to elaborate,
except to add: "There are all kinds
of methods."
Previous Note Stands
4) The United States has no
new proposals on Germany's fu-
ture at present. It stands on the
Allies' Dec. 31 note to the Kremlin
proposing four-power talks on the
whole German question.
5) "We are having constant
talks with our Allies about the
situation"-a hint that new pro-
posals should not be finally ruled
Council Asked
To Consider
Dance Change
A motion to change the place
of the 1959 J-Hop from the Intra-
mural Building to the League will
be considered by Student Govern-
ment Council at its regular meet-
ing at 7:30 today, according to
Mort Wise, '59, executive vice-
Due to financial difficulties, the
Council will have to approve the
change to make this year's dance
possible, he said.
Stan Noskin, '60, and John
Herrnstein, '59Ed. student mem-
bers of the Board in Control of
Inter-Collegiate Athletics, will
give their opinions on the pro-
posed changes in composition of
the Board. The Council will prob-
ably vote on the motion, Wise said.
A report on new rules and a
change in date for the SGC elec-
tions by the Election Committee,
and a Summer Placement Bureau
Report by the Student Activities
Committee are also on the agenda.
A financial report on the 1958
Homecoming is also slated for
tonight's meeting.





House ControlToda y
GOP Predicts Eventual Cut in Taxes Democratic
publicans held out hope yesterday economic report, due the following President Eisenhower said in hisVn Fo ce
of a tax reduction in two or three day: State of the Union message last
years-if the Democrats go along "We were all impressed with the Friday that he is counting on some
with President Dwight D. Eisen- attainability of a balanced budget tar relief in the foreseeable future. GOP Hoes To Gain
hower in holding down spending. next fiscal year without sacrific- Halleck was asked yesterday how GP
This prospect was raised by Rep. ing or unduly injuring any of the far ahead that might be. All Chairmanships
Charles A. Halleck of Indiana, the essential functions of govern- He replied that he thinks tax Ia.
-s'l ment," Halleck told reporters. cuts will be possible in two or I Organlzation Fight
after he and other GOP chiefs in President Eisenhower announced three years if Congress-which is
Congress conferred with President Dec. 22 he will submit a balanced heavily controlled by the Demo- LANSING (P)-With a Demo-
Eisenhower. budget of around 77 billion dollars crats - will back the Eisenhower cratic legislator confined to a hos-
The Republican leaders were for the fiscal year beginning next program. tal, House Republi ans last rgh
given previews of the President's' the lower chamber when the 70th
budget, which is to be submitted Sees Surplus ' Legislature assembles today.
to Congress next Monday, and his Sen. Everett Dirksen of Illinois, liL hts Republicans agreed in caucus to
the Senate Republican leader, said push for control while Rep. Jose-
* after yesterday's meeting this phine D. Hunsinger (D-Detroit)
budget contemplates a surplus ofL g lnis absent.
about 100 million dollars. Mrs. Hunsinger underwent ma-
In the current fiscal year, end- for surgery at Detroit Osteopathic
Em ploym en ing next June 30, the experts ex- Iitroduced Hospital.last Friday. Her psysician,
Elepect a deficit of around 12 billion Dr. R. A. Biggs, disclosed yester-
dollars. The 77 billion figure pro- day.
jected for spending in the new WASHINGTON (P)-A new set He said she will be confined to
Level D)rops fiscal year is more than two bil- of civil rights bills was pushed her bed for the next several days.
lion below the estimate for this forward yesterday. GOP on Top
year. Backers of the legislation said Without her, Democrats can
WASHINGTON (Al) - Unem- Democrats have called Presi- it would show whether a new produce only 54 House members
ployment topped four million in dent Eisenhower's budget plan un- Senate rule will be effective in today for the opening session at
December in a new winter climb realistic. They have said also that curbing filibusters. noon. Republicans, who claim all




Begun in 1877
The dance dates back to Feb. 17,
1877, when it was held in Frank's
Emporium to the music of two
violins and a piano.
The dance was held on the
weekend before registration in
former years. Two years ago the
dance was switched to the middle
of the week. "That's when ticket
sales really began to drop off,"
Wise commented.
The size of the dance rose from
20 couples at the first dance to
13,000 in 1954. Last year 630
tickets were sold, Feiwell said.
The dance is scheduled for Feb.
7 in the League Ballroom with the
Tommy Dorsey Orchestra. Tickets
are being sold in the Administra-
tion Bldg., and will be sold dur-
ing finals at 2503 Student Activi-
ties Bldg.
World News
By The Associated Press
BUENOS AIRES - The news-
paper .Nacion, quoting informed
sources in Paraguay, reported yes-
terday that a military rebellion
had broken out against Paraguay-
an dictator Alfredo Stroessner.
The Nacion correspondent in
Resistencia, on the Argentine-
Paraguayan border, said sources
in Paraguay's capital, Asuncion,
reported the rebellion in the
Chaco of northwest Paraguay.
HAVANA - Cuba's revolution-
ary regime last night ordered sus-
pension of all executions.
A Presidential Palace spokes-
man announced the suspension
folowing a conference between the
rebels' fighting leader, Fidel Cas-
tro, and the man he installed as
provisional President, Manuel Ur-
No date was set immediately for
resumption of the executions,
which have taken the lives of
more than 150 persons accused of
crimes against the Cuban people
during the regime of dictator Ful-
gencio Batista,
R .
FRANKFURT, Germany - Al-
banian Communist boss Enver
Hoxa said last night the West was
relying on Yugoslavia's independ-
ent brand of Communism, which!
he termed the "main danger to
the Communist movement."
Hoxa fired his latest verbal
blast against Yugoslav President,
Tito at a Czechoslovak govern-
ment reception in Prague, the of-,

Agents Can
See Records
United States Civil Rights Com-
mission agents yesterday won the
right to examine disputed voter
registration records which a de-
fiant Alabama judge had with-
Circuit Judge George Wallace,
admittedly inviting a jail term
for contempt, turned the voter
files over to hurriedly called grand
juries in Barbour and Bullock
Although a federal judge had
demanded he show the records to
civil rights agents, Wallace gave
the records to grand juries to in-
vestigate complaints of irregu-
larities in registering voters.
However, the Barbour jurors of-
fered to permit the agents to in-
spect the records for evidence on
alleged denial of Negro voting
Investigators accepted the of-
fer and were checking the Bar-
bour files at Clayton when the
grand jury foreman in adjoining
Bullock County telephoned a sim-
ilar proposal.
A. H. Rosenfeld, Commission
Complaints Director, said he
would notify the Bullock jurors
later whether he and other inves-
tigators would accept the plan.
Both counties agreed to produce
the records in the presence of the
grand jury foreman.
Rosenfeld declined comment on
how the grand jury action might
affect Wallace, or whether the
commission was satisfied with
getting the files from grand juries.
In making their offer, the Bul-
lock jurors said the agents' "re-
spectful request for use of the rec-
ords. rather than making an arro-
gant demand, tends to show their
new-found recognition of state
U. Expects
Trade Talks
NEW YORK (') --. A State De-
partment official said yesterday-
he expects Soviet Deputy Prime
Minister Anastas Mikoyan to
bring up the subject of Soviet-
United States trade when he gets
back to Washington.
Frederick T. Merrill, Director
of the East-West Contacts Staff
lf the Stat T namm tn d s

-state and overseas. The bureau
notes that more and more colleges
are mentioning salaries of five
thousand dollars and over, and an
increasing number are willing to
settle for a master's degree.
Salaries Change
"About three or four years ago,
the average starting salary for an
instructor holding a doctoral de-
gree was between four and five
thousand dollars," the bureau's
assistant director H. Kenneth
Barker explained. "Now salary of-
fers range somewhere between five
and six thousand dollars, with the
median closer to the higher
An overall raise in faculty sal-
aries is anticipated at most
schools, he said, according to let-
ters received by the bureau. The
reason: the number of qualified
people available is not in propor-
tion to mounting college enroll-
Barker added that "in certain
areas where there are shortages,
as in physics, chemistry and
mathematics, schools are less de-
manding of advanced degrees
simply because of the necessity of
getting instructors." t
Minimums Lowered
The reports on employment
showed, for example, 26 per cent
of the institutions seeking staff
members in 1957 specified the
master's degree as the minimum
In 1958 thirty-four per cent re-
quired a master's degree, and 20
per cent required a, master's de-
gree plus additional experience.
Only 24 per cent listed a doctoral
degree as necessary.

in the number of Americans out
of work.
The government said the job
situation has improved from what
it was in the depth of the reces-
sion but not nearly as much as
the rest of the economy. The na-
tion has well over one million
fewer jobs than in the pre-reces-
sion era.
Yesterday's joint monthly re-
port of the Commerce and Labor
Departments said employment de-
clined by 680,000 from 64,653,000
in November to 63,973,000 in De-
Unemployment rose by 275,000
from 3,833,000 to 4,108,000 - the
largest monthly increase since a
500,000 hike last June pushed the
idle total to its recession high of
nearly five and a half million. Ex-
perts are predicting unemploy-
ment may top five million again
this winter.
The report said heavy winter
cutbacks in farming, construction
and other outdoor work in the
severe December weather out-
weighed Christmas hiring in re-
tail stores and the postal service.
Without this holiday hiring, un-
employment is likely to shoot up
in January.
Wages continued to climb. The
Labor Department said somewhat
longer working hours and pay in-
creases brought weekly earnings
of factory workers to a record
$88.04 in December. The work
week increase averaged 40.2 hours,
indicating heavy overtime.
In summing up the job situa-
tion at the start of the new year,
the government said there has
been general improvement but
employment in some sectors, es-
pecially in manufacturing, mining
and transportation industries, still
is substantially below recession

he isn't concerned enough about
the need for spending on national
Won't Hurt Security
However, Halleck said yesterday
that while thenew budget calls
for some belt tightening, none of
it is in areas which would impair
Also, as if in further reply to
the Democrats, Halleck said he.
was convinced there will be suf-
ficient revenue in the new fiscal
year to assure a balanced budget.
Sen. Dirksen said Administra-
tion officials were "certainly per-;
suasive on that count."

French Give
Overall Mercy
To Nationalists
PARIS (P) - President Charles
de Gaulle last night announced a
sweeping amnesty for Nationalist
rebels being held in Algerian pris-
ons and some of their leaders de-
tained in France.
The President also commuted
to life imprisonment the death
sentences passed on all categories
of prisoners under French juris-
diction in cases where all legal'
recourse has been exhausted.
Information Minister Roger
Frey also announced after a cab-
inet meeting - the first since
Charles de Gaulle took over as
President and Michel Debre as
Premier - that 7,000 persons who
have been held in concentration
camps in Algeria will be freed.
These prisoners were held under
what was known as administra-
tive detention and had never been
brought to trial for crimes.

Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-N.Y.)
said the new bills-one of which
would give the Attorney Genera:
broad neWv powers in civil rights
enforcement - furnish "excelleni
examples of what were the real
stakes" in a session-opening bat-
tle over changing Senate rules.
Lead Former Attempt
Sen. Javits was a leader of a
bipartisan bloc of North and West-
ern Senators which tried unsuc-
cessfully to get a stiffer anti-fili-
buster rule than the Senate ac-
cepted Monday night. This bloc
contended the new rule -spon-
sored by Senate Democratic Lead-
er Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas-
isn't much more effective than the
old one.
One of the new measures would
empower the Attorney General to
seek in3unctions against any In-
terference with civil rights, in-
cluding what it defines as the
right to attend a nonsegregated
public school.
A broad provision similar to this
was struck out of the 1957 Civil
Rights Act. That measure is limit-
ed largely to protection of voting
Would Extend Commission
Another new bill would extend
the life of the Civil Rights Com-
mission created by the 1957 Act.
It is due to expire next Sept. 9.
The legislation would continue it
to January 1961.
A third measure, already in-
troduced, is aimed at curbing hate
bombings of schools and churches.
The rules battle ended with the
adoption, 72-22, of Sen. Johnson's
proposal to permit debate limita-
tion action by two-thirds of the
senators present and voting.
This replaces a rule in effect
for 10 years. It required the votes
of 66 Senators, or two-thirds of
all 98 Senators, to throttle a fili-


LANSING () - There's a
sharp dropoff this year in the
number of lobbyists registered
prior to the opening of the
1959 legislature today.
Only 151 have registered to
date compared with 349 at the
start of the 1958session. There
were 380 legislative persuaders
registered before the last ses-
sion closed.
A new law requiring the leg-
islative agents to re-register
annually is responsible for the
dwindling count.


._ _-

Marigold Challenges Rose for National Honors

55 of their elected members will
be on hand, presumably will hold
the upper hand.
Toward that end, they elected
Rep. Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan)
as their candidate for House
Speaker. Pears, former Speaker
Pro-Tem and potential successor
to Rep. George M. Van Peursem
(R-Zeeland) was expected to name
Republicans chairmen of all House
committees if he wins the election.'
Rep. Michael J. O'Brien (D-De-
troit), leader of the powerful
Wayne County delegation, asserted
that "Republicans will leave a bad
taste for the rest of the session if
they go through with this thing."
Issues Warning
"Republicans should remember
that we'll have 55 votes- again
when Mrs. Hunsinger recovers and
that it will take 56 votes to pass
a bill," O'Brien said.
"Without harmony," he said,
"we won't get anything done",
Democrats, in caucus yesterday,
stuck with their plan to leave
House patronage jobs to the Re-
publicans in return for the Speak-
er's job and control of all House
Proposes Split
Republican leaders, led by Van
Peursem, have proposed to split
control down the middle, sharing
in committee and leadership as-
The Democratic caucus chose
Rep. Louis Mezzano (D-Wake-
field), holdover Minority Leader,
to head a five-man committee to
negotiate with Republica'ns. To-
day the full caucus will meet
again to talk over the situation.
"This could be one of the best
sessions we've had if we can agree
on an organization plan and get
moving," O'Brien said.
Bretton Quits
Advisory Post
Prof. Henry L. Bretton said last
night he has submitted his resig-

pee, the seed man, registered as a
lobbyist yesterday, thereby inform-
ing Congressmen he will do all he
can to make the marigold Ameri-
ca's national flower.
Thus he bucks the rose bloc,
headed by Sen. Margaret Chase
Smith (R-Maine) and Rep. Fran-
ces P. Bolton (R-Ohio), and the
corn tassel bloc, maneuvered by
Sen. Paul Douglas (D-111.).
But Burpee is sure he is on fer-
tile ground.
The marigold, for those who are
hazy on horticulture. is a native,
American. The Aztec Indians were
growing marigolds in their gardens
before the white man came this
Used on Altars

of flower to grow. You sow the
seed, and it's up through the
ground in three or four days. It
will grow in every part of the
union. It's practically immune to
any kind of garden disease and
"And it's long lasting. As a cut
flower, it will last almost twice as
long as a rose. Yes, and a lot
longer than a corn tassel."
Lobbyist Burpee hastened to
point out that personally he has
nothing against the rose. "A nice
beautiful flower," he said, "but it's
not the flower of America. Besides,
it already is the national flower
of four other countries,
Lest someone argue he's anti-

This floral void, with Burpee's
help, was filled by the marigold.
Like his seeds, Burpee seems to
have been grown selectively. Lu-
ther Burbank was a cousin. Bur-
pee's father deserted a medical
career to go into the seed business,
by the age of 35 had made his
Philadelphia firm the largest of its
kind in the world.
Burpee, now 65, took over as
head of the company at the age of
23, after his father's death.
Fifty years ago the choice seeds
were grown in Europe. Now Europe
imports from America.
And here are hybrids ablaze
everywhere, including the mari-
gold. Yet Burpee becomes impa-
tient with those who speak of how

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