Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND NIANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICII. * Phone NO 2-3241 O pinions Are Pres ruth WIll Prev&U" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, JANUARY 13, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH LANGER Political Dangers Mark Opening of Legislative Session "By the Way,Did You Get My Message of November 4?" --S i - 6 4 - - A HOUSE divided against itself cannot stand," Abraham Lincoln once said, and al- though the circumstances are completely dif- ferent, the saying can be applied with some truth to this year's session of the Legislature, scheduled to open tomorrow. As an aftermath of this fall's elections, Mich- igan's House of Representatives has been split evenly between Democrats and Republicans, and the jockeying for control of the House and its committees started almost immediately aft- er the election. The great danger here is not that Republi- cans will wind up with control of the House, which Democrats may catalogue as the great- est danger, or that the Democrats may gain control, the Republican fear. THE DANGER is that factional disputes and hurt feelings arising from deciding House leadership may impair the workings of the Legislature in its big job this year - reformu- lation of the state's tax structure. Certainly the dangers here are many. Re-; publicans, stung by defeat, may withdraw into what has been termed their "hide-bound" conservativism, shifting the tax reform task from the difficult and into the impossible cate- To The Edito gory. If the Democrats are defeated, they may make excessive demands for tax reform, and thus kill any chance of a reasonable - and workable - plan. Even if a grudging com- promise is reached, the grudges may hinder any positive action toward tax nreform. It does not seem possible that any one poli- tical leader will be able to lead a non-partisan approach to the question. Gov. Williams, the logical choice, has perhaps been too long iden- tified with partisan politics to be effective in this case, although any attempt by him would be helpful. Rather, it seems as if the House leaders are going to have to work this out by themselves. THE TAX committee's study has been too long and too complicated for it to be done over again in any major respect. The broad, comprehensive recommendations are there, for the legislature to modify in any way it sees fit. But with the state in a financial mess, the opportunity to consider and approve a compre- hensive plan is too important to pass by. It. can only be hoped that the House wil have enough political acumen to realize that this is not the year for political squabbles. --LANE V4DERSLICE I. \ \ ' T'+R~ +,)A '*I~4 t ? . r --. i The State of the President A STATE OF THE UNION message describes the nation; it is evidence, also, of the State of the President. The address delivered Friday by President Eisenhower drew a weary picture of a tired, defeated man, too beset by trepidations to risk anything new, striking or out of the ordinary. For there was nothing new, nothing even un- expected in the President's outline of America's coming year. There was nothing even parti- cularly exciting. President Eisenhower, appar- ently, is content with the same old ideas, and a continuation of the same old movements. Throughout the speech, there are graphic demonstrations of President Eisenhower's basic timidity in the face of new and challenging world situations - of the fact that he appar- ently refuses to face things as they are. It seems inconceivable that the President places "economy" above the challenges of So- viet progress. And, indeed, President Eisen- hower himself would certainly not agree that he had done so. Yet he did. He spoke with evident pride of America's record of "progress .. . in no more than four yearaof intensive effort." He did deign to ad- mit that "we clearly recognize that some of the Soviet accomplishments . . . are indeed brilliant." But he warned the nation against "feverish building of vast armaments ..'. "We must remem'nber," President Eisenhower said, "that these imposing armaments are pur- chased at great cost." And he went on to stress the need for maintaining the proper outlook, for not going overboard. Don't get too excited, he declared.k UNFORTUNATELY, Soviet advances are so far outstripping America's efforts, in every field of international importance, that many experts estimate we will be completely out- classed in scientific fields within ten years, unless the United States drastically increases its work in these areas. The emphasis on economy, also, seems to have completely eliminated one aspect, at least, of America's continuing Cold War. For one of the topics most conspicuous by its absence from the State of the Union address was the economic war that has been declared by the Soviet Union. Granted, the President could not cover every facet of America's position in the world. But that he should have seen fit to ignore this area is difficult to justify. The western world is even now unwillingly engaged in a vast economic competition with Russia and Communist China. MORE AND MORE, the Communist world is pushing its way into areas of the world where originally the United States held the economic upper hand. This country is in great danger of losing many of its borderline allies through the simple factor of their economic de- pendence on the Soviet Unlon. Yet the Presi- dent did not feel this wa important enough to merit the nation's attention in his most im- portant address of the year.. Over and pver, President Eisenhower stressed "economizing," "inflation," the need to "weigh, judge and select. "'One cannot help fearing. that his selectivity and Judgment are not all they should be. -SUSAN HOLTZER CAPITAL Eisen WASHINGTON -The six years WT that have gone since Dwight D. Eisenhower was first inaugu- rated as President of the United States have seen hitm turn the full circle from liberal Republicanism to traditional Republicanism. Few administrations in history have seen such alterations in at- mosphere as the atmosphere of this administration has changed from its springtime of 1953 to its present autumntime. In January of 1953 President Eisenhower took office in a scene of "crusade," of high purpose, of stirring and almost youthful hope and enthusiasm. The rascally Democrats had at long last been thrown out-after "20 long years," as the Republican slogan of pro- test put it. THE PRESIDENT'S emphasis then was on doing things, on taking chances, on recapturing ini- tiatives which he said had been lost by the Democrats in domestic. and foreign policies alike. The tone was one of a rolling-up of sleeves, of "making America over"-though hardly in the sense that the Roose- velt brain-trusters had meant half a generation before. Now, in January of 1959, the President's emphasis is simply on holding the line, on saving money, on running a tight, safe, but en- tirely unimaginative ship of state. The man who was then the fresh, new hero of the new Republican- ism-"Eisenhower Republicanism" it was called-is quite another kind of hero now. At last he fully repre- sents the old Republicanism - whose first, last and middle names COMMENTARY: hower Turns Traditional By WILLIAM S. WHITE Correction* ,,, To the Editor: IN THE Jan. 10 issue of The Michigan Daily, it was reported that I had given the name of Javier Palacios as the son of a high ranking Cuban Army officer, I have never met Mr. Palacos prior to your article and know nothing of his father's political or business associations in Cuba. Since your article appeared, Mr. Palacios has contacted me and corrected my supposed statement. Yotu article of correction in the Jean. 11 Daily still has me as saying the statement. This is en- tirely incorrect. In the future, I sincerely wish you would correct your articles and not just restate the untruth in another one. -Raquel Marrero, '59Ed Pre-judgment .. * To the Editor: ON THE editorial page of your Saturday issue, I was amazed to read a headline stating that "Castro's form of liberty offers little hope for Cuba." Reading fur- ther ,that editorial seemed to be the worst case of pre-judgment published in The Daily in a long whi'e. I refer Miss McCarthy to some early American history. Dur- ing the seige of Boston by Wash- ington and his troops, a thousand loyalist were forced to flee to Halifax because of the mob rule that reigned in the city. Coercive loyalty oaths and tar- and-festherings were rampant af- ter the British troops withdrew from American territory. And five years after the final victory over Cornwallis' troops, a Daniel Shay led a rebellious mob through Massachusetts taking over gov- ernment arsenals, shooting up the courts and legislature of that state, and completelymdisregarding the laws of that time. With Miss Mc- Carthy's logic the United States was certainly bound for dictator- ship and chaos "that always fol- lows" an idealistic campaign such as the Cuban and United States revolutions. Fidel Castro's quick restoration of order and declaration for trials for the military and bureaucracy of Batista's government, compared with Washington's retreat to Mt. Vernon and Jefferson's declaration that every country should have a revolution every twenty-five years; makes us realize that we should have much more faith in Cuba's revolution under Castro's leader- ship than most Americans seem to have. And I feel that we should wait to judge Castro's liberty, and not reach rash opinions only a week after the final military vic- tory. y-Mike Reynolds, '61 FUB... To the Editor: WHY DID a few SGC members default the proposed rebirth of the student exchange program with the Free University of Berlin? Can it be that SGC cannot af- ford the relatively small sum it would cost to send two of our students to Berlin In exchange for one German student? Certainly the cost cannot be too great for a University of our size and repu- tation, or is it? Could it be that our student body is indifferent to the exchange of foreign cultures and enlighten- ment concerning the Communist regime, which we could receive from a German student represen- tative? At least a few mature students are caution, caution, and caution. Though the old Republicans had fought the nomination of Mr. Eisenhower in 1952, it is clear now that it was only a battle they lost, and not a war. Indeed, they have now won the war, if belated is their victory. For the President has come around to their way of thinking on nearly every issue before the coun- try. Many indications of his pro- gressive conversion had long been discernible. But it is in his State of the Union message to Congress that the full, profound implica- tons become apparent for all to see. THIS IS the wide, real issue that faces the new Democratic Con- gress;dthe President has now com- mitted himself, in a rarely plain- spoken way, to a highly conserva- tive and thus highly "Republican" finale to his Administration. His old rival, Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, is long dead. But the mind of this Administration is now to a great degree the mind of Taft. There is an odd strength in the erosive effect of political regular- ism on those who may seek and reach office as rebels from that regularism. No better example of this has been seen. The longer the President has been in the White House, as one looks back upon it, the less he has been influenced by the modern Republicans whom at the outset he had been thought to typify. Why is this so? - First, whenever the going has been hard the President has in- creasingly turned-as a command- ing general will usually turn in crisis-to the senior colonels, so to speak. And the senior colonels in the GOP are the old-fashioned Re- publicans. The ablest of the lib- erals, in the hierarchy of the party, wear the major's gold leaf, at best, and, more often, only the lieuten- ant's bar. Second, the regular and Old Guard Republicans whom Mr. Eisenhower defeated in his first nominating convention refused to treat the defeat for a moment as a final one. They picked themselves off the floor, and, bore in again. They set out at once, with Taft giving the cue, to support the Pres- ident, to a point-but slowly and subtly to guide an Administration they could not entirely lead. Old Guard Republicans have at least one powerfully useful instinct-a sense of discipline. * * s THEY WILL go a good way in rebellion. But it is simply not in them-as it is easily in their Democratic counterparts among the Deep Southerners - ever to break finally and openly with who- ever reaches the headship of their party, no matter who he is. This Old Guard, in a word, will surrender (seemingly); but it will never die. It has learned long since to fight and then, if neces- sary, to run away so as to be able to fight another day. And this, as the Eisenhower years have spun out, the Old Guard has done. The end of the story thus is that they have won the last victory: this Administration is closing as a "regular" Republican administra- tion. And the President seems too set now to change again., on this campus would like 1114 opportunity to learn first handtor conditions and emotions behind the Iron Curtain. What better opportunity is there than to be able to enroll at the Free Univer- sity of Berlin and study and live for a year with professors and students who have experienced what most Americans have only read about in their newspapers. The Free University of Berlin re- mains to this day a cancer eating at the very heart of East German Communism; it is an institution founded on the wish and realiza- tion of free academic thought. I believe there are at least a few students on this campus interested enough to find out for themselves the realities of German life under a Communist regime. They could send back films and articles and act as our personal representatives. We could also learn from the er- man student they send us, Could it be that the SGC mem- bers who voted against reinstating the exchange program feel that a step toward mutual understanding and enlightenment, however small, is of little value? I should like to know. -Wayne M. Garchow,'59 City Politics To the Editor: BECAUSE of an article concern- ing a campus YR meeting appearing in the January 8 issue of The Michigan Daily, reporting some of the views of one of the Republican candidates for mayor, we believe it is necessary to point out that it was not the purpose of that meeting to favor either of the candidates for Ann Arbor mayor, Dr. Fred House or 'Cecil Creal. It is not the place of a University political club to attempt to influence city politics. Our func- tion-in accord with the philos- ophy of a university-is to attain an understanding of politics and present campus-wide programs of the Republican viewpoint on pub- lic issues. We agree with The Daily's policy of reporting first what they con- sider the most newsworthy - a charge of journalistic honesty - and that Mr. Creal's statements on Urban Renewal were of major im- portance to the coming election, However, the purpose of the YR meeting last Wednesday night was to discuss the organization and function of a Republican City Committee. We do plan to present both Republican mayoralty candidates February 11, five days before the. primary election in Ann Arbor, to discuss and present their views of the issues of Ann Arbor city ad- ministration. -Harry Scott, President University of Michigan Young Republicau DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is D official publication of The Univew- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi.- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form t - Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. VOL. LXIX, NO. 84 TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1959 General Notices Effective Jan. 1, 1959, the Social So. eurity tax for both staff members and the University will be increased from 2'4% to 2%. In addition, the amount of salary subject to Social Security taxes will be increased from $4,200 to $4,800 a year. The tax increase will be imposed on all salaries and wagespaid after Jan. 1, 1959. Professors Chapter meeting Tues., Jan. 13, 7:30 p.m., E. Conf. Rm., Rackham Bldg. After the business meeting Prof. John Kohl will lead a panel discussion on "Service Responsibilities of the Uni- versity." Selective Service Notice: Male non- veterans whose academic program be- gan and ends in February (mid-year students) should file Form SS 109 im- mediately in order to continue their student deferment. Forms can be ob- tained from the offices listed below: Architecture & Design: 335 Arch.; Business Administration, 150 Bus. Ad.; Education, 1439 U. Elem. School; Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts, Window A-Admin.; Music, 101 School of Music; Natural Resources, 2039 Natural Re- sources; Pharmacy, 1525 Chem-Pharn.; Public Health, 3520 Sch. of Publio Health; Social Work, Window A - Admin. Students from the above schools should submit their forms at Window A in the Admin. Bldg. for certification. Sophomore and Freshmen Women: Martha Cook Bldg. is receiving applica- tions for Sept. 1959. There will be room for 45 Soph. and 25 Fresh. women who will be juniors and sophomores re- spectively, Anyone interested please phone 2-3225 weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. for an appointment. Midyear Graduation Exercises: Jan, 24. 1959, to be held at 2:00 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Exercises will conclude about 4.00 p.m. Reception for graduates and their relatives and friends in Michigan League Ballroom at 4:00 p.m. Please enter League at west entrance. Tickets: Three to each prospective graduate, to be distributed from Mon., i 1 INTERPRETING THE NEWS: 'Reds Gan in Near East i By WILTON WYNN Associated Press Correspondent CAIRO - It is clear that the Arab world is more gravely threatened today by Com- munism than at any time in its history. West- an diplomats ask: what can be done about it? Most of them concede there is virtually no hope of building up an effective Western-spon- ;red bloc in the Arab world to oppose Com- nunism. The two most ambitious attempts by the United States along this line - the Baghdad Pact and the Eisenhower Doctrine - are dead iorses as far as the Arabs are concerned. Last Year saw a long line of pro-western Arab ulers removed from power or reduced to im- ptency. They included Nuri Said and King Faisal in Iraq, Camille Chamoun and Sami olh in Lebanon, King Saud in Saudi Arabia, and Abdullah Khalik in Sudan. It became apparent that no Arab leader ould openly back the West and have a politi- ,al future. ARAB REPUDIATION of the West can be traced to a long series of conflicts, chief among them creation of the state of Israel, And it is probably unlikely that the West will backtrack sufficiently to win back Arab good will in the near future. Oflr Si-0rhjau zzli While the West has lost, the Communists have made great gains. The Reds have moved into key positions in Iraq, particularly in the police, Judiciary. and propaganda fields. If Iraq goes Communist, then Syria, Jordan and Iran face serious problems. With no hope of building up a pro-Western Arab bloc, the West obviously must find some purely native force to resist the Communist bid for power. And the main force is Arab nation. alism, whose leader is Gamal Abdel Nasser. M OST WESTERN diplomats now concede that Arab nationalism is the best hope of the future, but they seem to want that na- tionalism without Nasser- But past events have proven that Baghdad, Amman, or Riyadh cannot replace Cairo as the capital of any effective area-wide move- ment. The West might get some anti-Nasser groupings but they would remain weak and an easy prey for Communism. Even without Nasser, Cairo is bound to be the center of any effective Arab political move- ment. It is not only the biggest and most mod- ern Arab city but also the radio, newspaper and film capital of the region. It is the only Arab city with big modern universities and a siz- able body of trained technicians. THE QUESTION then arises: what can the Western world, and particularly the United States, do to strengthen Arab nationalism? One opportunity for the United States seems to be this: to encourage maximum economic cooperation among the Arab states, and to drop the emphasis placed on military and direct economic aid. There is enough Income from Arab oil and agriculture to meet the development needs of the region. But because the Arab world has been choned into small. countries and econ- NO RUSSIANS ALLOWED: Ann Arbor Still Under State Department Ban By JOAN KAATZ Daily Staff Writer SOVIET DEPUTY Premier Anas- tas Mikoyan can't visit the Cniversity in Ann Arbor. Neither could Soviet Deputy Minister of Education Alexei I. Markushevick nor countless other prominent Soviet personalities. Preventing these visits is a State Department closed zone ban on the area ... a restriction that can be bypassed only by a long and time- consuming process of requesting special permission. Last month the University's Re- gents approved a proposal allow- ing President Harlan Hatcher to take steps toward the removal of this ruling. Since that time the Jniversity has contacted the American Council of Education which is officially working with the State Department to remove all education centers from closed areas. If this ruling is lifted it would not only mean the relaxation of mutual restrictions imposed by this nation and Russia, but it would also serve to culturally en- rich the University program. S * * TRAVEL restrictions date back to 1941 when the Soviet govern- ment began curtailing activities zonal restrictions, the State De- partment proceeded to pair off each closed city, state and auto- mobile route in the United States with one in the Soviet zone and agreed to open any area upon the reciprocal opening of the compar- able Soviet area. The Detroit area including Ann Arbor is paired off with the Rus- sian city of Sverdlovsk, an indus- trial center east of the Ural moun- tains. However, since the 1955 State Department action, Sverd- lovsk apparently has been unof- ficially opened as many foreign travelers have been able to visit the area upon request. Conse- quently the University is asking for similar action by the United States government in this area. BUT THE State Department bans, justifiable on very thin grounds, could be called a merry game of exchanging restrictions. The measure is apparently intend- ed for security reasons on the as- sumption that if the Soviet Union believes it unwise to open major industrial and research centers, then the United States likewise has similar areas which need "pro- tection." However, there is little evidence that the State Depart- ment actually believes in these se- curity reasons. In reality it is done Geneva discussions on such minor issues as closed areas would lead to a definite agreement from which some important mutual trust agreements could emerge.- More specifically, closed areas containing research and educa- tional centers in the United States could conceivably gain immensely from discussions with Russian travelers. This does not necessar- ily mean the divulging of trade secrets, but it could serve to stim- ulate new ideas. An institution such as the Uni- versity would also gain from lec- tures and concerts by Russian visitors. Students could obtain an appreciation of a culture which they know only in book form. Perhaps it is time for the State Department to re-evaluate the action taken four years ago. May- be lifting bans and aiding cultural exchanges would be a good topic of discussion for the Geneva agenda. Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor AEL KRAFT JO orial Director EN WEICHER City Editor DAVID TARR Associate Editor ft -- -. ..-. --