lll Sixty-Ninth Y ear EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIIIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT P:BLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, Midi.. * Phone xo 2-3241 hn Opinions Are F'ree Trth 3Will PrevvAl' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the indhiidual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, JANUARY 11, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH LANGER Legislator OffersV ali dSuggestion For Study of Wayne Proposal Twisted Picture Given to Ginese EDITOR'S NOTE: Benedicto S. David, educated at M1arquette University, is a reporter for the Manila Times. ie spent over three weeks in China where American reporters are banned.) By BENEDICTO S. DAVID Manila Times Reporter 1tiritten for The Associated Press THE AVERAGE young Chinese thinks of the United States as a weak butimperatic to ortof "paper tigern more to be ridi- culed than feared. He firmly believes American soldiers use germ bombs and e,e- cute helpless women and children and that the American people are to be pitied for being o-ressed by - corrupt overnme-t, bent on aggression. He has no opportunity to think or believe anything else. Those who know better refuse to correct the impression . To the Chinese, the very idea of a world different from the one painted for him by his Communist rulers is fantastic. There is simply no place for truth to make a start. Every bit of news fed to 650 million Chinese people comes through the Hsinhua or New China News Agency. Every newspaper and mag- China Grows in ries 'Leap Fo By, KiENNETTI McELDOWNEY Daily Staff Writer TODAY IS JAN. 11, and Quemoy won't be shelled because it is an, odd dcay of the nmonth. Even though lobbing shells every other day is a method of saving face when backing down front promises of immediately liberating of Formosa, Chinatodayt is quite different fr-om the kowt ow ing cuny of the'last century. From acountry that was once con- sidered to be a mere recipient of the Western policies. China has grown to equal partnership witl one of the world's leading powers. The power of China has been most recently exerted upon For- mosa, and especially Quemoy. *ur '.O Starting in August, the Commu- nists began firing a series of blasts, both oral and explosive against the small island of Quemoy-. ** * USING AS MANY as 40.000 shells a day to support their point, China tried to achieve its aim of driving the Nationalist troops from Quemoy. and failed. mainly through Nationalist use of Ameri- can ships and supplies. Although the situation in the Formosan Straits has reached a stalemate, the Nationalist troops must be conceded a slight victory. By not yielding to Communist threats. Nationalist China gained new prestige in Asia. EVENTS HAVE moved swiftly since Wayne State University President Clarence B. Hil- berry suggested Monday that the Detroit insti- tution be placed under control of the University Board of Regents. During the week, his pro- posal has successively gone before the school's Board of Governors, graduate school faculty, and University Council. Hilberry traveled to Ann Arbor for a conference with University President Harlai Hatcher and Michigan State University President John Hannah. He has traveled to Lansing and spoken with Secretary of State James Hare and -AFL-CIO leader August (Gus) Scholle. Why the rush? One consideration, and a fairly significant one, involves the impending February nomina- tions and April. election of candidates to the new Wayne Board of Control. It is scheduled to take office July 1, when the school becomes a state institution after a three-year transition from Detroit control. IF HILBERRY could persuade the University and the Legislature to go along with his plan before election time, Wayne would benefit by being placed in the experienced hands of a tested Board of Regents, which enjoys separate constitutional authority. As an additional advantage, Wayne would escape the "radical" or "labor-controlled" tags which might be pinned on them if six Wayne County Democrats won board seats in April. But while the merger is attractive from Wayne's point of view, it may be unwise to hurry things along at the present pace. The question is a serious one. and requires long and thorough discussion. The weeks between now and April will not allow enough time. In fact, it is extremely doubtful that the Legis- lature will even have a chance to consider the problem by April, says Rep. Charles Boyer (R- Manistee), chairman of the committee on higher education. REP. BOYER suggests a delay of two years in completing the transition of Wayne from Detroit to state control, to allow time for a long, hard look. This could be accomplished, he continues, by changing the dates in the law transferring Wayne to state control and elimi- nating April election of the new governing board, A delay, possibly of only one year, seems to be the best course of action. It would provide adequate time to view carefully and compre- hensively the full impact of the merger, not only on the two schools directly involved, but on statewide education as well. -THOMAS HAYDEN j j ; | i Put Students on Athletic Board )VER THE PAST YEARS, the University of Michigan Athletic Plant has been scruti- ized through a variety of microscopes. Its governing body, the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics has been the most ecent group to come under inspection and Student Government Council is considering a ecommendation to the Regents suggesting a hange in the student membership of the board. If approved by SGC and the Regents, the Ian would increase the number of student nembers from two to three with only one being n athlete. Under the present system two students sit n the Board. They are usually well-known thletes elected in an all-campus "popularity ontest" and serve for two-year terms. Unfortunfately the quality of their represen- ation has been open to criticism. Athletes often ack the time to be. effective Board members, Tut more disastrously, the interest, In one urther respect they are more likely to reflect thletic Department attitudes rather than the tudent body as a whole. The lack of effective student representation as left 24,000 students on campus with nothing o say about the operation of a multi-million .ollar enterprise. While the future of this integral part of this institution has long been debated, its position has never been as seriously questioned as in recent years. STUDENT CONCERN with athletics cannot be limited to attending football games or attempting to be a loyal fan. They must con- tinually examine the value of intercollegiate athletics and attempt to evaluate its position in an academic atmosphere. Discussions should be a continuous process, with the Board considering student opinion on these and other related matters. It would be ludicrous to assume that the present form of organization now gives students the necessary quality o'f representation. Athletes, to be sure, deserve to have their representative who can express the viewpoint of those involved in competition. But two inter- ested, qualified and effective students would add the necessary balance in, the important deci- sions made by the board. SGC's proposed change is the first solid step in direction of making the campus effective in formulating athletic policy. It's too important to be sidetracked on its way to the Regents, -CHARLES OZOLL azine is published only with the imprimatur of the Peiping govern- ment. TO DOUBT is to be reactionary and the fear of being tagged a re- actionary is much greater than the fear of being called a liar or a hypocrite. During our 24-day tour of the key industrial cities of Wuhan, Anshan, Mukden, Peiping and Shanghai our party of Filipino newsmen experienced, to a limit- ed extent, the fear of the com- pletely helpless. Since there is no civil or crim- inal code, the average Chinese does not know exactly how far he can go before he is accused of crime or "reactionary tendencies." The expression of dissatisfaction might be allowed one day, punish- able by imprisonment the next and even by death the day after. It is not strange, then, that lies about the United States flourish unmolested. The anti-American feeling be- ing generated constantly by press, radio, posters, operas, movies and even drawings for children reached its logical peak in mass demonstrations staged all over China during the Middle East cris- is demanding the withdrawal of American troops from Lebanon. We sawdemonstrations in Can- ton and Peiping involving millions of slogan-shouting, banner wav- ing, gong and drum-beating Chi- nese of all ages, THE PEIPING demonstrations lasted three days and three nights without pause. They were sup- posedly "spontaneous" but ap- peared well-organized even to such details as loudspeakers strung out along the "street of eternal peace," the main street of the Communist capital. Emergency first-aid stations and temporary comfort stations were set up by the time the first dem- onstrators half-walked and half- ran around Peiping voicing pro- tests against what the Chinese press called "armed, imperialistic and unjustified aggression" on the part of the United States and Britain. "Down with America" posters and pictures of alleged American "atrocities and war crimes" are found all over China. Statements from the few American turn-coats in China are given prominence and are taken as gospel by the average Chinese. The picture of the United States as presented in China is one of almost complete corruption. S * * OUR GUIDES and interpi'eters kept drawing distinctions between the United States government and its people. They believe there is an almost complete separation be- tween the two At the "workers' cultural pal- ace" in Peiping there is an entire row of glass cases devoted to pic- tures of "American War Crimes and Atrocities Committed During the Korean War," Even pitiful cases of frostbite treated by American doctors in Korea have been used to criticize the United States. Captions read: "American doctors could have saved this man's fingers and toes but they simply did not bother be- cause he is Chinese" The very idea of a free and ob- jective press has, from all appear- ances, been effectively wiped out. Journalists in Shanghai defend and even praise the fact that "we call American imperialists by their true name." The notion that the news print- ed in papers with circulations run- ning into hundreds of thousands might be slanted, is just not be- lievable to the ordinary Chinese. ,.,.,,._ M.. :, a - .. w._.-- - .,,..._ _ .._... . / .s~_ ' . ,~- ~-~- _ I,- r rn * z _ ..- lk ' ... ... ' f . , ,,_- -- 1., :. s No "The Situation In China Looks Interesting - -- .-. -. - - ~ .\4 ^ '4's a- .T ' rward HOWEVER, China's foreign con- cerns are not confined to Formosa 'Armed revolts have broken out in Tibet, taken over by the Reds in 1951, and there have been re- ports that rebellion has spread into neighboring providences. Their entrance into Tibet and attempts to expand into gther parts of Asia is an attempt to Telieve the population pressures. Experts predict there will be one billion Chinese by the turn of the century and already, the nation is straining at its borders. Four million Chinese have migrated to Tibet, straining the food resources of the isolated nation whose popu- lation usually numbers six million. At the present time, China, in land and population is already a major power, with a population almost four times as large as the United States and with a land area equally as large. Here the com- parison must end, for agricultur- ally, economically and industrially, China still lags far behind the major countries of the world, CHINA'S EMERGENCE into the world scene as a power has been the result of two five year plans in an attempt to make a "great leap forward." Although food production has increased by almost unbelievable proportions, millions still starve in China. Two factors cause this, first the rise in population far out- strips the increase in food produc- tion. Second, is China's great in- debtedness to Russia for aid and equipment needed to develop the country. To repay Russia, they export over two million tons of food every year. To alleviate their agriculture problems, China has forced changes in their traditional view of the peasants. The most drastic of these has been the herding of over 90 per cent of the peasants into communes, a development reminiscent of George Orwell's "1984". Orwell envisioned a world in which, "there would be no emo- tions except fear, rage, triumph and self-abasement. Everything else we must destroy. , . . There will be no wives and no friends, ... No loyalty except to the party,. No love except for big brother." In essence this has happened to China. In the communes, there is no private property, all has been given to the state, husbands are separated from wives, and mothers from children. Here as in "1984" there is no family life, no indi- viduals-nothing but the state, * * * IN THE MIDST of China's at- tempt to put the commune system into effect, Mao Tse-tung last month stepped down as head of state, though still remaining as the chairman of the Communist Party in China. Although this move was seen by some as a demo- tion for Mao, it is probably more accurate to say that he has given up the title to concentrate on getting the communes to operate with more ease, withoutabeing himself distracted by the routine of administrative affairs. If China is able to change their state into one which would be truly communistic, it is feasible that as one diplomat said one day Russia and the United States will have to join forces in order to restrain the state of China. But tomorrow is an even numbered day, Quemoy will be shelled again, .. , .- , /PRESS dam (y , x 1 F"ti ; Awrf . i Ile Llz <0195 -T l W 4S+IfwSCoTt3 1 PG+a'7 cd: LOCAL LABOR -. SRed Steel Dre uilds Prestige OFFEE«.BLACK By Richard Taub HypcriyHere &. There H pctlY i XCITING newsworthy events took place over Christmas vacation. Oddly enough, the vents were not only highly significant in the orld picture, but presented some remarkable pportunities for display of doublethink, hypo- isy and simply contradictory.thinking. The first example was the placing in orbit o he four-ton Atlas rocket "for peace." It was for peace," because President Eisenhower roadcast a Christmas message from the rocket. ut all the newspapers were also eager to rnphasize in the very next paragraph, that this ocket weighed four tons and was a remark- ble scientific achievement which showed we ad caught up to the Russians, and, in fact, ere just as good as the Russians. We were ven able to operate a tape recorder which was h the rocket. What utter nonsense! he only thing that could be considered peace- A about the rocket by any strength of the nagination was that we were now good enough a equal the Russians, and this might prevent hem from starting a war. Of course, the Soviets launced their "Lunik" week later, and everything was back to where started. )URING VACATION Fidel Castro's forces ousted Fulgencio Batista's forces in the ighly dramatic culmination of a five-year nuggle against the dictator. Castro had what ublic relations men call "a good press." until is brother rashly kidnapped a number of merican and Canadian citizens. Most hoped r Batista's overthrow, and, in fact, for Cas- 'o's success, but with his success, extreme un- asiness set in. "Is he a communist? We'd better et in and support him before the Communists o." This kind of question had not been voiced efore, possibly because nobody thought Castro ad much of a chance-But it is a bit ironic at fear should develop so quickly about astro's political beliefs, solely because he was revolutionary overthrowing a clearly tyranni- l regime, The Communist bogey-man pops up in the darndest places. Castro may go the way of most Latin Ameri- can revolutionaries and become a dictator hin- self, but this sudden fear of a Moscow inspired triumph was as unwarranted as it was irra- tional. DURING OR JUST BEFORE the vacation a record appeared which attacked the over- commercialization of Christmas. The record "Green Christmas," by the popular satirist Stan Freeberg, blasted the Madison Avenue men for their money-oriented approach to Christmas. The record was played for about a week on New York radios and then disappeared from the air waves. Strangely enough, it also vanished from record counters throughout the city. Seems that the advertising agencies did not like it. At almost the same time, the Advertising Council ran two-page spreads in several na- tional magazines pointing out how wonderful advertisers were. It seems they devote time and energy to producing "public service" type ads. Among these are "Prevent Fires," starring Smokey the Bear, and more important "Attend the Church of Your Choice," How hypocritical can you get? ON CAMPUS this past week students had the opportunity to see something similar on campus. It was not really hypocritical. It just represented two different educational phi- losophies which are somewhat contradictory. The literary college is now considering the pos- sibility of allowing upperclassmen to sign their own elections cards. They are working to give greater personal responsibility to the student. At the same time, the administration has sent out letters to Ann Arbor landlords urging them to adopt University contracts. These contracts, the letter points out, will protect the landlord from students who run out without paying the rent, and will also protect students from the arbitrary actions of landlords. What the letter does not say is that such contracts also give the By ThOMAS WHITNEY Associated Press Foreign News Analyst FIFTY MILLION peasants are aweating at forced labor all over China to turn out millions of tons of iron in primitive forges by handicraft methods. Whether this iron will be usable for anything except the simplest tools -seems unlikely, and probably not even Mao Tse-Tung himself will ever have the foggiest idea of how much was actually turned out. But although this metal may not make good machine tools, it makes excellent propaganda at home and abroad. The inflated figures of steel production which it permits Peiping to release ex- aggerate greatly the rapid enough industrial progress which Red China is actually making. Day and night the steel cam- paign goes on. Millions of coolies toil away hauling sacks and bas- kets ofMwhat they hope is iron ore. Brick is piled on brick to make tens of thousands of little minia- ture blast furnaces. To keep one of these operating and producing a few tons a day takes the work of perhaps two to three score farmers, many of them employed at pumping up and down on bi bellows notbunlike those used in old village blacksmith shops. REPORTS ROLL into Peiping from all the provinces. "Until Oct. 18 Sishui county in northern Kweichow had only a baby iron and st'eel works that could produce steel . . . On that day thousands of local people came out to build local type steelmaking furnaces in response to the call of the Communist Party Committee of the county. Some 1,185 furnaces went into operation the next day. They turned out 1,340 tons of steel on Oct. 20 and 5,421 tons Oct. 25." "This year's total number of native-method steel-smelting fur- naces will reach at least 200,000." These are typical quotations from recent broadcasts of radio Neiping. The campaign to produce iron, and steel in small furnaces all over th~e country is the most dramatic phase of the campaign of the Chinese Communist government to increase Red China's steel output., As part of the same program construction workers labor day and night to put into operation new big blast furnaces and open hearths at the big Japanese-built combine at Anshan, or at the plants under construction at Wu- haii and Paotow. The stated goal is to double .Red China's steel output in one year-to increase it from 5,350,000 metric tons in 1957 to 10,700,000 in 1958. * * * GENERALLY it seems likely that 1> None of the handicraft steel contributes to Red China's industrial power; 2) The use of handicraft methods to produce such "vteel" is extraordinarily wasteful of resources, including in particular timber to produce char- coal; 3) No one in all China has the sig htest idea of how muchof this metal is actually being pro- duced. And yet despite these facts, it seems equally possible that the Red Chinese steel campaign will score a tremendous propaganda triumph. Such is the naive belief in big figures, particularly among people in the le, advanced nations of the wldthait u'nhlvev er will modest than the total production increase which will be claimed by Peiping. Also it will be one more step in the national mobilization and organization of China by the, Communists. - To top it off, the drive will im- press deeply the Chinese Com- munists themselves, and probably the rest of the world. 'U' STUDENT SAYS: Regime Unpopular By RICHARD CONDON Daly staff writer R ATHER THAN 'live under the Red regime on the Chinese mainland, Ding-Yih Liu, a politi- cal science graduate student at the University and vice-president of Chinese Student Club left his homeland in 1949 and went to Formosa, the anti-Communist fortress of Free China to pursue his free ways of living, Mr. Liu saws that the Commu- nist regime received initial sup- port from the Chinese people be- cause the Reds promised great re- forms and because the Nationalist' government failed to solve the fundamental problems that con- fronted the Chinese nation. "The problems," he said, "were too big to be solved immediately." Since then, he said, Nationalist China has progressed a long way, while the Chinese on the mainland have been disillusioned. "Communist actions have not been consistent with their prom- ises," he said. "At first they prom- ised to redistribute the land. Aft- er power was seized and the na- tion was consolidated collectiviza- tion of agriculture was introduced. The people were apathetic but they began to realize that they had been deceived. When, last May, communization was forced upon them they were no longer happy." "I am not speaking as a dele- gate from Formosa," he said, "But as a human being." He spoke of the fundamental principals of the commune system: separation of family, development and educa- tion of children in state camps divorced from their parents, 16 hour work days in many cases un- der military supervision and the atrocities inflicted upon the people for daring to express themselves freely. He summarized these prac- tices by saying, "The Chinese people are denied the freeodm of individual human dignity." While seeking to proselytize the i n s t i t u t i o n of Communism throughout the world, the Reds, he said, "forced the people to sac- rifice human dignity. The price is too great." "TENSION is mounting every day. Sooner or later the people will revolt. They are only waiting for the proper moment, which is sure to coenm soon if the (Commu-. : v " .?e: