P 'O THE MICHIGAN DAIIL Kearns Says Music Vital To Cold War Man's satellites should play mu- sic, Rep. Carroll D. Kearns (R-; Pa.) told a University audience yesterday. Kearns keynoted the 14th an- nual Midwestern Conference on School Vocal and Instrumental, Music. About 1.500 music educat- ors heard his talk. Scientists should realize that "the greatest instrument at their command is the ear," he said. "If I could put a sputnik into the air. I would like to have it wired for sound and have it play 'Peace on earth. good will to men' instead of 'beep, beep'," he went on. Talked to Ike "I mentioned this to President Eisenhower. Evidently, my idea got across because he did send such a message up with our last moon. Next time I hope it will play music." A widely-known conductor. Kearns said that in the cold war "we do more through the medium of music than we do through any other instrument at hand today." "I think we should have a mem- ber of the cabinet as cultural di- rector of the country," he added. "The Russians use culture as their greatest instrument of propa- ganda." Asked to Conduct Kearns was recently asked by Secretary of State Dulles to con- duct four concerts in Iceland with the Air Force Symphony Orches- tra. Hre described his experience thusly: "I found myself on the way to Iceland -with a 100-piece orchestra, two harps and five jeeps. "Iceland " is our most strategic base in that area of the world. Icelanders love music. Russia went in with their artists and told the Icelanders that the USSR was the nation of culture-and that Amer- icans were barbarians and the militaristic power of the world. Concert Praised "Everyone attends the concerts there in formal dress. I conducted Beethoven's 'Fifth Symphony' from memory with the orchestra. Next day the papers came out lauding our concert. They said, 'We don't have any member of our Parliament who could conduct the orchestra as well as a member of the U.S. Congress.' "Three days after the concert, our negotiations were cleared up. We still have our base in Iceland. Music did it." -Daily-William Kimball CRAMMING FOR FINALS-These two girls have started studying for finals early. Hours for the library and the three music listening rooms will be extended during the examination period due to later hours for campus women. League Librfr Grants Later Hours for Finals 'U' To Study Educators Oppos Economies Parking Ordinan OIf Hospitals fsrtpakn By JOHN FISCHER offstreet parking provisi The University will begin an ex- The Ann Arbor Board of Edu- bind the school board." tensive study this month of medi- cation is opposing a section of the city's newly-passed offstreet Given Broad Powe Michigan. parking ordinance on principle, "The schools appare It will use interviews of profes- Jack Elzay, the city's superintend- that under the state stat ina workes nexes in srfev- ent of schools, said. are given broad powers t sional workers and experts in sev- . chool buildings and g eral hundred hospitals and allied This section of the ordinancechool builin d insituion, pe-aymnt nd n-says that the Ann Arbor public Fahrn'er explained. Institutions. pre-payment and in- "The question is whe surance companies, Prof. Walter J. schools are under its jurisdiction. statutory power is so b McNerney, director of the study, The school board submits that the it excludes a city passing s board is not legally bound to com-i The study is the first, most com- ply with the ordinance. nan o the same su prehensive, and most liberally fi- This provision in the ordinance Fahrner thought that nanced of several studies of medi- is "not legal according to our at- Fahrner thosgd that cal and hospital economics now torneys," Elzay said. But while the Dec. 29, they retained the underway in several states, he board says that they are not le- section because they wan noted. gally bound to follow the ordin- apply if it were legally n Kellogg Foundation Support ance, they are actually following The study is supported by a it in fact. grapt of $324,760 from the Kellogg Provide Parking P o l Foundation. It is being done at In the city's new junior high IronS 1701] the request of the Governor's school, off-street parking will be Commission on Pre-Paid Hospital provided anyway, Elzay said. Al- T Care Plans. though the ordinance is not ret- r el Chi The study is divided into eight roactive, all the public schools major areas, each directed by a have offstreet parking, he de- research associate, including: Glared. Ann Arbor High School By KENNETH McELD( 1) Physicians: This part will in- has 1,400 parking places now, he Abert Feuerwerker, of ,lude an inventory of professional revealed. The question of offstreet ter for :ast Asian Studie personnel, an examination of how parking is not the issue, Elzay yard, commented yester effectively hospitals are being maintained. the China of today has used and a study of the effect of "One elected group cannot gov- from the retardation of changes in medical science on em another elected group, in "The political and SurveyResidentsterms of agencies," he said. frustrations engendered Survey Residents City Attorney Jacob Fahrner trdtngaebrh 2) Household survey of a crross- CiyAtre Jao Fhnr retardation gave birtht sec)o of h igdanurve sidentcross: said, "I don't think anyone but a tionalism that was allt section of Michigan residents: court can determine whether the violent because of the la Special attention will be given to the aged and to those with major its appearance, Prof. Feu medical expenses. The survey will Aliens + lsaid. cover health expenditures, sourcese Uh t The Chinese Commun of payment, . perceived unmet e #' has been able to utilize needs, attitudes toward medicalivesonalism throu use of economic problems and difficulties tht explains China's bi involved in getting and keeping Of ws national pride, he expla pre-paid or insurance coverage forrthnlrie, h in medical and hospital expenses, The rulers of Chinato 3) Hospital accounting and re- All aliens in the United States blamed all of China's b imbursement: This part will be must report their addresses to the ness on the imperialist concerned with accounting sys- Immigration and Naturalization West and the previous co tems, reimbursement formulas, Service before Feb. 1. ing class, he continued. including Blue Cross, the relation Service Commissioner J. M. Prof. Feuerwerker decl between frequency of use of hos- Swing stressed that a provision of he does not believe thati pital services and source of pay- the 1952 Immigration and Nation- is to be completely blame ment and selected problems such ality Act requires that all aliens economic state of China, as capital costs, research and edu- file such a report each year dur- in instances foreign stim cation. ing January except persons hav- a catalyst and sometime 4) Hospital programs and costs: ing diplomataic status, those ac- cause of the breakdow This phase of the study will in- credited to certain international Chinesesociety. elude an inventory of hospitals organizations and persons admit- He also said that he and allied institutions, estimating ted, temporarily as agricultural these pressures caused b the insurability of their services. laborers. countriesdelayed ther It will also include an analysis of "In view of severe penalties for tion of Chinese society cost trends and related factors, as willful violations of the address re- world scene. well as an evaluation of working quirement, all aliens are urged to Two of the causes of t relations between these institu- go to the nearest post office or down of the Chinese soc tions. Immigration Service Office, fill the loss of lands that bel The study is designed to pro- out the Address Report Card and them and the influenceo vide data for reviewing key poli- return it to the clerk," Swing ad- missionaries, Prof. Fe cies now under active discussion, vised. said. ions c, ers ntly fE utes th to conti ground, ether t road tb an or( iject," when t ordinan e disput nted it pplicab p icy Lna ..dog% By JAN RAHM Hours for the library at the Wo- men's League will be extended during the final examination period due to the later hours for women, according to Lynne Betts, '60, chairman of the house com- mittee of the League. Starting Monday, Jan. 17 and continuing until Thursday, Jan. 29, the library will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. from Monday through Friday and on Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., Miss Betts said. b The library which is located on the third floor of the League is open to women only. Listening Rooms Open In addition to the library, the three Barbara C. Little listening rooms on third floor of the League will also be open during the ex- tended hours. Miss Betts commented that these rooms are helpful for women who are studying for music liter- ature and that all the records needed are available. Students who are not taking music literature but who like to study to music may also use the facilities of the music rooms, which have sound piped in from turntables in the library. Both the library and the listen- ing rooms have tables for writing as well as large, overstuffed chairs for those who like to relax as they study. Books May Circulate Although the League library is intended primarily as a study li- brary, it is filled with books which may circulate, Miss Betts said. Many of the books are about drama. Alice Crocker Lloyd, form- er dean of women of the Univer- sity, donated a large selection of books on this subject to the League library and additions have been made throughout the years. In addition to the books on dra- ma, the library is a basic resource library, Miss Betts said. NSF Awards Study Grant The National Science Founda- tion announced recently that it had awarded the University a $15,- 900 grant to study the mechanism behind stem elongation in rice and other grasses. The grant will be used to con- tinue a project now being direct- ed by Prof. Peter B. Kaufman of the botany department. the Cen- s at Har- rday that benefited the past. economic by her to a na- the more ateness of erwerker gist Party this na- a theory backward- orifice of ned. oday have backward- s of the rrupt rul- ared that the West ed for the , but that nulus was s a direct n of the thought by foreign reintegra- Sinto the the break- ciety was elonged to of foreign uerwerker ( V.F.W. CLUB BARON LEA BAND 2 to 6 P.M. Details in Sunday's Paper. if HELD OVER Through Tuesday i d' ( , I,'a 'i < < i i n i f.l l lu i , i i i COLLEGE ROUNDUP DIAL NO 2-2513 IT'S MAD! IT'S MARVELOUS! 'NY'. STARRING Showat1 :00 - 3:30 - 6:15 - 8:45 -- Mats 90c, Eves, $1.25 By RUTHANN RECHT SYRACUSE, N.Y. - A new parking proposal was made re- cently at Syracuse University. In order to alleviate their im- mense parking problem, they for- bid sophomores to keep cars on the campus. Since then Joint Student Legis- lature repealed the ban and plans to assign parking spaces on a "first come-first served" priority basis. The Legislature further suggested that a Parking Policy Committee be established. 'The committee would meet at least once a year to formulate and coordinate ad- ministrative policies and to imple- ment resolutions. * * * ITHACA, N.Y. - The faculty of Cornell University recently un- animously accepted the Faculty Committee's recommendations on student affairs. Now the way is clear for the students themselves to fill in the details and write a new charter for the organization oT student government, which, un- der the new faculty- legislation. will have primary responsibility. for the conduct of all student ac- tivities. ' * * * PHILADELPHIA, Pa. -- Many members of the University of Pennsylvania have been recently receiving prejudiced literature at- tacking various minority religions. Usually in the form of four- page newsletters, this strongly biased literature, often published by well-financed, highly organ- ized groups, calls for action if necessary to crush m i n o r i t i e s whose beliefs clash with those of the publishing bodies. * * * AUSTIN, Texas - At the Uni- versity of Texas recently the Wo- men's Council asked for more pol- icy-making power in the affairs of women. The president of the Council asked for more positive r r -1- -IMF- T T °'q!"' T " " + ^ T . -" "- .T : - .- ... - - "^' -ter -- - - 0 A PURE WHITE MODERN FILTER IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OFA WINION .I...... .. . ........ ..n....... ."" ,.; ,, .,.:... .a assurance by the Dean of Wo men's office that the studer group would have definite author ty. Rebelling against the parent attitude of the Dean of Women office, the students now feel thi they can handle the responsibilit in new, areas, especially in, we men's regulations and discipline = w * * NORMAN, Okla. - In an e fort to help outstanding studen get through school more quick] the University of Oklahoma re cently has changed its policy c advanced standing examinatioi These examinations make possible for a studentwith know edge in a particular field to ear credit without attending reguli classes during the semester, the saving both time and money. IFC Checks Illegal Rush The Interfraternity Counc Thursday night discussed plar recommending the re-establisi ment of an enforcement commil tee designed to investigate and Jr dict fraternities carrying on IM] gal rushing procedures. The Executive Committee of tU IFC rejected a plan of re-estat lishing a "Goon Squad." At or time this group, composed of se' eral fraternity officers, checke chapter houses between 9 and : p.m. during the formal rui period. Instead the committee approve a proposal under which three fri ternity presidents Would serve E checkers whenever a rumored < real infraction of IFC rules wi reported to them. The Executive Committee re ommended that this latter ph be presented to the Fraternii Presidents Association. "A don't miss Picture" Crowther-N.Y. Times Ending Tuesday It's what's up front that counts Georges Simenon's starring LIEAN GABIN with ANNIE GIRARDOT LUCIENNE BOGAERT NOW AT THE JEAN DESAILLYA ! 'erected by JEAN DEANNOYCAM PUS/ ANN ARBOR CIVIC THEATRE, INC. presents WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE'S **** ***0 t a E& a