- WM lj Amr- Vat By THOMAS HAYDEN Special to The Daily Detr DETROIT-There is a school here (student population-17,000) which might just become the University of Michigan at Detroit, if the man who runs it has his way. The school is presently called Wayne State University and the man referred to is its president Clarence Hilberry. He proposed Monday that Wayne and the University merge as autonomous units under control of the University Board of Regents. Hilberry told The Daily yesterday he has met with "very few" negative reactions from the lawmakers and educators with whom he has discussed the proposal. 'U' Stays Uncommitted No official approving or damning word has as yet come from local administrators. The most University President Harlan Hatcher has said is that it is "quite possible a better educational program could be developed with greater economy to the state" as a result of the merger. But University Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel, whosalso sits on the Wayne Board of Governors, has praised the proposal as being both economical and beneficial to state education. Several Wayne officials are of the opinion that the University Is unable to openly welcome the decision because such action might make them appear to be a greedy octopus consuming its neighbor. Hilberry met yesterday with members of the Wayne University oi? It's POs Council, composed of faculty members, and discussed the various' intricacies of the plan. The Wayne president dismissed the possibility of the Detroit school becoming subservient to the University. He repeatedly emphasized that, the move would not be made without assurance that both schools remain "autonomous, co-ordinate and distinct." Under his plan, both institutions would be ruled by the Board of Regents, but would be headed by separate administrations. President Hatcher would chair all Regents meetings (it is his constitutional duty). This would not imply Ann Arbor dominance, Hilberry explained. But wouldn't a change in the school's name indicate a step towards loss of independence? Name Change a Possibility Although a name change is a "real possibility," it would not be forced or necessary, Hilberry emphasized. A name change to "Uni- versity of Michigan at Detroit" had been called possible Wednesday. He said retention of "Wayne State University" is perfectly possible, although it might be awkward since the state constitution identifies the Board of Regents specifically with the University of Michigan. However, the Wayne State Collegian, while favoring the merger, editorially warned that the University's seniority "may well win out" when conflicts arise between the institutions. Denying that the Regents would show any partiality to the Ann Arbor campus, he said that disagreements between the schools over needs could be settled peacefully by conferences. fi sible, Wayu Hilberry declared the merger would be a guarantee of a more efficient and effective educational system for the citizens of the next quarter century. "In the long run," Hilberry said, "a co-ordinated budget request will end needless competition and cost the taxpayer less." He pointed out that the two schools have shown desire to work harmoniously, citing as examples the joint adult education divisions and the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations which is composed of staff members from both schools. Coordination To Increase Coordination will inevitably increase, he opinioned. "We're within 35 miles of each other and getting closer every day," he said, referring to the University's Dearborn branch which is due to open this fall, and the University-owned Rackham Building located a block from the WSU campus. Where does the plan leave Michigan State University, the third of the "big sister" schools in the state? Many state educators are privately saying that MSU, facing a Detroit-Ann Arbor "power combination" might have plenty to worry about in this spring's competitive bargaining for funds from the legislature. Hilberry admitted that such might be the case, but ex- plained that a bond of the three schools would require a tricky and hard-to-get constitutional change, since the State Board of Agricul- ture runs the East Lansing institution. Head Constitutionality is one of Wayne's chief worries. The school is a creation of the legislature and subject to any legislation, while the other two large universities are constitutionally conceived and more o less independent units. Hilberry said Attorney General Paul L. Adams (a former Univer sity regent) has indicated Wayne would become "automatically con- stitutional" if accepted by the Board of Regents. Asked whether control of Wayne would excessively burden the Regents who already rule the Ann Arbor, Flint, and Dearborncampvse of the University, Hilberry pointed out that their task would be niori difficult but "certainly possible." Political Troubles Seen Various political implications hang over the issue. Wayne i winding up a three-year transition period from city university to state institution. April elections could sweep six Wayne County Democrat into seats on the governing board which will take over July 1 whey the transition period ends. Some feel this would possibly renew the "radical" label which ha hung on Wayne in past years, and increase Wayne's problems witl the Republican-controlled legislature. Hilberry denied that the merger plan was prompted by politica reasons, claiming that the Democrats are favored to claim a majorit3 of seats on any governing board. He was concerned, however, over thi election of an "untested, and somewhat inexperienced" governing boars in April. Say I MERGER PROPOSAL NEEDS CAREFUL LOOK See Page 4 cl. I r Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 4 40, :43 a t tp W* CO SNOW, CULT! - ra a i rr - - rar~ w a ~ anv n . a,' VF L' .TVUC SIX PA *?rr' V 'w. 1W ' LTn_ U ANN AMROR, MIG.ALN, FIDIAY, JANUARYflX9, 1959 rIVL tir:1V*I:b ,,I ,,YVif l}AlA& . 190~. ar . ... University Seeks Education Loans By CHARLES KOZOLL Application for a $125,000 student loan under the National De- fense Education Act has been made by the University, Administrative Dean Robert L. Williams announced yesterday. . The request will be to provide funds for the remainder of the fiscal year. Additional requests of $25,000 for the summer session and $225,000 for the coming year were also made. "We aren't sure if the amount will be available at the beginning of the spring semester," Williams said. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare has received numerous requests and may 4 Regent Dan Announces Retirement Regent Leland I. Doan an- nounced yesterday that he would not run for reelection to his regent post. Regent Doan, whose term ex- pires Dec. 31, 1959, said the reason for the decision was increasing business responsibilities. "Serving as a regent of the Uni- versity has been a stimulating ex- perience. I am extremely pleased with the progress that has been made and am proud to have had some part in its accomplishments," he said, Regent Doan's announcement brings to four the number of posi- tions now held by Republicans on the governing boards of the Uni- versity and Michigan State Uni- versity which will be filled in April's state elections. Bonisteel Retiring Another $epublican regent, Ros- coe O. Bonisteel has announced he will not seek reelection. Four Democrats and two Re- publicans are the remaining elect- ed regents. The terms of two members of the State Board of Agriculture, MSU's governing body, will expire Dec. 31 also. They are Clark L. Brody and Arthur K. Rouse. Brody, who has served in electedI public office longer than any other state official, has stated that he will be willin. to serve if he is wanted. Rouse has not an- nounced his intentions. Others Democrats All of the remaining four elected members of the board are Demo- crats. Six positions on the Board of] Governors of Wayne State Uni- versity will be at stake in the election. These officials will take office on August 1. (On July 31, transfer of Wayne from the con- trol of the Detroit Board of Edu- cation to the state will be com- pleted, and the term of present board members will expire.) Editor To Join 'U' Faculty Carl E. Lindstrom, executive editor of the Hartford, Conn., 4find it hard to comply with all of them, he went on. Should Know Soon "Notification of the amount to be given the University should come around Feb. 1," Dean of Men Walter B. Rea stated yesterday. "The earmarked funds may come by Feb. 15. "The amounts now available may be sufficient to meet expenses in February," Rea added. "But it will force the Loan Committee to be more selective with applicants for second semester aid, he went on to say. "The University may not receive1 the amount requested, since other institutions lacking loan funds similar to ours have asked for money," Rea mentioned. Of 1,915 institutions sent information byt the government, only 713 have loan funds.t May Borrow $1,000 When the funds are received, students who qualify may borrow up to $1,000 a year and may obtain up to $5.000 during his entire aca- demic course. Repayment of the loan will begin one year aftert graduation and must be completedc within a 10-year period. The law requires that specialE consideration be given students 1 with superior academic back-. ground in science, mathematics, engineering or modern foreign language. To Discuss Imperialism Prof. Albert Feuerwerker of Har-, vard University will speak on "Thei Paradox of Imperialism in Moderni China" at 4:15 p.m. today in Audi-1 torium C, Angell Hall.1 His talk is sponsored by thel Asian Studies Committee. MICHEL DEBRE ... new French premier De Gaulle Takes Oath PARIS W)-Gen. Charles de Gaulle became president of France yesterday and pledged to use his strong executive powers to keep the new Fifth Republic on the stern path he outlined as premier. He declared he would do what had to be done for the nation's good. Immediately after historic in- auguration ceremonies de Gaulle set the new republic in motion. He named as premier, Michel Debre, longtime Gaullist lawyer and an unbending Nationalist. There followed an unmistakable sign that de Gaulle intends to con- tinue his strict control over French affairs. Debre announced a new cabinet that carried over most of de Gaulle's top ministers. De Gaulle took office in the gilded Salon Des Fetes in the Presidential Palace, then drove to the majestic Arch of Triumph. Thousands of Frenchmen lined the upper mile of theebroad Champs Elysees to cheer .him. Standing in an open car with out- going President Rene Coty at his side, de Gaulle retraced the tri- umphal path he followed as leader of theFree French when Paris was liberated in World War IL. Along with shouts of "Vive de Gaulle" were warm cheers for Coty, who drove off to semire- tirement in Le Havre. Crowds broke through police lines to sur- round the 76-year-old lawyer, who played a major role in de Gaulle's return to political power. IHC Motion Protests Cut In Service By THOMAS KABAKER The Presidium of the Inter- House Council last night passed a motion protesting the cut in maid service from weekly to bi- weekly in the men's residence halls. It was pointed out that the con- tracts of the returning residents specifically designate that the residence halls will provide week- ly maid service. Several house presidents called this a breach of contract and asked that the legality of the service cut be discussed at a meet- ing of the Board of Governors of the Residence Halls. IHC president Robert Ashton, '59, was unable to attend the meeting and could not be reached for comment. The Presidium also requested that women be allowed to remain in the residence halls until one half hour before their permissions expire. At present, women must leave at 10:30 p.m. It was stated that since upper class women in University housing will have their permissions extended until 12 mid- night this coming semester, the present ruling would necessitate their leaving one and a half hours before they were due to return to their residence halls. In other action, Arthur Brown, '61, was elected administrative vice-president of IHC, succeeding Irwin Starr, '61, who resigned from the office earlier thissemester. The election required four bal- lots. The Council also approved plans for an inter-house bicycle race to be held this spring. Monitor Tries To Oust Hoffa NEW YORK (A')--One of three court-appointed monitors of the big Teamsters Union said yester- day he plans a court move to try to oust its president, James R. Hoff a. Godfrey P. Schmidt said he hoped to have the petition ready in about a month for submission to Federal Dist. Judge F. Dickin- son Letts in Washington. Mikoyan Is Visit Demonstrationin Detroi FREEDOM FIGHTERS-Detroiters, many of them foreign born, surge against a human chain, of police last night as a Hungarian argues with two policemen. Over 100 police were in the area, most of them fighting to keep the crowd back at the moment when this picture was taken. Arous-e Senate Backers Predict Filibuster 'Compromise' WASHINGTON (P)-Backers of a compromise maneuvered with cocksure confidence yesterday toward a quick showdown in the Senate struggle over changing the rules to curb talkfests. The fight could be over by the end of the week. It pivots primarily around civil rights and the power of filibuster which Southern Democrats have used with telling effect in the past to block civil rights legislation. Signs point to a change in the rules to let two-thirds of the senators " on hand and voting bring debate to an end. Present rules require a vote of at least two-thirds of the entire senate-66 of 98 senators-- to choke off a filibuster. The compromise was trundled out rby Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex.), the Democratic leadenr with the backing of top Demo- cratic and Republican chiefs. Southern Democrats are against even that much of a change. IFC Grants Colony Status The Interfraternity Council's Executive Committee decided last night to recognize Alpha Kappa Lambda as a colony. Student Government Council must approve the colony. ON WORLD: President To Speak WASHINGTON GP) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower's State of the Union message today actually will be a state of the world analysis keyed to the struggle against Communism. Much of the emphasis, the White House indicated yesterday, will be on the President's previously stated! determination to maintain finan- cial integrity at home while carry- ing on the battle for enduring global peace. Press Secretary James C. Hager- ty stressed that the President also is determined to carry a fight for his legislative program and foreign policy proposals directly to the people-if the heavily Democratic new congress balks at going along, with Administration plans. The President will deliver his State of the Union message per- sonally at a senate-house session at 12:30 p.m., EST, today, The 40-minute report will be carried nationwide on all television and radio networks. President Eisenhower canceled a National Security Council meeting which had been scheduled yester- day, kept his other engagements to a minimum, and devoted much of the day to final work on the message. Past U' Editor les % in Union Eggs Aimed At Mikoyan Miss Mark Crowd Reaches 300, Carries Placards Attacking 'Murderer' By LANE VANDERSLICE Special to the Daily DETROIT - A solid blue lin of Detroit policemen, night-stick in hand, held back a shouting angry crowd last night as Anasta 1. Mikoyan, was quickly slipped into a club in the heart of th city for a dinner engagement. The Soviet deputy premie made the short journey from hi ,ar to the canopied entrance o the "Detroit Club" surrounded by 'Jnited States security officers and unharmed by scattered egg and snowballs aimed from th crowd. Swollen to nearly 300 byrthe time Mikoyan arrived, the crowd shouted and swayed placard reading "Mikoyan You Murderer, "Freedom for Hungary" and simi lar slogans. East-Europeans Demonstrate Lithuanian, Latvians, Estonians a large delegation of Hungarian and several - other nationality groups made up most of the crowd Over 100 policemen were brought into the one block area Some of them, including seven mounted policemen were held in reserve, but the majority were up in the front line, pressed tightl: against the crowd. In the calm of the surrounding tempest, Mikoyan was warmly greeted by the "Detroit Club" doorman. With a smile spread across his face, the doormai grasped Mikoyan's hand while stepping quickly backward a Mikoyan moved into the club. The greeting was typical of the entire day, as Mikoyan was wined, dined and guided by Detroit's top cap- italists, including the presidents of General Motors, Ford and De- troit Edison. Faced Full Schedule The 63-year-old Mik o yazn crammed a lot into his day in De- troit. He landed at Willow Run at 10:05 with his party, which included his son Sergo, 29 years old, Mikhail Menshikov, Soviet Ambassador to the United States and other Russians. In a hasty press conference in a hangar, he asked for peace, say- ing his "best wish is that there be no war between other coun- tries." He left the hangar by E side entrance, in a cavalcade or its way to ,the Ford Rouge plant thus avoiding fifty pickets who I I , LEADER ENTERS CAPITAL: SJoyous Cubans Welcome Castro to Havana HAVANA (4) - Joyous Havana' gave a tumultuous welcome yes- terday to Fidel Castro, bearded conquering hero of the Cuban revolution. The 32-year-old warrior entered the capital just a week from the day his 26th of July movement tumbled the dictatorship of Ful- gencio Batista. A steady beat of clapping hands accompanied deep-throated roars from thousands. Two frigates in the harbor fired 21-gun salutes. Uses Helicopter skirting the Gulf of Mexico in attempt to keep some kind order. an of Movement 'Impossible' But the drive was so jammed with happy Cubans it was almost impossible to move. Horns honked incessantly, min- gling with the steady roars of the people on foot. Impromptu military bands in big trucks poured out martial music. Many in the crowd displayed the red and black banners that are the symbols of the revolution. U.S. May Aid Meanwhile, the United States expressed a readiness to provide economic aid to Cuba's new re program to Cuba for the fiscal year ending next June totals $570,000. Since 1954, about $2,200,000 in United States economic aid has been extended. Department Press Chief Lincoln White, asked about possible aid for Cuba, recalled that Smith already had made public his recommenda- tions. White said the new Cuban regime so far had made no request for aid. He added: "Should such a request be forth- coming, it will certainly be given consideration," he added. Meanwhile Cuba's Communists- who have long proclaimed they backed Fidel Castro's rebel move- ~' - -::..