t "Step Into My Office, Lad, And Tell Me All About It"' Sti54rgaul Dail# Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone do 2-3241 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Cubanz Describes F V ten Opinion~s Are Free Truth Will Prval" Fp "\ r I I ,l I ilr Of Batista Regine Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following letter was received from Mario Huntad a former University student now working in his native Cuba.) To the Editor: THERE ARE many things that can be told about the heroic revo tion in which our people fought mainly with that desire of freed( and self respect that, each democratic country should have. But I f going to tell only the last moments of the Batista tyranny because think those are the things that interest the American people at t moment. General Rautillo, Chief of the Army in the Oriente Proven thinking that things were becoming more difficult for the dictatorsh Y, JANUARY 8, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KAATZ Banning Nuclear Weapons Gives Reds Additional Advantage THE UNITED STATES received a Christmas; present in disguise last month with the announcement that the nuclear test talks in Geneva had been adjourned, with no definite date set for their resumption. The adjournment was a Christmas present because an atomic test ban would have very serious for the United States. It was in dis- guise because not only the United States government, but also a considerable segment of the nation's population seems to favor a nuclear test ban. Even the normally alert New York Times called the adjournment, and the disagreements between the United States and the West preceding the adjournment, "dis- heartening" and so the disruption is if a nuclear test ban is what is actually desired. T HEREARE two important disadvantages to a test ban. First of all, there is a serious question as to whether complete test safety could be assured. Even granting that an in- spection system could be developed that would work for the present, the United States has no assurance that new techniques may not be developed which will make any present system of inspection useless. The pressure of a nuclear test ban is sure to bring pressure to discover ways to circumvent it. The United States may resist this pressure, for whatever "ethical" reasons it may have, but it is not likely that the Russian leaders would share the same reluc- tance. Even assuming that the Russians lived up to the Wpirit of the ban land did not test any Living with 1111 A HIGH-RANKING and respected adminis- trator (some people do not think that the two are necessarily synonymous) recently sug- gested that the question of inter-collegiate ath- letics is blown way out of proportion. He men- tioned a specific Texas institution which has apparently found the solution: they have a high-powered recruiting program and accept any athlete regardless of scholastic ability, but, in brder not to let these creatures interfere with their fine scholastic program they keep their (illiterate) tahletes separated from the student-body as much as possible. Although the administrator admitted that certain public relations problems were involved with this type of program, he seemed to feel that it had very definite merits. It produces good football teams which keeps athletic di- rectors and gung-ho alumni happy; it keeps the athletes' minds uncluttered; it keeps the faculty happy; and it keeps the students un- contaminated. BUT THE BIG problem involved is the ex- pense. If the athletes are to be truely pro- fessional, they may demand more pay, or at least more elegant cages. Or perhaps they nuclear weapons, the United States would still be hurt by one important point: the military positions of Russia and the West would not be equally affected by a bomb test ban. The nuclear test ban must be considered as only one step in the direction of banning all nuclear weapons. After the initial step has been taken the pressure on the United States to ban nuclear weapons altogether will increase, not decrease. BUT THE PROSPECT of a world without nuclear weapons, idyllic as it may super- ficially sound, would be disastrous for the United States and the rest of the free world. In Europe for example, NATO has never been able to muster more than a fraction of the total number of lussian divisions. Yet man- power would be by far and away the main measure of military strength if atomi" weapons were banned. The reluctance of the Western powers to put large numbers of men in uniform during peacetime would place the West at a serious disadvantage, which the Russians un- doubtedly would exploit by replacing their "missile rattling" with a vastly more ominous "division blackmail." The Geneva Conference will probably resume in the near future, if only to avoid the stigma of ending on a minor note. The United States should take this breather to -e-evaluate its aims in discussing a test ban. Using the talks as a propaganda football is one thing, but unfortunately, the United States seems to be serious. --LANE VANDERSLICE terate, Athletes would face the same financial problems as the professional baseball minor leagues. However, the big expense would be the cost of the vast public relations campaign, which would be necessary. Clearly, if the public and the press were to maintain their old-fashioned Ideas about spontaneous school spirit or that college sports are other than businesses, this plan would never succeed. Because with the old-fashioned ideas, the firing of Notre Dame football coach Terry Brennan and other similar incidents which are continually happening would be indefensible. But once people look at it objectively, they will realize, with the help of the Gray-Suited Prophets, that Sports is a brutal business in which nice guys like Brennan or others do not belong. UT IT IS NICE that those in Ann Arbor are able to take an objective look at the situation. After all, there is no problem at th UJniversity of people considering football as anything but an integral ,part of the academic program. -JAMES SEDER I .a CAPITAL COMMENTARY: Budget To By WILLL Bring Battle [AM~ S. WHITE WASHINGTON-Behind a great deal of loudly dramatic-and undeniably important-maneuver- ing over Senate filibuster rules and so on, the opposing forces are mar- shaling for the quiet, real, "gut" battle of the new Congress. This is the battle of the budget. It is dull, yes; but it is the payoff. President Dwight D. Eisenhower is represented as determined to hold Federal spending for the new fiscal year, which opens next July 1, to around $77,000,000,000. This is a figure of conservatism-and even of retrenchment. It reflects the President's sharp turn, late in his Administration, toward the old- fashioned rather than the liberal Republican view he used to lead. AS IS USUALLY so in the bread- and-butter issues, the coming struggleis bipartisan rather than strictly between the two parties. The greatest single force on the President's side - if he goes through with his resolve to hold down Federal spending-will be the powerful right-wing Virginia Democrat, Senator Harry Flood Byrd. Byrd has the great virtue of really meaning it when he clam- ors for economizing. Those who will contest with the Prtsident, on this, that or the other item of spending, are more numerous than those who will totally defend his budget. The anti-budget group will include a probable majority of, the Demo- crats in both Houses and practi- cally all the liberal and modern Republicans. But, though the higher-budget forces have more people, the Presi- dent and his backers have much more power-if they will seize it and use it. Congress, by the Con- stitution of course, puts on the taxes and controls the size of the appropriations. Nevertheless, any administra- tion, any time, can always refuse to spend, even if Congress has made all provisions for spending. What is the outlook, then? No firm answer can possibly be given at this stage, because the decisive factor will be simply the factor of Presidential determination and Presidential will to fight. * * * * INQUIRY, however, among all factions indicates this tentative answer; thehPresident can hold the line on the budget if he really defends it-and if business condi- tions continue to be good enough so that there is no imperative busi- nessman-demand for more govern- ment spending to boost the gen- eral economy. Meanwhile, the Eisenhower Cab- inet is significantly more conserva- tive than it was in the last Con- gress. The Secretary of the Treas- ury. Robert B. Anderson, an erst- while "Eisenhower Democrat" from Educational Objectives From the inaugural address of Dr. Richard G. Folsom, new presi- dent of Rensselaer Polytechnic In- stitute: "We must set our own educgtional objectives for this country and not become panicked into accepting without critical re- view those of the Russians, the Germans, the Latins, or of any other country. Our objectives must fit our own degree of cultural and scientific accomplishments. Edu- cation is not a race. It is a re- sponse to a way of life." -National Review Texas who is now an unqualified Republican, is understood to be increasingly in a budget-balancing frame of mind. He may well become, for these purposes, another George M. Hum- phrey-with a Southern accent. (Humphrey, a traditional Ohio Republican, was Mr. Eisenhower's first - and extremely powerful - Secretary of the Treasury.) * * * PERHAPS even more important- ly, a true Herbert Hoover Eepub- lican, Lewis Strauss, has ascended to the Cabinet since the last Con- gress. Mr. Strauss left the chair- manship of the Atomic Energy Commission to become Secretary of Commerce. He succeeded Sin- clair Weeks of Massachusetts who, though certainly no burning lib- eral, wasneither so able nor so determined a'n economizer as is Strauss. Indeed, Strauss-an old and un- anologetic associate of Mr. Hoover .and the first absolutely authentic1 "Hoover man" to enter the Eisen- hower Administration at the top-- ! may become the determining fac- tor in the whole affair. He hasnot come into the Cabi- net merely to "get along." He is quite rich enough not to have to keep any job. And he has a pas- sionate belief in fiscal solidity- however outdated many may be- lieve this concept to be. In short, his influence will be cast, always and without a tremor, toward holding the line. It would be an odd irony if this old Hoover admirer-this trusted friend of the late Senator Robert A. Taft, Mr. Eisenhower's great rival for the 1952 Presidential nomination - should more nearly than any other personify the Eisenhower Administration in this, its last phase.. decided to begin secret negotia- tions with Fidel Castro - through Monsenor Perez Lecauts, Arch- bishop of Santigo and a personal friend of Fidel. In these negotia- tions. Cantillo promised to head a coup d'etat in Columbia army camp and to arrest Batista and his friends while Fidel occupied the city of Santigo. However General Cantillo did not keep his word and let Batista escape with all his friends and relatives. The rebels then did not accept the military Jaunta headed by Cantillo because of his false promise and arrested him, placing Colonel Borguin as Chief of the Army until the rebel troops could reach Havana, and take care of the situation. Now those troops are in Havana ad have taken complete control of all the mili- tary camps in Cuba including"Col- umbia army camp, the biggest on the island, and not only have ac- complished the duty of freeing our country from the most des- potic tyranny in America, but have done so, preserving order,, and avoiding vengeance and mur- der. Everyone who is guilty of something or complicated in the last regime has been arrested, and will have a fair trial when things quiet down. The new government will be under the presidency 'of, Doctor Urrutia, theperson desig- nated by the revolution tq rule Cuba till our sext, and for the first time in six years, free election. It is my opinion that the things that just happened in my country will be an example for Latin American countries where dic- tatorships have flourished too oft- en in the past. A last word to tell everyone that Fidel Castro is not a com- munist and we will never accept a communist government. What we will do is to respect everyone's right to hold any opinion he wants. --Mario Huntado DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which Tne Michigan Daily assumes no di- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1959 VOL. LXIX, NO. 80 General Notices Midyear Graduation Exercises: Jan. 24, 1959, to be held at 2:00 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Exercises will conclude about 4:00 p.m. Reception for graduates and their relatives and friends in Michigan League Ballroom at 4:00 p.m. Please enter League at west entrance. Tickets: Three to each prospective graduate, to be distributed from Mon., Jan. 12, to 1:00 p.m. Sat., Jan. 24, at Cashier's Office, first floor lobby of Admin. Bldg. Academic Costume: Can be rented at Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. University Ave., Ann Arbor. Orders should be placed immediately. , Assembly for'Graduates: At 1:00 p.m. (Continued on Page 5) AT THE CAMPUS: E AN GABIN, well-aged but QI- ente, presented an almost flawless performance as "Inspectot Maigret" in the film which opened at the Campus Theatre last niht. = The film, adapted from George Simenon's book, "Maigret Sets a Trap," is a murder mystery of high intensity well performed by a major cast from the Commedie. Francaise. Gabin portrays a detective who does 'not know it all immediately, but learns quickly and thoroughly. His solution to four murders builds and almost as immediately drops its level of intensity. From the middle of the picture on, a steady accumulation of hints and da- matic situations builds into an al4ost overpowering climax. PARIS HAS been haunted by a murdered who knifes women at ,night; as the film opens he Is shown, In silhouette, committing his fourth such crime. Maigret and' his Watson begin to solve the crime by setting a careful trap: hundreds of policemen and women are statoned around the scene of the crime and themurder s re. enacted. The murderer appears and at. tempts to take another victim; it is then that various suspects are located and interrogated. Perhaps as important as the criminal ac- tions, which are kept to a minI- mum throughout the story, are the psychological developments and interactions which provide the real interest and most of the ten- sion. * * * JEAN DESAILY as the chief suspect of the crime, offers a finely conceived characterization of a man who'Is still a boy, a sen- sitive,immature, emotionally u. balanced figure. De'sailly and Gabn produce In- tense emotion in the viewer be- cause of their powerful, yet very different portrayals. Gabin is al- ways cool, yet does not degenerate to the smugness of Sherlock Holmes. He expresses much through facial expressions, gestur. ing and other non-vocal means. This is contrasted to Desailly' very vocal, very Visually-active and powerful interpretation. The en. tire supporting cast was excellent, and the film maintains a hig. calibre of dramatic portrayal throughout. Perhaps the weakest aspect of the film was the photography which showed little "Imagination but much basic competence. This passes largely unnoticed, however, because the film captures the au- dience's attention through its other excellences. A resurrected 1952 cartoon pre- sents Tom and Jerry waltzing to the music of Johann Strauss for 10 minutes. This provides an in- "ellectually stimulating overture to the major work or the evening. -Robert Junker TODAY AND TOMORROW:.- hich Majority Rules? By WALTER LIPPMANN WITH ALL DUE respect to ;Sen. Paul Doug- las, whom I admire very much the ques- tion at issue in the Senate is not whether the majority shall rule. The question is what kind of majority shall rule. For there are many sorts of majorities. Sen. Douglas wants one more than half of the Senators elected to rule, which would be fifty Senators. But on most of the business of the Senate one more than half of a quorum, which would be tw'enty-six votes, can pass a bill. Thus Sen. Douglas himself recognizes that on a question of closing debate, a bigger ma- jority should be required than for ordinary legislation. The present rules of the Senate require sixty-six Senators to close a debate, and ex- cludes closure of a debate on a change in the rules. The Johnson-Knowland amendment, which will probably be adopted, requires a two-thirds majority of those present and vot- ing, wich can theoretically be as many as sixty-six and as few as thirty-four, to close W S I debate. Sen. John Sherman Cooper has now suggested that the majority be three-fifths, which would, theoretically, permit closure by as few as thirty Senators up to as many as fifty-nine Senators, depending on how many Senators were present and voting. SEN. DOUGLAS is, therefore, begging the question when he talks as if "majority rule" were something simple and obvious to all men. GMoreover, he ignores the nature of the Sen- ate, which is the representative in our system of a federation of states. In the Senate, what does it mean to speak of "majority rule?" A majority of what? A majority of the states or a majority of the people of the United States? In the House of Representatives the mem- bers represent, more or less exactly, the voters themselves, and a member from New York and a member from Alaska or Nevada represents approximately the same number of people, But' this is not true of the Senate. Thus when Sen. Douglas wants fifty Sena- tors to be able to close a debate and to pass a bill, he calls it majority rule which is "the basic principle of our government." But sup- pose the fifty Senators represent the twenty- five smallest states, do they represent a ma- jority of the people of the United States? Tak- ing the figures for the census of 1950, the twenty-five smallest states which have fifty Senators, represent about 29,000,000 people, or les3 than one-fifth of the population in 1950. Against these twenty-five states there were three states, New York, California, and Penn- sylvania, which had 7,000,000 more people in them than all the twenty-five combined. For those of us who prefer the Johnson to the Douglas amendment of Rule XXII, there are two outstanding considerations. Cln rh . t&4.. .,"ofa-. .. + *' . ,,; - A - --..,. rT. SCORECARD: Excitement Marks Opening of New Congress By ARTHUR -EDSON Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer WASHINGTON-Congress came unuuback to work today -in an unusual mood. Republicans arguing with Re- publicans ... Democrats and Re- publicans ready for filibustering blows at the drop of a Senate ruling. . . and although both Ohio senators are Democrats, in gone of the first statements of the new session here was Sen. Stephen M. Young saying: "I have not asked Sen. Lausche to escort me down the Senate aisle. I will walk down the aisle to take my solemn oath of office without leaning on the arm, or clasping the hand, of my dis- tinguished Ohio colleague. This despite Senatorial custom of the contrary." Good heavins! Nobody likes no- body. So, let's see if we can decipher a few notes jotted down on the, back of an old fight score card: Arrived at the Senate early. Peered down at the best evidence Hustled over to the House. Still buzzing over the fight that bench- ed GOP leader Rep. Joseph W. Martin of Massachusetts, after all these years, for Rep. Charles A. Halleck of Indiana. Martin has been Republican leader for so long couldn't re- member who he succeeded. Looked it up. It will make a wonderful conversation opener. "Do you know who preceded Joe Martin as Re- publican leader in the. House? Bertrand H. Snell of Potsdam, N.Y." Hustled back to the. Senate. Senators beginning to gather. Waving to relatives in the gallery. Yoo hooing like school girls. Host of former Senators back at their old haunts. Spotted Owen Brewster of Maine, Howard Mc- Grath of Rhode Island, Scott Lu- cas of Illinois, Herbert Lehman of New York, Harry Cain of Wash- ington and Ralph Flanders of Ver- mont down on the floor. And over their heads, In the visitor's gallery, was another old Senator. Fellow named Harry Tru- man. Truman leaned on bannister, a violation of Senate rules, but usher said nothing. Couldn't figure out if usher was a fraidy cat or a Democrat. SENATORS sworn in in batches of four. New senators escorted by old senators from same state, even when they were of opposite par- ties. Sen. Margaret Chase Smith (R), for example, nlot only came down the aisle with Maine's new Democratic Senators, Edmund S; Muskie. She also escorted him around, introducing him to the Republicans. But Young stuck to his guns. No Frank Lausche for him. He was escorted by Sen. Lyndon B. John- son (D-Tex.), who did double duty by leading Sen. Ralph Yarbrough (D-Tex.), too. "Good for Young," said reporter on the left. "We have too much of that senatorial cour- tesy stuff here." Watched the two Alaska Demo- crats dr'aw to see how many years they would serve, two, fbur or six. Ballots were in old fashioned wood box that looked like a ukelele. Just fine when, and if, Hawaii comes in. Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor IAEL KRAFTJO torial Director HN WEICHER City Editor DAVID TARR Associate Editor B CANTOR ,............... Personnel Director N WILLOUGHBY......Associate Editorial Director N JONES ............ Sports Editor TA JORGENSON ..... Associate City Editor . ABETH ER$KLNE. , . Aeoclate Personnel Director L RISEMAN................Associate Sports Editor IOLE ANLD... ....... eSports Editor 'ID ARNOLD................ Chief Photographer Sen. Ernest Gruening drew