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September 15, 1958 - Image 73

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-15

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NEW LIBRARY--This five-floor, $3.1 million Undergraduate Library at the University was opened
last year. Financed by state appropriation, the structure is the largest of its kind in the world
and is already carrying out its function of helping to alleviate crowded library facilities at the
. w Library HaVen to Milions




'New Look' Expected
For Dorm Integration
A "new-look" in Residence Halls integration at the University is
expected this year, according to Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis. His remark was prompted by the release in May of a
Residence Hall Board of Governors study report concerning roommate
assignment practices.
The Study resulted from a petition by the Student Disciples Guild
to the Board claiming that racial and religious segregation was evident
in Residence Hall room assignments.
Later the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People, carrying charges of segregation to Gov. G. Mennen Williams,
also criticized and urged a changes
In the University's policy.
Respect Preferences
The Board of Governors reporty
emphasized a "policy of allose their own
roommates" through expressing
their preferences. It stated that
the indicated preferences would
be respected "so far as it is ad- B o n i
ministratively feasible to do so.
"If no preferences are ex-ByJH AX
pressed," the report continued, By JOHN AXE
"assignments will be made ac- The Interfraternity Council,
cording to interests and living which co-ordinates the activities
habits expressed in the applica- of the University's 43 social fra-
tion." ternities, plans to acquaint stu-
"What we are saying," Vice- dents with the fraternity system,
President Lewis, who is also Board rushing, and rushing procedures
chairman, pointed out, "is that through a series of three rushing
we hold dear the right of an indi- meetings beginning shortly after
vidual to choose his own room- clases begin.
mate, but with no preferences ex- This is a revision of past pro-
pressed, we will not foster the cedure when only one meeting
practice of segregation." was held.
Established by Regents In its 113th year, the fraternity
The Board, established by the system now numbers 2,600 fra-
Regents to oversee general resi- ternity men, and 28,000 alumni.
dence hall policy, also took action Over 700 more men are expected
on other significant problems last to pledge this fall.
year. Provides -Service
It converted Tyler and Prescott The IFC was foundedto fulfill
Houses in East Quadrangle, which four aims; service to member fra-
had housed women residents since ternities, to the University, to
1952, into g r a d u a t e student the community and to fraternity
houses. Tyler and Prescott have ideals.
been vacated by the women with In doing so it has distinguished
the opening of the new Mary itself twice in the last five years
Markley dormitory this fall. by winning the coveted grand tro-
In a similar move, Frederick phy awarded by the National In-
See DORM, Page 8 terfraternity Council "for the
most outstanding program of in-
terfraternity activity."
I-( ver'n The annual IFC rushing pro-

Since its dedication on January 16, 1958, over half a million stu-
dents have used the University's new Undergraduate Library, accord-
ing to Roberta 'C. Kent ton, librarian.
Since the opening of the $3.1 million structure, the number of
books used by students has more than doubled. This is mostly due to
the comfortable studying conditions and availability of books on the
open shelves which induce students to stay in the building to study,
Mrs. Keniston said.
The card catalog is located on the main floor off the entrance
'lobby near the reference section, where librarians are on duty to

An integral part of the average
University student's day is a trip
to one of the University's li-
From the William L. Clements
Library of American History, the.
Legal Research Library and the
University Library with its many
branches. the student irnn find i

assist in the use or the catalog and
the materials in the library.
Other Card Files
In addition there is a floor file
on the lower floor, main floor and
the second floor, which lists by
,main author the books located on
that particular floor.
The book collection, which num-
bers more than 60,000 volumes, in-
cludes many reserve, books, which
are identified by the colored bands
attached to the back covers. These
preservebooks circulate for very
short loan periods.
' All periodicals are housed to-
gether on the main floor, and are
arranged alphabetically by title.
Current newspapers are available
on the main floor, and film copies
of the "New York Times" may be

-Daily-Eric Arnold
ACTIVITIES BUILDING--A structure unique among American
universities, the Student Activities Building houses nearly every
student group on campus aswell as the Dean of Men and Dean
of Women's offices. It was opened a year and a half ago. The
entrance is seen here in an unusual night picture. The building
cost $1,154,987 and will house about 80 student organizations.
Ad, Wing ServesSG
In Committee Functions
The administrative wing of Student Government Council serves
as an aid to greater efficiency and development of SGC's policy.
About 150 non-elected students serve in this part of SGC, as di-
rected by the Council's administrative vice-president.
At trainee meetings held at least twice a year, SGC chairmen ex-
plain the functions of their committees. The trainees then choose'

... more books, easier

Honor Plan
Administers Student
Book Exchange,
Health Insurance
Student Government Counc
now in its fourth year, concern
itself both with broad poli
questions and with specific ser
ices to the campus during 1957-5
Policy areas considered includ
ed rising enrollment, discrimin
tion, literary college honor sy
tem and student participation'
course planning.
Services established or co
tinued included a booklet passi
on student opinion on courses, a
examination file in the Unde
graduate Library, health insu
ance, the Student Book Exchang
and a program in which studen
would read books over the sun
mer and discuss them with facu
ty members in the fall.
Honor System Considered
At its first meeting last Se
tember the Council voted to co
sider the feasibility and possib
'wording of a referendum on a
honor system for' the litera:
school. A committee was set i
to draw up a proposal for Con
cil consideration.
A trial period for an honor sy
tem, recommnded by the con
mittee, was voted down by SG
It was pointed out at the tin
that education of students to t
honor system concept would ha,
to precede any successful hon
system. The committee is At
working on honor system plar
In October SGC decided to iI
vite seven speakers to the an
pus for a forum program on col
troversial topics. Among those
be invited were Roy Wilkins,
the NAACP, conservative writ
Russel Kirk, Sen. Clifford Ca
(R-N.J.) and former Daily Wor
er editor John Gates.
Gates appeared last sprin
speaking before a large group a
why he left the Communist Part
Exchange Program Sought
The Council continued its i
terest in international exchan
programs during the past ye
The program with the Free Unr
versity of Berlin was discontinu
and a suitable replaceme
A number of foreign universiti
had indicated interest in the pr
See SGC, Page 8
Joi'nt Judie
Hears, Judges
Student Cases
The main responsibility a:
purpose of the Joint {Judiia
Council is to make student c
fenders brought before theme rel
ize that they have aresponibi
to the University.
As the campus student gover
Ing body, its ex-hairman MVikah
Jacobson, '58, emphasies that ti
sactioning body is primarily I
terested in solving the studen
problems, not in punishing him I
his actions..
In an informal atmosphere t
10 members of the council (fi
are chosen from interviews e
semester) have original jurisd:
tibn over violations of the drivi
code and the misconduct of (
ganized groups on campus. Wi

students accused with unbecomi
conduct, the council may be ask
to handle the case.
The members have consideral
leeway in deciding the penalti
For driving violations, Jacobs
says, written warnings are give
or monetary fines are levied. I
more serious offenses, or for si
dents brought before the coun(
for the second time, the pena
can be any social probation, or
recommendation for suspensi

U oreign
For the nearly 1,500 students
from other countries attending the
University, the International Stu-
dents Association serves as the
general spokesman to the Univer-
sity community.
The purpose of the ISA is to
"promote better relations among
the students of different countries"
by organizing and co-ordinating
the efforts of the various nation-
ality clubs through one central
Of the 80 countries represented
in the foreign student population
at the University, 16 have their
own nationality clubs, each of
which has a representative on the
President's Council. Each country,
whether it has a nationality club
or not, is represented in the Gen-
eral Assembly by all the students
from that country.
Sponsors Dances
During the year, ISA sponsors
such events as the Monte Carlo
Ball in the fall semester and the
International Ball during the
The organization also under-
takes the annual "Balloon Debate",
in which students from several
countries speak for famed charac-
ters to determine who shall be
thrown from the gas balloon and
who will be ultimately saved.
ISA also sponsors discussions on
current affairs, enabling the stu-
dents to obtain the views of per-
sons intimately connected with
the countries and issues in ques-
First International Week
Last fall, the first International
Week was held on campus, during
which the several nation-
ality groups held a fair in the
Union, where they displayed and
sold articles made in their home-
land, and provided entertainment

Iinfx lulluoatirmumwtt i-obtained from the reference li-
informnation from volumsttl
ling close to 2,590,t0t0 brarians.
lingclos to ,590040.Two Week Circulation
The libraries' book holdings are To charge books out for home
recorded in a public catalog on use, a charge slip is filled out and
the second floor, where author,ueahrg ipsfiedutnd
the-secnd loo, wereautorpresented with the book and iden-
title and subject cards for the tification card at the charging
books in the General Library and deskon the floor from whichgthe
divisional libraries are filed. book came. Most books circulate
With the advent of the fall se- ,'for two weeks except periodicals
mester, the General Library will and reference books which are not
alter its policy of closed stacks by available for home use.
opening its floors for the use of The Undergraduate Library also
all University students and fac- houses the Education Library on
ulty members, the second floor; the Engineering
Adopting a system presently in Library on the third floor and the
operation at the Undergraduate Transportation Library on the
Library, the General Library is in- fourth floor.
stalling controlled-exits, whereby A Print Study Gallery, located
students may enter by the main on the fourth floor, contains prints
or side entrances but may leave used in conjunction with art'
only by the monitered main exit. courses. Films may be viewed in
On the open shelves of the Main the Film Preview Room on the
See 'U', Page 8 See UNDERGRADUATE, Page 8

. t....a is v ~F .7v" v.'U . ...,
'U' Residence
Hall' System
H"The responsibility of the Inter-
House Council is to facilitate the
programs of the individual quad-
rangles and houses."
In this manner Robert Ashton,
'59, IHC president, summarized the
philosophy behind his organiza-
tion, the student governing body
of the men's Residence Halls.
The structure of the IHC con-
sists of an Executive Board, a
legislative body called the Presi-
dium, which is made up of the
presidents'of the individual houses
and a judiciary committee.
One of the "biggest' accomplish-
See IHC, Page 9

gram beginning on October 5 is
typical of theorganization's serv-
ices to its members.
To be eligible to rush students
must sign up between Sept. 17
and Oct. 8 in Room 1510 of the
Student Actiities Building or at
one of the rushing meetings.
Rushing Houses
There is no fee or charge in-
volved in registration. Also, regis-
tering for rush does not obligate
tbe rushee to pledge - it merely
indicates an intention to rush.
Formal rushing will begin Oct. 5
and will last until Oct. 19. Open
houses will be held on Oct. 5 from.
1 to 5 and 7 to 9:30 p.m. and from
7 to 9:30 p.m. on the next two
Rushees are welcome at any
fraternity during the open house

the committee that most attracts the
tation program the trainees are
ready to begin work.
Under the administrative wing
there are five major committees.
One of these is Education and So-
cial Welfare, and this committee
strives for a more effective expres-
sion of educational policy.
Current projects under this com-
mittee are the exam file in the
Undergraduate Library, a more
precise marking system, an hon-
or system for the School of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts,
and a course evaluation booklet.
A second ad wing committee is
National and International Affairs.
It divides its work into three cate-
gories: the National Student 'As-
sociation, the Inter-Collegiate re-


Union Initiates Campus United Nations Project

eir interest. After a brief orienta-
It is always a pleasure for
me to be included in the large
group of University folks who
welcome the incoming fresh-
man class. My special interest
in this open letter is to call to
your attention the services that
are available to you for coun-
selling and guidance here at
the University. During your
orientation you will be made
fully acquainted with these
servies and effort will be made
to get you to understand that
you should feel free to take ad-
vantage of the services.
Our experience is that many
times, for some reason or other,
freshmen do not seem to want
to use the counselling and
guidance agencies. Let me urge
you to acquaint yourself thor-
oughly with these agencies and
then use them to the utmost.
You will find warm and friend-
ly people about you who are
devoted to helping you in all
kinds of situations. Why don't
you try them?
The other interest of mine
is worthy, I hope, of your early
attention in your new college
life. Student activities in gen-
eral are part of your learning
experience. We have hundreds
of opportunities for expression
of your interest in these areas.
The record will show that
students who participate in the
various activities come from
small towns as often as they do
from large communities, from
average American families, as
many are self - supporting in

The University is rightfully
proud of its cosmopolitan atmos-
phere which largely stems from
the large number of international
students on campus," according
to Maurice Zilber, '60, chairman
of the Union's International com-
Zilber, who works in coopera-
tion with the International Stu-
dents Association and the Inter-
national Coordinating Committee,
is responsible for many of the pro.-
grams which are designed to make
international students feel at
home in Ann Arbor and to inte-
grate them into the main stream
of University life, a project which,
he says, benefits the campus in
general as well as the internation-
al students.
One of the projects of Zilber's

Hall. The food and entertainment
for this dinner is that of some
other country, which has students
on campus.
The guest list for these dinners
is planned to give a balance be-
tween international students of
various countries And American
One of the major projects un-
dertaken in this area is Interna-
tional Week, which is coordinated
by the International Coordinating
Union Plans Speaker
On Tuesday night of Interna-
tional Week, which will take place
between Nov. 18 and 22, the Union
will sponsor a speaker at Hill
Auditorium, and the Student Gov-
ernment Council is considering
sponsoring one on Friday after-


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