Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
See Page 4
Offic ials
Captives Praise
Ouster of Batista
Three Thousand Stranded on Island ;
During Search for Enemies of State
Fidel Castro's newly formed provisional government is preventing
the return of four University students from strife-torn Cuba to Ann
But the students hold no ill feeling toward the newly installed
government and praise them for ousting Fulgencio Batista's regime,
one of the students stranded in Havana said during a.telephone con->
versation with The Daily last night.
Rebels Deny Passage Home
Raquel Marrero, '59Ed, Eduardo Michelena, '59E, Javier E. Pala-
* * *
cios, '61E, and Jesus Ramon.
To Govern
By Decree
HAVANA (A)-The revolutio
government dissolved congress
terday and announced it will
Cuba by decree for at least
months when new elections
The government suspended
criminal courts, regarded a
symbol of the fall dictatorshi
Fulgencio Batista, and was
ported preparing a decree abol
ing all political parties.
Other decrees, informed sou
said, would ban all candidate
the 1954 and 1958 elections f
Cuba's political life, freeze
private bank accounts of all
tista officials, and stop the c
ing of all outstanding chi
against the Batista regime.
Try Batista
Revolutionary courts were
ported being prepared to
Batista, now in exile in the Dor
ican Republic, and other offi
who may be accused of crimes
ing, his rule.
These and other laws were
nounced, or reported in prep
tion, as provisional President U
uel Urrutia sat almost cont
ously in the Presidential Pa
with his new cabinet.
The initial policies of the
government were being shape
hoarse-voiced Fidel Castro,
rebel leader who shoved Urr
to power, was still plod
through adoring throngs tov
the capital from the east.
Castro on March
It was doubtful he would re
Havana today as planned.
Castro stopped at almost e
town and was forced to m
speeches. He attempted to f1a
helicopter from Camaguey
Santa Clara. But the helicq
broke down.
When he attempted to
through Santi Spiritus, 200 r
southeast of here, in a car at
of his column of 3,000 troops
was recognized by a screar
crowd of 40.000 and forced to
for yet another speech.
The decree abolishing cons
said the Urrutia government c
rule by ministerial decree t;
free elections are held.
Urrutia has announced
these would be held in 18 t(
The losing of political right;
all candidates in the 1954
1958 elections would apply
only to Batista but also to RI,
Aguero, his successful candi
in last November's preside
SGC H To Hear
Rodriguez, '61, have been denied per-
mission to leave the Carribbean
island after their Christmas vaca-
tion at home there. Rebel ad-
ministrators, checking passports,
said last night "the guilty must
be- held and punished, and some
persons are trying to get out of
Cuba under the guise of students."
Miss Marrero said, "I have no
idea when we will be allowed to
return. Some three thousand stu-
nary dents are stranded here in the city
yes- awaiting approval of their pass-
ule ports," she continued.
18 . Telephones Out
are Palacios and Rodriguez were un-
able to be reached by telephone
all due to the confusion caused by
s a the recent uprising. Rodriguez
p of lives in Rodas, Just outside Cien-
re- fuegos in Las Villas Province
ish- which underwent heavy shelling.
Micholena told The Daily during
rces a telephone call, he was "proud
s in that Cuba is finally free." Miss
rom Marrero and Michelena had tried
the in vain early yesterday afternoon
Ba- to get their papers cleared.
ash- Commenting on the situation in
ecks Havana last night, Miss Marrero
said there was scattered fighting
around the city but a relative calm
re- had returned to the Cuban resort
try capital.
min- Rebels "Well Organized"
cials She said the rebel troops were
dur- "very well organized and there is
no trouble in the city now."
an- Humberto Castello. rebel com-
ara- mander of some 2,000 men ip the
4an- decisive battle for Santa Clara
inu- and a student at the University
dace of Havana, told Miss Marrero last
night that the rebel forces were
new "well disciplined." Castello added
d as "nobody is now allowed to have
the guns without a special pass from
utia revolutionary headquarters."
ding His men were part of a force
rard which held several police guards
at the presidential palace in order
each to gain more recognition for their
part in the uprising.
very He said, "Everybody worked to-
aake See DETAIN, page 2
...asks fourth shot
Salk Favors
Four Shots
Dr. Jonas Salk suggested yes-
terday the use of a fourth shot of
polio vaccine to insure complete
immunity against paralytic polio.
Speaking at the symposium on
the effectiveness of the polio vac-
cine, he added, however, that the
"number one priority is still to
get some vaccine into everybody.
The suggestion of a fourth shot
should not change this in the
Dr. Alexander Langmuir of the
United States Public Health Serv-
ice and Prof. 'Gordon Brown of
the School of Public Health, who
also participated in the sympo-
sium, concurred.
Dr. Salk noted that some of the
commercial vaccine produced was
not as potent as that made in his
own laboratory. Only three shots
of the weak vaccine will not raise
polio antibodies to a sufficient
level to effectively prevent the
disease, he said.
Dr. Salk said that his experi-
ments showed that a fourth shot
provided the needed boost in anti-
The fourth shot would only be
used until the commercial firms
have developed their production
techniques to the point where they
can make a sufficiently potent
vaccine to produce immunization
with only three shots.
Dr. Langmmuir noted that, "The
conquest of paralytic polio is in
sight through universal immuniza-
tion of the population under 40
years of age.
Regent Seeks
Of 'U',WSU
The proposed consolidation of
the University and Wayne State
University under the University's
Board of Regents would be in the
interests of efficiency and econ-
omy, Regent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel
said yesterday.
Regent Bonisteel, who sits on
the Wayne Board of Governors as
well as the Regents, said the move
would serve the interests of state
He explained that any consoli-
dation move would have to be in
the form of a bill by the state
Questions Legality
Gov. G. Mennen William ques-
tioned the legality of a bill to enact
the proposal. He said a constitu-
tional amendment might be neces-
sary to unite the two schools.
The "merger" was proposed
Monday by WSU President Clar-
ence H. Hilberry and the Wayne
Governing Board has supported
furtherninvestigation of the pro-
University President Harlan
Hatcher said the University has
not received official communica-
tion on the plan and that the
initiative for its enactment lies
with Wayne.
"There has been an exceptionally
close relationship between the two
institutions," he said, "and our
educational objectives and phil-
osophies have much in common.
Cites Economy
"It is quite possible that a
better educational program could
be developed with greater economy
to the state through affiliation,"
he added.
He declared the question of mer-
ger should be decided in terms of
the long-run educational advan-
tages to the state.
Hilberry said informal discus-
sion has been carried on with Uni-;
versity officials and that with Gov-
erning Board elections coming up
in April this is an advantageous
time to enact the proposal.
Change Control
He saw advantages in WSU be-
ing able to utilize the University's
extensive scientific research facili-
ties such as the Phoenix Project
and the University using Wayne's
Detroit medical facilities.
Wayne will fall under total state
control July 1, and is currently
being operated jointly by the De-
trot Board of Education and the
state with a special 11-man gov-
erning board.
Will Give
New Solution
Soviets Will, Tolerate
Allied Troops in City,
Loosen First Demands
-Daily-Peter Anderson
One of the few chances for Al Renfrew's Michigan-Michigan State squad to rejoice came in the
first period as MSU's Dick Hamilton (17) tied the count at 1-1. At the left is Joe Polano (19), also
of State, who got the assist. Both are in Wolverine Jersies, as was the entire team.,
Russians Outskate M-MSU Team, 7-3
Special to the Daily
DETROIT - Two hockey teams
from separate worlds met here
last night.
And the hockey they played was
also worlds apart, too, as the Rus-
sian National team defeated a
combined Michigan-Michigan
State team 7-3, before 6,783 curi-
ous fans at Olympia.
Benefitting from the use of In-
ternational Rules the Russians
scored twice on one power play in
Elect Halleck
publicans ejected their veteran
leader, Rep. Joseph W. Martin Jr.
of Massachusetts, yesterday on the
eve of a new congressional session.
A rebellion pointed toward giv-
ing the party high command a
more aggressive, vigorous look
shifted the leadership mantle to
Rep. Charles A. Halleck of Indi-
Martin pointed a finger of
blame at some White House aides,
but not at President Dwight D.
Eisenhower directly.
He also said Vice-President
Richard Nixon's associates op-
posed him.
The changeover provided a dra-
matic, spectacular prelude for a
similar showdown within Senate
Repub ican ranks and for the,
opening of the heavily Democrat-
ic 86th Congress at noon today.
the second period to stifle a bud-
ding rally and provide their mar-
gin of victory.
International rules state that
players are only allowed to check
in the defensive zone, but more
important, a team is not allowed
to ice the puck at any time in-
cluding when they are short-
handed as a result of penalties.
Penalty Rules
Also, the player serving the pen-
alty is not allowed to come out of
the penalty box once a goal hasj
been scored as is the case in
North American hockey.
With Eldon Miller of Michigan
State serving a hooking penalty
early in the second period, the
Russians scored two power play
goals within a period of 47 sec-j
onds to take a 5-1 lead.
The Michiganders retaliated with
two quick scores in the third per-
iod to narrow the gap to 5-3 when
State's Dick Hamilton was penal-
ized for board checking. Then Igor
Dekonskii and Victor Pantiukhov
tallied 11 seconds apart to ice the
victory and snuff any hopes of an
The game, replete with unusual
warm up drills, exchanges of gifts
before the game and lining up
after the game to shake the hands
of their opponents was a contest
of contrasting styles.
The Russians play precision
hockey based on speed and passing
and they were the masters at this
type of game. They are probably
the world's best conditioned ath-
As international rules do no
favor checking teams the Russians
shy away from this part of the
game and are very much bothered
by opponents who do check.
Rare Press
They rarely press for a fast
break when they get a jump on
the defensive team, preferring to
slow play down allowing the rest
of their forces to catch up and
then set up the patterned plays
which they work so well.
As the game progressed
See M-MSU, Page 6
Chamber of Commerce
Names Glaser, ilo
A professor and a graduate of the University were among those
named yesterday as the country's ten outstanding young men of 1958
by the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce.
They are Prof. Donald A. Glaser, 32 years old, of nuclear physics
and Dr. Hugh Edward Wilson III, 48, of the University of Texas'
Southwestern Medical School.,
Dorm Fire
K1 S even
At Syracuse
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (P) - Seven
Air Force students perished in
their sleep yesterday and 13 others
were injured in a wild scramble to
flee wind-whipped flames that
made an inferno of a barracks
dormitory at Syracuse University,
Twenty-five airmen escaped
without injuries of consequence,
mostly by jumping through win-
dows of the one-story building.
Firemen, battling in near zero
weather at 6 a.m., kept the flames
from spreading to the 14 other
barracks of a university housing
development atop a hill overlook-
ing the city.
The 45 men, many of them in
their teens, had just been assigned
to the university for a nine-month
course in Russian. Their head-
quarters is Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, where
they are attached to the Air In-
stitute of Technology.
Fire officials said the fire ap-
parently started from an oil-fed
steam boiler in the center of the
22-room building, which~ was pre-
fabricated of metal and compo-
sition board.
The one hallway in the barracks
turned into "a river of fire," Air-
man Donald Dowling, 19 years
old, of Rochester, told reporters
from his hospital bed.
The escape was "like animals
trying to get out of a cage." Sgt.
Peter Dowling, 25 years old, of
Kalamazoo, Mich., said.
Many of the injured were cut
and bruised, as well as burned.
None was considered in critical
condition last night.
City Applicants
Attend Meeting
The two Republican candidates
fn,. the -mrainofA nn Arbor i
BERLIN (AP)-Soviet First Dep.
uty Premier Anastas Mikoyan will
propose a compromise solution of
the Berlin dispute when he meets
with President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, a Soviet source said last
The informant said the proposal
will go beyond what Mikoyan told
Secretary of State. John Poster
Dulles in their meeting Monday.
The Armenian, top deputy to
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev,
expects to see President Eisen
hower Jan. 19 or 20 after a tour of
American cities.
The informant declined to dis-
close details of Mikoyan's talk
with Dulles or what proposal is to
be made to President Eisenhower.
Tolerate Troops
But he indicated Moscow has
written off Khrushchev's free city
proposal and will tolerate the con-
tinued presence of Allied troops
in West Berlin,.
The informant expressed the
conviction that a Berlin settlement
will be reached and the threat of
war averted.,
The danger point in the Berlin
crisis will come around June 1
when the Soviets fold up their part
of the four-power occupation of
Then Moscow intends to transfer,
to Communist East Germany their
controls over Allied lifelines to
isolated West Berlin.
The United States, Britain and
France insist they will refuse to
bow to East German controls.
Cite Danger
The Russians have retorted that
a nuclear world war may explode
if the Allies try to keep open their
rail and highway connections by
Without elaborating, the Soviet
informant said a compromise solu-
tion to the controls problems could
be reached.
He did not rule out the possi
bility that free Western access to
Berlin might be guaranteed some-
how through the United Nations
Police Plan
For Protection
DETROrr - Detroit and
State Police yesterday completed
plans to protect Soviet Deputy
Premier Anastas Mikoyan during
his visit here Thursday and Fri-
Hungarian refugees in the De-
troit area said they would picket
the Deputy Premier.
Heads of several of the city's
organized nationality groups de-
nounced the visit. They said they
were concerned with the effect on
public opinion in the Middle East,
Asia and Europe,
Mikoyan will arrive at Willow
Run Airport at 9:50 a.m. Thurs-
day on a Capital Airlines plane
from Cleveland, Ohio.
Walker L. Cisler, president of
the Detroit Edison Co., will be
Mikoyan's host.
Cisler has handled arrange-
ments for his visit here.d
Detroit police officials and rep-
resentatives of State Police met
with Detroit Edison officials to
discuss security measures.
Senior Police Insector Arthur
Athletic Board
Revision Plan
Student Government Council
will consider a motion to change
the student membership of the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics at their meeting tonight.
The proposal calls for the stu-
dent membership to be raised from
two to three with one member, a
varsity athlete, being elected from
the campus at large and two other
members being chosen by the'
President of the University from
Prof. Glaser, who joined the fac-
ulty as an instructor in 1949, has
been acclaimed for his invention
of a bubble chamber device, used
for observing the paths of speed-
ing atomic particles. The device
was finished two years ago and
has been used extensively during
the past year.E
Prof. Glaser was recipient of
the University's Henry Russell
award in 1955. Th- award is con-
ferred upon the faculty member
of instructor or assistant professor
rank whose work as a teacher or
research worker is outstanding and
holds great promise for the future.
He also attended Ann Arbor
High School, and his father is an'
Ann Arbor attorney,
Wilson developed a device which
actually substitutes for the heart
and lungs during surgery.
He was credited with efforts
providing normal lives to a semi-
invalid Fort Worth woman and a'
6-year-old Dallas girl.
The Jaycees award noted that
A wish to help an 11-year polio patient caused Carole Jenkins,
'6OEd, to be chosen "Campus Queen for a Day" yesterday afternoon on
the nationally televised program.
Carole's wish was that Euline "Corkey" McCorkle, 22 years old,
would get an electric wheel chair. Carole said "Corkey" was too weak
to operate an ordinary wheel chair, but could operate the control
buttons of an electric one.
Carole was given a reported $10,000 worth of prizes including a
Simca car and a Paris vacation during spring recess. Besides the car
and vacation Carole was awarded a stereophonic phonograph, for
which she had been saving for a long time.
Overwhelmed with Joy
"I have never had a day like this in my life," she said.
Her room mate, Wendy Harris, '60Ed, who is going with her to
Paris, seemed more excited than Carole. But after she saw the ward-
robe that Carole had won, she jokingly said, "I don't want to go with
you to Paris, you're too well dressed."
Carole had met "Corkey" a year ago while visiting the University's
TV Show Votes Coed 'Queen for a Day'
- ~ ~,.