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December 19, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-19

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"You've Got To Stop Being So Inflationary"

Wl Ai~dign Thdtg
Sixty-Ninth Year

* _

n Opinions Are Free
Iltb Will PreT&U"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Future To Bring
More World Crises
Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON-The next two years threaten to build up the most
dangerous period of crises the world has known in a decade.
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, having finally achieved total
power in Moscow, is clearly determined to expand the frontiers of
Communist authority.
Probing pressures against the defensive system held by the United
States and its Allies are his major tactic for seeking a weak spot throiigh
which Soviet power may spread. The successive emergencies of 1958
dramatize the pattern. They provide, as the new year begins, a basis of
forecast for things to come.
Several reasons bearing directly upon the nature and conduct of
the East-West conflict have persuaded high officials in Washington that

Y, DECEMBER 19, 1958


The Season's
And All Tfr

IT'S TIME to extend our season's greet-
Wishing the Regents lively meetings,
To the Harlan Hatchers a year of pleasure,
To the State Treasury-some treasure,
To Sigma Kappa and Taylor, Joan
To Regents Power and Leland Doan,
May their stockings all be filled to the
(And lots of friends to Lewis, Jim)
To Ashton and the Residence Halls,
Some thickness to the South Quad walls,
And to Vice-President Marvin Niehuss
Salary funds for his Christmas peace,
CIVIC THEATRE, better drama,
Shiny hatchets to Michigamua
To Lyle Nelson, good relations,
To Deans Rea and Bingley, pleasant vaca-
And especially to good coach Bennie,
May his years at the 'U' be rich and many,
For Deborah Bacon, metaphors quaint,
To the concrete Slab, some nice green
To Doniger and Young of Generation
Our best for successful publication,
From Sanford Brown to Pierpont, Wilbur,
Stockings filled with gold and silver,
To Mary Tower and Panhel,.
We hope spring rushing goes quite well,
SUCCESS at Dearborn to William Stirton,
Another record for M. C. Burton,
To Earl Moore and the Board in Review,
To Dave Martenson and the 'Ensian crew,
To Dave Newman and the Gargoyle gang,
To Regent Eckert and Lionel Laing,
We give a sprig of Christmas holly,
To Regent Bonisteel, retirement jolly,
To Bump, a successful season,
To Prof. Frankena, triumphant reason,
To Robert Angell, more good students,
To 'U' coeds, additional prudence,
To Bobbie Maler and the Buro-Cats,
To the psych department with all its rats,
TO)REGENTS Murphy, Brablec, Thurber,
To all, good wishes! - and to John

May tra
To May
To PatI
All the
Are am
To Win.
To Hazel
To R
To the
To Fran
Lots ofr
Many m
To the
TO s'
To D
To Ri
A pleasa
To Barr
To Unio
To Mrs.
To Stev
We hop
To Prof
To Mrs.
To Mar
To Bruc
To Furs
To Lowe
To Hill
To Phil
To Guy
To Hard
To Will
To Ross
We wish
And all

e Rest'
dition reign in IFC,
nard Goldman, victory,
Marthenke and Assembly too,
good food they can chew,
arts for the Engine school,
ong our wishes for this Yule,
iston Churchill, a big cigar,
l Losh, a brand new star,
egent Kennedy, Christmas cheer,
University, legal beer,
-cis Shiel and Leonard Schaadt,
meals, good and hot,
ainutes to Erich Walter,t
Plant Department, no buildings
d, y
UDENTS, fewer traffic fines,
deans Robertson and Roger Heyns,
ath Rouse and John Reed,
ant Christmas and joyous mead,
ry Shapiro, Christmas peace,
)n food, a lot less grease,
Callahan and SGC,
tion under your Christmas tree,
e Simich and Joint Judic,
e you grant our Christmas wish,
fessors Piranian, Sussman, Henle,
Aga-Oglu and the House of Wen-
k Noffsinger and Jack Hale,
e Mitchell and Russell, John Dale,
tepberg and Rhoda Reddig,
ell Kelly and Farrel Heady,
Goldman and Dean Sawyer,
ip Youtz and Stason the lawyer,
Larcom and Dean Attwood,
old Olson and Harry Goode,
liam Revelli and John Kohl,
Childs (score another goal!)
[HE OTHERS, both friends and
names lack of space makes un-
you joy and Christmas cheer,
our best for the coming year.



Council Action on FUB Unwise

the next two years may be of
crucial importance.
Foremost among these is the
shifting balance of military power
between the Communist bloc and
the West. The balance was badly
upset on Dec. 4, 1957, when Russia
launched man's first earth satellite
and thus demonstrated its ability
to fire an intercontinental ballistic
missile. The United States did not
catch up, with Explorer I. until
Jan. 31, 1958. Khrushchev is now
working on a long range campaign
to make the Soviet Union indus-
trially and militarily superior to
the United States.
Secretary of State Dulles told
associates after Sputnik I soared
into the heavens that Khrushchev
could be expected to embark on a
diplomacy of probing for weakness,
division and lack of resolution in
the West. His forecast was grimly
borne out by the 1958 crises in the
Middle East, the Far East and
* * *
WHAT MAKES the next two
years particularly risky, however,
is the fact that the United States
and therefore the whole system of
anti-Communist alliances it leads
will be under the direction of a
lame duck administration. One of
the certainties of international life
now is that the Eisenhower-Dulles
direction of U.S. foreign policy will
come to an end on or before Jan.
21, 1961. This is a circumstance
which contributes to political
weakness and, given the Demo-
cratic' majority in Congress, puts
extraordinary importance upon
maintaining a bi-partisan base for
the conduct of foreign affairs.
* * *
KHRUSHCHEV has shown he is
capable of very rapid change of
pace. Early in 1958 he was bom-
barding President Eisenhower with
letters pressing for a summit con-
ference. By mid-year, however,
after a sudden and mysterious
journey to Peiping during the Mid-
dle East crisis, Khrushchev scut-
tled all summit prospects and con-
centrated on threatening Sputnik
The Quemoy-Formosa crisis fol-
lowed the Middle East uproar, be-
ginning on Aug. 23.
It was the second time in a short
space that Khrushchev had whip-
ped up troubled waters with the
evident purpose of spreading fear.
Then from the Far East the cen-
ter of international tensions sud-
denly shifted on Nov. 10 to Berlin
which, 10 years earlier, had been
the scene of the first great test of
strength between Russia and tie
Western Allies. Khrushchev an-

nounced that the time had come to
end the occupation of Berlin and
that he intended to turn over oc-
cupation functions to the East
German Communist government.
AS 1958 drew to an end there
seemed to be no doubt that
Khrushchev had once more re-
turned to the tactic of high level
negotiations with the Western
,powers. The chances of a foreign
ministers' meeting or an eventual
summit conference appeared to be
increasing though they were not
so great as they hadbeen lust, a
year earlier. Nevertheless there
was pressure from America's allies
in Europe on the theory that talk
at least stalls off the crisis and
minimizes the danger of military
Two other lines of development
also pointed toward the possibility
of high level political meetings.
Russia and the Western powers
surprisingly succeeded in agreeing
last summer on the scientific re-
quirements for an inspection sys-
tem which could effectively police a
prohibition of nuclear test explo-
sions. This agreement among sci-
entists was followed Oct. 31 by the
opening of negotiations at Geneva
for a political accord.
THE SOVIETS also entered intq
negotiation - in response to an
early initiative by President Eisen-
hower-to see whether they could
work out methods by which the
dangers of a surprise attack by
any of the great powers could be
prevented. As in the case of
nuclear test ban, the central issue
was an inspection system. This
negotiation also was paralyzed by
The fact that East-West dis-
armament talks continued despite
disagreements seemed to contra-
dict the danger signals which ap-
peared during the year in the Far
East and Germany. But Washing-
ton officials said the appearance
of contradiction was misleading.
The evidence simply proved that
Khrushchev was capable of run-
ning several operations simultane-
ously and of using peace talk and
peaceful gestures as well as war
talk, threats and calculated vio-,
lence to try to advance the Soviet
goal of expanding communism.
The judgment of top U.S, officials
was that Khrushchev did not want
and would not knowingly risk
World War III. But there was dan-
ger nevertheless that having once
inflamed Western fears and pas-
sions he might miscalculate the
peril and set off a conflict.

New Aids for Prospective Students

Daily Staff Writer
STUDENT Government Council
dipped its collective toe in the
area of student exchange programs
again Wednesday night, and, find-
ing the temperature not quite
right, pulled it out again.
The issue: The Free University
of Berlin (FUB). The action-de-
feat by default.
The motion was defeated, ap-
parently, because there were
enough members who wanted to
continue looking around for some
other more suitable exchange pro-
gram and acted under the hy-
pothesis that an FUB program
would be worse than no program
at all.
Unfortunately it is highly prob-
able trat instead of having ex-
change programs in the future
there will, indeed, be no further
exchange programs but rather a
continual squabble over what is
available or desirable.
The choice of universities is
rather severely limited by two
facts -
1) Since most college students
outside the United States begin
theirdhigher education later than
we do, the average foreign student
is a cross between a graduate and
undergraduate student. Thus it
is difficult to arrange for accept-
ance and/or transfer of credits in
both directions.
2) To be of real practical value
to the participating students and
their respective schools, the ex-
change students must be able to
communicate. There is no problem
in finding international students
who speak English but for all
practical purposes, the American
students must be sent to countries
where French, German or Spanish
are spoken by the majority of the
There are universities where
English is spoken and classes are
taught in it, but a semester at the
University should be enough to
convince anyone that life as a stu-

dent is radically different from
that of the normal citizen. The
most important part of an ex-
change program is the exchange
of ideas both with other students
and the local inhabitants. This
comes from talking to people on
the streets and in shops, from
reading newspapers and listening
to the radio. In short, this ac-
curulation of ideas and impres-
sions of 4 culture comes from a
process of osmosis which is only
possible to one who can speak the
"Americans at home," a passage
of the current best-seller "The
Ugly American" says, are the best
diplomats in the world," but away
from home they become something
worse than monsters. Part of the
problem of American diplomacy'
or' a home level is the American
adoption of the view that if there
is anything or anyone worth
knowing it will be expressed in
English, or not at all.
If as several Council members
repeatedly said, the purpose of the
student exchange programs is
partly to build up good-will and
knowledge of Americans abroad, it
is difficult to see, what good will
come from sending University stu-
dents to countries where they are
linguistically illiterate.
This, as Carol Holland pointed
out, rather severely limits the uni-
versities available for exchange
programs. Available are a limited
number of Western European and
South American universities of
which' the Free University of Ber-
lin is certainly the most unique
and profitable.
But the question is not one of
which but of if. It seems hardly
possible to set up another ex-
change program by next fall with
any acceptable school. The prin-
ciple path of action would then
seem to be 1) continuing the FUB
program again next fall and 2)
setting the entire resources of the
National and International Affairs
Committee on selecting another
suitable university. Such a move

would kill both birds with one
* * * '
THE COUNCIL was presented
with one of the longest, dryest
speeches ever to preceed a hastily
taken action when they considered
the motion to censure the section
of the National Education Defense
Act requiring loyalty oaths.
The last minute defeat of a move
to include affidavits of loyalty is
a far wiser move than it seems,
If Council is going to take one
stand on academic freedom it must
be prepared to take a great many
because the net of loyalty oaths is
woven throughout our society.
But the Council was unneces-
sarily hasty in adopting this mo-
tion with the scanty knowledge
presented to it. Although taking
philosophical stands is a fine idea,
in practice it can spell more grief
than joy.
The section of the national act
seems to merit the Council's action
but what is the act specifically?
What can the ramifications of
this motion mean to the Univer-
sity? A cut in federal funds when
they are desperately needed?
The action is taken and crying
won't unspill the milk, but a good
motto for the council could be-
"When in doubt, don't!"

TfHIS YEAR, the University has initiated two
new admissions policies. One policy is
geared to speed the processing of applications
and is also more concise for the applicant. The
other policy is for out-of-state students. It was
established to aid the applicant in his choice
of colleges by letting him know within two
weeks of his application whether he can get
into the University.
In the past, the most time-consuming por-
tion of the application was the autobiography.
Not only was it time-consuming to write, but
it also impeded the processing of the applica-
tion forms. This year, the practice has been
discontinued. In its place are three questions
asking 1) which experience, activity, or talent
has contributed most to your development? Ex-
plain why it is significant to you, 2) Wh
person or persons exercised major influences
on your plans to attend college? Explain in
what manner You were influenced and 3) What
do you want to study at the University and
how does this fit into your life plans?
These questions are much more to the point
in finding out about a prospective student than
an autobiography which includes more irrele-
vant information, much of which had been
filled in on different parts of the application,
than vital facts.
Through the direct questions coupled with
the principal's recommendation and grades in
school, the admissions office can get a fairly
concise picture of the applicant and the type
of job he would do if accepted to the Univer-
HE OTHER important change in admissions
policy deals with applicants from any high

school outside the State of Michigan. Because
of increased applications from out of state, an
Early Decision Plan was put into operation.
Together with the regular application form,
an out of state freshman applicant may re-
quest a supplementary white blank. This form
will speed the processing of his application and
will let the prospective student know within
two weeks whether he is accepted at the Uni-
versity. The only stipulation is that the stu-
dent must pick the University as his first
choice and promise to attend if accepted. At
the time he applies, he must also state he has
not applied to any other university, and will
not do so unless he is refused admission here.
Acceptances are based on the student's high
school record, recommendations and any Col-
lege Board Tests he may have taken. The out-
of-state student is still required to send his
senior year college board scores to the Univer-
sity if he is accepted, however, because a main
function of the plan is to cover the early
months of the current school year until College
Board scores become available. The deadline
on the plan is Dec. 31, 1958, since after this
time, Senior year College Board scores will
have been received by the University.
THIS PLAN is a great aid to the student.
Since colleges are getting more and more
applications every year, the student will not
have to worry whether he will be accepted or
not throughout his senior year. It also gives
the student an opportunity to apply somewhere
else if refused admission at the University, and
it saves the student extra work in filling out
applications to secondary choices on the as-
sumption he may not be accepted here.
As the application says, "The successful ap-
plicant, freedfrom the anxiety of admission,
thus should have a fuller and richer experience
in the final year of school." This is not to
mean, however, that an individual may 'relax',
because his acceptance is still tentative pend-
ing on his final high school grades and senior
College Board scores.
New Books at the Library
Ortegay Gasset, Jose-Man and Crisis; N.Y.,
W. W. Norton, 1958.
Teller, Walter Magnes-The Voyages of Josh-
us Slocum; New Brunswick, Rutgers Univ. Press,
van der Post, Laurens--The Lost World of the

Free Hungary Seems Unlikely

Daily Staff Writer
COMMUNIST-held Hungary has
recently re-claimed the atten-
tion of the United Nations.
United States Ambassador Henry
Cabot Lodge once again has con-
demned the actions of the Soviet
Union during the revolt of nation-
alist forces. He accused them of
continually terrbrizing the Hun-
garian patriots, saying "The secret
trials and executions of former
premier Imre Nagy, General Pal

De Gaulle Battles French Psyche

Daily Staff Writer
GENERAL Charles de Gaulle,
France's hope for stability, has
made a special New Year's resolu-
tion-success in his daring politi-
cal venture which begins next
Riding the crest of the most
powerful mandate a candidate has
ever received since Napoleon III,
Gen. de Gaulle is faced with the
problem of curing a multitude of
French political ills, among them
the bleeding wound in Algeria.
But besides the pressing matters
in the world of realities, de Gaulle
must hurdle a psychological bar-
rier which has tripped 25 French
premiers since World War II.
Granted almost surprising control
of France, the 68-year-old leader
must equate these with the French,
fear of strong executives.
Outwardly, the local populace
shudders when mention is made of
strong executives as thoughts of
a Napoleon creep into their minds.
The renrd of this nnnroitinn tn

And so, they prepared for war
by decree and when France fell,
the infamous Marshall Petain rap-
ped the gavel for order during his
stint as leader. Gen. de Gaulle
himself was in power from 1944-
46 but he lowered his ruling hand
in favor of a strong assembly, gain-
ing French trust, especially among
the workers (a fact which proved
very valuable during the past sum-
But in times of stress, popula-
tions can often be made-to negate
hallowed political concepts. What
France will do now, in time of
peace, is another consideration to
be hammered out by Gen. de
Gaulle. Whatever will be done, one
thing is sure-Algeria will figure
very heavily in the political con-
* * *
LISTED as the number one con-
sideration, an equitable solution to
the continual Algerian problem
would do a great deal to solidify
the new president's position. It
wuld enahl him tnr.s z n fr_-

viewed as the man to bring needed
strength to French foreign affairs,
as one to apply the brakes to a
skidding economy, as one to ,lap
the hands of the vociferous Com-
Algeria is the starting point for
the "let's improve" movement in
France. The recent elections how-
ever saw the de Gaulle forces fall
down under the election of French
and Moslem rightists who favor
"integration" with the European
Local groups call the election a
"clear demonstration of the will of
the Algerian people" and cite it
as a failure of the de Gaulle gov-
ernment to impose its policy.
* * *
rule also maintain that puppet
candidates were coerced by the
occupying forces into running for
offices in the Assembly. The claim
that liberals withdrew because
they felt the elections had been
"rigged" was also made.
"Bnnea rlrie" hnn~r n CP

Maleter and others were murder
in disguise."
A University student who was a
member of the Budapest revolt
during the continuous fighting in
November 1956 said "the ruthless
guerrilla warfare, the mass slaugh-
ter andthe threat of imprisonlnent
led many nationalists to leave
their homeland and seek freedom
in the west." In his own case the
student, declining to use his name
because of relatives still in Hun-
gary, said, "I could no longer live
under the lies which the Com-
munist§ fed to me."
In discussing the original events
which took place during the revolt,
the student said that "Russian
recognition of the fact that neither
the United Nations nor the United
States were willing to constructive-
ly aid the rebels led the Commun-
ists to re-enter the city and crush
the at first successful revolt."
gt is for this reason that the
Communists paid no heed to the
recommendations of the United
* * *
EARLY in November, after the
first stage of fighting, the Com-
munists were willing to negotiate a
peace settlement with the rebel
leaders. The student related that,
"the commander of the nationalist
forces entered Russian headquar-
ters, presumably to discuss peace
terms, and was never released. It
was during this period that the
Communists made a complete
about face and recaptured the
He described two general opin-
ions held by the Hungarian patri-
ots. One, that the Russians were
bluffing their way through the
seige awaiting formal notice, with
military backing, from the west.
Secondly, it was the general con-
r -.nr ll th a . t i -ntir hulgr..

West but merely a confirmation
of moral support."
** *
NOW, ALMOST two years later,
the United Nations is re-issuing a
reprisal of the Communists. The
Russians have the advantage, they
know that there is little substance
behind Western denouncements
other than an effort to show the
Hungarians they are not forgotten.
There is little hope that the status
of the saellite can be changed by
the exchange of 'communiques.,
The Hungarian student says
"there can be no chance for a free
Hungary unless it is brought about
by a third World War or, at best,
another Korea." The advent of a
full powered nuclear war would
probably prove to be fatal to Hun-
gary, if not the entire world. The
risk of attempting another Korean
conflict is too great to assume as
the East-West struggle grows more
In the year 1958, the chains
which bind Hungary to the Com-
munist world grow stronger as the
hopes of a people desiring freedom
grow weaker.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which Tice
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRTTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bu~ild-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.

Editorial Staff
Editorial Director
Associate Editor

City Editor

X CANTOR ..........,., .... Personnel Director
N WILLOUGHBY.......Associate Editorial Director
,N JONES*,,...,.. Sports Editor
TA JORGENSON ... ...,. Associate City Editor
ZABETH ERSKINE..,. Associate Personnel Director
,L RISEMAN ................Associate Sports Editor
'OLEMAN ...............Associate Sports Editor
'ID ARNOL............... Chief Pbotograpber

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