Sir a
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
our -Ton
A CHANGE IN YEARS-Bennie Oosterbaan (right) talks to
"Bump" Elliott during a Michigan football game last fall. Ooster-
baan's resignation, and his replacement by Elliott as head grid
coach is the top'local sports story of the year.
Coaches' Retiremeits
Highlight Sports Year
Daily, Sports Editor
The swan song of two of Michigan's best-known and best-liked
coaches, a chaotic year on the gridiron, and a nujmber of startling
individual perforiances highlight the year of 1959 on the Michigan
sports scene.
One Hundred Games . .
The rumor that has made almost every newspaper in the country
during the past four years finally became a reality on November 14
when Bennie Oosterbaan announced his "request for reassignment"
Ann Arbor
Strike Ends
Striking printers will return to
their jobs at the Ann Arbor News,
Joe Jameson, president of the local
union, announced last night.
Members of the Washtenaw
branch of the International Typo-
graphical Union accepted the offer
of the Booth Newspapers "nearly
unanimously" after an hour and a
half meeting, Jameson said. .
Other locals in Kalamazoo and
Muskegonalso voted lastnight to
accept the offers and return to
work. The other locals except those
in Grand Rapids have been told
by the ITU headquarters in Indi-
anapolis to vote by Sunday night
on whether to accept the terms;
and return to work.
In Grand Rapids, the local has
been given permission to bargain
separately, because of fear a con-1
solidation between the city's two
newspapers, which would mean
loss of jobs. This consolidation has
been denied by Booth.
Included in, the contractrac-
cepted by the local in Ann Arbor
is a 22.6 cent wage increase, plus
increased sick benefits. The wage
increase will be nine cents thea
first year.
Art Gallagher, editor of The
News, said publication would begin
this morning with a 22 to 24-page
paper. He explained that the edi-
tion would be smaller than normal'
for a Friday because all copy has
to be freshly set.
'UV Begins
To Borrow
The University is completing
arrangements to borrow about
$500,000 to meet the payroll for
the rest of December, University
President Harlan Hatcher an-
nounced yesterday.
The arrangements are being'
carried out through certain De-
troit banks, Hatcher added.
In other action to meet the fi-
nancial crisis, the State Board of
Agriculture, governing body of
Michigan State University, agreed
yesterday to borrow $2,255,000 to
meet the December payroll and
other obligations.
Wayne State University, how-
ever, was, unable to meet its sal-
aries because "our Board of Gov-
ernors has no authority to borrow
money," Olin Thomas, Wayne
State Vice-President and Treasur-
er announced yesterday.
The three state universities have;
also been notified that they can-
not expect any resumption of state
payments until March. Payments
to all of the institutions have been3
missed for two monjhs.a
The state currently owes the1
University two monthly payments1
of $2.6 million each, with Michi-,
gan State due to receive $2,218,000.,
World News
Roundup ,
By The Associated Press
PARIS -- The North Atlantic
Treaty Alliance, menaced in Ber-
lin, yesterday voted a speed-up in
defensive might, including nuclear
The alliance of 15 nations ended
its three-day conference with a
communique bristling with defiant
phrases in the face of the Soviet
threat to freeze. United States,
British and French forces out of
West Berlin.
"The member countries made
clear their resolution not to yield
to threats," the ministers pro-
nounced. And again they affirmed
their "manifest will to use nuclear
retaliatory forces to repel aggres-
States urged Russia yesterday to
ouit trying to inject policy argu-
ments into technical talks on how
to prevent surprise attack.
The talks were halted at Geneva
yesterday after five fruitless weeks.
A United States statement blamed
failule on Soviet tactics,
MOSCOW - Soviet ex-Premier
Nikolai Bulganin made a surprise
appearance before the Communist
Party Central Committee Wednes-
day and admitted all his political
The Soviet news agency Tass re-
ported today he confessed he was
the leader of the "anti-party"
group of former Premier Foreign
Minister V. M. Molotov, ex-Pre-
mier Georgi Malenkov and Dmitri
Shepilov and Lazar Kaganovich.
* . 9
WASHINGTON-The Navy an-!
nounced yesterday it will cut back'
Its operations in 17 states, elimi-
nating about 9.000 civilian jobs
over the next several years. j
The announcement followed}
closely on the Navy's cancellationI
of its 78-million-dollar Regulus II
guided missile program.
* S *4
NEW YORK - American Tele-
phone & Telegraph again featured
trading yesterday, as stocks hit an,
all-time high,
It closed at $226 a share, up $3
on top of a $21 gain Wednesday.
Buying again was based on an-
nouncement Wednesday of a
Re gents Interested in Opening City
from the position of Wolverine
head football coach,
His flashy and personable back-
field coach, Chalmers "Bump"
Elliott, was appointed to replace
him, with Oosterbaan moving into
a new capacity as liaison between
students, faculty and alumni.
Bowing out after the Ohio State
contest-his 100th game as Michi-
gan head coach - Oosterbaan
leaves football as one of the most
respected coaches in the nation
. . . a real "gentleman" of the
Elliott has a great tradition to
live up to, but there are few that
doubt his ability to do it.
9 * *
After 38 Long Years ...
Don Lund moved into the Michi-,
gan baseball coaching position,
and finds himself only the second
occupant of that post in almost
40 years.
Ray Fisher, the grayed but ac-
tive man who started coaching
"M" diamondmen back in 1922,
has beaten old man time and a
great majority of his team's foes
since that year-but he finally fell
victim of a University regulation
which demands that all enployees
retire at the age of 70.
* * *
Upsets, No Victories*...
The 1958 Michigan football sea-
son will be long remembered, but
certainly not cherished. Two vic-
tories, one tie, and six losses equal
the worst year since 1936 in "M"
grid fortunes.
Of course, there were high points.
There was the moral victory over
Michigan State, 12-12, and the
great game that the Wolverines
played against Ohio State when
the outcome was unsure with only
seven seconds remaining.
But the frustration of six losses
far surmounted the joyous mo-
ments, and with the halftime score
in Dyche Stadium reading Michi-
gan 0, Northwestern 43, Michigan
was in the midst of making rather
unpleasant news.
* , S
Repeat Performiane ..
On the brighter side is Gus
Stager and BrucerHarlan's fabu-
lous swimming machine which won
the Big Ten title and repeated as
NCAA champions last March.
See TOP, page 6
The Regents at their Dec. 12
meeting showed interest in having
the State Department open Ann
Arbor to Russian visitors, who
have been barred from the city
since Jan 3, 1955.
University President Harlan
Hatcher is planning to make a
trip to Russia in April, and the
University would like to be able
to receive Russian visitors "in
light of our President's visit." Re-
gent Donald Thurber said.
According to a State Depart-
ment announcement, certain
areas in the United States were
declared closed to Russian visitors
because the Soviet government
had placed like travel restrictions
on American travellers in Russia.
One-Third Closed
Almost one-third of the Soviet
Union is now closed to Americans,
the announcement said. The So-
viets originally placed restrictions
on foreigners in 1941, but these
were somewhat lifted during the
war. In 1947 and 1948 new re-
strictions were imposed.
In addition, the State Depart-
ment noted, "the Soviet govern-
ment has long applied unofficial
measures which effectively pre-
vent access by foreigners to con-
siderable areas of the USSR that
are nominally located in open
The State Department's actions
have been interpreted by Presi-
dent Hatcher as "retaliatory."
Detroit Open
Southeastern Michigan is a
closed area except for the city of
Detroit which is an "open city."
Russian visitors have, however,
been permitted to visit Ann Ar-
bor. Alexei I. Markushevich, So-
viet deputy minister of education,
visited Prof. Arthur J. Lohwater
of the mathematics department in
the city on Thanksgiving Day.
To do this, however, he was
forced to seek special permission
from the State Department,
which was granted after two or
three days, Prof. Lohwater said.
The nine-man delegation of
educators he led were forced to
visit the University through films
of the campus shown at the Dear-
See 'U', page 5
Pleads Guilty
On Card Count
Carl Riseman, '59, last Friday
pleaded guilty to possession ofj
football pool tickets.
He was fined $106.90 for fines
and court costs.
Riseman was picked up by the
Ann Arbor Police in October with
six others for investigation of ille-
gal operation in the handling of
football pool tickets. Football full-
back Tony Rio, '59, and basket-
ball captain Jack Lewis, '59, were
also among the seven who were
picked up.
-Daily-David Arnold
CLOSED AREAS-The shaded portions represent the areas closed
to Russian visitors by a 1955 State Department ruling. White
circles are cities within closed areas which permit Russians to
enter. The shaded dot represents a closed city within an otherwise
open area.
Weather, Tranvel Situation
Described as Fairly, Good
The travel situation for students leaving the campus may be
described as fairly good.
In regard to weather conditions, all-important for those people
who are flying, the weather bureau reports that today will be cloudy,
with rain or snow coming later this afternoon and this evening. But,
Satellite Dwarfs
Russian Sputnik
Carries Test Information System
To Communicate Space Data
WASHNGTON (M - The United States flung a four-ton
Atlas missile into orbit, last night.
Biggest of all known satellites, it dwarfs Russia's 1X12-ton
Sputnik III.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower personally announced
the feat at a White House diplomatic dinner and authorizedt
Press Secretary James C. Hagerty to announce it to the world.
The President's voice may be stored in tape aboard the
truck-sized vehicle, to be broadcast on command signal back
to earth. Officials in charge r--
of the launching would neith-
er confirm nor deny this. b
To Be Visible
They said the satellite, fired
aloft at 6:02 p.m. from Cape Ca-
naveral, Fla., would be visible to
most people in the United States.
It is estimated to be swinging be-
tween 625 and 118 miles above
the earth on an orbit that takes it
around the globe every 100 min-
utes. Its estimated life aloft is
20 days.
The 85-foot Atlas weighed 100
tons on the launching pad. Once
fired, its first and second stages
peeled off and the entire third
stage went into orbit.
The overall weight of the pay-
load was placed at about 150
pounds, which includes 35 pounds
of instruments in the main sec-
Weighs About 8,800 Pounds
President Eisenhower an-
nounced the satellite's weight as
between 8,700 and 8,800 pounds.
This compares with the 2,919
pounds of Sputnik III, launched
last May 15 and still orbiting.
A major purpose of the test is
to try out a unique communica-
tions system. Messages are sent
to the satellite and, on signal
later, the satellite sends them
back to earth.
The first attempt at this at 7:30
p.m. was described as only par-
tially successful. The message
went out all right but the answer
came back garbled.
Newsmen asked Pentagon scien-
tists whether President Eisen-
hower's voice was included in the
test messages. They would neith-
er confirm nor deny this.
Guidance System Lauded
Military chiefs connected with
the test credited the Atlas' guid-
ance system with achieving the
"This is the first satellite we
actually steered into orbit -- a
unique first," Brig. Gen. Osmond
Ritland said. Gen. Ritland is vice
commander\of the Air Force's Bal-
listic Missile Division.
He explained that the guidance
system allowed the missile men
to select their orbit even as the
rocket was roaring from its
launching pad.
it adds that conditions for flying'
should be "adequate."
Similar conditions are forecast
for tomorrow, with temperataures
reaching the low thirties. As with
today, the bureau says that fly-
ing conditions will not be affected.
In reference to surface travel,
the predicted bad weather should
have no other effect than to slow
down traffic.
The description given in regard
to accommodations for air travel
is that all space is taken. Ameri-
can Airlines is to go on strike at
midnight, but every flight up to
that time will leave as scheduled.
All other airlines, with the ex-
ception of Eastern, which has
been on 'strike for some time, will
fly full schedules.
In reference to bus travel, there
will be extra runs so that all per-
sons desiring bus space will prob-
ably be able to obtain it.
Judic Group
Tells Penalties
For Violationts
Durwood Collins, '59, has been
placed on probation by Joint Judi-
ciary Council for participating in
the distribution of football parlay
cards on campus.
See Judiciary Statement, page 2
Acting on a group violation,
Joint Judic placed Chi Phi fra-
ternity on probation until March
1, 1959, and fined them $100 for
allow alcoholic beverages to be
brought in and consumed in the
fraternity house.
Regent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel an-
nounced yesterday that he would
not seek reelection to that post
in the state elections this spring.
Regent Bonisteel, whose term of
office expires Dec. 31, 1959, said he
was retiring in order "to devote
the subsequent years to my pro-
fession and family."
University President Harlan
Hatcher commented that Regent
Bonisteel "has served the State
and the University faithfully and
with high distinction. e has
brought creative vision and devo-
tion to the affairs of the University
in these demanding years.
"Though his decision to retire
must, of course, be respected, the
University will have the benefit of
his service for another year."
'Will Be Missed'
Regent Eugene B. Power said
"the University will lose the serv-
ices of a dedicated man. He has
served the University long and
faithfully and has been generous
with his time and his effort. The
Board will miss him."
Regent Bonisteel was appointed
to the Board of Regents by former
Governor Harry F. Kelly upon the
deathof R. Spencer Bishop of
Flint in 1946. He was then elected
to a full eight-year term which
began Jan, 1, 1952.
Regent Bonisteel, who, practices
law in Ann Arbor, has been chair-
man of the Regents' Committee of
the Whole since January, 1956.
On Wayne Board
Regent Bonisteel is serving as
the Regents' representative on the
Governing Board of Wayne State
University while it is being con-
vertedinto a fully-supported state
Regent Bonisteel said he did not
know who would replace hin as
Republican candidate for Regent,
Petition s Die
Petitions for five positions on
1Jni n ,,Tirin r,... niinr m .Qt a
Ramp Planned To Ease 'Hill' Traffic Problem
Hoping to ease the traffic problem and make the walk from
the Hill to campus easier, University officials are seeking to build
a ramp for pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
The University and city have been concerned about the danger
to women from the Hill crossing the heavily-traveled Forest Ave.,
which doubles as an important
Ann Arbor "feeder street" and as +t-,... t.
soviet Official
To Visit U.S.
a section of state highway 23.
Although there has never been
a fatal accident at this intersec-
tion, University planners, city po-
lice, the Dean of Women's Office
and Assembly Association are
afraid that a potentially danger-
ous situation exists,
Accident Prone Crossing
Indicative of the problem, ex-
plained Ann Arbor nolice Lieuten-
iilU, ej a eQ LaL Le Zta e
Highway Commission controlled
the road, and that this group did
not want to set up traffic lights
at this point.
Difficult Corner
Ann Arbor Police Chief Casper
Enkeman, said that it would be a
difficult corner on which to place
traffic lights. The reason for this
is that there is a joint in North
University a it crose s orest.
everyone seemed to agree, would
be a pedestrian and bicycle ramp
over Forest. Frequently, there are
many disadvantages to such a
ramp. Usually there must be
stairs leading up and down the
ramp, and a steep incline or grade
on the ramp.
But because of the physicalE
characteristics of the area, a ramp
with no stairs and a very slight
grade is possible. It would start
at the top of the stairs behind,
Stockwell and it would end on the
other side of Forest at the North
University entrance to the Plant
Service Building.
Would Serve Bikes
The ramp would be 470 feet